Immortal Immortal Life

Chapter 97 Rebirth of a mess

Jinyang is fearless in the eyes of tens of thousands of immortals. As long as he gets the support of thousands of people, he can keep the stability of Nanshan. Standing on the top of the mountain, the clouds dissipated under the rising sun.

The mountain wind is roaring, and the ancient wood is rustling. Behind Jinyang sat two people, and the two who made up their minds were refining their mana and waiting for the trading meeting ten days later.

Jinyang stood motionless on the edge of the cliff. The immortals all over the mountains have returned to their elite houses. Nanshan was silent for a moment, and there was no trace of anyone other than the spirit beast and tiger roar.

Half a day passed, an old man led about a dozen people in the door to look at the top of the mountain. Many immortals who were always paying attention to the mountain road suddenly talked to the gatekeepers and considered whether to go to the top of the mountain.

"See the true biography of the guard." With a shout, many disciples behind the old man also exhaled. Even if they don't think so, they dare not show it now. The majesty of the elder is not something that the little one can bear.

Jinyang stood behind his back, the mountain wind made his linen grin sound, the waterfall-like black hair shawl, and the body inside the treasure light rotated. Looking at the very polite elders, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"As long as you stay on the mountain, I will have a way to keep you waiting." Jinyang's words were loud and full of self-confidence. Those who were not convinced in their hearts suddenly wondered, and secretly said where this young true disciple's self-confidence came from.

After saying that, Jin Yang ignored these people and turned to look at Tianzhu Mountain outside Nanshan. He was silent and did not only pay attention to the noisy people who came up later. The two first brothers to come up did not answer thousands of words, ignored them, and practiced by themselves.

"Brother, do you think we are going up?" A middle-aged monk with a solemn face, although Jinyang is the true biography of Tianmen, his cultivation is so low that few people dare to believe him.

The senior who sat in the house sighed softly: "Go. This heavenly holy land is luxurious. Good spiritual wood can be used to build fine houses. If it is another faction, who is willing to do it? The defense is strong and can isolate divine exploration, but unfortunately it can't resist the looting of those people. Those immortals are too much. The senior brother knew some secrets, and he was extremely dissatisfied with those immortals.

"Brother, stop talking. I'm going to call those kids and go up the mountain together. After saying that, the middle-aged monk turned around and left, and he was also helpless. Many immortals gathered in Zuzhou, and the strong were like clouds. The holy land of Tianmen could not be divided into enough strength to guard the peaks and prevent chaos for a while.

At least half of the tens of thousands of immortals stationed in Nanshan are ready to climb to the top of the mountain to seek shelter. Although the conditions are poor, they can still tolerate it.

In a fine house on the mountainside of Nanshan, more than a dozen people gathered together and stood in it. All black clothes and masks make people look real. Dozens of fairy artifacts shrouded the crowd, and the treasures and lights reflected each other firmly guarding this fine house.

The first person held a token and swept through his sharp eyes for a week. Although he was wearing a mask, he still felt tingling. The leader's cultivation is extremely high, no less than the 17th-level combat power.

The leader eagle looked at the wolf and said with a gloomy momentum: "Today, the move of guarding the true biography is bound to make us lose a lot. In the past, it is not that no one has thought of this move, but that we are afraid of chaos and chaos, and there is no strength to suppress it. Let's get something every time."

After the leader finished speaking, he stood still. The token in his hand flashed, and suddenly more than a dozen lights flashed out and fell on everyone. The people in black suddenly rejoiced, and their eyes suddenly glowed and got great benefits.

"With the blessing of the order of heaven and earth, the combat power will rise by one level within an hour. Today, we will sweep Nanshan and quickly turn it into zero after grabbing the treasure. The man in black said that his voice was fierce, and his face under the black mask was distorted.

There is more than one situation in the fine house, even more than a dozen. Every Tianmen event has countless three teachings and nine streams. With the intention of doing one vote, there is an organization.

However, it is said that Jinyang, who stands proudly on the top of Nanshan, has thousands of immortals behind him. There are more than 30 sects sitting together, all retreating, and the mountains and forests are silent. Inadvertently, on the wide top of the south mountain, the ancient trees became forests, and the waist-deep thatch was cleared, leaving only a flat forest.

Zhang Heng behind Jinyang led 50 guards and stood behind Jinyang. These people came at the request of Jinyang. Fifty people and Zhang Heng have been standing there. Jinyang didn't say a word and didn't order anything. Jin Yang has long had a plan in his heart. If his universe mirror is fully recovered, he will not be weaker than a perfect fairy. But if you want to win this battle, I'm afraid it's extremely difficult.

"Zhang Heng, what do you need for the method of Taoist soldiers?" Jin Yang turned around and looked at Zhang Heng and said.

Zhang Heng was stunned and his mind turned sharply. He glanced at his 50 people. Even if all the magic power was on one person, it was difficult to resist a ground fairy above the seventh level.

"We need powerful fairy treasures." Zhang Heng replied. Jin Yang was happy when he heard this: "How many people's mana can each of them control?" Zhang Heng hesitated for a moment and replied, "There should be no problem with five people in the same realm."

Five people. That is, 250 ordinary immortals above the eighth level. Jin Yang replied in a low voice. Zhang Heng heard Jin Yang say this and immediately knew what he was going to do.

"Is this OK?" Zhang Heng hesitated and didn't believe those people.

"If you want to get asylum, how can you not contribute." Jin Yang smiled. Between Jinyang's words, there was no cover-up. Thousands of immortals were standing on the top of a mountain. No matter how they restrained their breaths, they mixed the air machine on the top of the mountain. You have me, and I have you. The conversation between each other can also be heard clearly by others.

"The old man is willing to make a force." An old man stood up and said to Jin Yang in a low voice, and the people on the top of the mountain immediately looked at him.

"The elder of the Fire Sect, Holly, the sixth-order immortal." Everyone whispered. The six-level immortal has 12 levels of combat effectiveness after crossing the six disasters, and may not be very strong in many sects, but when his identity goes there, no one dares to despise it.

"Thank you!" Jinyang arched his hand and returned a salute. The eyes looked at those sects without movement, and the sharp eyes could be said to force them to express their position. Thousands of immortals, if they are held together, no one dares to carry the banner. Those who take the opportunity to get a hand will retreat and dare not provoke.

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, but I haven't made up my mind, more than 30 sects. The people of the Fire Sect stood in the middle, feeling that they stood out from the crowd.

"We are also willing to make a part." With a soft shout, Jin Yang looked at the young man opposite him, who was the younger brother of the two brothers. But he couldn't stand it and stood up impulsively without discussing with his brother.

The elder brother sighed in his heart, looked at the younger brother who stood up impulsively beside him, slowly got up, looked at Jin Yang and worshipped without saying anything.

(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and collect it on the Chinese website. Your support is my greatest motivation.)