Infinite King

Chapter 112: Bian Qiuqiu

Gaijun rarely curses, or after entering the main god space and experiencing various horror movies, he realized that simple swearing can't solve the problem, and only solving it is fundamental.

However, when he scanned and observed the situation on the second floor with mental strength, the dirty words that had not been said for a long time immediately popped out, and then did not even rush down the stairs, but directly manipulated the fire to dissolve a big hole in the floor under his feet, and then fell to the ground.

Li Jialei was agile. After seeing the difference in Gai Jun's face, she expected what must have happened, so she also jumped down. As for Niu Shiya, she summoned a thick vine, connected the hole between the third and second floors and ran downstairs with four girls on the third floor.

At this time, Bian Qiuqiu's two companions had collapsed on the ground in fear, and the crotch was unknown. They hugged and looked at Bian Qiuqiu in front of them, with a frightened look on their faces. The fatter girl screamed loudly. The exclamation heard before came from her mouth.

The two girls looked at Bian Qiuqiu in front of them in horror and saw her wailing that she was dragged from the bench to the wall by a pair of invisible hands and then dragged to the ceiling. Her chest was penetrated, and the bloody hole kept spraying blood out. The place where there should have been a beating heart was empty, and even the color of the ceiling could be seen.

Blood flowed from her chest and between her mouth and nose like no money. Without a heart, she did not die and was still screaming and howling. However, at this time, more tragic things happened.

First of all, her hands were broken backward by a pair of invisible hands, and then began to rotate. Because she was wearing short sleeves, the two women saw very clearly that the thin flesh of her hands began to condense together, and then a few crisp voices temporarily covered her screams. Several white and red bones were pierced out, as if they were *, and then the whole arm exploded, and countless small pieces of meat dripped on the faces of the two girls. On her body, and the two girls stood directly in place without even panic.

After the two arms burst, the tragedy did not stop. Her legs were suddenly broken behind her, and then her feet were close to the wall and her body close to her feet. This terrible torture was even more painful than Gaijun's previous karma fire!

"Niu Shiya!" After seeing Bian Qiuqiu's makeup, Gai Jun roared directly. He clearly saw that Bian Qiuqiu was not dead and immediately wanted to save her life as much as possible.

Niu Shiya's reaction was not timely. However, when a large mass of green life energy in her hand shot at Bian Qiuqiu on the ceiling, the invisible hands suddenly tore Bian Qiuqiu in half. In an instant, his intestines and brain burst, and a large amount of life energy was injected into the remaining two halves of the body, but they did not play what they deserved. Efficacy

Two halves of the body fell from the ceiling like this, and then disappeared very strangely, leaving only a fat intestine and dirt*.

"Wo!" This time, even Li Jialei couldn't help spitting out.

Even as a killer, she has never seen such a cruel picture. Her stomach rolled and suddenly spit out all the indigestible things. After holding the wall on the side, she stood firm and looked at the ceiling and said, "Was it Fred just now? Which of you has seen him?"

The two frightened girls did not respond at all. Even if Gai Jun and others had rushed over, they did not make a sound, staring straight at the residue on the ground, which made Gai Jun's heart tremble.

"Don't ask. These two people have broken down, and it's useless to ask anything." Gai Jun became calm in anger and then said to Li Jialei, "Li Jialei, you and your mirror to gather all the newcomers."

Gai Jun's order was quickly carried out by Li Jialei. Just a few minutes later, she gathered on the first floor with all the remaining newcomers. The two boys who studied mannequins even blushed to their ears and didn't know how Li Jialei rushed in to find them at that time.

Gai Jun took a deep breath and looked at the remaining 13 newcomers. Two of them were completely dumbfounded. One was almost scared, and the remaining ten were not much better.

More importantly, Gaijun's undead plan has failed.

He looked at these people with a cold face and suddenly felt that he had returned to the ship of Chinese Heroes. All the newcomers in front of him overlapped with the newcomers who watched him tremble in the cabin. That time, except for Niu Shiya and three lucky newcomers, the rest were all destroyed!

"Everyone, bring the medicine you found, and we can leave here and find a better place to rest for a day. Tomorrow we will leave Elm Street and leave this parent activity area. Gai Jun paused for a moment, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes. "From now on, stare at each other, don't bow your head or cover your eyes, otherwise I will not only punish the person who is sleepy, but also the person who guards him!"

"It's not that I want you to stay awake now, but that I force you to stay awake." Gaijun snorted coldly, then opened the spiritual scan and found that there was a villa that seemed to be well decorated not far from here, so he walked straight over.

This villa is actually very well decorated, with all kinds of modern music equipment. Gaijun even found that there was a cellar with a cellar with wine.

Of course, Gaijun's purpose is not to let these people sleep. Alcohol and even alcoholic beverages cannot be drunk by these newcomers, so he directly ignored the wine cellar. What he looks at is the sound equipment of this villa.

The violently opened the door of the villa, which seemed to vent all the anger into it. The door broke the wall directly from the other side of the villa and then walked into it.

Li Jialei frowned and looked at Gai Jun. From entering this horror film to summoning the mirror for the first time, Li Jialei felt a very wrong feeling, because in her mirror eyes, the whole world was shrouded in a thick layer of purple, and this purple breath was very similar to the breath emitted by Niu Shiya, so she was the first Look at Niu Shiya.

However, Niu Shiya's eyes don't seem to be performing. Is it because she is suspicious? With this question, Li Jialei followed the team silently until Gai Jun was angry with her.

This is a very strange signal, that is, before entering this horror film, Gai Jun had been soft on himself, but why did he react to himself like that, and the next performance surprised Li Jialei.

has always been relatively calm and occasionally impulsive Gai Jun, but the performance in this horror film can be described as barbaric.

It seems that a little thing can arouse Gaijun's anger, or more violent and bloody treatment, such as Bian Qiuqiu.

The kicking at the door just now made Li Jialei vaguely sense a little bad. She resisted her doubts and hoped to find more wrong things, perhaps to find the way for this horror film.

"17 people are difficult, how can it be easily passed? It's not just trust, I'm afraid we will also die!" Li Jialei thought to himself.

Gaijun looked at the lobby on the first floor of the villa. It seemed to be just enough to accommodate his group, and the set of music equipment seemed that the owner often entertained some music-loving friends, so he directly opened a small space in the living room and installed a subwoofer in the corner of the living room.

"Well, everyone will stay here all night." Gaijun pointed to the clean carpet, then went straight to the music equipment, pulled out a genuine CD of Elvis, adjusted the volume to the size that did not affect his speech, and then returned to the crowd and found a place to sit down.

Listening to the trembling Elvis album around, although Gai Jun doesn't like these voices, it seems to be the best way to refresh his not using drugs at present.

After the music opened, Gai Jun's mood seemed to be in a lot. After sitting down, he took out some free pastries in the room in the main god's space and gave some to Li Jialei and Niu Shiya, but the rest was not given to these newcomers, but said: "The pastry is rich in sugar, and it is easy to get sleepy if you eat too much. Li Jialei's mirror image will bring you some food back.