
Chapter 66 Show Power

Some people are looking forward to it, and some people are uneasy. The half hour of waiting has different feelings for different people, but no matter what the feeling is, the half hour has finally passed.

As soon as the time passed, Duan Peng set off with people. Soon, they came to the assembly point of the robot.

The description of the scout is very accurate. According to his words, there should be 300 or 400 robots at the scene, and the reality is the same. Duan Peng nodded with satisfaction at the 300 or 400 robots being gathered.

The number can be said to be just right. If it is too much, the danger will increase. If it is too little, it will not serve the purpose of training the team.

Naturally, everyone doesn't know what Duan Peng thinks, especially those of the observation group behind Duan Peng. Their faces turned into a piece of white paper, and their bodies couldn't help trembling slightly.

In fact, they have not seen robots. More than that, they have seen a larger robot team, but when they see this group of robot teams, they can't help but be afraid.

This is a field battle. They don't have the protection of the wall. Seeing that Duan Peng finally brought everyone into danger, they can't even hold it and want to curse.

Of course, they dare not.

Duan Peng has a team of elite soldiers with 100 people and a small phalanx composed of 50 new mecha.

They believe that if they dare to curse, maybe Duan Peng will solve them before solving the robot.

The expressions of the sightseeing group naturally fell into Duan Peng's eyes. Looking at their timid but human-eating eyes, Duan Peng's mouth couldn't help raising a little.

This is also one of the effects that Duan Peng wants.

These people's villages are retained in robot cleaning. Being able to stay naturally also shows their ability. It is precisely because of this that Duan Peng also needs their strength.

But what Duan Peng needs is their strength. He doesn't want these people to add any instability to the city after they arrive in the city, so Duan Peng must show his strength in front of them.

And the appearance of this team of robots just achieved Duan Peng's wish, and it was not only a wish, but also no wonder Duan Peng was so happy.

smiled. Duan Peng ignored the eyes of those people and just glanced at them. Duan Peng quickly turned his head again.

How's it going? Are you scared? Do you want me to help you contain them?

Just kidding, this opportunity is not easy to appear, and the number is just right. How can those soldiers miss such a battle? If they give up, they are not qualified to become elite soldiers.

Almost as soon as Duan Peng's voice fell, the soldiers had already shouted.

"General! Are these robots not enough for us to plug our teeth? Don't worry!"

"General, you underestimate us!"

The voice is very messy, and there are all kinds of words, but the central idea has only one meaning, that is, war.

If he heard such a messy voice at ordinary times, Duan Peng would definitely be angry, because after all, they are warriors, and such discipline is not what soldiers should have at all. But at this moment, listening to the noisy sound below, Duan Peng's face showed a smile on his face, and he smiled very brightly.

Of course, Duan Peng can't let this chaotic state last too long. Just after scanning it, Duan Peng restrained the smile on his face again.

"Good! Since you have confidence, I will believe you once, everyone!"


The elite is the elite. It was still noisy just now, but with the arrival of Duan Peng's order, those loose appearances disappeared, and after a 'shudling' sound, the team had already formed a formation.

There is only wind left in the forest.

In fact, it is not surprising that the 100-person team can do this. Many people, even those observer villages, have such a team, but can their team practice this so quickly?

It only took about ten seconds, and the team was silent.

Looking at such a team, the hearts of those observers who were already pale couldn't help falling back a little.

Maybe such a team can still fight.

Of course, after watching such a team, their contempt for Duan Peng is even more. No matter where they are placed, such a useless treasure should be used to determine the universe, but Duan Peng, a young commander, actually put such a soldier on the frontal battlefield.

Duan Peng doesn't care what others think, and at the same time, he doesn't have the energy to observe the expressions of those observers.

Just now, Duan Peng did not hide his body. The robot has known their arrival, and the robot's attention has also turned to this direction, so Duan Peng only has to fight now.

Looking at the battle below and feeling their excitement, Duan Peng raised his hand for a moment.

Everyone's eyes are focused on Duan Peng's hand. As the hand rises, the fighting spirit in everyone's heart seems to rise.

Finally, Duan Peng's hand was raised above his head, almost at the same time, Duan Peng's hand suddenly waved down.


Attack? Just an attack?

Hearing Duan Peng's order, the soldiers rushed out, but behind Duan Peng, the confidence of the tourists who had finally recovered disappeared.

Looking at the elite level of Duan Peng's team, there was a glimmer of hope in their hearts, but they never thought that Duan Peng's order was just two words, no tactics, no cooperation, just attack. At this moment, they even had the idea of turning around and running away.

Fortunately, they did not escape. Of course, they were too close to the robot. Even if they wanted to escape, the two teams did not leave them time to take action.

50 meters...

In a blink of an eye, the soldiers have rushed to the range of 50 meters of the robot.

And robots, the robot' energy guns have also reached the critical point of launch.

In the rear, everyone stared at the front team nervously.

40 meters......

The robot's fingers finally pressed down, and with the robot's fingers pressed down, everyone became nervous.

Including Duan Peng, Duan Peng is also more nervous.

Yes, they have already practiced during training, but Duan Peng is still a little worried that they can't play out what they are in training. After all, they are all 'novices' and have just been promoted to level five.

Look nervously, it's okay!

Duan Peng's eyes closed and closed at ease, because he had seen the faint green light of the energy mask.

As for the sightseeing group, they did not close their eyes because of nervousness, so their eyes directly faced the energy light of the robot.

It was too close, and the energy light stung my eyes, and even many of them cried in pain.

Of course, because they didn't close their eyes, many of these people found something strange. They were also shouting. Although their voices were painful, the content of their shouting was completely different.

"Did you see it?"

"Those soldiers are shining!"

"What kind of light is that?"

It's different, but everyone's meaning is similar.

Listen, he was already very satisfied, and Duan Peng was even more satisfied when he heard the screams behind him. Anyway, no one could see it. At this moment, the smile on Duan Peng's face was much brighter than usual.

In fact, Dong Ming is to blame.

Because he was too young, Duan Peng was not very interested in being the head of the front desk, and Duan Peng was also worried that he could not suppress those seniors or subordinates, so Dong Ming gave him such a method, that is, try not to show any emotion on his face, so Duan Peng, who rarely smiled. Rong has become less and less.

One second, two seconds...

A few seconds passed, and finally, the sight returned. Although the eyes were still painful, everyone still forced to open their eyes.

And just as soon as I opened my eyes, the eyes of the tourists almost fell out of their eyes.

Zero casualties, it turned out to be zero casualties!

Just now, in the place where he encountered the robot energy bomb, there is no fallen warrior, and not only there, but also no fallen warrior in the robot's formation.

Now, the soldiers have rushed into the robot team, and the situation is completely one-sided. Those robots have no room to fight back. The soldiers who rush into the robot crowd are like wolves rushing into the sheep, chasing robots to kill.

In a one-sided situation, the battle naturally could not last long. In just two minutes, the battle was over and the soldiers retreated with victory.

Watching the soldiers withdraw, the members of the sightseeing group who were still questioning immediately came up.

They looked at the soldiers, but it was a pity that no matter what they looked at, they could not see where the difference between these soldiers was.

As for Duan Peng, Duan Peng's face is stiff.

This is also one of Dong Ming's tricks given to Duan Peng, that is, never let the soldiers feel satisfied with you.

Of course, even if you are not satisfied, you must find the shortcomings of these soldiers, and Duan Peng and Duan Peng obviously found the shortcomings of these people. After all, they are 'novices', and they really have many shortcomings.

"Do you think you play very well? Check your respective energies, and then tell me whether you are satisfied or not?

At this time, Duan Peng's voice was of course very harsh, and his harsh voice almost scared the sightseeing group next to him.

100 people are facing 400 robots with zero casualties. Are you still not satisfied with such a result? So what kind of results can be considered good?

Soon, the soldiers gave their answers.

Everyone was very excited about a battle, but with Duan Peng's reminder, they took a look at the meter of the waist and the energy sword. Sure enough, the energy consumption is very huge. If this is not a team of 400 people, if there are more robots, they will really be in danger, because robots will not give them Leave time to change the energy.

"General! We are wrong and willing to be punished!"

When they heard this and saw such a result, the people of the tourist group stared almost more than when they saw a one-sided battle. They couldn't believe what they saw.