Infinite King

Chapter 86: Head-sized Raindrops

Just as Niu Shiya was worried about Gaijun in the kahuo, the karma fire suddenly broke out on the grass. In an instant, a large amount of karmafire directly sprayed on Niu Shiya and the three people in the eastern region behind her. In this case, Li Jialei also panicked!

"Receed!" In the middle of the industry fire, suddenly sent out a word, and then all the industry fire actually stopped in the air, and then fell on the grass, slowly squirming towards Gaijun. At this moment, Gaijun walked out of the industry fire without any damage, but there was also a little fear on his face. Li Jialei and Niu Shiya were about to die in the industry fire. Medium.

"Wow, it's so close!" When all the kahuo merged into Gaijun's body, Gaijun breathed a heavy sigh of relief and looked at the ground again. There was only a yellow-brown mud surface left on the surface of a large area. There were a large number of small holes on your surface, which were grass roots that were also burned up by the fire.

"Captain, they ran away. Shall we catch up?" After all, Li Jialei is a killer, so she is not so surprised. Relatively speaking, she cares more about the members of the reincarnation team in the Western Regions who ran away. "They didn't even die, so they let them run away like this. If they meet other teams, it will be a great threat to us."

Gai Jun took a deep look at the place where they left in the north, and then said, " Several people in their team are still very strong, and it is difficult for us to solve the battle in a short time. It's a pity that I'm too anxious for the chaos just now, otherwise I may leave one or two of their main players behind. Now that they have run away, we may fall into the wind if we chase them again.

"Captain, I think we'd better find a place to hide." At this time, Ke Yunlong, who was shocked in the rear, hesitated and said, "Look at the weather, it will rain soon."

Gai Jun looked up at the sky and looked through the cracks of the leaves. It was indeed a little dark. He raised his hand to look at the Lord's watch and found that it was only noon. He thought about it and said, "I seem to have heard that once it rains in the primitive forest, it seems to be flash floods and snakes. Why is there no phenomenon now."

"Captain, it's hard to say where this is and whether there are any snakes and insects. The key is that we have become so small now that once it rains, it is likely to be washed away. Sometimes the power of nature is really not affordable for mortals." Ke Yunlong was a little surprised to find that the army actually listened to him carefully.

"Unprepared, captain, let's find a high-land place to avoid it." Li Jialei glanced at Ke Yunlong. The three of them had been exploiting his reward points and left him a ruthless impression, but at this time, he still opened his advice, which was unlikely to be aimless.

"Yes, captain, I also think we should find a place to avoid it?" Niu Shiya looked around carefully, "This is a sunken mountain. It's too dangerous."

Since Gaijun is not a person who is ignorant of current affairs, he suffered from lack of mental ability to scan. He looked up at the tree and remembered that there seemed to be a large number of mosquitoes in the tree. Suddenly, he said, "Then let's find a place quickly. Anyway, let's go beyond the north."

No one has any objection to the direction, and also because the people in the Western Regions reincarnation team have opened a channel for them, they can find higher areas faster.

Gai Jun silently picked up the shadow on the ground and sighed, "Why doesn't any weapon last long in my hands?" If you knew that your karma mutation could directly use the plain ruler, then these 5,000 reward points could be saved.

At this point, Gaijun no longer regretted, threw away Chengying, and then took the lead in front and led everyone to the north.

The reincarnation team retreated very hurriedly, and the road opened only ensured that they could pass and rushed over, so it was very difficult to walk in many places. Gaijun did not have a way, so he had to be temporarily wronged. Because of this, Gai Jun and others moved very slowly. About an hour later, the sky was so dark that the surroundings were almost impossible.

"It looks like it's really going to rain heavily, but there's still no place to hide around here." Li Jialei looked around and then looked at a tree beside her, "Why don't we climb on the tree?"

"Can.. But aren't there many giant mosquitoes in the tree? Niu Shiya looked at the treetops in the dark reluctantly, "Let's find another place?"

"It's too late." Gai Jun frowned. As soon as he finished saying this, a raindrop fell beside everyone, and Li Jialei's face looked ugly in an instant. After they became smaller, the ordinary raindrop was almost the size of their heads. If it was hit, it was estimated that it would not be far from the brain bursting.

"Let's hide under that tree first!" Li Jialei grabbed Niu Shiya, but suddenly came a thunderous rustle above her head. Everyone knew that the rain had fallen heavily. If it hadn't been for the dense canopy above her head, those raindrops would have fallen long ago!

"Niu Shiya, summon some vines to block the rain for us!" Gai Jun's heart moved, and then he picked up Wu Xiaofan and ran to the nearest tree with Li Jialei.

Although the trees in the forest are dense, it is impossible to say how dense they are. A few trees need their own growth space, and the nearest tree is about four or five meters away, which is almost hundreds of meters for them. This short distance was originally only a second or two, but it is on the top of the head. A large number of raindrops have fallen, and due to the accumulation of tree crowns, those falling are a string of raindrops, some even a column of water!

At this time, on both sides of the road to the bottom of the tree, a large number of dark green vines suddenly emerged and intertwined each other to form a closed channel. Gai Jun praised: "Niu Shiya can manipulate this power to this extent. I can't believe it."

Niu Shiya's face could not be seen clearly in the dark, but after receiving Gai Jun's praise, she should blush.

A large number of water droplets hit the vines above their heads, and Gaijun and others also reached the bottom of the tree very safely, and then a large number of vines returned to the earth, and then a large number of vines around the five people formed an arc-shaped dome to block all the rain spots.

"I don't know how long the rain will take. I always feel that this rain is very strange. It's coming. Is it the Lord God who specially arranged to test us?" Li Jialei and her mirror leaned against the trunk behind her. This time, she summoned the mirror in advance, so that the one-hour cooling time could be used.

"No, we are not safe yet." Ke Yunlong's tone seemed to be a little anxious, "Such heavy rain, a flood will break out in a few minutes. We must find a high place, otherwise even with the protection of this vine, it is inevitable that we will not be washed away." Ke Yunlong got up from the ground and said, "I have a proposal that we should climb to half of the tree, dig a hole in the trunk facing the sea, and hide in it."

"Face the sea?" Gai Jun's heart moved, "I understand. Do you mean that it is impossible for this island to store a large amount of precipitation, so the water must be poured into the sea?"

Ke Yunlong said correctly, and the army began to think. The tree in front of them is thick enough to be a big tree surrounded by dozens of people, so now they only need to dig a hole to accommodate the five people present and a mirror image.

"There is, Niu Shiya!" Gaijun gently touched the trunk, and then a small vine slowly wrapped around the big tree along the ground. Gaijun used the vine as a plank, ran quickly to i, and then summoned a ruler and suddenly inserted it into the trunk. His mind forcibly controlled the fire not to burn the trunk, but only burned the excised part, which was actually cut out. A square space is enough for six people to enter.

"Come on!" Gaijun roared down, because with the help of the white light of the ruler, he faintly saw a large amount of stagnant water rushing towards the south where they came.

When all six people entered the trunk, the mountain torrent below had begun to take shape, and the place where they originally stood had been completely submerged. It was not until then that everyone thought that if Ke Yunlong had not made a suggestion, everyone would have drowned.

"I didn't expect to be so embarrassed for the first time I've been in a horror film for so long that I had to find a place to hide from the rain." Gaijun smiled self-deprecatingly. After the heavy rain, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and now the visibility has gradually recovered.

"Oh, captain, look!" Li Jialei, who was accompanied by Gai Jun, suddenly pointed down and exclaimed to attract the attention of others, "So...what is that?"

"My God, that's not Huangquan, is it?" Wu Xiaofan suppressed the fear in his heart and muttered to himself.