
Chapter 34 Promotion

Duan Peng's voice was trembling. Hearing Duan Peng's trembling voice, the veteran next to him who took care of Zhong Xi almost jumped up. Although his eyes had been staring at Zhong Xi's direction, he was still afraid that there was something he had not paid attention to.

With Duan Peng's voice, Zhong Xi also stopped his movements. Like the veteran, he was looking at himself, but the more he looked at it, the more doubt in his eyes became.

No, still not.

Everyone thought that something had happened to Zhong Xi, but they kept checking it over and over again, and they didn't find anything wrong with Zhong Xi.

Of course, even if you can't see it, Zhong Xi and the veteran still checked it carefully.

Two minutes later, Zhong Xi and the veterans finally checked everything on Zhong Xi's body, but still didn't find it. They finally looked at Duan Peng with doubt, and at this look, they finally found something wrong.

It turned out that there was no problem with Zhong Xi, but the problem appeared on Duan Peng.

Standing quietly, the iron bar in his hand was still held flat. On the surface, he could not see anything wrong with Duan Peng, but Duan Peng's eyes were not focused, and his whole body was in a daze.

At a glance, his eyes just touched Duan Peng's eyes, and Zhong Xi couldn't help exclaiming.


The cry was loud, and there was a trace of panic in the voice.

In that experiment, Zhong Xi suffered a great loss, but Zhong Xi had a new understanding of mental strength. Seeing that Duan Peng suddenly lost his mind during exercise, Zhong Xi, who had already had another understanding of mental strength, would naturally be panicked.

After shouting, Zhong Xi's eyes immediately stared at Duan Peng. At that moment, Zhong Xi even forgot the meridians on his body, and his spiritual power was released.

After calling Zhong Xi, Duan Peng was stunned. In the haze, Duan Peng seemed to hear someone calling his name, and with the sound, Duan Peng's head slowly turned in the direction of sound.

He saw Zhong Xi, and at the same time, he also saw Zhong Xi's panicked expression. At the moment he saw Zhong Xi, Duan Peng immediately woke up from that state of distraction, and his eyes also returned to clarity.

"Brother Xi..."

nervous attention, Duan Peng's voice appeared, and Zhong Xi's spirit suddenly relaxed. At this time, Zhong Xi felt a sharp pain coming from his body, and sweat gushed out of Zhong Xi's whole body while his mental strength receded.

It's okay, but for a moment, if it takes a little longer, I'm afraid the body will no longer sweat.

"What are you doing?"

Frowning and gasping for a long time, Zhong Xi got rid of that pain.

Hearing Zhong Xi's complaint and seeing Zhong Xi's painful expression, Duan Peng also had a wry smile on his face.

"I... Brother Xi, are you all right!"

waved his hand, and didn't know whether he was okay or didn't want to put the topic on himself, Zhong Xi immediately brought the topic back.

"What were you calling just now? What the hell happened?"

Although Zhong Xi took the topic away, Duan Peng was still a little worried. He carefully observed Zhong Xi and found that Zhong Xi was really fine except sweat. Duan Peng said again.

"When I first exercised, I was a little worried about you, so I paid some attention to you. At that time, I suddenly had a feeling that I had never felt before. I seemed to see your pores breathing, and as your pores opened and closed, I even You can see your sweat gushing out little by little and then condense into sweat beads..."

Maybe it was because the pain on his body had not been completely eliminated. Zhong Xi's eyebrows had been wrinkled tightly, but with Duan Peng's story, Zhong Xi's eyebrows slowly loosened, his eyes were widening little by little, and his mouth became open involuntarily.

On the other side, the veteran was also listening, but it was completely different from Zhong Xi's expression. He didn't react at all, as if he had heard something very ordinary and his face had not changed.

"Brother Xi, do you know what's going on? It seems that I have never felt this way when I observed it with mental strength before.

All the feelings were finished, and Duan Peng's eyes also stayed on Zhong Xi.

As Duan Peng's voice fell, Zhong Xi also seemed to confirm something, but Zhong Xi's eyes still had a little unbelievable in his eyes.

"Well, you... I'm a little jealous of you." He stared quietly at Duan Peng as if he were looking at some monster. After two or three minutes, Zhong Xi opened his mouth again, but Zhong Xi's words made Duan Peng a little inexplicable. Fortunately, he didn't let Duan Peng wait too long. Zhong Xi began to explain again, "Listen your description, you should be Gu Wu's promotion."

has recovered from the shock brought by Duan Peng. Zhong Xi's voice was very flat, but Zhong Xi's plain voice fell into the ears of the other two people like thunder.

The veteran, he heard Duan Peng's story and didn't know what Duan Peng described, but when he heard Zhong Xi's explanation, his eyes almost fell to the ground.

And Duan Peng, although vaguely had such an idea, heard Zhong Xi say it himself, and Duan Peng re-entered that dull state.

Quiet, the whole world suddenly quieted down.

Duan Peng was in a state of stagnation, and the veteran stared at Duan Peng with wide eyes. Only Zhong Xi's face has returned to calm. Of course, Zhong Xi's eyes are still a little strange.

Zhong Xi is quite a talented person, but in his 20s and 30s, Zhong Xi has become a martial arts master, but Zhong Xi has now seen another monster.

Duan Peng is only 18 years old, and he has been promoted to level 7 at the age of 18, and he is only one step away from Zhong Xi's master.


"One two one two!"

On the other side of the city, the test team, the sky has just emitted a faint light, and everyone has begun morning training.

The training of the test team is completely different from that of the mecha team. Their daily training starts with physical exercise in the morning, but today, the state of these team members is completely different. They seem to run much faster than usual.

While running, the eyes of these team members glanced at the front of the team from time to time.

At the front of the team, Dong Ruo, Wang Xing and others are leading the way. It turns out that the outbreak state of the team members is related to the return of these bosses.

One circle, two laps... Running around the playground, I don't know how many laps it was. Finally, someone's face showed fatigue, but they still gritted their teeth and persisted.

A few more laps, those who gritted their teeth finally couldn't persist, and those who did not show fatigue at the beginning also began to show fatigue. Finally, even those soldiers who last followed Duan Peng out of the city to advance to level 5 showed a tired expression.

In a few more laps, the five-level soldiers can't hold on, but Dong Ruo, Wang Xing... These people who followed Duan Peng out of the city this time are still insisting.

After a circle, and again, I don't know how many circles, in the surprised eyes of everyone, Dong Ruo stopped.

"Do you feel it?"

Stop, run too much, and breathing becomes a little difficult, but before the breathing is adjusted, Dong Ruo can't help opening his mouth. Of course, even if it's just a short sentence, it's still a little difficult to express it completely.

The other people are not much better than Dong Ruo, and their breathing is also very difficult, but when they hear Dong Ruo's doubts, they can't help nodding.

"I feel it!" Li Tong gasped and said. At the same time, his eyes turned to the resting places of the five-level soldiers. "Our endurance seems to be much better than before we went out."

In the past, Li Tong's words were not bad, but after that incident, Li Tong's words were much less. Even now, in the face of this obvious improvement in strength, Li Tong only analyzed the current state.

However, there will never be a lack of sound in this team, because there is also a person who will make a sound even if the adhesive tape seals the mouth.

Before Li Tong's voice completely fell, Gao Fei's voice had already sounded.

"Hey, do you think we will be promoted?"

As usual, it was frivolous, with a little fantasy, but this time no one said Gao Fei. With the sound of Gao Fei, several people were stunned, and they even forgot to adjust their breathing.

one second...ten seconds...

It was really quiet. Gao Fei thought he had said something wrong. His eyes kept looking at several people, but everyone's eyes did not fall on him.

Finally, Gao Fei couldn't help opening his mouth again.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Wake up, almost at the same time when the high-flying sound fell, everyone woke up from the shock.

"What should Level 6 look like?"

At the same time, Li Tong and Dong Ruo opened their mouths at the same time and raised the same question.

And with their voice, everyone began to think again, and Gao Fei was a little inexplicable by their actions.

This silence ended quickly. Just a second or two, Zhong Li opened his mouth. After all, there are two soldiers above level 6 in his family, and he has also played with Duan Peng of level 6 and is the most familiar with the feeling of level 6.

"Level 6 should be the external release of spiritual power, which can be used to observe external forces, movements and other things!"

After saying that, Zhong Li closed his eyes, and then Wang Xing, Dong Ruo and Li Tong also closed their eyes immediately. Only Gao Fei, Gao Fei still had an inexplicable face.

"What are you doing? Someone should tell me!"

It was still the funny voice, but at this moment, no one paid attention to Gao Fei's words, and even Gao Fei's voice did not attract their attention. All four stood quietly in place with pious faces.

Of course, Gao Fei was not a fool. On the contrary, he was very smart and no one paid attention to him. He began to recall that what had just happened passed through his mind in just a second or two. Gao Fei was a strange cry, followed by the pious expression on his face.