Infinite King

Chapter 166: Battle of White City

How fast is the gene lock?

Take Gai Jun as an example. When he ran forward with Niu Shiya in his arms, the distance of one kilometer was still less than 20 seconds. In the middle of the way, he put Niu Shiya in a relatively safe position. The process must stop, otherwise Niu Shiya must fall to the ground.

Although this is the case, Gaijun still came to Gandalf one step earlier than Li Jialei. The ruler in his hand suddenly appeared, transforming the whole body's kinetic energy into the acceleration of the ruler upward.

"Bang~" The white horse under Gandalf made two short and sharp calls. At this moment, the four hooves left the ground at the same time, and the whole body soared into the air, and almost flashed Gai Jun's fierce offensive.

Gai Jun looked surprised. Looking at the white horse in the air, I didn't expect that just a horse could react so fast, but this is no longer the time to struggle with this problem.

The white horse under him gave Gandalf a chance to react. The direction that Gaijun rushed over was exactly the blind spot of Gandalf's vision.

But this was not a problem. Gandalf immediately sensed the danger, and the stick inlaid with rubies in his hand crossed a deadly arc in the air and hit Gaijun's back directly.

But the power of Gandalf's hasty blow is almost negligible. Gai Jun didn't even feel it, and then attacked again. A dark shadow with fragrance flashed behind him, and Li Jialei had rushed into the cavalry crowd behind Gandalf.

In the case of a failed blow, Gai Jun immediately came to his senses and chose to give up the plain ruler, and then waved his fist wrapped in karma fire. Two broken steps directly forced him under Gandalf's horse, and a Lushan Shenglongba's action hit the horse's stomach.

The white horse rose into the air under the previous strain, but it did not have the ability to fly and could not change its direction in the air, so with a desperate wail, it was instantly penetrated by Gaijun's fist in the abdomen, and was swallowed up by the fire in an instant in the wail.

But with the previous gentleness, Gandalf on the horse's back turned over behind Gaijun and escaped from the horse's back.

He was not sad at all because of the death of the white horse "Jieying" who had followed him for many years. When he fell to the ground, his two thick lips quickly turned over. After a few strange syllables, a blue lightning suddenly spewed out of lightning in the front of his staff and shot at Gai Jun.


With a soft sound, Gai Jun's whole body was instantly covered by the sudden karma fire. The lightning shot at Gai Jun went directly into the karma fire, and not even a trace of ripples did not start.

"How.. How can it be!" Gandalf looked unbelievable. He quickly stepped back a few steps, opened his mouth again and began to recite complicated spells. This time, there were more than a dozen syllables, and it took three or four seconds at his speed.

Gai Jun had already turned around. He looked at Gandalf chanting a spell in disbelief. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the so-called wizard was not as powerful as he thought.

deliberately gave Gandalf enough time to finish his spell, and saw a fist-sized purple fireball quickly condense in front of Gandalf. The purple fireball condensed and there was a faint sound of thunder and lightning.


The sound of the fireball flying to Gaijun was actually like a stormy shore. Gaijun looked at the fireball hitting him in surprise, and then a huge force pushed him to the rear. The whole person was like flying in the clouds for a moment, but after landing, Gaijun found that he had only been washed back one or two meters away.

Gandalf's face turned pale in an instant. He carefully looked at the milky white flame on Gaijun's body. After a moment, he seemed to realize something and said to himself, "Is it the fire of the gods? No, it's impossible. How can you have a divine fire!"

"Fire of the gods?" This is the first time Gai Jun heard this word. He couldn't help but prick his ears. After all, the origin of kahuo is actually a little inexplicable, and the power of kahuo is also big and small.

However, after Gandalf said the fire of the gods again, he did not continue to explain.

Gandalf pointed the staff in his hand to Gaijun, looked at Gaijun nervously, slowly walked around him in an arc, and then suddenly raised the staff in his hand and smashed it down fiercely.

At this time, the situation on the scene reversed again in an instant. The strong orcs who had fallen to the ground and howled saw thousands of newly selected cavalry rush out. The leaders of the multi-winged rings had retreated, and they thought they were dead.

Happiness came so suddenly that two human girls suddenly rushed out. One of them recited a large number of life energy vines that rushed to the front of the cavalry tightly entangled. At first, because of the huge inertia of the cavalry, it did not have much effect, but these vines were like spider silk. The more they were wrapped, the more The struggle is getting tighter.

Dozens of cavalrymen who hit the head in a moment were entangled and could not move. At this time, they were less than dozens of meters away from the demon army.

A strong orc hit his head, struggled to remove his sophisticated armor, and actually stood up.

With red eyes, he held the sharp long grab in his hand and rushed forward a few steps, pierced the first cavalry, and then laughed presumptuously. With red eyes, he pulled out the long grab and pricked another cavalryman again.

This strong orc quickly became a role model. More and more strong orcs followed him, took off their armor, raised their weapons and shouted to the selected cavalry. In just half a minute, hundreds of strong orcs have participated in the battle.

The strong beast is a demonic creature, which is somewhat resistant to pure life energy, but these vines help them limit the enemy, and they also forcibly suppress the discomfort in their bodies.

After all, Niu Shiya's vines need to consume life energy. After three consecutive releases and limiting nearly 200 cavalry, they finally overdrawn energy and immediately swallowed an empty fruit. After observing the situation in the field, they decisively chose to retreat.

At this time, among the cavalry rushing out of the city, the two most anxious people are two. One is a mountain dwarf named Golden Perak, and the other is an elf named Legolas.

Li Jialei, who had agreed to help Gai Jun solve Gandalf quickly, did not act according to the original plan.

Her shadow dance steps have not been closed. She stepped on the ghostly steps of the cavalry, attacked the two characters in the plot, and killed other unfortunate unlucky people around her by the way.

For Li Jialei, there has always been a standard in her mind, that is, fewer people beat more people and suffer great losses.

In the plot, especially Legolas, has excellent archery. Because he is an elf, the power of the bow and arrow is extraordinary, and he is a fatal threat to both himself and Niu Shiya.

And Gandalf, Li Jialei doesn't think it can be killed at the first time, so it's better to finish some easier-solving characters in advance.

However, to Li Jialei's surprise, after discovering that they were locked, Legolas and Jin Pelic actually rode away from the crowd. After getting off the horse, they leaned their back. Every time Li Jialei approached in one direction, an extremely accurate arrow shot at her, and luckily, Jin The hammer was also a big threat, so after a few minutes, the two sides were deadlocked.

The battle between Gai Junci and Gandalf became more and more fierce. Both of them abandoned the way they were good at fighting. Gandalf turned into a warrior and Gai Jun turned into a master of boxing. The two could not help each other for dozens of rounds.

The staff in Gandalf's hand is so weird that he can actually give it to him. It is immune to the erosion of industry fire, which also gives Gaijun a sense of heroism.

Just as Gai Jun and the other two rushed up, a bright white light spot in the sky not far away quickly approached. At this time, the sun had risen, and this light spot was not very obvious.

However, the speed of light approaching is very fast, and it has become clearly visible in the blink of an eye. Zhu Ning, who was originally preparing to attack Aragon on the other side of the White City, suddenly turned pale: "No, no!"

"What's wrong?" Haotian saw the drastic change in Zhu Ning's face and hurriedly asked.

"You see, Golden Perak and Legolas should be with Aragon, but they have already appeared!" Zhu Ning bit his lip and looked at the rapidly approaching white light spot in the air, "Let's run. This place will become the Shura battlefield next!"

It seemed to confirm what Zhu Ning said. Suddenly, the whole Baicheng Square was full of cloudy wind, and a faint green light began to appear. Zhu Ning immediately grabbed Haotian's hand, and even rushed directly to the woods not far away: "Let's go!"

"Captain, I saw them, the Shura named Gaijun, and two of his teammates." The eyes of the funny young man of the Southern Wasteland Reincarnation Team suddenly opened, "Do you want me to help Gandalf?"

"Help me." Long Aotian said lightly, "After all, we received his favor in the horror film The Lord of the Rings 1."

"I see." The funny young man suddenly smiled and closed his eyes. In his spiritual scan, all the people in the whole White City Square became light spots, and Gaijun was in it.

"Spiritual whip!"

A terrible pressure hit, and Gai Jun looked at Gandalf in front of him in surprise. Unexpectedly, his brain suddenly went blank, and then his whole body was like a concussion in his eyes. Everything in front of him became blurred, two or three layers of double shadows appeared, and the soul in his body was even torn apart.

"Captain!" Niu Shiya, who was retreating, exclaimed, and she also noticed the situation on the scene when she retreated.

Gaijun's mutiny was captured by her at the first time without hesitation. She summoned a delicate life energy vine to drag Gaijun to her, while Gandalf was a failure and the staff in his hand hit the ground heavily.

"Sister!" Niu Shiya shouted loudly, and then her eyes suddenly lit up. A huge Western sword in the sky quickly landed in front of Gandalf, and then a handsome and charming man greeted Gandalf.

"Gandalf, long time no see!"

"Ha ha, Long Aotian, you and I haven't seen each other for half a month. Is it so exaggerated?" Gandalf laughed and said, "If it weren't for the potion you sent to me, maybe I couldn't support you."

Long Aotian listened to Gandalf's words, just nodded with a smile, and then turned to look at Gaijun and Niu Shiya beside him: "Captain Gaijun, you and I should have been together for a long time."

Gai Jun is pale. The trauma of the previous mental whip has not fully recovered. Suddenly, a girl who once thought about it day and night appeared in front of him, Xiaoyu!

Xiaoyu stood among the reincarnation team and looked at Gaijun without any emotion, as if he were looking at a person who had nothing to do with her.

She is still so beautiful and her figure is average, but she has a delicate melon seed face, a slender waist that can be held, and slender legs, which completely make up for the defects in her chest.

Although Gai Jun's feelings for Xiaoyu did not seem to be as exaggerated as before, he suddenly saw her expressionless face, and for some reason his nose was sore and almost burst into tears.

"Captain Long, long time no see!"