
Chapter 84 Each has its own victory

"Signal interference!"

With Duan Peng's analysis, everyone's confidence had risen, but they didn't expect that just as Duan Peng had given the order, the robot rushed in their direction.

Is it a misjudgment?

Duan Peng shouted at the caller.

"What's wrong? Hasn't the signal been cut off yet?"

The sound sounded, but the place where it sounded was only beside them. In the distance, there was no sound in those places where the caller had been installed for a long time.

Obviously, the signal has been cut off.

Is it true that you guessed it wrong? Duan Peng frowned, and he couldn't help thinking about the second answer.

But it's a pity that Duan Peng has no time to think.

In just nearly ten minutes, the robot has almost rushed to the attack range of the soldiers.

It's too fast. It's worthy of advanced intelligence. Their movement speed has reached more than twice that of ordinary robots.

And there are too many. In just a few minutes, the outside of the city has become a world of robots.

It is dense outside. In addition to the woods, there are only robots that everyone can see.

So, just a short silence, Dong Ming interrupted Duan Peng's thinking.

"Xiao Peng, what are you doing? Now is not the time to be stunned!"

It's really not a good time to be distracted.

In the whole city, Duan Peng has the highest status, and Duan Peng is here, and the command here is naturally handled by Duan Peng himself.

And in order to erect Duan Peng's prestige, Dong Ming and others are also deliberately training Duan Peng during this period, so there is no one here, but it is precisely because there is no one here, and Duan Peng is accidentally stunned, so there is almost no preparation here.

There was no time to think. Almost when Duan Peng woke up, Duan Peng raised his hand.

He shouted loudly, "The energy gun is ready!"

The muzzle is raised, and the robot is getting closer and closer.

Five...two hundred...

Almost as soon as he reached the range of 200, Duan Peng raised his hand and waved it suddenly!


A white light illuminates the sky.

Fortunately, he finally caught up. Seeing the dazzling white light, Duan Peng was a little relieved.

But before Duan Peng's breath could fall, his heart suddenly rose again.

The white light disappeared, and Duan Peng's vision returned to normal. He saw the picture under the wall again.

Under the wall, robots fell, but not many robots fell.

It was almost the moment when the soldiers pulled the trigger, and the robots in the city actually made small changes.

Yes, because of the density of energy bombs, there is not much room for robots to move, but with their slight change of direction, most of the robots hit by energy bombs still dodged the critical attack.

Of course, some robots fell down, but the fallen robots are less than one-tenth after attacking ordinary robots.

What should I do?

Duan Peng frowned again, and Dong Ming and Dong Ming also showed deep anxiety on their faces.

Obviously, everyone underestimates the ability of advanced intelligence.

And the more terrible thing is yet to come, and the ability of advanced intelligence is more than that.

Even if Duan Peng and others have cut off the connection between the robots, the robots are still powerful. Like last time, the group of robots rushing to the front have automatically stopped. They have held the small energy cannon in their hands, and the muzzle of the small energy gun has lit up with white light.

It turned out to be a long-range attack, and the weapon in the opponent's hand is more powerful than theirs.

consciously, Duan Peng opened his mouth. He wanted to remind everyone to avoid the other party's attack, because they could not withstand such a loss, but Duan Peng's mouth had just opened, and the order he had prepared was back.

That's awesome. How did these robots come up with it?

The robot in front stopped, but the robot behind it continued, and they still rushed towards the wall.

Obviously, the stopped robots are covering the robots behind.

has understood the intention of the robot, but after understanding it, Duan Peng's heart is also more anxious and aggrieved.

To resist the charge of the [harmonious] robot, the soldiers have to raise their heads and fight hard, but the robots below have long been ready. As long as they dare to raise their heads, the robots below will dare to fire.

That is to say, Duan Peng and others have come to a dead end.

Does Duan Peng have any other way? It was a little difficult, but after a while, Duan Peng finally frowned and turned behind him.

"The messenger! Give me the order! Release the energy bomb!"

Release energy bombs?

Everyone looked at each other in con's face. You should know that this is the last trick of the city, or even the unique move to die with robots, but now the battle has only just begun. Is it possible that everyone is going to release the last trick when the battle has just begun? And even if you pass the current level, what should you do later? You should know that there are many robots.

Duan Peng was even more helpless. Didn't he see that his order came out of his mouth with his teeth gritted?

But even if he was helpless, he had to make such an order. As for the back, Duan Peng did not think so far away, because he knew that if he could not pass the current barrier, they would not have any future.

So, after being stunned, the messenger behind Duan Peng still danced the small flag in his hand.


This is also the result of these two days of thinking.

Although I don't know what the reason is, the robot does leave a lot of time for Duan Peng and others, and this time is also Duan Peng's chance to live.

So Duan Peng has been thinking about the loopholes that may exist on his side. Fortunately, Duan Peng has thought a lot.

It's not as good as signal shielding, that is to say, Duan Peng and others also don't have a caller, but no caller. Naturally, they have to find a command method that can be contacted.

Fortunately, Duan Peng and others found it.

The flag danced, and the silent message has been transmitted to the spire of the signal tower.

With the reading and interpretation of the flag, the flag soldiers who had been arranged on the signal tower also waved the small flag in their hands.

One person covered his ears, and two people covered their ears. Soon, the ears of almost everyone in the city were closed.

The time was just right. While almost everyone covered their ears, a muffled sound sounded in the city.

A 'boom' sound is like a dry thunder, but the louder one is still behind.

With the firing of artillery, countless energy bombs were shot out of the city by artillery, and those energy bombs had just fallen outside the city, and there was a loud noise outside the city.

'Boom, boom...' with a continuous sound.

With the sound, people are trembling. With the sound, the robot disappears in the explosion, and with the sound, the city seems to be dancing a unique dance.


Sure enough, there is no response.

I have had a hunch for a long time, but even if there is a hunch, everyone is still a little surprised at this moment.

Yes, because of the scarcity of advanced intelligence, the first principle of advanced intelligence is to protect yourself.

However, although the first principle of robots is to protect themselves, these programmers have never seen such a situation, because no advanced intelligence has ever fallen into the hands of human beings.

Of course, what's more strange is not these. What's more strange is that their orders have been transmitted. Outside the city, those robots that are also advanced intelligence have responded correctly, while in the city, the two green dots seem to have not received orders, and there is almost no movement.

"Could it be that they are resisting the order?"

"Is it because the intelligence of these two robots has evolved to a higher level?"

One after another guess sounded in the hall, and with the sound, the older programmer also showed a thoughtful look.

Is that the reason as everyone said?

The younger programmer was watching and listening, with a little disdain on his face, but this time, he was a little more patient and waited until the hall was a little quieter before he opened his mouth with disdainful tone.

"Is it necessary for me to think about this? Look, in addition to the inside of the city, what we should be more concerned about is that the battle has started outside the city, and all the robots have rushed to the city. We have won. What else do you want to do? Can those two robots turn the world upside down?

Yes, robots have rushed to the city, and it's not just as simple as rushing to the city.

Because this attack is full of advanced intelligence, the city's defense does not stop the robot at all.

Although some green spots disappeared in the first wave of defense, the robots still broke through the defense of the wall, and those robots were getting closer and closer to the wall.

But at this moment, when everyone's eyes were drawn back to the display by the little brother's words, a sudden change appeared.

I don't know what happened, but the green spots surrounding the city suddenly disappeared.

A whole circle, within 200 meters of the city wall, five kilometers away from the city, two circles, one large and one small, suddenly appeared on the display.

unknown attack! And the attack was very sharp, but in the blink of an eye, the robot was erased from the screen, and they even doubted whether the display in front of them had failed.

Of course, there can't be a failure. Except for this circle, everything else is correct, and the circle is slowly disappearing, and more green spots are surging up, and they are slowly eroding the blank area.

That is to say, this must be an unknown attack by the city.

What the hell is it?

Thinking about it, the eldest brother, who had already recovered, slowly put his hand on the keyboard.

If he wants to stop attacking, he must figure out all this before making a decision, because they can afford to wait and they don't have to take risks.

'pa pa......'

The keyboard sounded and the command was transmitted.

One minute, the robot is under attack, two minutes, the robot still hasn't made any changes.

And the eldest brother's face finally became more ugly, half loud, as if he had determined something, and a few words jumped out of his mouth with difficulty.

"Signal blocking!"