
Chapter 96 Sacrifice

While the energy bomb was emitted, Bamet shielded the light, so Bamet was hardly disturbed by the energy white light, and the energy bomb was just launched, and Baite chased the mecha just now.

The other party was completely unprepared. In the calculation, it should have been a foolproof blow, but I didn't expect that there would be another accident in the end.

The hands of the opponent's mecha actually appeared on the trajectory of the giant axe.

Although there was an accident, Baxter did not find the reason. His task was only to destroy it. As for why the other party had such an accident, it was not in Baxter's calculation at all, so when the accident occurred, Baxter had figured out what might happen next.

So an axe in Baiter's hand still clamed firmly.

But what Baiter didn't expect was that the calculation results were biased again. Although his axe was split, the other party found the weakness of the axe in a hurry. In the end, only the metal rod of the huge axe hit the opponent's head, which did not produce a fatal result for the other party.

For a while, Baxter's electronic eyes flashed crazily, and all the conditions were added by him. Soon Baxter came to the conclusion that the mecha on the opposite side had broken through and may have reached level 8.

However, even at level 8, it did not have any impact on Bamet. After all, Bamet is just a robot, so after reaching the conclusion, Bamet began to calculate Huang Chi's next possible actions.

All the conditions have become accurate. Such an operation is only a small matter for Bain. However, before Huang Chi reacted under the blow of the metal rod, Baite has reached a conclusion, and at the same time as the conclusion is produced, he also made corresponding actions under his feet.

Sure enough, the action under Bamet's feet was only just completed, and the mecha on the opposite side also made a move to catch up.

Almost the moment King Kong was hit by a metal rod, Huang Chi started the mecha and chased it out, but he didn't expect that the speed was still a step slower, and because Bapt has been occupying the upper hand, Bapt's action was more comfortable. Huang Chi sadly found that the distance between the two sides was not only not pulled by his pursuit. On the contrary, the distance between the two sides is still widening. Even if King Kong straightens his arms, he can't touch Baiter's body.

Looking at the continuous distance between the two sides, Huang Chi's heart was a little cold. Originally, he had broken through level 8. Huang Chi felt that his desire for revenge might come true immediately, but he didn't expect that only the next moment, his idea was ruthlessly broken by the robot leader.

But it was okay. The depression only appeared for a moment. The next second, when Huang Chi's eyes fell on the display in front of him, his confidence recovered.

Huang Chi is not fighting alone. He has other mecha players, and those partners have been moving behind Huang Chi and the robot leader.

Originally, when they saw that Huang Chi was about to be injured under the robot leader, they were already a little desperate, but they didn't expect that the next second, things turned around again. Huang Chi actually dodged the must-kill blow and launched a pursuit of the robot leader.

The sudden surprise made the movements in the hands of the mecha soldiers pause a little, but only a moment, and soon they summoned up the courage to meet the back of the robot leader.

Although they don't know what happened to Huang Chi, the robot is retreating, and the mecha know that as long as they can successfully drag the robot leader, they will see hope.

In an instant, the mecha he was driving appeared behind the robot leader, but the robot leader did not seem to notice his appearance and still quickly retreated.

The robot leader did not notice his appearance, which should be a good opportunity for a sneak attack, but He Wei was not careless. He only saw his hands sliding quickly on the keyboard, and a shadow appeared on the keyboard in front of He Wei.

And He Wei's driving King Kong arm immediately waved out with He Wei's movements, and the three-meter-long King Kong arm almost blocked all the retreat of the robot leader.

After watching the battle between the robot leader and Huang Chi, He Wei lost confidence in his ability. He did not expect to hit the robot leader seriously, but only hoped that his blow would slow down the pace of the robot leader.


Huang Chi stared closely at the picture in the display, and there was no pause in his hand. Seeing He Wei's King Kong waved his iron arm horizontally, Huang Chi couldn't help showing a smile and a cruel smile at the corners of his mouth. He even saw the hope of revenge.

But soon the smile on Huang Chi's face froze, and he shouted loudly.

"He Wei, flash!"

There was no suppression. Huang Chi's voice was very loud, because he was excited and trembled a little.

He Wei was stunned by Huang Chi's sudden sound, but only the next moment, He Wei understood what Huang Chi was frightened.

I don't know when the giant axe poked out of the waist of the robot leader. The white light unique to energy has been lit on the axe blade, and the tip of the axe blade is directly facing the most vulnerable part of the diamond mecha - the cockpit.

The cockpit is the weakest part of the mecha. Even if there is no energy blade, He Wei is not sure whether he can stop the giant axe in the hands of the robot leader. Now that the energy blade has floated, there is only one end - the machine is destroyed.

and get out of the way? The good form may become uncontrollable again because of your own concession, and everyone is rushing over. Maybe their actions will disrupt everyone's encirclement.

It's not just the situation on the mecha side. Although you can't see the situation on the defense circle, so many robots have launched an impact, and all the mecha have been pulled out. Needless to think about He Wei knows that it is impossible for the defense circle to buy them more time.

In an instant, He Wei has made a decision.

There was a faint smile on He Wei's face, and he didn't make any more moves.

"He Wei!"

Not only Huang Chi, but also other people's voices sounded in the phone. After Huang Chi's voice, everyone saw everything He Wei was about to face, and at the same time, they could see that He Wei did not hide.

There are too many robots. Even if Dong Ming and Zhong Xi are martial arts masters, it took a lot of effort to get to the position of mecha battle.

But fortunately, they finally arrived, but Dong Ming and Zhong Xi did not expect that the first scene they saw when they arrived was so tragic.

The axe blade in the robot leader's hand was poking at a King Kong's cockpit, but the poked King Kong did not dodge, and King Kong's iron arm still firmly swept out to the back of the robot leader.

Although Zhong Xi and Dong Ming are both martial arts masters, the speed of these mecha and robots is not slow, even if they are martial arts masters! Even if they are about to go crazy! They don't have the ability to stop all this from happening. They can only watch all this happen in front of them!


The pain in the heart, but the axe blade will not be stopped by the sound. It still pierces the cockpit of the mecha first.

Because of the existence of an energy blade, this thorn is like a pantomime without making any sound.

Although there was no sound, almost all the mechas knew that He Wei was over, and a six-level mecha sacrificed in order to stop the robot's footsteps.

But the battle continues, and the more people die, the firmer everyone's attitude towards fighting.


He Wei died, but the King Kong he was driving did not stop. Almost at the same time as the axe blade pierced the cockpit, King Kong's arm also swept fiercely on the back of the robot leader.

Seeing his comrades-in-arms sacrifice in front of him, Huang Chi almost bit his teeth, and blood kept sliding down from Huang Chi's eyes drop by drop, but Huang Chi's movements in his hand became more firm. He couldn't make He Wei's sacrifice meaningless. He had to kill the robot on the spot.

This may also be uncalculable as a robot. Although he killed He Wei, Baite could not control his body to fly in the direction of Huang Chi, and the only thing Bai Te could do was to twist his body in the air.

Watching the robot leader fly back in his direction, Huang Chi's hands immediately reacted, but with a blink, King Kong's right arm had been taken back and quickly released.

Of course, the metal collision cannot kill the robot unless it can hit the fatal part of the robot, so at the moment when the King Kong fist is sent out, King Kong's claw blade was also opened by Huang Chi.

This is not in line with the principle of energy saving, but at this time, Huang Chi can't care about anything. His eyes have been stained red by blood, and even the objects in front of him have turned red.

Huang Chi just wants to kill! Kill the robot in front of you!

Not only Huang Chi, but also all the mecha, Dong Ming and Zhong Xi are running in the direction of the robot. Although this robot is not the first time to kill their comrades-in-arms, the tragic death of He Wei makes everyone very uncomfortable. They just want to rush to the robot at the first time and then change it again. Into parts.


Duan Peng's eyebrows frowned more and more tightly. Dong Ming entrusted the task of commanding to Duan Peng. Although when Duan Peng stepped up and found that the commanding work had nothing to do, Duan Peng couldn't help frowning at all aspects of the battle situation.

From the outbreak of the battle to now, it has only been a few minutes, but in just a few minutes, one-third of the soldiers arranged in the defensive position have been killed or injured, and the whole defensive position has been full of loopholes.

What makes Duan Peng more worried is that this battle is different from previous battles.

In the past, the first purpose of robots was to catch people, but now, the defense position is full of loopholes, but robots do not enter the camp to catch people at the first time. They are killing people, and they are killing soldiers in the defensive position.

"What should I do?" Looking at the situation on the position, Duan Peng couldn't help looking at the direction of the mecha battle and muttered, "How long will it take over there?"

Wilton stood quietly behind Duan Peng. After hearing Duan Peng's words, the light in his electronic eyes began to slowly flash.