
Chapter 2 Man and Pig

Although the frontal collision flashed, the pig's body still rubbed Duan Peng's body. Duan Peng was taken around the ground twice before falling to the ground.

Before his buttocks hit the ground, Duan Peng heard a 'kash'. Duan Peng sitting on the ground looked in the direction of the Roe pig. He was so shocked that he almost stared out his eyes. More than 200 catties of Roe pigs can break the thick tree trunk of the bowl. Now it is more than 300 catties of Roe pigs, but this is too exaggerated. Just behind Duan Peng The tree has a thick soup bowl. With Duan Peng's strength, he hit it with an iron bar. It is estimated that it trembles twice at most, and Duan Peng's arm may be shaken to fracture, but now the tree actually shows signs of falling.

With no time to sigh, Duan Peng quickly got up from the ground. The pig had turned his head and showed fierce eyes. He stared at Duan Peng, who had just got up from the ground, humming and gasping. Before Duan Peng adjusted his center of gravity, the roe pig rushed out to Duan Peng again.

"Brother, wait a minute, I just found a way to save my life, and I haven't found your weakness yet!" Duan Peng strangely flashed to the side, which may be farther away than the first time, and Duan Peng's attention has been focused on the pig. Although the center of gravity has not been fully adjusted, this time, Duan Peng perfectly avoided the collision of the pig.

The Roe pig that rushed over his head hit another tree with a crisp sound. Although there was no sign of falling, Duan Peng could be sure that there was a crack in the big tree. At most, the tree would fall down twice at most.

"What should I do? What should I do? Doesn't it hurt when it hits? Do you have to wait for it to kill itself? Duan Peng looked at the pig slowly turning his head, and his nervous mouth began to nagging again: "Two brothers, where have you gone? Come and help! My little brother is dying!"

"Help! Help! Why don't I remember the weakness of I have learned about the pig? Duan Peng held up the iron bar and whispered in the direction of the pig. Maybe he didn't know what he was talking about.


"Hehe, this boy is a little interesting! Don't you think so?" Zhong Xi didn't know when he had come out of his hiding place and was standing in a relatively hidden place and looking at the direction of the pig war with a smile. Although he was asking, his sight never left Duan Peng's body.

His brother Zhong Li was standing behind him, but his face was full of displeament.

"Why don't you talk?" After waiting for a long time without waiting for the answer he wanted, Zhong Xi asked again.

Zhong Li looked at Zhong Xi's back and rolled his eyes, "It's just that you think it's interesting."

"Alas!" Zhong Xi sighed, reluctantly withdrew his eyes to Duan Peng's body, and then looked back at his brother, "Xiao Li, you are my brother. Why haven't you learned the advantages of me? Such a rough way of fighting is really not the style of our Zhong family. After saying that, Zhong Xi couldn't wait to turn around to pay attention to the war between the man and the pig.

"Is it the fighting style of our Zhong family to dig a hole and bury yourself for six or seven hours, and then come out to see others fight?" Zhong Li muttered in a low voice. Although Zhong Li is brave, he is not without wisdom. In this way, he can only whisper in front of his eldest brother Zhong Xi, and also blur his voice. You should know that his eldest brother Zhong Xi's force value is much higher than him.

Although Zhong Xi didn't hear what Zhong Li said, he knew that it was not a good thing to say, but at this time, he did not have time to argue with Zhong Li, because the third round of the human-pig war was about to be staged. I'm looking forward to it. Who will win?


Two charges, although Duan Peng was caught off guard for the first time, Duan Peng was not injured. The second time, although Duan Peng's center of gravity was unstable, he finally dodged perfectly. The pig also saw that the person in front of him was not as easy to deal with as he thought, and it had to stop for a little rest.

Avoiding the two collisions, Duan Peng's courage was a little stronger. Taking advantage of the time when the pig was resting, Duan Peng glanced at the place where the two Zhong Xi brothers had just hidden, and suddenly felt a little cool in his heart. I didn't have time to look after rushing up, and now I find that there are only two large pits left in the place where the two people were hiding.

Two big pits were placed in front of him, and Duan Peng's momentum suddenly weakened a little. "Brother Zhong, when did you leave? Why didn't you take me with you? Even if you want to test me, can't you go home and play again? You can play no matter how you go home!"

Before Duan Peng's words fell, a dark shadow rushed in the direction of Duan Peng. Needless to say, Duan Peng also knew that the pig had rested well.

Duan Peng quickly flashed aside. Perfect, although he looked at the side distracted, he did not relax his attention to the pig. This time, he hid more easily than the previous two times, and the range of movements was much smaller, saving him a lot of strength. Duan Peng was very satisfied with his performance.

But not only did he perform perfectly, but the pig also performed perfectly. Yes, it's too fast. It's not very convenient to turn, but it doesn't run straight towards the big tree in front of it. It only jumps slightly, and then a forward support action of its hindhoof to land first, a beautiful hind leg brakes, and then borrows a little force. The buttocks are in the front, the head is behind, and the wild boar borrows on the ground. The leaves made a beautiful drift and turned around, facing in the direction of Duan Peng. There was even a smug in the eyes of the pig, but Duan Peng still pointed his buttocks in the direction of the wild boar and knew nothing about the danger behind him.


"Okay, Xiaopeng is beautiful!" Zhong Xi couldn't help but be a little happy when he saw Duan Peng's movements. The movements were becoming more and more mature, and the important thing was that he could adjust his movements in the battle. But then the performance of the pig made Zhong Xi a little stunned. I didn't expect this pig to be so beautiful.

"Do you want to rescue?" Zhong Li understood that today, Zhong Xi made up his mind to ** Duan Peng well. He would not have any chance to vent. Although there was some expectation in the inquiry, his voice was weak.

"What to save? Since he dares to underestimate the enemy, he must be prepared to accept the consequences of underes�ne the enemy!" Zhong Xi frowned and said that he was very angry with Duan Peng's failure to turn around in time, because from Duan Peng's performance, he was fully willing to do this. When he is injured, it's not too late for us to take action again. Besides, we will hit him like this. As long as it's not the key, we will be injured at most.

Zhong Li looked at Zhong Xi with slanting eyes and didn't say anything. The iron gun in his hand was leaning against the tree trunk beside him. He was so aggrieved that he would not take action even if he begged him.


Before he could turn around, a rapid running sounded behind him, "So fast!" Duan Peng only had time to think of this idea, and he had no time to turn around. Duan Peng gritted his teeth, gambled, and directly dodged to his side.

A black shadow rushed out against Duan Peng's buttocks. Although it was wiped by the body of the pig and drove his body out of balance, Duan Peng still praised in a cold sweat: "I'm really awesome. This can make me avoid it."

However, Duan Peng's hand is indeed worthy of praise. Zhong Xi, who was watching the play next to him, opened his mouth so that he could put his fist in, and Zhong Li, who was depressed next to him, also stared at Duan Peng's figure cautiously. In their opinion, Duan Peng's current ability is absolutely insoluble. They are ready to clean up the mess. Unexpectedly, Duan Peng dodged with such a strange action and almost reached perfection, but was driven by the body of the pig.

Duan Peng was happy, but the pig became angry. Originally, he thought that this collision was a sure thing, but who knew that he was dodged by the thin boy in front of him in a joking way, and the roe pig felt that his dignity had been trampled on by the thin human in front of him.

Another beautiful drift, a sudden stop of the pig, and its head turned into the direction of facing Duan Peng.

This time, he saw it clearly. Duan Peng didn't expect that such a fat pig could complete this incredible action, even a little worse than his own flash.

It didn't leave Duan Peng any time to sigh. The pig just stabilized its body and began the next charge.

"Hey, I flash!"

Drift again...

"Oh, I'll flash again!"

It's still a drift...

"Damn, I'm still flashing!"


"Brother, let's have a discussion and take a break before enjoying your drift, okay?"

The pig seems to be tireless and has charged Duan Peng more than a dozen times in a row, and may have mastered the technical essentials. The interval between each two charges is getting shorter and shorter.

Duan Peng gasped and just put his hand on his knee to support him and take a rest. The pig began the next charge again, "Brother, you are so sharp!" Duan Peng flashed the charge of the pig once again and said feebly.

Duan Peng's amount of exercise is not large, but the atmosphere is too tense, and this is the second time he has come out to hunt, and his spirit is highly concentrated. In addition, he has to talk while cheering himself up. He can't control the rhythm of breathing at all, so he becomes so breathless as he is now, looking even It's more tired than the pig running back and forth.

"That's not the way." Thinking of being hit and flying by the pig, as soon as he landed, then four hooves stepped on his back, and the weight of three or four hundred catties fell on his body. Just thinking about this, Duan Peng understood the meaning of this old idiom.

While he still had a little strength, the afterglow of Duan Peng's eyes looked around to see if he could find any environment that could be used. As for the two brothers Zhongxi, Duan Peng has completely forgotten who they are. At this time, less complaining can also save the power to avoid the next time.