
Chapter 115 Erosion doesn't work

"It seems that our inference has become a reality!" Duan Peng's face was full of bitter smiles.

Hearing Duan Peng's words, Dong Ming nodded solemnly, "It's very likely."

And the smart behind Dong Ming also has a heavy face.

Ning Xu was puzzled, and soon Ning Xu's face showed an anxious look. Duan Peng's conversation did not avoid him, but he did not understand the meaning of Duan Peng's dialogue at all.

General Dong, General Xiao Duan! Can you explain to me what inference and what has become a reality?

Dong Ming and Duan Peng looked at each other, and the bitter smile on their faces became stronger, but it was just a line of eye contact. Duan Peng turned his head again and said to Ning Xu, "We once got an information that robots on this planet are not disorderly branches. They all have their own spheres of activities, that is to say, they Since they have been cleaning up their respective human ranges and getting this information, we have made an inference that when robots have cleaned up human beings in their respective spheres of influence, they will begin to unite, and now..."

The interest is not high, and it has been basically explained clearly, and Duan Peng did not go on.

Of course, as long as you hear this, as long as you don't have poor understanding, you can understand what Duan Peng means.

Listening to Duan Peng's explanation, Ning Xu's face turned pale in an instant. "You mean that the current situation means that the robot has united?"

It's not that Ning Xu doesn't understand. Of course, Ning Xu can understand what Duan Peng means, but Ning Xu still wants to confirm, because this news has put too much pressure on Ning Xu.

Duan Peng really didn't want to say anything more. Hearing Ning Xu's question, Duan Peng just nodded calmly.

Ning Xu's face turned a little whiter in an instant. He understood, and Duan Peng helped him confirm it again, but Ning Xu still did not give up. "What is your judgment based on? Will you make a mistake?"

"Alas!" Duan Peng sighed. Although Ning Xu also began to call him General Duan, Ning Xu kept asking questions at him, which made him unable to think.

However, Duan Peng also knows the reason. He is too young. Just like now, Ning Xu just asked him, but Ning Xu never asked Dong Ming. Duan Peng believes that Ning Xu will not keep asking Qian Boyu during the battle.

After being silent and bored for a while, Duan Peng still opened his mouth and decided to answer Ning Xu.

"I judged based on the number of advanced intelligence, do you remember? What I said just before the war began.

"Do you mean tactical intelligence?"

It is indeed worthy of being an adjutant trained by Qian Boyu for many years, and Ning Xu suddenly thought of the key.

Hearing Ning Xu's judgment, Duan Peng was also surprised, which is also the reason why Duan Peng decided to tell Ning Xu, because the next thing still needs Ning Xu's help, and Ning Xu is also a talent worthy of Duan Peng's woo.

"Yes, it's tactical intelligence. Now tactical intelligence and combat intelligence have appeared in the attacking team, so I'm sure that the robots in other regions have combined with the previous robots."

"I remember you just said evolution, can't it be a newly evolved robot? And how can you be sure that there is only one advanced intelligence in the robot that used to besiege the city?

Duan Peng immediately frowned when he heard Ning Xu's question, and there were too many questions about Ning Xu.

Not only Duan Peng, but also Dong Ming and Gao Ming behind Duan Peng also frowned.

Now the robot is attacking the city, and two advanced intelligences have appeared. The situation has become very serious. The people in Dongjia Village are still waiting for Duan Peng to give a new battle plan. Duan Peng has no time to entangle with Ning Xu here.

However, as soon as Dong Ming opened his mouth, Duan Peng grabbed the front of Dong Ming.

"I can tell you the analysis process, but you have to do a few things for me after listening..."

did not say anything, but after listening to Duan Peng's proposal, Ning Xu's face showed contempt.

The superiors are all like this. This period of Peng is no different from Qian Boyu at a young age. It's just a few questions. Duan Peng actually began to support him, and Ning Xu couldn't help thinking about it.

Duan Peng naturally didn't know what Ning Xu was thinking, but Duan Peng was still very surprised to see Ning Xu's contemptuous look, and Duan Peng was also a little angry.

Duan Peng is a young man. Although Duan Peng is trying his best to learn from the city government of his superiors, Duan Peng is a young man.

"You can go..."

"I knew it was like this." Ning Xu interrupted Duan Peng's words, "You people just want to get greater rights, but no one wants to bear the responsibility under the rights."

smiled, and Duan Peng laughed angrily, "Let's go! I know I'm young, but don't forget that I'm the commander of a force. My time is not for you to delay like this.

Ning Xu turned around and left. Although he once had a good impression on Dongjia Village, Duan Peng threatened him to do things by answering questions was not Ning Xu's favorite way.

Duan Peng looked at it quietly, but Duan Peng's heart was full of anger. He had shown enough sincerity to Ning Xu. As a commander of the army, Duan Peng had given Ning Xu enough tolerance, but Duan Peng did not expect such a result.

Seeing that Ning Xu was about to walk down the wall, Duan Peng opened his mouth again.

"I don't know what your obligations are under your rights, but I want to tell you something." Looking at it quietly, regardless of whether Ning Xu wants to hear it or not, Duan Peng continued to say, "The current situation is very serious. If all the strength is still so scattered, the city may be captured!"

Listening to Duan Peng's words, Ning Xu paused, but soon, Ning Xu raised his step again.

What should be said has been said. He quietly watched Ning Xu leave. Just for a moment, Duan Peng's head turned back.

"Buncle Dong, let's send people to contact Boss Hu!"

Dong Ming was also looking at Ning Xu's back. To be honest, when Ning Xu just despised Duan Peng, Dong Ming couldn't help taking down Ning Xu, but fortunately, Dong Ming finally resisted it.

Hearing Duan Peng's voice, Dong Ming's head slowly turned back, "Okay, but should we prepare for evacuation?"

Duan Peng shook his head gently, looking a little lonely, but for a moment, Duan Peng's face became resolute again.

"No, Boss Hu already had a united intention last time. This time I would like you to come forward and directly accept Boss Hu's strength. As for Zhou Lei and Cao Bin..." Duan Peng paused and showed a trace of hesitation on his face, but soon, Duan Peng continued: "As for Zhou Lei and Cao Bin, if If they don't cooperate with our plan, they will take it directly by force.

It is a kind of growth for Duan Peng to make such a decision. Dong Ming is very gratified to see Duan Peng's growth.

However, behind Dong Ming, Gao Ming showed some hesitation.

"Xiaopeng, won't this be too impulsive? There is no problem with Lei and Cao Bin next week, but their subordinates may not listen to our command!"

"It doesn't matter!" Having made a decision, Duan Peng seems to have changed, and his tone has also become a little flat. "Qian Boyu has just been overthrown by them. The mentality of these soldiers has not stabilized in the first place, and they are now fighting with robots. Supporting Zhou Lei and Cao Bin is obviously not as important as this war, so even if you take next Lei And Cao Bin, there will be no change in the short term, at least until the robot retreats, and what we need to do is to use this period to show our strength, and at the same time, we should also use this time to attract the hearts of these soldiers.

While listening, he thought about it. Although he was not 100% sure, Gao Ming had to admit that Duan Peng was right.

Duan Peng's voice fell, and Gao Ming nodded gently, "Well, it seems that this is the only way, mainly because the time is too tight."

"Yes! The main reason is that time is too tight!" With Gao Ming's words, Dong Ming, who had not yet left, also sighed.


Ning Xu left, but Ning Xu's heart did not leave, and what Duan Peng had just said was still emerging in Ning Xu's mind.

To be honest, Ning Xu is also very worried. If he didn't worry, he wouldn't keep chasing Duan Peng.

It has been more than ten years since the war with robots, and it is the first time that robots have climbed the city wall on the first day of siege.

Thinking, Ning Xu's footsteps slowly slowed down, little by little. In the end, Ning Xu's footsteps simply stopped.


On the other side, after arranging the task, Duan Peng also returned to his station when he saw that there was no danger on the wall for the time being.

There have been too many things recently, and many things have not been dealt with by Duan Peng.

In the mecha factory, the outbreak of the war did not have any impact. Everyone was still busy. Duan Peng hurried to the mecha factory and found Liu Bing among the busy crowd.

There was no delay, but when he saw Liu Bing, Duan Peng opened his mouth.

"Master, I have something to ask you."

Being awakened from concentration, Liu Bing was very unhappy, but when he saw that the person coming was Duan Peng, Liu Bing still restrained his anger.

"What's the matter?" Of course, even if he restrained his anger, Liu Bing's tone was not very pleasant.

didn't care about Liu Bing's attitude, but just sorted out his thoughts slightly. Duan Peng said, "This time I went out of the city, I found that our troops still have many shortcomings that can be improved, but this improvement requires the cooperation of equipment."

"Equip?" Liu Bing frowned, "I said, do you think I'm not busy enough!"

"Uh." Embarrassing and apologetic, all kinds of expressions appeared on Duan Peng's face, but only for a moment, Duan Peng readjusted his mood, "Master, I have been thinking about this for a long time. If it can be done, our combat effectiveness will increase several times..."

"How many times?" Originally, he was irritable, but when he heard Duan Peng's words, Liu Bing's interest was suddenly raised.

"Yes, several times!" Duan Peng nodded solemnly, "For example, warriors, I found that in the war of robots, the combat effectiveness of warriors is very weak, so I have been thinking about the combat effectiveness of warriors, and now, I have finally found an improved answer."