
Chapter 106 Someone is making trouble again

"What's the matter?"

Originally, I wanted to analyze what Huang Chi was going to do to him, but I didn't expect that something happened to Li Tong, and his face was solemn, so Duan Peng had to restrain his mind again.

"That's what you told us to do last time."

"What I told you to do?" Duan Peng looked surprised. He couldn't understand what Li Tong was saying at all. "Did I tell you to do anything?" Why don't I remember such a thing..."

"Uh..." Li Tong was depressed. This was the first time that Duan Peng told them to do something, and Duan Peng also said that this matter was very important to the village, so Li Tong has always been very concerned about it. Some time ago, and after the end of the war, Li Tong even took care of everyone's sadness to do it. I came down, but I didn't expect that Duan Peng didn't remember.

Looking at Li Tong's depressed appearance, Duan Peng suddenly laughed. The depression he had just eaten at Dong Ruo's place has now been transferred to Li Tong.

After laughing for a while, Duan Peng said again, "I'm joking with you. How can I not remember that one? How about it? Have you started to accept people?"

Although it is said that they are all followers of Duan Peng in the future, after all, the age difference between Duan Peng and Li Tong is not big, and Duan Peng has never regarded them as followers, so Duan Peng and Li Tong are still getting along with each other as friends.

Because of the way they get along, Duan Peng's smiling face makes Li Tong more depressed, but who wants him to destroy the atmosphere between Duan Peng and Dong Ruo? Even if Li Tong is depressed, he can only admit it, but this is only Duan Peng's revenge. Li Tong doesn't know what Dong Ruo will play.

Of course, it's not the time to think about this. The idea just flashed in Li Tong's mind, and he quickly brought his mind back.

"The previous period of time was very busy, and the recruitment of new mecha team has not stopped. Originally, I was going to wait for the completion of the recruitment of the mecha team, but I didn't expect that we were surrounded by robots again, so this work was dragged until the end of the battle."

Duan Peng's time is very tight and there are too many things to learn. After handing over this matter to Li Tong and Wang Xing, Duan Peng did not pay attention to it. Of course, this is also a kind of exercise and trust for Li Tong and Wang Xing, so Duan Peng has not known the progress of this work until now.

"Well, your arrangement is very reasonable. How is the progress now?" Duan Peng nodded gently.

Li Tong is four years older than Duan Peng, but with Duan Peng's approval, Li Tong can't help smiling happily. After all, the current society is superior to strength, and although Duan Peng is young, he is already the object of their expectations.

However, Li Tong's smile did not last long, just a smile, and Li Tong's eyebrows quickly frowned again.

"According to what you mean, we formed a mutual aid group. At first, it was quite smooth, and many people joined. After all, we have a slightly more advanced mecha to lead the team, but later something happened."

Looking at Li Tong frowning, Duan Peng had a bad feeling. Sure enough, this hunch was quickly confirmed by Li Tong, but Duan Peng couldn't figure out that the senior mechamen were all from Dongjia Village, but what would happen if such a group was formed.

The idea flashed through his mind, and Duan Peng quickly asked again, "What happened?"

"At the beginning, almost everyone showed a strong interest in our group, and the three branches were joining one after another, but this situation only lasted for five days." Li Tong said very slowly. Like his previous habits, Li Tong did not add any speculation in it, but completely told the truth. "On the sixth day of our collection, a group suddenly emerged, which was of the same nature as us. The leader of this group was Liu Shaohui. He had just established the Liu Village Branch. All the people who have joined have retreated, and some of the people in the Lincun branch have also retreated. Only the people in Gaocun are still waiting.

Duan Peng's eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter. It's not surprising that Liu Shaohui wants to fight against them, but why can Liu Shaohui pull these people over?

After thinking about it, Duan Peng still gave up. Li Tong was by his side. He didn't have to bother about these things that had happened at all. He just needed to listen to Li Tong's report.

Sure enough, after a short pause, Li Tong said again, "That Liu Shaohui released a message. He worshipped a master who was a five-level mecha."

"Level 5 mecha?" Duan Peng was a little surprised. If Liu Shaohui completed all this with Liu Le's influence, Duan Peng would not be surprised, but Liu Shaohui suddenly appeared a five-level mecha master, which gave Duan Peng a bad feeling, "Do you know who it is?"

Li Tong shook his head slowly, and his face was a little solemn.

"I don't know, no one has ever stood up and admitted it, but Liu Shaohui also helped those rookies who joined to solve many questions about mecha driving."

Although Li Tong said that he had never seen that person, everything has shown that there is indeed someone standing behind Liu Shaohui, otherwise how can he help people solve problems with the level of Liu Shaohui who has just joined the mecha team?

Duan Peng's heart suddenly rose, and he was really annoyed.

The purpose of forming this team is very simple. There are only two. One is to establish a platform for mutual communication, so that everyone's technology can be improved faster and better. Second, group communication can be used to accelerate the feelings between everyone, so as to help Dong Ming collect the power of this group of new mecha warriors from the side.

But Duan Peng didn't expect that his completely grand duchy idea was blocked by others, and it was done by his own insiders. Duan Peng couldn't figure out what these people wanted to do and what they had to do.

Li Tong quietly followed Duan Peng's side and watched Duan Peng's eyebrows wrinkle more and more. Li Tong felt very uncomfortable. Duan Peng gave him the matter, and it was the first thing Duan Peng gave him. Unexpectedly, in the end, he actually made the matter such a result and completely betrayed Duan Peng's trust.

Duan Peng has been thinking that no matter who it is, everything he does will have a purpose. Duan Peng is trying to reason the people behind Liu Shaohui, but soon Duan Peng gave up.

Because Duan Peng has been learning mecha from Liu Bing, and as for Duan Peng, a mecha player, he has only recently begun to learn. Duan Peng, a senior mecha player, only recognizes Huang Chi, Li Hong and He Wei. It is naturally impossible for Duan Peng, who is not even recognized by people, to come to come to any conclusions.

In fact, there is another reason for giving up, because Duan Peng accidentally saw the expression on Li Tong's face.

You can usually make harmless jokes, but obviously Li Tong has fallen into self-blame. Whether it is a friend or 'partners', Duan Peng has no reason to leave Li Tong alone.

"Brother Tong, you have tried your best and done a good job in this matter. Although there was an accident later, this is not your reason, and you don't have to blame yourself." Duan Peng said it very seriously without any reluctance.

"But..." Of course, Li Tong could see Duan Peng's attitude, but Li Tong was still unhappy.

Of course, Duan Peng will not let Li Tong continue his emotions, because such emotions will be detrimental to Li Tong's development, so Li Tong's voice just sounded, and Duan Peng immediately interrupted Li Tong's words.

"Brother Tong, I really don't blame you, but since someone is making trouble, we don't want to escape. If it's convenient, you and Wang Xing can find out who is standing behind Liu Shaohui. They always need to meet."

"Hmm." Li Tong nodded heavily, and with a new task, Li Tong's self-blame suddenly eased a lot.

Looking at Li Tong's appearance, Duan Peng's heart suddenly relaxed.

In Duan Peng's view, whether it is a warrior, a mecha warrior, or a mecha master, he has to eliminate miscellaneous thoughts when studying. Only by eliminating miscellaneous thoughts can he travel thousands of miles a day. Duan Peng does not want to affect Li Tong's progress because of a little thing.

Of course, it would be best to alleviate Li Tong's self-blame and get useful information at the same time.

"But, Brother Tong." After a pause, Duan Peng said again and said, "You and Brother Xing should also pay attention to it when finding out. Don't take your own lives. Both of you are my good friends. I don't want to see any accidents between you two because of such a thing."


It's not too far from Duan Peng's small tent to the mecha training center. As soon as they finished talking, Duan Peng and Li Tong came to Dong Ming's tent.

"Captain, Xiaopeng is here."

"Come in."

Although no one was seen, Huang Chi's voice has made people feel that Huang Chi has been under great pressure during this period, because Huang Chi's voice, which has always been loud, brings a sense of powerlessness.

Li Tong did not walk into the tent with Duan Peng. After hearing Huang Chi's voice, Li Tong left, because Huang Chi did not say that Li Tong's participation was needed in this matter.

"Uncle Huang."

Duan Peng had already felt Huang Chi's powerlessness outside, but when Duan Peng walked into the tent and saw Huang Chi's appearance, Duan Peng was still stunned by Huang Chi's appearance.

The team has been resting on the plain for more than ten days, but in the past ten days, Huang Chi can't see the original shape. His eyes are deeply concave, and he has lost a circle. The wrinkles on his face seem to be much more, and it seems to hang up faster.

"Xiao Peng, you're here." Hearing Duan Peng's question, Huang Chi barely squeezed out a smile on his face, but in this state, Huang Chi's smile was even worse than crying.

"Yes, Uncle Huang." Looking at Huang Chi's appearance, Duan Peng opened his mouth to comfort him, but in the end he only responded to Huang Chi's words.

After all, Duan Peng is just a junior, and the relationship between him and Huang Chi is not very close. It is not convenient to say some comforting words, and even if he says it, it is useless. However, Duan Peng is determined to pay attention. After going out, he must report Huang Chi's status to Dong Ming and others. After all, Dong Ming is not only Huang Chi's boss, but also a friend of Huang Chi.