
Chapter 75 Thorn

It's Duan Peng, really Duan Peng!

Close to the cockpit of the mecha, He Wei could hear the sound of Duan Peng's command. Although it was relatively vague, He Wei could still distinguish it. This was Duan Peng's voice.

But after hearing it, He Wei was dumbfounded, because everything in front of him completely subverted his cognition.

When Duan Peng first drove a mecha, he had already subverted everyone's cognition. At that time, Duan Peng broke the law that had never been broken. On the first day, he made a three-level connection action, showing a quasi-four-level mecha and creating a myth of a junior mecha.

However, such a result is not unacceptable to He Wei. After all, Duan Peng's hand speed is there. As long as he shows a certain degree of control, it is normal for such a result to occur.

But now, He Wei feels that his brain is not enough. Duan Peng actually shows the ability of a six-level mecha, and it is also a peak six-level ability, even stronger than He Wei.

He Wei didn't even notice when Duan Peng returned to the village with the mecha team. When Duan Peng put him down, He Wei's spirit was still in a vague state.

"Uncle He?" Duan Peng shouted in a low voice.

As soon as He Wei landed, he looked stupid. Duan Peng was a little worried and thought that some collision had caused He Wei's current state in the process of coming back, but Duan Peng carefully checked He Wei's body, but did not see any wounds.

"Is it really you?" He Wei was awakened by Duan Peng's voice. As soon as he woke up, He Wei immediately pulled Duan Peng's clothes, as if he was afraid that Duan Peng would run away.

"Uncle He, are you all right?" Suddenly, he was pulled by He Wei's clothes. Duan Peng's already ugly face became more and more ugly. He was even sure that He Wei was really abnormal.

When asked by Duan Peng, He Wei found that he was wrong, but He Wei just looked at his hand holding Duan Peng's clothes and did not let go of Duan Peng. He just took a look. He Wei raised his head and hurriedly asked, "Xiao Peng, how did you do it?"

How did you do it? Duan Peng looked puzzled. He didn't know what He Wei meant by this question.

"Uncle He, what the hell are you talking about? I don't quite understand what you mean. Is there anything wrong with you? Just a little stunned, Duan Peng came to his senses and asked nervously. While asking Duan Peng, he was still looking at He Wei's head. Duan Peng was not sure if there was any dark injury in He Wei's hair.

He didn't answer the question, but looking at Duan Peng's nervous face, coupled with Duan Peng's words, He Wei finally understood that he knew that his appearance was misunderstood by Duan Peng.

With a bitter smile, He Wei explained, "I'm fine. I just want to ask you how your mecha level can improve so quickly."

"mecha level? Has my mecha level improved? Duan Peng was stunned when he heard the words, but when He Wei spoke, the tension on Duan Peng's face disappeared, because He Wei's words and the previous words could express a complete meaning, that is to say, there was no problem with He Wei's thinking.

Duan Peng said he didn't know, and He Wei didn't know whether to believe it or not, because Duan Peng was not a private person at ordinary times. He stared at Duan Peng's eyes, but Duan Peng's eyes did not flash at all, and he did not seem to deceive people at all.

For a long time, He Wei had to give up.

"When you just rescued me, you have shown a level of a six-level mecha..."

"What?" Before He Wei finished speaking, Duan Peng had already exclaimed. He couldn't believe that this sentence came from He Wei's mouth, "I just played the level of a six-level mecha warrior?"

"Hmm." He Wei was not unhappy at all when he was interrupted by Duan Peng. He Wei nodded heavily when he heard Duan Peng's question, and his face was also solemn, "It's not only level six, it's the peak of level six!"

It was confirmed again. Although it was a good thing, Duan Peng was still a little unacceptable. His eyes swept through the faces of the people around him. It was not until this time that Duan Peng found that it was not only He Wei, but also other mecha warriors who came back behind him also looked at him with a demented face. If he hadn't heard He Wei By the saying, Duan Peng thought that these people also had some hidden injuries.

However, this phenomenon also confirms that what He Wei said is true.

"Is it really level 6?" Duan Peng raised his hands with a wry smile and looked at his hands.

He Wei and the other five mechas are the same. They also looked at Duan Peng's hand with Duan Peng's eyes.

But at this look, everyone's already demented expression became more stunned. It was not until this time that everyone found that Duan Peng's hands had a layer of blood scab.

"Xiaopeng, what's going on? Are your hands all right?" Looking at Duan Peng's hands, He Wei asked nervously. Although Duan Peng himself did not know why he could reach the level of a six-level mecha, Duan Peng's hands are now treasures, because Duan Peng has reached the peak. Maybe when Duan Peng will become the same existence as Huang Chi, and with Duan Peng's ability and Tian Fu, it's not that he hasn't surpassed Huang Chi one day.

The other mechas also looked nervous. Although they first heard that Duan Peng's level had reached the peak of level six, and there was a trace of envy on their faces, in the face of Duan Peng's bloody hands, they could no longer continue this jealousy. Of course, the main reason is that Duan Peng is Dongjia Village. People are their own people.

frowned, Duan Peng gently moved his hands under the gaze of everyone, but the range of movement was not large, because Duan Peng felt a burst of pain.

However, facing everyone's eyes, Duan Peng still put on a smiling face and said, "It's okay. Maybe the action just now is too intense, and my fingers are a little uncomfortable."

It didn't take long for Duan Peng to talk.

The task of the mecha has been completed, the defense has begun, and Duan Peng's hand is injured again. Even if Duan Peng wants to dance the iron bar to rush to the front line of defense, and Duan Peng does not want everyone to know that his hand is injured, so Duan Peng can only go back one step ahead.

Zhong Xi wants to command the defense of the village guard. Zhong Li has become a fourth-level mecha. After rest, he may be dragged to the battlefield at any time. Because Duan Peng is injured, he dares not go, so Duan Peng is the only one who set up a small tent temporarily.

Duan Peng lay quietly on the ground, his eyes widened, and he was thinking about what happened today.

Thinking about it, Duan Peng couldn't help sitting up from the ground. He still couldn't believe that he had really reached the six-level standard.

Duan Peng's hands slowly raised, as if there was a keyboard in the void in front of him.

Mecha acceleration!

Duan Peng did not deliberately control his speed. His hands slid from the imaginary keyboard, but only moved halfway, Duan Peng's movements suddenly stopped.

Because of the movement, severe pain came from his hands, but Duan Peng clearly felt that the reason why he could not complete it was not because of the pain, but because of the habit of his fingers.

Duan Peng was immediately confused. If he couldn't let go of his hand speed, he might have shown the level of a six-level mecha, but why did He Wei say that he had reached level six?

"It's okay if you don't have any tips!"

Suddenly, Xu Jinji's words flashed through Duan Peng's mind, and Duan Peng seemed to catch some clues from Xu Jinji's words.


It's already dark.

Zhou Ming rushed to Duan Peng's tent as soon as he got the news. Although Zhou Ming still could not see any threat to Duan Peng's existence to the development of Liu Village, this did not prevent Zhou Ming from carrying out the task assigned to him by Liu Le.

In a short time, Zhou Ming had already reached the vicinity of Duan Peng's laughing tent.

Zhou Ming was not in a hurry to approach. He first looked around.

Because of the advent of the war, even part of the stationed in Dongjia Village is very quiet. Everyone has either rested or participated in the defense work on the front line, but Zhou Ming is still not sloppy, and he still observes carefully.

For a long time, Zhou Ming finally moved, and his movements under his feet were very fast, and even if it had been confirmed that there was no danger, every step of Zhou Ming still fell in the shadow, and almost every landing point had something to hide his figure.

After a few dodgings, Zhou Ming had already arrived next to Duan Peng's tent. Like his usual caution, Zhou Ming did not rush directly into the tent, but went straight to the side of the small tent and slowly leaned his head on it.

Duan Peng was frowning and thinking. Xu Jinji's words made him feel that he seemed to have grasped something key, but Duan Peng couldn't think of anything about this, but Duan Peng couldn't give up, because Duan Peng felt that this thing was very important to him. If he could understand this, he might Become a real six-level mecha.

As he was facing, suddenly a sense of danger surged into Duan Peng's heart, and the cold hair all over his body stood up.

Although no one has ever told Duan Peng about his ancient martial arts level, and Duan Peng did not dare to ask Zhong Xi for advice, as a martial artist who has reached the spiritual level, Duan Peng is still quite sensitive to danger.

Outside the tent, Zhou Ming listened quietly. Just for a moment, Zhou Ming had heard that there was indeed only one person in the tent, and he also heard the location of this person. According to the intelligence, this person is undoubtedly Duan Peng.

But Zhou Ming was still not in a hurry to act. He gently walked behind Duan Peng, and then took out the dagger from his arms. At first glance, it was a sharp weapon. The dagger actually emitted a dazzling cold light under the weak energy light.

Holding the dagger, Zhou Ming seemed to have changed into a person. His eyes gradually became deep, as if the whole eyeball had turned black.

Suddenly, the dagger in Zhou Ming's hand stabbed out at the tent.

The whole action is done in one go! Hurry up! Steady! Firm!