
Chapter 64 Robots Catching hostage

Is there something wrong with the previous one?

The soldier who came to report was a little flustered and breathed a little. Looking at the anxious soldier, Huang Chi suddenly couldn't react.

Huang Chi's eyes have never left everyone, and looking at it, everything is still going on. Where is the problem in the soldier's mouth?

"What's wrong? What's the problem?"

Maybe because he didn't see Huang Chi's voice was a little impatient, and when he heard Huang Chi's impatient voice, the soldier didn't care about breathing and immediately opened his mouth. After all, Huang Chi's anger was not a joke.

"In front, we found the prison camp in front..."

Captive concentration camp?

It should be a good thing to find a prison camp, so that the city can add a lot of vitality. Hearing the soldier's statement, Huang Chi couldn't help but feel a little anxious, because he couldn't guess what the soldier wanted to say.

But fortunately, Huang Chi finally suppressed his anxiety, because he is not only the captain of the mecha team, but also the commander of this army.

As he said, the soldier looked at Huang Chi's face and saw Huang Chi's eyebrows frown. The soldier's heart involuntarily began to play drums, but fortunately, Huang Chi did not interrupt his words in the end, but even if he did not interrupt, the soldier's words could not help speed up.

"We walked into the prison camp, but we didn't expect that there were several robots in the prison camp, and they were not controlled. When we first entered, we broke several brothers!"


Huang Chi's face changed. It was really a big deal. However, as soon as he heard it, Huang Chi raised his feet. He rushed in the direction of the soldiers came and took several steps. Huang Chi seemed to think of something.

He shouted to the people behind him, "Notify everyone and let everyone gather urgently!"

Er, behind Huang Chi, those programmers with no combat effectiveness were stunned by Huang Chi's reaction.

Hearing this, the programmers have realized what had happened, and even they have thought about what to do to get such news, but Huang Chi and Huang Chi actually thought of reminding their soldiers after running several steps.

To be honest, people like Huang Chi are not suitable to be the leader of the army at all. He should stand in the position of charging, because his temper is too impatient.

But there is nothing we can do. After all, Dongjia Village has not taken over the city for a long time. One is that there are not enough talents, and the second is that even if some people are useful, they are still under investigation in Dongjia Village.

sighed, not knowing whether to laugh or be angry, and those programmers had to do things outside their scope of work.

"Attention! Attention! All soldiers and mecha will move to the southeast corner of the fortress as soon as they receive the news!"

"Attention! Attention! All soldiers and mecha will move to the southeast corner of the fortress as soon as they receive the news!"


The place where the incident happened was not very far, but only a few minutes later, Huang Chi had rushed to the place where it happened.

At a glance, Huang Chi's eyes couldn't help but come out of Mars.

Sure enough, it is a prison camp. Because Huang Chi attacked only a small war zone, the concentration camp is not very large, and it may be because it is too clean. There are not many people in the concentration camp, only about 2,000 people.

At the scene, those people all squatted on the ground, and four robots stood quietly beside them.

At a glance, Huang Chi has already seen that these four are all advanced intelligence, not only their appearance, but also the weapons in their hands are completely different from other robots.

Three of the robots are holding small energy cannons in their hands. The muzzle of the energy cannon is facing those humans, and the energy at the muzzle has gathered to the critical point of launch.

Only one is different from the other three. He just stood there quietly and looked at the direction of the door.

Looking at such a scene, Huang Chi has a headache, and Huang Chi's heart is also throbbling.

Because there were three soldiers lying on one side of the ground, they lay motionless on the ground. Just seeing their appearance, Huang Chi knew that these soldiers were over.

"It seems that you are the person in charge?"

Huang Chi was on the verge of rage. Although he was not good at calculating, Huang Chi also began to think desperately. He wanted these robots to pay for the blood war, but he was thinking about it. Unexpectedly, the only robot that did not pick up the weapon opened its mouth.

Huang Chi was a little stunned, but this time Huang Chi recovered quite quickly. After all, he has not seen a talking robot.

"I am!"

It's really powerful. Huang Chi has seen a lot of advanced intelligence, and the one in front of him is comparable to Wilton.

Hearing Huang Chi's words, the robot nodded, and then said, "Well, you have seen the current situation clearly. I think you should also understand what position we are in now..."

Suddenly, he heard a robot negotiate with him. Huang Chi's reaction was a little slow, but it was just a few words. Huang Chi regained his heart. He had no time to entangled with the robot here, but as soon as he regained his heart, Huang Chi immediately interrupted the robot's words impatiently.

"Don't say so much. If you have any requirements, just put forward them directly!"

It was really humane. Suddenly, it was interrupted by Huang Chi. The robot actually paused, as if a person had not expected to be interrupted, but after all, robots are robots. Their computing speed is much more powerful than that of humans. The time for that meal was very limited, and soon the robot recovered. Often.

"Okay, we're leaving!"

Leaving, with the words of the robot, Huang Chi took a look at the three soldiers lying on the ground. They have been killed. Can Huang Chi let the robot leave so easily?

But they were not allowed to leave... Huang Chi's eyes shifted to those human beings again.

I don't know how long these people have been locked up, and their expression is a little decadent, but after all, survival is a human instinct. Although they have been locked up for a long time, they still know that their hope has come when they see the appearance of the soldiers.

Hearing the dialogue between Huang Chi and the robot, those people immediately looked at Huang Chi with eager eyes.

That pair of expectant eyes, Huang Chi's eyes are a little tingling.

After gritting his teeth, for a long time, Huang Chi finally said fiercely, "Okay, I agree. You go!"

The decision is very difficult, but now that the decision has been made, Huang Chi is still a person who will stick to the decision, so Huang Chi immediately waved to the team behind him.

Behind them, the soldiers were as unwilling as Huang Chi, but looking at the human beings who were taken hostages in front of them, they had to obey Huang Chi's orders.

The team separated, and soon, a channel appeared in front of the robot.

Leave? The robot laughed.

"This person in charge, are you kidding? Shall we leave like this?"

Also, looking at the team behind him and looking at the robots in front of him, Huang Chi also understood the robot's concerns, but the robot's movements also reminded Huang Chi of his rectum.

Huang Chi thought that he was not a knight in the ancient earth era, and he did not need to talk about morality with robots. Of course, he had to stabilize the current situation.

"That's good! What do you want to do?"

The robot is proficient in computing. Now that he has reached this point, he has obviously thought about what will happen, so Huang Chi's voice has just fallen, and the robot has opened its mouth.

"It's very simple, let them accompany us out of the fortress, and then all of you stand at the gate of the fortress and watch us leave..."


If you don't agree, you have to agree, because Huang Chi and others have no more choices to save these human beings, so Huang Chi and others can only follow what the robot said.

Soon, everyone gathered at the door of the fortress, but it was not just the prisoners standing at the door. At the same time, the senior soldiers from the city also joined the send-off team.

After all, the mood of these prisoners is very unstable, and only when their mood is stable can the send-off ceremony go smoothly.

It's really a farewell.

Both sides are very nervous. The four robots retreat little by little. Their muzzle is still facing the direction of the prisoners, and the energy bomb is still at the critical point of launch.

Five meters......

Behind the team, Huang Chi took a look at the programmers around him and asked softly, "Are you ready?"

The programmer did not answer. While Huang Chi was asking questions, their hands were still tapping fast on the keyboard. Almost at the same time as Huang Chi's voice fell, the movements in their hands also stopped, and then everyone looked up and moved their heads fiercely to Huang Chi.

The speed of the robot is really fast. It turns back, but at the moment of questioning, the distance of those robots has been pulled to ten meters, and when he saw the distance of the robot, Huang Chi immediately opened his mouth, because it would be too late if he didn't take action!


The sound sounded in the caller, and the soldiers woke up!

And the four robots about ten meters also woke up! After all, it's not too far away, and they can also hear Huang Chi's voice.

The soldiers accompanying the prisoners rose up and rushed to the four robots, and the four robots did not care about Huang Chi's treachery, and their fingers, which had been on the trigger, were immediately pressed down.

The energy has long been at the critical point of launch, but with one pressure, white light immediately ejected out.

The energy cannon is the energy cannon, which is just the launch of four energy cannons. The light is comparable to hundreds of energy guns. The whole sky lost its color at this moment, and behind, the eyes of those prisoners showed despair.

As for Huang Chi, the initiator of the order, Huang Chi is praying.