
Chapter 43 DEFENSE (Ask for red votes)

"What's going on?" As soon as Liu Shaohui's voice fell, Liu Le's voice sounded, as if playing a double reed, and the cooperation was extremely tacit. "Village Dong, since there happens to be a party involved, why don't we listen to Shaohui's statement?"

As soon as Liu Le's words fell, everyone couldn't help showing contemptuous eyes.

Huang Chi has explained that he was late, so he did not see the previous situation, but as soon as Huang Chi's words fell, Liu Shaohui had already made a voice of opposition. Can Liu Shaohui's explanation be believed?

Of course, Dong Ming won't let such a thing happen. He ignored Liu Le's words at all and just looked at Huang Chi and continued, "Lao Huang, although you didn't see what happened at that time, you should have seen who conflicted with Liu Shaohui?"

Hearing this, Huang Chi looked up at Dong Ming, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

I have to say that Liu Le's city is quite deep. Dong Ming regarded his words as air, but his face was still full of smiles. Hearing Dong Ming's question, he also turned his head and looked at Huang Chi. Although Liu Le did not face Huang Chi directly, Huang Chi's hesitant eyes were still found by Liu Le.

Liu Le immediately seized the opportunity, and at the same time, he also agreed with Liu Shaohui's statement, "What? Captain Huang, it's not convenient to say, or you have already understood what happened, and then casually found a reason to expel my grandson as revenge when my grandson has passed?

"Village Liu, please pay attention to your words."

"Old man, what do you know? We Captain Huang will never do such a thing. The fact is that it is not my hint. Liu Shaohui can't pass the mecha selection test at all."

Liu Le's words fell, and Dong Ming and He Wei's voices sounded almost at the same time. They were both angry at Liu Le's words.

The opponent's anger is also his advantage. Although Dong Ming and He Wei have expressed their dissatisfaction, Liu Le has become more complacent, and the smile on his face is even better. Even the folds piled up can kill flies.

Liu Le turned around with a smile and looked at He Wei, who blushed because of anger, and said, "Well, when did you arrange the exam for our Shaohui?" And has Shaohui ever asked for your help?

"He was the first, and he didn't ask for my help. I told him voluntarily. So what?" The angry He Wei didn't realize what he was talking about.

However, Liu Le is different. He Wei just finished his words. He turned around and looked at Dong Ming with a smile and said, "Village Director Dong, I think it should be clear now."

He Wei was puzzled. For a moment, he couldn't understand what Liu Le meant, but even if he didn't understand, He Wei knew that Liu Le would never have any kindness, and he immediately opened his mouth.

But Liu Le seemed to have expected all this for a long time. He did not give He Wei a chance to speak at all. He Wei's mouth just opened, and Liu Le's voice sounded again. "As we all know, the pressure in the first person to take the exam is the greatest. It is normal for Shaohui to play abnormally on the spot. However, knowing that this kind of thing would happen, the examiner took the initiative to give us some hints. Maybe he had already thought about it. If Shaohui failed, he would not mention everything. In case Shaohui passed, he could make a big deal with the prompts.

One minute, two minutes, time passed, and the beads of sweat oozed from the tip of Liu Le's nose, but Dong Ming's voice still did not sound.

Three minutes, five minutes, is still silent.

Liu Le finally couldn't help looking up at Dong Ming. Just a glance, the smile on Liu Le's face suddenly became brighter.

Liu Le found that Dong Ming was wrong. Although he didn't know what Dong Ming was wrong, Liu Le saw a glimmer of hope in the wind.

"Village head Dong, why don't we call a few children over to find out the situation?"

He didn't want to hear Liu Le's disgusting voice, but Dong Ming couldn't stop Liu Le's mouth. Hearing Liu Le's proposal, Dong Ming's face became more gloomy.

Dong Ming told Duan Peng that he wanted Duan Peng to keep a low profile during this period, and he was afraid that Duan Peng was young and could not suppress his desire to stand out. Dong Ming also deliberately asked the two to remind Duan Peng separately, but he did not expect that only one night, Duan Peng still did such an eye-catching thing, and more The important thing is that Duan Peng was in the limelight and brought Dong Ruo in.

"Village Director Dong?" Seeing that Dong Ming was still meditating, Liu Le thought that Dong Ming didn't hear what he said, and he reminded him in a low voice.

Things are irreparable. After all, in addition to Liu Le, Liu Le also represents the population of a whole village. Hearing Liu Le's second reminder, Dong Ming also had to pull his thoughts out of his own world, and more importantly, if Duan Peng and others are called over, the matter of invalidation of the assessment will really not be concealed. "Forget it, you don't have to make a little thing so popular. Brother Liu still wants to talk about what you want?"

Hearing Dong Ming's words, even Liu Le, who was profound in the city, couldn't help but be stunned. Even the usual smile on his face completely disappeared at that moment. He didn't expect that he had the upper hand, but Dong Ming gave up the good situation and gave up.

However, this does not prevent Liu Le from receiving the fruits of victory, but in a blink of an eye, Liu Le came to his senses, "Since village head Dong said so, I'm not polite. After all, I also want to provide more power for the development of the village..."

Now Dong Ming is not in the mood to listen to Liu Le's nonsense. Seeing that Liu Le did not mean to stop, Dong Ming immediately waved his hand and said, "Don't say this. Before I change my mind, Brother Liu'd better talk about his thoughts, otherwise there may be no such good thing in a while."

I was interrupted by Dong Ming, and there was no embarrassment on Liu Le's face. As soon as Dong Ming's words fell, he immediately answered with a smile: "Yes, yes, since the village head Dong said so, I'm not polite." With that, Liu Le paused for a moment, glanced at the faces of everyone in the room and said, "I want village head Dong to reduce the difficulty of our village's assessment. Of course, Shaohui must also become a member of the mecha team."

"No! How can this be! General, we can't agree to such a condition!" Before Dong Ming could speak, Huang Chi had already shouted loudly.

He Wei was also angry. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Liu Le, especially when he glanced at Liu Shaohui, his whole body could not help trembling gently.

As for Liu Shaohui, he didn't see He Wei's expression at all. When he heard Liu Le's conditions, he was already crazy. At this time, there was no one else in his eyes.

Dong Ming had no intention of arguing any more. His face was full of fatigue. After listening to Huang Chi's words, Dong Ming just waved his hand and said, "Oak, I agree, but if I hear any news about this in the camp, our agreement will be terminated immediately, and we will return the passed training. Personnel."

"No problem." Liu Le immediately continued. As for the confidentiality that Dong Ming said, of course he would do it. After all, this was also related to his position in the village. After saying that, Liu Le left with a satisfied smile.