
Chapter 31 We Are the Enemy

The strange mecha of the robot found it, and they also found that the robot's energy gun was not aimed at them, but at the village guards behind them.

The mechamen danced their hands desperately. At this moment, even the fingertips of several four-level mechamen showed signs of shadows, but these mechamen did not have any joy, and their hearts were dripping blood.

At this moment, the mecha warriors have forgotten that the fierce attack will cause irreparable damage to King Kong. They don't even care about the entanglement of the robots holding energy swords around them. King Kong is fiercely smashed and bumped with the hands of the mecha warriors.

But there are only 16 King Kongs in the whole mecha team, and the impact of 16 King Kong on the whole robot formation is only minimal.

The multi-legged worm is desperately firing energy bombs, and the mecha inside also found the abnormality of the robot. However, even if 16 small energy cannons continue to fire, each cannon can destroy a robot, and the energy of the multi-legged worm is also insanely reduced, and they still can't stop the robot's energy concentration.

Finally, in the robot's formation, a piece of energy covering the sky and the sun lit up.

"Ah!" Almost all the mechas made painful calls.

The energy bomb finally fell into the formation of the soldiers.

The dazzling energy light made the soldiers involuntarily close their eyes, and they closed their eyes and made a dodge.

The energy bomb is too dense. Even if the soldiers have made the usual dodge, only one-third of the remaining 600 soldiers lie down.

A wailing sounded from the position composed of soldiers.

Those who were killed by the energy bomb on the spot, whose arms and legs were broken by the energy bomb, and those who penetrated the chest but did not die for a while...

But the wailing was only for a while, and soon the soldiers' positions quieted down again.

The injured soldiers tried their best to endure, and the pain made them faint, but they still gritted their teeth and endured, even their teeth were about to be broken by them.

Looking at the comrades around them enduring pain, tears and even blood flowed from the eyes of the surviving soldiers.

They know that their comrades-in-arms just don't want to affect their morale because of their painful voices.

They will never let their comrades-in-arms down. Just for a second, the light of the energy bomb disappeared for only one second. The surviving soldiers raised the energy guns in their hands again, and they also wanted to take the part of their wounded or dead comrades.

Aim! The same three-principle!


The energy light is still strong!


Jennade's attention has always been focused on the direction of the city. As for the team outside, although their counterattack was unexpected by Jennade, Jennade had not paid attention to it. Of course, Jenad still commanded a little.

Jenald ordered the robots to launch suicide attacks. In Jenad's view, as long as the suicide attack is launched, the attacking team outside will naturally collapse.

But Jenner was wrong. When the robot's energy bomb was released, only three seconds later, Jenner's head involuntarily turned to the direction of the team.

In just three seconds, the team's energy attack came again. Although the attack was a little smaller than before, it was obvious that the team's morale had not been hit, and they showed no sign of collapse.

Once again, although he was not on the scene, the transmission of information made Jenner no different from being on the scene.

Three seconds passed, and the soldiers of the team fired energy bombs again.

Obviously, the team's attack strength has become smaller, but their shooting has become more frequent.

The robot's energy gun is more powerful than the warrior's energy gun, but it also gathers energy for a longer time. The robots have not yet gathered their energy. Those soldiers have launched two energy attacks and caused a large number of casualties to the robot.

And in addition to those warriors, the mechamen also seem to be crazy. Those shapes are like SD56 enlarged mecha rampaging in the robot's formation, making it much more difficult for the robot to gather energy.

What's more hateful is the huge insect-shaped metal monster that Jenard has never seen before. Its upper limbs are equipped with 16 small energy cannons, and those energy cannons are constantly fired with almost no interval.

Jenerd once ordered the robots to break through the blockade of the mecha team and charge the soldiers behind them, but the robots that occasionally broke through the blockade were intercepted by the energy cannon of the metal monster.

After looking for a while, the red light behind Jenard's ear finally flashed a few times. A group of robots that were supposed to be the backup of the siege broke away from the team and rushed towards Dongjia Village, with a number of as many as 2,000.


The telescope has been clinginging to Ning's eyes, and everything that happened below did not escape Ning Xu's observation. When a white light flashed in the robot's position, Ning Xu's heart was picked up.

The white light flashed and restored his vision, and Ning Xu's eyes turned to the soldier's position again.

At a glance, Ning Xu was stunned, and then tears involuntarily flowed from his eyes.

The result of competing with flesh and energy bombs can be imagined, but after the casualties, none of the soldiers retreated, but his attack rhythm became faster, so that Ning Xu had to take down the telescope every three seconds.

Finally, the team's efforts paid off, and another 2,000 robot reserve team left the robot's position and rushed towards the team.

"General!" Looking at it, Ning Xu couldn't help looking back at Qian Boyu.

Qian Boyu frowned, and Qian Boyu didn't know what happened below. The white light had already explained everything to Qian Boyu, and with the attack of the team below, the front on the wall finally advanced a little.

Hearing Ning Xu's cry, Qian Boyu's eyebrows frowned more tightly. Originally, Qian Boyu had a little more gratitude for the team below, but Ning Xu's voice turned Qian Boyu's gratitude into disgust again.

For the sake of the following team, Qian Boyu has had an unprecedented conflict with Ning Xu, and now, Ning Xu has taken the initiative to talk to him for the next team.

"Nothing, this is what they should have done." Unexpectedly, Qian Boyu couldn't help rolling his eyes, "If we collapse, they will also lose hope."

Ning Xu looked at Qian Boyu with unbelievable eyes. Ning Xu didn't expect Qian Boyu to say such a thing.


The tears in Dong Ming's eyes slowly turned red, and his heart was throbling.

Two hundred soldiers, nearly 200 soldiers lay down in an energy attack, but what made Dong Ming more sad was the performance of these soldiers.

The front of the warriors was not too far from Dong Ming. After the energy attack, Dong Ming's heart was also painful, but for a moment, the light brought by the energy bomb had just disappeared, and the screams of these soldiers also disappeared.

Dong Ming was stunned at that time, but Dong Ming quickly reacted. These soldiers just didn't want their screams to disturb the minds of their comrades-in-arms.

Looking at the performance of the soldiers, Dong Ming's firm heart was finally confused, so chaotic that Dong Ming forgot his command and even forgot other existence around him.

"General!" Suddenly, a voice sounded beside Dong Ming.

Dong Ming was slightly stunned, with an unbelievable look in his eyes, and then quickly turned his head to look around.

Hearing the sound, Dong Ming already knew who it was, but when he really saw the figure around him, Dong Ming was still involuntarily stunned. After a while, Dong Ming opened his mouth again.

"Xiao Wei, why did you come here?"

"I'll help you!" Robots are robots. Wilton's electronic synthesis sound carries its unique flat tone, which was originally a surprising thing, but it completely lost the taste of surprise from Wilton's mouth.

stunned for a moment, Dong Ming's face became very complicated, with eagerness and worry, "Are you willing to help us? But you didn't say..."

"I couldn't help you at that time, but now there is no problem, because they are not strong enough!" Wilton paused for a moment, "But you still need to decide whether you want my help or not!"

Dong Ming looked at Wilton and looked quietly. Finally, Dong Ming shook his teeth with a trace of determination on his face. "If possible, please help us!"

Wilton has been looking at Dong Ming. Hearing Dong Ming's words, Wilton's electronic eyes quickly flashed twice, and then two words appeared in Wilton's mouth, "Thank you!"

Listening to Wilton's 'thank you', Dong Ming looked inexplicable, but soon Dong Ming ran that inexplicably to one side, because Wilton had already made a move after he spoke.

The red light behind Wilton's ears flashed quickly a few times, and then the light in Wilton's electronic eyes began to flash.

"mecha team! 34 degrees to the left, 214 meters! The robot leader is in that position!" In an instant, Wilton's electronic synthesis sound sounded in all the mecha's telephones.


Jenard's head has turned back to the direction of the city, but it didn't take long for Jennad's head to turn back quickly.

An unexpected signal, an intelligence appeared in the direction of the team, and the degree of evolution was not lower than his intelligence. In an instant, Jenard sent a signal to the intelligence, "Who are you? Why is it in that position?"

"We are the enemy!" Sure enough, the degree of evolution is no less than Jenard's intelligence, but in an instant, Jenard has received the message from the other party.

The information stopped Gennade's chip for three seconds, almost similar to the information attack.

Three seconds, only three seconds, and Jenad quickly reacted.

Jenner was immediately ready to send another inquiry message to the other party, but the message was not sent, and Jenner had to stop.

There is no need to send it again. The result has been confirmed that the other party is indeed the enemy. Although Jenna is a little unable to accept the reality of a similar enemy, it is true that the other party's mecha has changed its direction and rushed towards him.


If everything goes well today, this book should reach 900,000. After persisting for so long, Xiao Chu really wants to hear everyone's voice and feel everyone's support. Please give me some motivation!!

Come on!!!