Infinite King

Chapter 143: Encounter Elf

After Gai Jun and others left Baicheng, they rushed to Eisengaard. At this time, the most likely place for the Western Regions Reincarnation Team is the place where the plot of the movie begins.

"Captain, since the Western Reincarnation Team is with Gandalf and Aragon, isn't it possible for us to meet Gandalf when we go to Eisengaard? The watch said that this time, the strength of the world characters in the horror film has been maximized, the map has expanded, and the number of troops has increased. Will Gandalf's strength be very abnormal? Li Jialei and Gai Jun rode side by side in the front and couldn't help asking.

"I think our current entry time should be the beginning of the movie. If it takes a day and a night for Gandalf to get from Eisengaard to White City, and with the expansion of the map, maybe we need a day and a half. According to the plot, Gandalf will leave Aragon with Tuke early tomorrow morning. Aragon will choose another way to leave Eisengaard. Gai Jun's mutiny started the spiritual scanning and moved forward.

"In fact, I have always felt that the statement on the Lord's watch is very strange. The map has expanded, but it is obvious that it only took us a few hours from Mordo to White City. Even considering the speed of the anti-gravity aircraft, a journey is actually very close. Gai Jun continued, "So I guess that the map expansion mentioned by the main god here may not refer to the increase in the distance between the two places, but the expansion of the whole map of the Ring. For example, in places not mentioned in the original plot, there may be some mysterious and powerful forces."

"Then let's not consider the map other than the plot. Since the Western Regions Reincarnation Team has left Eisengaard, we don't know the way. How can we find the Western Regions Reincarnation Team?" Hearing this, Li Jialei frowned, "Didn't you think of killing and finding the Western Reincarnation Team within two days?"

Gai Jun nodded, and a trace of madness suddenly appeared in his eyes: "There are indeed only three battles in the plot, but why can't we change this? In the plot, Gandalf and others did not seem to have returned after leaving Eisengaard. The rest of Eisengaard are just some tree people who can throw stones. We belong to Mordor's forces, and with our strength, we can almost deal with Eisengaard. We can also release Saruman and let Niu Shiya heal his wounds. We will have a friendly army that can compete with Gandalf. And all this is even expected to bring us 5,000 reward points per person, a B-level side plot.

Hearing Gai Jun's plan, Li Jialei thought for a moment and felt that it seemed feasible. If everything develops according to the plot, Eisengaard is indeed left with a group of tree people led by beards. Perhaps their power is devastating for mortals, but for Gaijun with karma skills, they are as fragile as paper.

Niu Shiya was driving an anti-gravity aircraft two meters high above Gai Jun and others. She listened to Gai Jun's words, so she said, "Captain, this method may be feasible, but don't we really need to take care of the Western Regions reinator team?"

Gai Jun shook his head and said, "It's not that we don't care, but that we lack the necessary information. In the movie, we only know that the road from Aragon to White City needs to pass through Tim Holt, that is, Death Canyon. But we don't know where it is, let alone find the Western Regions reincarnation team.

"I now know why the main god space let the weak team enter the team battle world horror film in advance." Li Jialei sighed and looked at the mountains around her. "With no super-large range of mental scanning skills, the weak team may even escape the hunting of a powerful reincarnation team as long as they hide in some remote places."

"But we are not strong." Gai Jun took a deep breath, "Because there is a more powerful reincarnation team in the Southern Wilderness that is about to enter this world of horror films."

At this time, the Eastern Reincarnation Team is very strange. A huge metal ball "floated" in mid-air, in which a short teenager and three girls sat. The seven galloping horses below, Gai Jun, Li Jialei and the cold-faced girl Zhu Ning and Zhang Zhen are normal. The other three newcomers are more or less uncomfortable, and Haotian's face is pale.

The violent shaking on the horse's back is more violent than any roller coaster in the real world. Haotian only feels that his current situation is more than ten times more uncomfortable than when he first went to sea on a ship. After a few hours along the way, I almost spit out all the bile.

Zhang Jie, the cute girl with small tiger teeth is not cute at this time. Her hair had been completely scattered in the violent bumps. At this time, the pair of tiger teeth were also covered by tightly squeezed lips, which almost made people fall off the horse.

"Haotian, why don't we use the anti-gravity aircraft? If it goes on, your body will collapse before you reach Eisengaard." After seeing the tragic situation of Haotian and Zhang Jie behind him, Zhu Ning couldn't help saying, "We bought two electric boards, which are absolutely enough."

When he finished saying this, Zhu Ning subconsciously took a look at Gai Jun. In her idea, Gaijun himself has energy and can completely go to their anti-gravity aircraft and hang one below.

Haotian took a look at Gaijun in front of him. He knew that all his actions were in Gaijun's eyes, and Gaijun naturally knew his situation. Since Gaijun did not let him use the anti-gravity vehicle, it makes sense.

What Haotian didn't know was that Gai Jun actually didn't notice his appearance, and even after hearing Zhu Ning's words, there was not much response. He has been paying attention to the surrounding mountains and scanning and detecting the surrounding fork with his mental strength.

According to the back of the world. Jing, Gaijun and others are basically able to exclude the existence of pedestrians. Basically, they are riding horses, so as long as people pass by, there must be a path that can be clearly seen.

From the White City to the east, Gaijun only found this path under his feet, and did not find any other road that could make the horse fly, let alone the road that could be passed by Aragon and a group of people together, so Aragon and others will pass by this road anyway. What Gaijun needs to do is to find the place he found, or the place nearby that can be passed through, and then judge where to go according to a few fragments of the plot.

"No, I'm still right away. In fact, if you spit it all out, the uncomfortable feeling will be much less. Haotian refused Zhu Ning's proposal and clenched the rein of the horse in his hand, but suddenly there was some faint sound in his ear.

These voices are so fine that they can hardly be heard if Haotian hadn't forced himself to divert his attention in order to suppress the disgust in his stomach just now.

It seems that someone whispered in his ear, and his voice was ethereal, which made Haotian's discomfort dissipate a lot, which also made Haotian understand that all this is not his own illusion.

"Captain, listen!" Haotian said anxiously, "I heard a strange voice, as if it was near us!"

Gaijun carried out his spiritual scan, but did not find anything around him. Wait!

In Gaijun's spiritual scanning, in the woods about a few hundred meters away from him, the grass on the ground seemed to be constantly passing by something, and sometimes pressed to the ground. After a second or two, it was lifted up again, like a group of people who could not be found by Gaijun's spiritual scanning through the forest. And the grassland in such a situation is hundreds of meters long!

"There is someone in the woods!" Gai Jun immediately turned his horse's head and ran to the depths of the dense forest, and the people behind him also followed closely.

At this time, Gai Jun also found that there seemed to be some whispers in his ears. Listening to these sounds seemed to be very useful and comfortable all over. At this time, a description appeared in his mind: the elf is tall, intelligent and beautiful, elegant and sharp-eyed. They are best at poetry, literature and music, and are also the most powerful archers in Middle-earth. They will never get sick. Only fire, sharp blades or extreme sadness can kill the elves. When they feel that 10,000 centuries are too long, they can also choose to give up immortal life (note: death is a "gift" given to human beings) and go to the hall of Mandos, the soul master in Amen Island, waiting for reincarnated. Amenzhou.

"We may have met the elves in this world who are preparing to evacuate from the Middle-earth."