
Chapter 82 The First Battle of Multi-legged Bug

In the past two days, it has been surrounding the new mecha. Although it is based on the SD60 model, the new mecha has made too many changes, and even many parts need to be redesigned, and Duan Peng has also spent a lot of energy.

But fortunately, the new mecha was finally made and assembled.

After a whole day's data statistics, Duan Peng couldn't help but feel relieved.

The data of this new mecha is not much more than before production, and even due to everyone's intentions, there are many places that perform more perfectly than the theoretical data before production.

For example, the tail of the new mecha is covered with gorgeous scales. Before production, people thought that these gorgeous scales were only used to move the mecha and maintain the balance of the mecha. However, after careful study, it was found that these scales could actually be used as a kind of martial arts. qi.

The scales appear very small on the body of the mecha, but it is not, because the mecha itself is too huge.

After each scale is erected, it has a length of more than ten centimeters. If the scales are polished into a blade-like sharpness, just think about it, all the mecha masters will shudder.

At this time, people will not dislike the power of weapons, and this idea will soon be put into practice.

So, in addition to the people who carried out the statistics, other mecha masters spent the whole day on this. Fortunately, these small tools in the repair shop are quite complete, otherwise I'm afraid that by now, this scales have not been polished.

Looking at the appearance of the mecha, Duan Peng couldn't help but feel proud. The rest will be handed over to the mecha. If there is still a battle tomorrow, he will suggest that the master drag this mecha out to test it tomorrow.

After all, he has been busy for two days. Even if Duan Peng is still very young, he can't stand it. Especially when the task has been completed, he lacks that worry in his heart. Duan Peng only feels that his eyelids are fighting.

Finally, Duan Peng slowly lay down and lay next to the new mecha and closed his eyes.

The other mecha masters watched Duan Peng close his eyes and walked a little slower.

In fact, there is no need to care so much in the repair shop. Nine mecha were lost during the day. Everyone is hurrying up to repair it, and when the production line is empty, it begins to re-produce King Kong mecha. The whole repair shop is full of noise.

However, all the mecha masters did not notice these, and their pace was still slow.

This child is really tired. He has been next to the production line for two days, constantly cooperating with Liu Bing to modify the parts, and basically hasn't closed his eyes for two days.

As soon as he closed his eyes, Duan Peng had already fallen asleep. Even the alarm sounded over the whole village, he did not completely wake up from his sleep, but opened his eyes and looked around and fell asleep.

Unfortunately, the dream was not long. The alarm fell, but not long after it fell, another violent explosion suddenly sounded, and the place where the sound sounded was not far from them.

Even if Duan Peng had fallen asleep, he immediately bounced up from the ground when he heard the sound. He looked around nervously.

Not only Duan Peng, but also all the mecha masters showed a nervous expression on their faces, and they stopped looking around at the things in their hands.

did not make them wait too long, and steel figures soon appeared at the door of the mecha repair shop.

The chicken flew and the dog jumped, and all the mecha masters panicked. The robot came, but how did the robot come in? Has the village been broken?

There are several mechas being repaired in the repair shop, and several have been repaired, but after all, these people are mecha masters rather than mechamen. Although mecha masters can also drive armor, it is limited to walking with mecha.

"Don't panic, get closer in my direction and hide in the cockpit!" Duan Peng shouted.

As soon as the words fell, Duan Peng got into the front cockpit of the new mecha. Fortunately, in order to test the energy circuit of the new mecha, they had already filled the energy in the new mecha, but Duan Peng was not sure. After all, this mecha was designed to require the cooperation of three people. He didn't know if he could do it alone. And his mecha technology is not very good.

However, fortunately, there are not many mecha masters in the village, and new mecha has been produced, and few people have been left to transfer to night shifts.

After Duan Peng's reminder, everyone suddenly woke up from the panic. Some people ran towards the mecha cockpit that was being repaired, and some people ran towards Duan Peng.

The robot's reaction was not slow. Although the steps of the mecha masters staggered, there were rules, and the energy gun in their hands also lit up.


A few white lights lit up, and the whole mecha factory was illuminated.

Two mecha masters who had not had time to find the bunker fell to the ground.

All the mecha masters' eyes suddenly turned red and they had been working together for more than ten years. There was no deep affection between them, but they watched their brothers lying on the ground, but they had no choice.

Duan Peng is no exception. Although he has no ten years of experience, these uncles have been very good to him, especially recently, and everyone has been surprisingly good to him.

Duan Peng's hand pressed hard on the red button on the control beside him, as if he wanted to vent all the sadness and anger in his heart.

The instrument inside the cockpit lit up with Duan Peng's press.

I haven't touched the operation of the mecha for a long time. Duan Peng's hand speed has not been exercised, and it is still a little astringent, but after all, the new mecha is designed by Duan Peng, and the original intention of the design is to reduce human operation. Duan Peng is still quickly adapted to it.

The upper body of the mecha began to shake slightly, just like a poisonous snake that raised its upper body before attacking, and then kept shaking for opportunities to attack. At the same time, the foot-like energy cannons in the upper body of the mecha also began to move within their hemisphere.

Sixteen energy cannons are rotating, but there are not many operations that need to be performed by Duan Peng. These energy cannons are automatically locked. He only needs to control the shaking of the upper body of the mecha.

"Didi Didi..."

Suddenly, a series of alarms sounded, and locking signals appeared one after another on the monitor in front of Duan Peng.

Duan Peng's hand pressed down fiercely on the launch button.

Suddenly, a bright white appeared on the display in front of Duan Peng, and all the objects disappeared.

16 energy cannons, under the press of Duan Peng, ten emitted energy beams at the same time, except for those that have not yet locked the target.

This is also a suggestion made by Duan Peng. In order to prevent accidental injury and unnecessary energy consumption of the energy cannon, and to reduce the operation, a total launch button is installed in the mecha. When this button is pressed, not all the energy cannon will be fired. Only those muzzle that have locked the target will be fired.

Of course, the mecha can also be operated manually, but Duan Peng's hand speed can't do it.

Ten robots were destroyed in an instant under one press.

Sure enough, it was a murder weapon. Although there was still grief in their hearts, the battle of the new mecha still attracted everyone's attention, but when they saw the result, they couldn't help but be stunned by the shocking result.

Everyone was stunned. Duan Peng was not in a daze. After the energy cannon was fired, it began to rotate again, and the target on the display screen also began to reappear. Duan Peng stared at the display screen in front of him and quietly waited quietly for the next attack opportunity.

Maybe it felt the threat of the multifoot worm, and the robot's energy gun began to shoot at the new mecha.

The white light lit up one by one, and the hearts of all the mecha masters were worried. The shortcomings of the new mecha were exposed. They were too big to avoid it at all.

At the most important time, Duan Peng's current control module can only control the upper body of the mecha, and although the two control modules that control the lower body of the mecha also sat in, they have no intention of starting.

Since you can't avoid it, you don't need to hide. After many battles, Duan Peng has long learned to calm down in the battle. He quietly stared at the monitor, gently moved on the shaking joystick of the mecha, and adjusted the upper body of the mecha as much as possible to find a better aiming position for the mecha.

"Didi Didi..."

The locked alarm sounded again, and everyone's eyes lit up again.

More than a dozen robots lay down.


Once again...

The plug-in device of the new mecha is thicker than King Kong's, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the mecha is too big, and there is more than one cockpit. I don't know where the robot's energy bomb is the fatal part of the mecha.

Duan Peng's forehead is covered with fine sweat. As Duan Peng's familiarity with the mecha increases, the upper body of the mecha shakes more perfectly, and the locking rhythm of the energy cannon is getting faster and faster.

But even so, the upper body of the new mecha is still full of potholes. I don't know when the shell of the mecha will be penetrated by the energy bullet.

Suddenly, the red light behind all the robots flashed rapidly.

The message came from the left-behind robots outside the mecha factory, and the organic armor has rushed over. Their purpose is not to entangle with this new mecha.

All the robots immediately stopped entangling with Duan Peng and ran in the direction of the production line.

"It's not good! Xiaopeng, their goal is the production line. The mecha masters screamed.

But Duan Peng can only smile bitterly. What can he do about the production line? Sure enough, as Liu Bing said, this mecha is a big energy collector. Originally, the energy in the new mecha is not full enough. After this battle, there are few left. Even if these robots don't run, he can only shoot twice at once.

The robot ran and shot at the production line. Such a large production line did not dodge, and suddenly sparks rose everywhere. However, although there were sparks, the production line was still running.

Duan Peng manipulated the upper body of the mecha and barely turned around. There was nothing he could do. The mecha division in the two cockpits below had not started yet, and the mecha could not move at all.

Once again, Duan Peng made his best efforts, and another six or seven robots lay down, but the remaining robots still ran towards the production line regardless.

How big can the repair shop be, but in a blink of an eye, the robot has run next to the production line.

Duan Peng is also powerless. Theoretically, only half of the energy cannon that does not shoot dead angles can still aim, but this half has just been fired, and now it will take time to re-lock the target. But what if the target is locked? There are still more than 30 robots, and Duan Peng can only kill at most eight at a time. Moreover, the energy tank of the new mecha has long exceeded the red cordon, and even Duan Peng can't understand when the mecha will stop working.

Suddenly, all the robots that ran to the production line turned around and silently looked at Duan Peng's direction, and a flash of glory flashed on their electronic eyes.

Duan Peng was creepy, and he even saw a smile in the eyes of these robots. It was really weird!


One update, two update as usual at eight o'clock