
Chapter 90 Rist

The discipline of the barracks is very serious, but today, the discipline of the barracks seems to be out of bounds. The whole barracks is full of soldiers gathered in twos and threes, not only ordinary soldiers, but also some officers in the gathered crowd.

"I heard that the general is going to kill Adjutant Ning."

"I also heard that it seems that the general was angry because Adjutant Ning did not support the general to continue to deal with Dongjia Village and the exiles."

"I have no problem with the general dealing with Dongjiacun and the exiles, but Adjutant Ning is a good person. I can't figure out why the general wants to kill Adjutant Ning."

Who said no? Alas..."

In the center of the city, more people gathered outside the general's mansion. The whole general's mansion was dark and full of heads. These people sat quietly. They didn't say anything, but everyone knew what these people were protesting.

The protest has reached one-fifth of the city, and more people continue to wait and see, but the city's production has been seriously affected. Few people can stay quietly to engage in production. More people stand outside the protesters and wait for a decision to deal with the matter.

"When I passed by Dongjia Village today, I saw that Dongjia Village was already sorting out things, and they seemed to be planning to leave."

"Is Dongjia Village going to leave? When I passed by the exile station today, I saw that the exiles were also packing.

"What? Are they all leaving?"

"Today, Qian Boyu must come out and give us an explanation, otherwise Dongjia Village and the exiles will leave, and we will be finished..."

"Yes! There must be an explanation!"


Qian Boyu quietly looked outside the general's mansion through the window. In fact, he could know the situation outside without looking at Qian Boyu.

A few days ago, people outside just sat down and protested, but today I don't know what happened. People outside have shouted slogans. The sound insulation effect of the general's mansion is good, but those sounds still came through the wall.

"Leave Dongjia Village!"

"Leave a bloody and sweaty warrior!"

"Qian Boyu, come out!"

The slogan was louder and louder, as if it fell directly into Qian Boyu's heart, and his mood became more irritable.

"Come on!"

"General!" Hearing the greeting, Yao Guangliang quickly appeared in Qian Boyu's room.

"Order the troops to come and disperse them!" Qian Boyu's eyes were red, and he pointed out of the window to the crowd shouting slogans and said fiercely.

Yao Guangliang was stunned when he heard the words, but soon Yao Guangliang returned to Qingming.

Yao Guangliang knew that Qian Boyu's decision was wrong, but Yao Guangliang did not dare to object. Ning Xu's end was right in front of Yao Guangliang. If Yao Guangliang dared to oppose it, I believe that Yao Guangliang will soon follow in the footsteps of Ning Xu and may be worse than Ning Xu. After all, the relationship between Yao Guangliang and Qian Boyu is not as good as Ning Xu and Qian. Bo Yu is so close.

"Yes, General!" After a salute, Yao Guangliang hurried out.


A muffled sound sounded at the door.

Yao Guangliang was about to go out, but he didn't expect that a man was hurriedly running in from the door, and the man outside the door obviously did not notice Yao Guangliang's action, and the two collided fiercely.

The muffled sound woke up Qian Boyu, but the muffled sound also made Qian Boyu more irritable, "What the hell, what does it look like?"

An angry shout made people tremble, but even if the whole body was painful because of the impact, the body trembled because of Qian Boyu's roar, and the people still came to Qian Boyu trembling.

"General, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's not bad!" In the face of Qian Boyu's anger, the people were very panicked, but the more nervous they were, the more nervous they would be. Two simple words became stammered from the population.

Qian Boyu was furious and has become such a situation. Is there any situation that can be worse than now?


"Yes!" The man wiped the sweat on his forehead. Although he had responded to Qian Boyu's words, he did not dare to answer immediately, because the following content was very long, and he was afraid that he would stammer.

Qian Boyu is patient. He has reached the edge of an outbreak, but Qian Boyu is still patient, because Qian Boyu also knows that if he breaks out again, the soldiers in front of him will definitely not continue.

Breathing greedily, his chest fluctuated violently with the breath of the visitor. Once, twice... Finally, his mood calmed down a little, and the visitor immediately opened his mouth. The visitor had seen that Qian Boyu was on the verge of the outbreak.

"Today, there was a rumor in the barracks that you were going to kill Ning Xu..."

He calmed down, and the words of the comer also became smooth. At the same time, the comer also had more courage. He looked at Qian Boyu's face with the corner of his eyes to see if he could see whether the rumor was true or not from Qian Boyu's face, but he was destined to be disappointed. Qian Boyu's face was pale, except for his anger. No other expressions.

After a pause, the visitor continued: "The whole barracks was in chaos. All the soldiers were divided into two factions. One group of people supported you, and another group of people supported Adjutant Ning, saying that Adjutant Ning should not be killed, and even soldiers were ready to come directly to the general's mansion."

"What!" Qian Boyu's whole face turned red, but at the moment he heard the news, Qian Boyu's face lost its blood color, as if a basin of water had poured down from head to toe. Not only his body, but also Qian Boyu's heart was cold.

The army is the trump card in Qian Boyu's hand. If the army changes, Qian Boyu will also lose all his cards.

"What about Cao Bin? What did Cao Bin do?

Cao Bin in Qian Boyu's mouth is the captain of the mecha team and Qian Boyu's absolute confidant. At this time, Qian Boyu is not in the army and can't get out of the besieged general's mansion. He can only hope that Cao Bin can help him calm the mutiny in the barracks.

He was a little hesitant. From time to time, he raised his head and secretly looked at Qian Boyu and opened his mouth several times, but in the end, not a word popped out of his mouth.

"Ty!" Qian Boyu roared that he couldn't wait to make close contact with the face of the person who came with his hand, but now is not the time to be angry. Qian Boyu must understand what happened in the barracks, because this is his last support.

"Yes..." The man was so scared that his whole body trembled, "Captain Cao Cao Cao is the leader of the branch supporting Adjutant Ning."

Qian Boyu's eyes stared and his hand suddenly pointed to the person, but Qian Boyu fell straight back without saying anything.

There was no coma, and Qian Boyu just lost the strength of his whole body.


"General, Qian Boyu's barracks has changed!"


Although things still have to pass through Dong Ming every day, in any case, Dong Ming's life is much more leisurely than before. He is closing his eyes and resting in his spare time. Unexpectedly, such news suddenly came. Dong Ming suddenly stood up, and the seat behind him was bounced out by Dong Ming's legs.

"Qian Boyu's barracks mutiny! The whole barracks has been divided into two factions, one supporting Ning Xu and the other supporting Qian Boyu. The messenger repeated the news again.

Of course, Dong Ming heard the news brought by the messenger. He just couldn't believe that it would be such a result, because no one expected this result.

After a while, Dong Ming recovered from the shock, "Have you notified General Duan?"

"Report to General, General Duan's side has been blocked, and the message cannot be transmitted!"

"Uh..." Dong Ming was stunned when he heard the words, "General Duan's side is blocked? What's the matter?"

The messenger blushed. Obviously, the messenger did not know what had happened to Duan Peng.


Liu Bing's research room, Duan Peng and Liu Bing are all in the laboratory. Their faces look very haggard, especially Liu Bing, and there is no trace of blood on their faces.

When you are old, you are old, but if you don't sleep all night, Liu Bing can't stand it anymore.

"Master, why don't you take a break?" Looking at Liu Bing, Duan Peng admired and distressed.

As a researcher, Liu Bing's research attitude is worth learning, but after all, Liu Bing is still old and his body can no longer withstand such toss.

Liu Bing really couldn't hold on. Sitting on the seat, Liu Bing had no strength to stand up again, but as soon as Duan Peng's words came out, Liu Bing became energetic. He suddenly stood up and said, "Do you think I want to rest? Even if I stay up all night for two more nights, I can still survive!"

After saying a sentence, the spirit stimulated by Duan Peng immediately disappeared. Liu Bing sat back on the seat again. Because he sat fiercely, the seat also let out a muffled hum.

Duan Peng was shocked by Liu Bing's sudden threat, but when he saw Liu Bing's movements behind him, Duan Peng suddenly reacted, and the stubborn old man burst into a stubborn temper.

Looking at Liu Bing's stubborn temper, Duan Peng's mood immediately became much more cheerful. Of course, Duan Peng only dared to smile in his heart. If Duan Peng dared to put his smile on his face, the stubborn old man would definitely explode more power.

Yes! Yes! Master is strong and can definitely persist, but our research is also a protracted war, which can't be achieved by a day or two..."

While trying to comfort Liu Bing, Duan Peng's words suddenly stopped halfway.

"Fight a protracted war... fight a protracted war..." Duan Peng's eyes became dementia, and his mouth kept repeating what he had just said.

Liu Bing has lost his spirit, but seeing Duan Peng's appearance, Liu Bing's spirit recondensed.

Liu Bing was scared, and Duan Peng looked really weird.

But only a few seconds, Liu Bing's eyes widened again, and his eyes were full of surprise.

At first, Liu Bing thought something had happened to Duan Peng, but Liu Bing quickly reacted. Liu Bing was too familiar with Duan Peng's appearance. This was the normal performance of what the researcher thought of. Duan Peng appeared in such a state of everything, so when the researcher woke up , his research projects will make leapfrog progress.

Liu Bing slowly closed his eyes. At this time, he could not wake up Duan Peng. All Liu Bing could do was rest. When Duan Peng woke up, he had the energy to continue to discuss with Duan Peng. Besides, Liu Bing was really tired.


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