
Chapter 42 War Zone

"Go, of course you should go!" Without any hesitation, Ning Xu immediately opened his mouth.

After a period of venting, Qian Boyu's mentality has long been calm, but now Qian Boyu still needs an excuse to go down the steps. Hearing Ning Xu's words, Qian Boyu raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, then tell me what you think. Why are we going?"

After staying with Qian Boyu for more than ten years, Ning Xu certainly understood Qian Boyu's character. As soon as Qian Boyu opened his mouth, Ning Xu knew that Qian Boyu had agreed. If he did not agree, Qian Boyu would not ask the following words at all.

Frowning and thinking for a moment, Ning Xu said, "First of all, this is an opportunity to integrate forces. We can take this conversation to bring together the city's armed forces. Even if we can't hold their strength in our hands, we can give them some restrictions."

The integration of armed forces is definitely a good thing for the city, which is also Ning Xu's real idea, but when he said it, Ning Xu added some skills, and most of what he said was Qian Boyu's favorite words.

As he said, Ning Xu observed Qian Boyu's expression. Sure enough, things were developing in the direction of Ning Xu's imagination. After listening to Ning Xu's words, Qian Boyu's head was involuntarily moving gently, and his angry expression was replaced by a smile.

"Second, it is the mecha technology proposed by Dong Jiacun. Although General Dong said that this technology should be contributed to the city, it is no different from contributing to us."

As soon as he was lost face in Dongjia Village, the mecha technology became Qian Boyu's footache. However, as soon as he heard Ning Xu mention the mecha technology, the smile on Qian Boyu's face immediately disappeared. However, as Ning Xu's topic unfolded, Qian Boyu couldn't help nod involuntarily.

Not only figured it out, Qian Boyu had already figured it out, but Qian Boyu did not express any opinion. Ning Xu's voice stopped, and Qian Boyu also stopped nodding at the same time, "Then why do you contribute to the city is the same as contributing to us?"

"Because we are the only organic armor production line in the city, although General Dong said that it is for the city, even if we clearly agree to assign them the mecha, it is up to us who will meet first after production."

The smile reappeared on Qian Boyu's face, but Qian Boyu looked at Ning Xu with a hint of play.

In terms of tactics, Ning Xu may be a little poor, but Ning Xu's vision has been cultivated, but in such a short time, and listening to other people's paraphrase, Ning Xu has actually figured out the key.

Facing Qian Boyu's eyes, Ning Xu's heart suddenly felt a little nervous.

In the eyes of outsiders, there is still a harmony between Qian Boyu and Ning Xu, and Ning Xu is still Qian Boyu's right hand, but Ning Xu knows that there has been an invisible gap between him and Qian Boyu. He doesn't like Qian Boyu's way of dealing with things, but Qian Boyu also can't tolerate his provocation.

Slowly lowered his head to avoid Qian Boyu's eyes, and then quietly swallowed his saliva. Ning Xu squirmed his lips. "All I can think of is these two points. As for anything else, I can't think of."

Ning Xu's voice suddenly woke up Qian Boyu. Looking at Ning Xu's posture, Qian Boyu also knew that he seemed to have gone too much, and his thoughts seemed to be seen through by Ning Xu. Immediately, his playful eyes disappeared from Qian Boyu's eyes, and the smile on his face became even more Add brilliance.

"Yes, it's quite good to think of these two points. It seems that it's time to give you some more permissions. It's too talented to always be by my side."

Ning Xu was shocked again, and even his face turned pale at that moment, but Ning Xu immediately opened his mouth, "It's all the general's teaching, but his efforts are not yet home, and he still needs to study with the general for a period of time."

"Well." Qian Boyu nodded without saying, "Then you go down first. As for whether to go or not, I still need time to think about it, and even if I go, I still have to think about how to win greater benefits."

"Yes, General." Salute and go out.

Walking out of the door, Ning Xu's footsteps suddenly accelerated and turned a corner. Ning Xu's footsteps suddenly stopped, leaning against the corner of the wall and gasped twice. When his breath was slightly calmer, Ning Xu found that his back was soaked.


All left, and Duan Peng was left alone in the room again. He was still staring at the ceiling above his head with wide eyes. However, he blinked twice from time to time to show that Duan Peng did not enter that state of distraction.

Quiet, time slips away little by little.

I don't know how long it took, Duan Peng finally sat up with a long sigh and slowly turned his head. It seemed that Dong Ruo's figure was still preserved in the whole room, and the smell of Dong Ruo was still left on every item.

From entering the city and moving into a new home, Dong Ruo has been accompanying Duan Peng in this room. Dong Ruo is even more familiar with everything in the room than Duan Peng.

Every time his eyes passed from something, Duan Peng's heart would involuntarily **, and finally Duan Peng's eyes moved to Wilton, who stood still.

Wilton seems to have entered a dormant state. Standing at the foot of Duan Peng's bed is like a useless decoration, but Duan Peng knows that Wilton is not dormant, but after entering the human city, Dongjia Village made a decision to reduce Wilton's range of activities. After all, Wilton is a robot and a high Level intelligence, if outsiders know the existence of Wilton, I'm afraid it will cause panic in the whole city.

Duan Peng's eyes rested on Wilton's body. After more than ten seconds, Duan Peng's voice sounded again.

"Xiao Wei, do you think I did something wrong?"

has evolved a variety of emotions, and even broke the limitations of robot guidelines, but after all, Wilton, even if robots have evolved a variety of emotions, which they don't understand and don't evolve, Wilton still don't understand.

Hearing Duan Peng's question, the light in Wilton's eyes gently flashed twice, showing that he had heard Duan Peng's question, but Wilton's voice did not sound with the flash of his eyes. Presumably Wilton was also puzzled by Duan Peng's question.


After waiting for a while, a wry smile finally appeared on Duan Peng's face again, "Ha ha, I must not understand why I asked you like this."

was still silent, but Duan Peng did not expect Wilton's answer, but just after saying that, Duan Peng's voice immediately sounded, "Xiao Wei, what do you think I should do at this time? To be honest, I'm really not used to being around without Xiaoruo.

"Ha ha, why did I ask you again..."

The light in the electronic eyes was still shining, but Wilton never opened his mouth.

Being teased may evolve into anger, being beaten may evolve into hatred, and being cared about may evolve into love, but this love is not even gender. How can Wilton evolve the emotions between men and women?

Wilton could only listen quietly and listen to Duan Peng's story.

Duan Peng said without saying a word. Sometimes even Duan Peng himself didn't know what he was talking about, but after some talk, Duan Peng's mood relaxed a lot.

Finally, after nearly half an hour of talking, Duan Peng stopped talking for too long, and Duan Peng was also a little tired after he had just recovered.

"If only my parents were there!" After saying that, Duan Peng sighed and then fell back to **.

Duan Peng stopped, and the light in Wilton's eyes still flashed. Two seconds later, the light in Wilton's eyes finally stopped, but after stopping the light, Wilton opened his mouth.

"Xiaopeng." Wilton's flat voice sounded in the small room, "I don't understand what happened between you, but the calculation of our robot has taught us to find key conditions. What do you think is the most critical problem between you two?"

Duan Peng was still lying on **, but with Wilton's words, Duan Peng's eyes showed light, and his dull eyes began to turn again.

The most critical place?

Duan Peng likes Dong Ruo, and he also wants to live with Dong Ruo.

As for Dong Ruo, although Dong Ruo didn't say anything after Dong Ming raised the matter between the two of them, Dong Ruo's action explained everything after Duan Peng refused, and Dong Ruo was also willing.

"The most critical problem is that my parents are not around." I figured it out, but Duan Peng was not too excited.

Hearing Duan Peng's words, the light in Wilton's eyes did not flash, and his voice sounded again, "Isn't it enough to save your parents?"

Duan Peng suddenly sat up, but as soon as he sat up, Duan Peng fell back decadently, "I also want to save them, but I don't even know where they are now."

"Have you forgotten what I told you?" The light in his eyes still does not flash. Obviously, Wilton has already calculated the answer. "The planet is divided into ten war zones, and the ten war zones are divided into seven to ten small war zones. Each small war zone has about 100,000 robots, and they will gather all the captured people together to reach a certain After that, the number will be transferred to the war zone.

Duan Peng sat up again, and his eyes became as bright as when Wilton launched an electronic signal attack on the robot. Then he stared at Wilton's mouth. It was obvious that Wilton had something to tell him.

Wilton still said slowly, "Although I don't know where your parents are now, I know that the woodland where I used to be and the city where I am now are in a war zone, and because there is a city here, the headquarters of the war zone is far from this small The war zone is not far away.

"You mean my parents may also be near that headquarters?" Duan Peng asked nervously.

"I'm not sure, but the concentration camps in the war zone are near that headquarters."


is coming!

I write happily, and everyone read it happily!