Infinite King

Chapter 76: The flesh and blood paves the way

As Li Jialei said, as long as she can survive, she can do everything, and only by getting a large number of reward points can she live better.

Saul's face was completely stunned. It seemed that he didn't understand it until he died. He let Li Jialei go, but in the end it was the end. If he had known this, everything might have been different.

Just as Saul died, Odin's bedroom, Odin's eyelids suddenly blinked, and then two lines of turbid tears slowly flowed down his cheeks on both sides. At the same time, the sky of Asga suddenly thundered and lightning!

Sever suddenly looked up, and an unbelievable light flashed in his eyes and muttered, "How can it be, the sky of Asgar... Did Saul kill Loki? This is a symbol of the fall of the blood of the God King!"

"No, it's not right! Rocky is there!" The dwarf warrior pointed to Odin, who was riding an eight-legged horse on the rainbow bridge: "Who is that?"

"Damn it, Saul!" Except for Worth Dakota's brains, the other three people present seemed to be very shrewd.

Vandal roared, "Go and find the God King! Silver, let the army gather!"

"No, he is going to destroy Jordanheim!" Heimdal's pupils suddenly contracted, "You must stop him, otherwise the world will be in chaos!"

"Well, when you die, you still want to save others!" Suddenly, Gai Jun appeared in front of five people. He handed over Niu Shiya to an elf warrior, entrusted him to send Niu Shiya to Warnerheim and then returned again. When he saw the changes in the sky, he quickly rushed to the Rainbow Bridge. He happened to meet the four people who escorted Heimdale to the infirmary and immediately looked at Heim with a sneer. Dahl: "What a coincidence!"

"Captain!" At this moment, Li Jialei also arrived here, and the two finally completed the meeting. Li Jialei resisted the joy of reunion. "Captain, Odin and Loki have not been killed yet."

"What, what about Sol?" Watson Daco became furious, "What a big tone. Can you beat Saul?"

Li Jialei sneered and did not answer Watson's words, but directly killed five people and said, "Captain, you go and shoot Rocky. These people have been handed over to me!"

With the power of Li Jialei, it seems a little difficult to deal with these five people, but Gaijun's mental scan and saw that Alice, the elf queen, had come here, and immediately said, "Alice will help you control the field later. I'll go first!"

Turning on the rapid state, Gai Jun found that he was becoming more and more proficient in controlling the first and second orders of the gene lock. Now even the rapid state can be opened in an instant. At the same time, he is not far from Rocky. She suddenly inserted Rocky's staff into the teleportation array of the Rainbow Bridge and laughed crazily, "Father, I must be the strongest. I can destroy Jordanheim. Only I am qualified to ascend the throne, so that my people do not have to suffer the baptism of war!"

With a sigh, it is inevitable to have a trace of sympathy for Rocky. A frosty loneliness is that after knowing his background, he actually wanted to be a king, and even did not hesitate to kill his biological father and destroy his race. In the end, he was imprisoned for life. However, sympathy is sympathetic. In Gaijun's eyes, Rocky is just a bunch of mobile reward points.

An unpretentious punch directly hit Rocky, but was bounced away by Rocky's stick. Logic looked at Gaijun with his eyes open and wondered why Saul didn't follow, but when he saw the sky outside, his face changed and said, "Did you kill Saul?"

"Not bad!" Under Gaijun's spiritual scanning, he frantically searched for Rocky that might exist around him. Rocky has always been known for his sinister and cunning. I don't know how popular the mirror skills are in the whole movie, so Gai Jun is very cautious.

To his surprise, Loki smiled rarely after learning the news, and then disappeared. No matter how Gai Jun searched, he did not see any of him. He immediately cursed and returned to the Rainbow Bridge.

When Gai Jun returned to Li Jialei, Alice had cooperated with Li Jialei to kill Heimdal and Walst Dakota, and the remaining people would also happen sooner or later. In case, Gaijun strongly intervened in the battlefield, but after losing his weapons, he could only keep attacking the remaining three people with a rapid advantage, and quickly killed the three people. Gaijun was more fortunate to grab Hogan's reward points from Li Jialei.

"Kill Hogan and get 3000 reward points, one C-level side plot."

These people are just small characters in the movie. Each person's 3000 reward points are already very rich. Unexpectedly, there is also a C-level side plot, which really makes Gai Jun feel flattered.

"Your Excellency, our army has fought with Asga's army. According to the previous agreement, it is time to retreat, right?" The elf queen saw that her clan suffered heavy casualties and couldn't bear it. At present, she pleaded, and a pair of beautiful eyes flashed with tears and was pitiful.

"It's probably okay." After thinking about it, now, except for Odin, it seems that the damn person is dead, and Loki can't find it, so he opened his mouth to evacuate. Unexpectedly, at this time, there was a roar in the sky, followed by a crackling roar: "Kill my wife and children, where are you going!"

Gaijun looked back with a shocked face and saw that from the central power supply, a golden god of war rode on the eight-winged sky horse and galloped on the clouds. The long gun in his hand suddenly shot a thick golden light in mid-air. At this moment, Gaijun directly picked up Li Jialei and hurriedly dodged away, while the rainbow where he was originally stood. The bridge is full of cracks, and Alice has long disappeared!

"Li Jialei, you retreat from the star domain crack!" Odin shot out several consecutive golden lights of destruction, and his whole body was getting closer and closer to Gaijun. Gaijun suddenly pushed Li Jialei away and then said, "I'll find a way to deal with him!"

At this time, there are less than three hours left to return to the main god space. If Odin is allowed to chase and kill all the way, then Li Jialei will definitely not survive. The only opportunity is karma!

"No, I don't want to leave!" Li Jialei saw the power of destroying the golden light at the forefront. He couldn't believe that such a terrible existence would appear at this time, but then she saw Gaijun's red eyes and suddenly gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll go first!" Captain, if you die, I will never live alone!"

The frost trolls and Jin Lunzu's army saw the appearance of a god of war who was almost destroyed in mid-air. They immediately retreated and suddenly retreated, as if they wanted to escape from the crack in the star domain. They were closer to the mouth of the cave. If they blocked Li Jialei's retreat, then Li Jialei may not be able to withdraw at the first time. After retreating, he immediately roared and said, "Whoever dares to escape, even if he escapes to the nine countries in an accident, I will find you!"

This roar was instantly submerged in the vast crowd, and the crowd at the mouth of the cave did not stop running for their lives. At the same time, another Li Jialei suddenly rushed out of the channel, and dozens of people immediately bowed up and down with two cold daggers in their hands. The separation, the people in the rear really sweated coldly!

It was such a short gap that the real Li Jialei suddenly rushed into the rift in the star domain, and then Gaijun escaped a destructive golden light again, but found that Odin on his head abandoned himself and rode the eight-winged Tianma to chase the crack of the sex fish.

It was Li Jialei who killed Saul and Friga!

Gai Jun didn't think about it. He suddenly summoned the kahuo, and then the condenser flew fast, and shot into Odin in mid-air. At this time, whether he could leave Odin was related to Li Jialei's life and death. Immediately, there was a fever in his mind, and a sudden whim in his mind. A pair of white flames behind him suddenly stretched out, with wings, with a wingspan of five meters!

"Fly, fly!" Gai Jun saw that his karma hit Odin's body and made the eight-winged Pegasus under Odin his hiss. Although Odin quickly drove away Gai Jun's karma with divine power, he also stopped and looked at Gai Jun with a gloomy face.

In the midst of his eagerness, Gai Jun suddenly thought of Zheng Qiang's bloody wings, which succeeded once without trying at all. At this time, although his center of gravity was unstable, he flew at least, and he became more and more proficient in the manipulation ability of the wings of the industry fire.

Su Chi slowly appeared in his right hand, and Gai Jun suddenly pointed to Odin and said coldly, "I also participated in killing your son!"

Under his body, Gai Jun did not find that the rainbow bridge he had stepped on burned violently after touching a little fire under Gai Jun's feet. Almost in an instant, the whole rainbow bridge burned and quickly spread to all other buildings.

Asgar, a high-energy high-tech country.

High energy = combustion material!

---Thank you for the two monthly tickets ofornmen! In addition, today is the homepage picture push, and the four chapters broke out to celebrate! One ten feet in the afternoon and another chapter in the evening, I'm finally no longer in a stand-alone state!