Infinite King

Chapter 169: Final Campaign 1

"What a pity. I didn't expect Gaijun Xiaoyou to encounter so much trouble this time." After all, Gaijun was kind to himself and rescued himself from the abyss of despair. Salman listened patiently and then smiled, "But now that you have come to Mordo, don't worry."

Gaijun looked up at Saruman.

I haven't seen him for two days. Saruman did not have the previous decadence at all. His face was red and radiant, and his body also revealed a strong breath, especially the Supreme Ring on his fingers, which kept exuding a seductive atmosphere.

Perceiding Gai Jun's eyes, Saruman hid his fingers in his sleeve without trace: "Gandalf just got the identity of a white-robed wizard. Many white-robed wizards should know magic knowledge, including long-term material accumulation. Gandalf didn't do enough. At the beginning, he just took advantage of my weakness to trap me in the mage tower. ."

Referring to the past, Saruman naturally forgot all the shame: "Now I can easily solve Gandalf. As for what you said about Long Aotian, I believe that he is not a problem after the resurrection of King Sauron.

Saruman's self-confidence is in sharp contrast to Gaijun's current depressed mood, resulting in Gaijun's worse mood, but at this time, he suddenly saw Zhang Zhen and five people in his mental scan.

Zhang Zhen and the others should have approached quickly after seeing Gai Jun's anti-gravity aircraft, because at this time, their faces still had a blush caused by violent running, and the special backpack of the god originally carried on their bodies was also missing. It should have blown everything. The bullets are all buried.

"Captain, why are you the only ones back? Niu Shi...what about Niu Shiya?" Zhang Zhen didn't know what to call Niu Shiya for a moment.

Call her sister? But Niu Shiya is not as big as herself at all.

Call his name directly? Although it was a little rude, Zhang Zhen couldn't think of any other titles at this time.

"She's dead." Gai Jun looked at Zhang Zhen coldly and realized after a moment that even if he was angry, he should not spread it on this group of new people, so his tone was a little calmer, "Your explosion. How's the medicine ready?"

Zhang Zhen's expression was a little stiff, as if her question was a little out of place, but Gai Jun's next question made Zhang Zhen excited: "No problem, it's all done! My explosion. The medicine is all buried at the only entrance of Doomsday Volcano. I think Doomsday Volcano is a very important plot location, and someone may pass by anyway.

Gaijun nodded and didn't want to say anything more. He said goodbye to Saruman: "Saruman, our team members left first. Tonight, the army in Baicheng should be coming to the city, but our team can't help anymore.

Mordor's sky is completely covered with a heavy black cloud. Looking at the sky alone, it is completely impossible to distinguish between day and night, and many places can't even reach out.

But in such a place, the strong beasts have adapted to this light. Even at the beginning of the war, the dim light will not affect their normal combat effectiveness. On the contrary, on the other side of the White City, the army comes to fight without adaptation, and may suffer great losses.

As for the defeat of Mo Duo's army in the plot, it's simply a big joke. Gai Jun doesn't think that Mo Duo's army will be defeated so easily.

(Today is Christmas, send something happy for everyone)

Chapter 1: Boxed Lunch No. 1 Canteen

My surname is Liu Mingdou, and I have always relied on an acre of land in my family - an ancestral 180-square-meter old house in the university city - who has been idle all day and is nicknamed the unsupportable Adou.

My parents had already disappeared. When I was 14 years old, they suddenly disappeared, leaving only a piece of silver with 100,000 yuan. Card - this silver. The bank card did not leave a password. I insisted on my mobile phone to check the balance and tried the birthday of everyone in the family, the house number and the date of the death of my big black dog. After hundreds of attempts, I found that the password was six and one, and I cried with joy.

The huge legacy of 100,000 yuan has dazzled me. I fantasized about using these 100,000 yuan to make a fortune and become a rich man, so that I didn't learn anything in the whole high school. Instead, I squandered almost used these 100,000 yuan, leaving 25,000 yuan.

At the end of the college entrance examination, I took the same score sheet as my deposit - don't get me wrong, it's 250 points - left the school gate and walked aimlessly on the bustling street. At this moment, I suddenly realized that I was not Adou at all.

Adou has the whole state of Wei, and the savings of the whole state of Shu for him to profligate. Compared with him, I am just a poor man with nothing.

Unconsciously, it was time to eat, and my stomach was cooing with hunger.

Forget it, find a place to eat first.

Looking up, I was surprised to find that I had come to a place I had come from the future - I have been rampaging around the school for many years, and the women's bathroom and women's bathhouse can find my own pit with my eyes closed - but I have never been to this alley.

In the deepest part of the alley, a wooden plaque that should be older than me is crooked with white paint with six big words "boxed lunch and a canteen".


I looked at the big words on the wooden plaque in surprise. The scorching sun above my head made me really not want to take another step. Let's eat here!

I rolled up my sleeves and strode forward, pushing away the empty broken wooden door, and then I hit the door frame - I never thought that I would hit the door frame with my 170 height.

Tears flowed without money, and I covered my nose - my King Kong's not bad nose did not work in the violent impact - and faintly smelled the fragrance.

At this moment, I was a hundred times more energetic. I waved to me for breakfast and lunch. In tears, I even saw a beautiful waiter in a long dress handing the exquisite menu to my hand.

"Eh? Wait!" Rubbing my fingers, this feeling seems to be the feeling of a red old man!

Tears flowed back in an instant. My eyes were bigger than the bronze gong. I looked down at the five brand-new red old men in my hand. I subconsciously moved them to my mouth and put out my tongue and licked them!

A goods!

"Young man, I know you're hungry, but you're not so hungry that you even have to lick the money, right?"

An extremely obscene voice sounded around him. At this moment, as the State of Shu, no, Prince A Dou of the State of Wei should be vigilant. I brushed around with 5.2 eyes and immediately saw the situation of the whole room.

Please allow me to describe the situation in the room from far and near, or from large to small.

At the front, a huge fat man sat on a long bench of the earliest kind - the bench under him made a miserable creak sound - the shock of this fat man almost made me think that I had come to the country of giants.

This fat man - that is, the boss of my life - boxed lunch, with a fierce look on his face. A pair of big sesame eyes waited for me, looked up and down, and a pair of teeth in his grin was stained with half a pea corpse.

On my left, one is about the same height as me and almost as thin as a hair - later I knew that he was really called hair - wearing a cappuccino-colored oily shorts, ** his upper body, and his left hand picks his nose and looked at me with a cheap smile.


Thinking that the red old man I licked was passed on to my hands, yesterday's meal had announced that it was about to be independent from my body, and was finally forcibly suppressed by me.

"Young man, welcome to the boxed lunch No. 1 canteen. I'm the financial director of the canteen." Sweat hair showed a smile that he thought was very sunny, but I clearly saw the left and right nose hairs in his nostrils messy in the wind. Under his sweet and sunny smile, an unknown grain the size of sesame slipped on the tip of his slightly stretched tongue.

"Delicious on the tip of the tongue, a little salty!"

Forgive me for suddenly appearing in my mind. If you are eating, please skip this sentence and read on.

"What is this place and who are you?"

I covered my chest in horror and suddenly realized that I was a man, so I took out a little domineering spirit.

"I have no money and no color. What do you want!"

"Hey hey, it's just that we found you because you have no money and no color." The hair gently stroked the oily bangs on his forehead and threw a flying kiss at me.

"From now on, you will be my colleague, teenager."


Half an hour later, I pinched the five red old men full of sweat, held a thick bunch of inferior copy paper in my left hand, and got my first job: receiving heroes from the dota and LOL game world.

From beginning to end, only one sentence was said in the box, but this sentence lingered in my mind like a magic sound:

"From now on, your code name, um, let's call it Pea."

I suddenly remembered the body of half a pea on his front teeth. The hot summer sun shone on my forehead, but I shuddered.

Looking down at the big black characters with the smell of ink on the cover of the contract in my hand - the pea entry notice.

Looking back at a thick wall, there is no alley here - well, if the big word "disassembly" on the wall is my eyes - I almost thought that in the half hour just now, the natural science class I took in junior high school was so white.


I have not touched the rice belly since five o'clock last night, protested crazily, wiped the cold sweat from the corners of my eyes, and swam to a nearby Lanzhou ramen restaurant like a walking corpse.

"Xiao Er, two catties of beef~"

Five minutes later, the waiter's aunt brought a bowl of Yangchun noodles with a coriander and threw it on the table in front of me with a contemptuous face: "Another one, alas. As soon as this college entrance examination comes out, a group of crazy people! This child is young, what can we do in the future, alas!"

I had enough to eat and drink, I wiped my mouth and threw out a wrinkled five yuan. After thinking about it, I threw another steel rod, got up and took two steps and looked at the empty hands - sure enough, there was neither the 500 yuan nor the inferior copy paper, haha!

"Hey, I was really hungry just now. It turned out that everything was a dream."

360 pores all over my body to breathe the fragrance of the small noodle restaurant. The unique sourness of garlic and vinegar made me walk out of the noodle restaurant step by step.

The boss's wife's call came faintly behind her, which seemed to remind me that I had forgotten something.

Joke, isn't six yuan enough for two catties of beef?

Don't think I'll be fooled if I say so!

I got on the No. 139 bus, and I threw a big head into this almost scattered car countless times - through the pitch of the big head crashing into the coin box, I can quickly distinguish the number of trips of this car - the most boring and meaningful thing on the way home every day after 18 years of single.

The glass mirror of the watch in his hand has disappeared, but the Arabic numerals on the electronic screen are still beating tenaciously.

"12:43, well, this is today's ninth bus. Fortunately, if you miss it, you will have to wait for another half an hour."