
Chapter 52 Each has its own plan

It has been almost a week since the signing of the agreement. It should have been a happy thing, but just after Qian Boyu sent someone two days ago, Mr. Hu frowned together. In just two days, Mr. Hu seemed to have become much haggard.

"Big Hu, you said... you said... alas!" It was not only Boss Hu who frowned. In the whole conference room, almost all the bosses of the exile forces frowned. Song Tianxing opened his mouth and said several times, but before he finished a word, Song Tianxing sighed and lowered his head.

On the surface, the agreement is completely harmless to the exile forces. First of all, even if there is no principle of strategic material exchange, when defending the city, the exile forces, as part of the city forces, also have to participate and they also have to die. However, with this exchange principle, the exile However, there are more desperate reasons for the power.

Besides, Qian Boyu has always wanted to annex the exile forces, but after signing the agreement, as long as enough robots can be taken, the exile forces will naturally have the ability to feed these people, and Qian Boyu's only means to contain them also disappeared.

But the good mood only lasted less than a week. Just two days ago, Qian Boyu suddenly sent someone to inform them that everything must be carried out according to the agreement in the future, so the future materials of the exile forces need to be exchanged with the 'corpses' of robots.

Just after the defense of the city, Boss Hu and others have never thought that the robot's 'corpses' can also be used as a material. They have never thought of collecting 'corpses', so all the robot bodies on the battlefield have been searched and cleaned by Qian Boyu. That is to say, if the agreement is implemented now, the exile forces will not use much. Food and supplies will be cut off for a long time.

"This Qian Boyu really likes to take advantage of loopholes!"

"Why don't we find General Dong and the others?"

"What's the use of looking for them? They are not like us. When I saw them go to the city, there were many scooters in the team dragging the bodies of robots!"

The sound sounded one after another in the conference room, and the whole conference room turned into a lively vegetable market after a while.

"Okay! Stop arguing!" It was already annoying enough. Listening to the following argument, Boss Hu only felt that his whole head had turned into a paste, and he could not continue to think at all. "It has been discussed for two days. If you want to complain, please go home and send it slowly after the meeting!"

The exile is a spontaneous organization, which contains more than a dozen forces of various sizes, but no matter what organization, as long as the force is formed, there will always be a size, and Boss Hu is obviously the most courageous one among them. Boss Hu's voice fell, and everyone's voice suddenly subsided unconsciously.

Rubbed his forehead and waited for a while. When the conference room became quieter, Boss Hu continued to say, "Everyone knows that Qian Boyu wanted to force us to death. In the past, Qian Boyu did not dare to do anything to us because we needed to defend the city, but now that General Dong's people have come in, it is enough to guard the city. There are more than enough, so Qian Boyu doesn't have so many concerns.

"Big Hu, we all know what you said. The question now is what should we do now? Can't we go to Qian Boyu now? After all, he is not a dominant family. Boss Hu is talking, and someone still makes a dissatisfied voice.

Boss Hu didn't care, and he couldn't care. He pressed his hand. Boss Hu continued to say, "Don't be impatient. Please listen to me continue. You have said a lot of ideas in the past two days, and I have thought about it for a long time. I think there are only the following things we can do now."

Although they were dissatisfied, when they heard Boss Hu say that they had an idea, everyone slowly calmed down.

"First, we need to tell General Dong about our current situation..."

was interrupted again. Boss Hu's opinion was only just spoken, and Song Tianxing's voice sounded. Song Tianxing is the leader of the second largest force among the exile forces, and his strength is only almost the same as that of Boss Hu. "What's the use telling them to know? Since Qian Boyu has done this to us, he will also do this to them. Even if they have some materials, they will take care of themselves first. After all, none of us know when the next robot siege will come.

"Zong Tianxing!" Boss Hu was finally angry. This Song Tianxing will always challenge his right to speak at some time, but this is also the inevitable result of multiple forces.

Getting used to becoming natural, Song Tianxing has been used to coming out to refute Boss Hu from time to time. Boss Hu's roar scared Song Tianxing. He opened his mouth and was ready to continue to fight with Boss Hu, but looking at the eyes of the people around him, Song Tianxing had to hold back the words he had said back.

What Boss Hu is talking about is related to everyone's safety. Obviously, Song Tianxing chose the right time. Everyone looked at Song Tianxing with a trace of anger.

Seeing Song Tianxing stop, Boss Hu put Song Tianxing aside again. After all, it is a gathering of forces. Even if there is fire, Boss Hu can't do anything about Song Tianxing. "Let's go to General Dong. I believe Dongjia Village will not watch us be strangled to death by Qian Boyu, because without us, Qian Boyu's eyes are also But it will be put on them."

It's true that it's thick and thin, but only a few words, and everyone immediately felt a bright eye.

Boss Hu also saw the expressions of everyone, and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. "Second, go to find Qian Boyu. The battle has just ended. We don't have any resources on hand. It's unreasonable for him to do so. Whether it's reasonable or reasonable, he can't stand. Of course, Qian Boyu will definitely not let it go like this. After all, this is also an opportunity for him, but we don't need all his consent. I just want to buy a little more resources from Qian Boyu and give us more time.

At first, it was a little starlight, but in Boss Hu's second opinion, the starlight had turned into moonlight, and it was still the kind of full moon.

"Third, it is self-meditation. We want to become an independent force, which is unreliable on both sides, so the most important thing is to have our own source of resources."

The leaders frowned again, but after Boss Hu's explanation, the sadness between everyone's eyebrows had disappeared, and they had seen the hope of independence.

Quietly, Boss Hu's eyes swept over the face of the leader present. When his eyes fell on Song Tianxing's face, Boss Hu couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. "As for the self-conspiracy I just said, that's what I plan. I plan to set up a hunting team. In the future, when there are no robots to attack the city, we will spread this team outside the city, and then let them hunt some robot corpses back, which can also play a role in training the team.

"I think it's okay." Zhu Yang frowned all the time, but after carefully thinking about Boss Hu's words, Zhu Yang agreed.

"I also agree that Boss Hu's plan is very good, taking almost all the situations into account!" Another voice of approval.

Then, one voice after another in agreement sounded, and Song Tianxing's two eyebrows, which had been against Boss Hu, were almost twisted together, and a bad feeling suddenly flashed in his heart.

"Where's Brother Song? What do you think?" Sure enough, the idea just flashed by, and Boss Hu's voice sounded.

Song Tianxing had just refuted Boss Hu's words, and now with everyone's approval, Boss Hu deliberately nodded Song Tianxing, and Song Tianxing almost failed to come up in one breath.

"What? Still no? Or do you have any better opinions?" Boss Hu and Song Tianxing looked at each other. The anger spewing from Song Tianxing's eyes only made Boss Hu feel excited. After a while, when he saw that Song Tianxing had not opened his mouth, Boss Hu clicked again.

gritted his teeth, and almost all his teeth were about to be bitten, but everyone had agreed. Even if he was unwilling, Song Tianxing had to take a breath and nodded and said, "Old Hu still always said that he was a rough person. I think he is really too modest. How can a person who can come up with such a good plan be a rude person? I agree!"


"General, Boss Hu already has a specific plan."

Not long after the end of Boss Hu's meeting, a figure quietly walked out of the exile station and came to Qian Boyu.

"Oh, I don't know what good plan Hu Laozuo came up with?" Qian Boyu picked up the teacup and took a sip, and asked unhurriedly.

The food shortage plan was personally conceived by Qian Boyu. Although he got the mecha technology when the agreement was first signed, Qian Boyu was still very angry. However, after thinking about it for a few days, Qian Boyu found a loophole in the agreement, which could be exploited by him. Qian Boyu was simply very happy.

People dared not neglect and immediately told Boss Hu's plan. Listening to Boss Hu's plan, the smile on Qian Boyu's face slowly disappeared. In the end, Qian Boyu's face was covered with clouds.

Just by listening to Qian Boyu's name for Boss Hu, I know that Qian Boyu despises Boss Hu, but this rough man that Qian Boyu despises has come up with a way to crack it.

frowned and thought, and waited for a long time before Qian Boyu said to the person in front of him, "Go back first. Don't worry, I won't give you any less benefits."

"Thank you, General Qian!" The visitor immediately bowed and left. His purpose was to come for Qian Boyu's words.

After leaving, Qian Boyu said hello to the outside, "Come on, ask Adjutant Ning to come here!"

Ning Xu came quickly. Qian Boyu's summons were only two or three minutes, and Ning Xu came to Qian Boyu's body, "General, I don't know what instructions you have to call me here."

Qian Boyu frowned. The crack between him and Ning Xu was getting bigger and bigger, and Ning Xu was more and more polite to him. However, now Qian Boyu obviously did not have the energy to care about Ning Xu's ideas, but frowned. Qian Boyu immediately said, "Ajutant Ning, I have an idea. Now Dong Ming's people are entering I have entered our city, so the city's defense force is enough, so I plan to send a group of people out of the city for training. What do you think?

Hearing this, Ning Xu looked at Qian Boyu in surprise. He wanted to know what Qian Boyu really thought. Unfortunately, Qian Boyu had been prepared for a long time, and there was no inappropriate expression on his face. Even Ning Xu could no longer see through Qian Boyu's thoughts. After looking at it for a while, Ning Xu lowered his head again.

"Yes, General, I'm going down to choose someone!"

"Very good!" Qian Boyu nodded quietly, "Then you can go down and do it. I'll meet the soldiers when the person is selected!"


Update is coming! Happy, happy!