Immortal Immortal Life

Chapter 201 Micro Black Hole World (4500 words chapter)

13 immortals in one world have different cultivation. For a long time, all of them were kicked into the world of holy light one by one, prohibiting the whole body cultivation. What's more, the huge Mingzong magic power was poured into their bodies and changed their bodies to practice Xuanmingtian after becoming Taoist soldiers. Prepare for work.

Jinyang, who was straight and gasping for his body, shocked his body. The surging qi and blood, without condensing the inner world, exceeded his cognition.

He pinched his fist, and his eyes were as sharp as an eagle. Under the rolling of qi and blood, he reflected a radius of more than ten meters and converged on the edge of other forces. Looking up at the sky: "Time and space immortals... OK..." Jinyang muttered to himself and saw that within thousands of meters, it was dark, completely different from destruction. Under the touch of God's thoughts, he only felt that time was lost quickly.

"Ah!" Focusing on counting breaths, I feel that I am in my teens.

"So awesome?!" Some Jinyang, who understood the fighting methods of the immortals of the four worlds, breathed deeply. However, when he felt that Zhao Hao and the two were powerful, most of the eyes of more than a dozen forces fell on him.

In a few words, the stretching and moving of fists and feet knocked down all the ten swordsmens that ordinary immortals had to avoid.

"I don't know if this Mingzong will recruit disciples?" With a gentle sound from the scattered forces of Chudi, a young monk was very moved. Finally, his face darkened, and the high school faction would not take a fancy to these little people.

"No." The companion around him hesitated for a moment and still said, which was equivalent to the thoughts of his companions. He once had the experience of visiting the great sect, and he didn't want his friends to be humiliated!

Constant whispered and directly pulled Jin Yang's attention. Hearing the words of the monk, he smiled in his heart. Finally, someone wanted to worship the Mingzong and thought so, but Jin Yang did not say anything and didn't even move his expression.

Several vice patriarchs who were unhappy with Jinyang heard everyone's comments, their hearts sank slightly, just separated a little spiritual strength, and their attention turned to the sky again

In the sky, although Wanshuixian Mountain was burned to most of the ban, it was assisted by more than 70 immortals and thunder swords of Shenxiao Taoism, and the pure fairy root power, most of which was seduced by Zhao Hao, the elder of Taishang, to compete with the four miniature worlds.

"The old man has been practicing for 30,000 to 40,000 years and has lived to the dog." The moon skyscraper laughed, and the imperial demon hall that suppressed the four miniature worlds slowly turned, gushing out a pure magic to form a field.

The elder Zhao Hao's face was a little ugly. The immortals of the four worlds exceeded the suppression of a large realm, and he only had defensive power.

Woo... Zhao Hao's engraved thunder-patterned sword trembled, and Daobofeng Mountain revolved around, and the power of the world in the immortals of the four worlds radiated out. Old man, ha! It's going to work hard!" The moon skyscraper surrounded by four miniature worlds laughed, and his face didn't care. He secretly said powerfully in his heart. His hands swung his hands and struggled to hook up the power left by the emperor and demon ancestors who stayed in it.

Dao Yizhuo, who commanded dozens of immortals, changed his face. Looking at the elders above his head, he shouted repeatedly. Everyone's swords changed, ten thousand swords were united, and the heavenly sword came into the sky. Dao Yizhuo stared at the Tianjian, his face was uncertain, and there was such a huge sword spirit, which was difficult to shake the foundation of the moon and sky!

The majesty of the deputy suzerain of Dao Yizhuo was fully displayed, and the roar spread all over Xianshan: "The elder Taishang will definitely defeat the moon sky of the emperor and demon sect! Full output..." After saying that, he squandered his mana and various laws and poured them into the body of the elder.

The immortal disciple who heard Dao Yizhuo's call did not beat and his face remained unchanged. He raised his hand to practice thousands and tens of thousands of years of years of magic power and law, shining and stirring on the fairy mountain.

Staring at Jinyang, who was watching from the sky, he couldn't help but marvel at the cohesion of Shenxiao Daozong. Even Zhong Shenxiu, a master, was unreserved outputting. White clothes beat Xue, and he was extremely firm! Shenxiao Taoism is indeed the branch of Taoism!" At the same time, he couldn't help but sound the Qingyun Taoist priest at the Taoist gate. Between talking and laughing, he gained insight into people's hearts, and his cultivation was high, and he was outside the world.

"Old man, don't think that you have the support of your family. Look at the power of my emperor and demon ancestors!" The gloomy moon sky is a little uneasy. The imperial demon hall cannot occupy an absolute advantage. The fairy root is like a heavenly chasm, which bears most of the power of the imperial demon hall, and consumes the offensive power of the black hole space and the miniature world.

"What about the emperor and demon ancestor? Don't forget that the lord of the Taoist sect suppressed him for three days and nights 30,000 years ago, haha... The emperor and the old monster finally fled in a hurry, and this matter spread all over the world..." Zhao Hao, the elder of the sky, was a little excited. He had already felt the lack of confidence in the moon sky and said, "The emperor and demon ancestor will do it again. My god Xiaodao sect will definitely mix him up and demote him to hell!" As he spoke, his face was full of red light, remembering the glory of the war, and finally he simply roared out, and Xianshan was shocked by his screams!

The moon sky's face is worse than eating shit for 30,000 years. The emperor and demon ancestor was seriously injured, and he was almost lost. If he hadn't been lucky, he would have died without blinking. He roared hatefully, "What if you get the fairy root? It's not that you can't practice the real fairy land. There is no fairy law at all!" Yuemo's weather was urgent and directly moved out of the root of the struggle. Finally, he sneered and Zhao Hao, who was excited, stopped abruptly.

"Yes, Xianshan has a spirit, but the Tao is not obvious. The fairy root has been reversed, and the Emperor Demon Sect has suffered a lot of casualties. Zhao Hao picked out the painful place and poked it. The moon sky suddenly blushed. He stared at Zhao Hao without saying anything and danced with his big hands. The law flowed at his fingertips and pushed the four miniature worlds at the same time!

The elder Zhao Hao's eyes shrank, but he didn't expect that the moon sky would run four worlds at the same time. I'm afraid the straight Wanyan Xianshan will be flat!

Jin Yang heard the two scolding and glanced at the deputy suzerains, all of whom were shocked. So there is such a scorn!" He didn't care about these and glanced at the people of the Feather Immortals, eighteen immortals and a deputy suzerain. I couldn't help but look at my figure and shook my head. It was impossible. Find a way to catch more sectarian monks..." It's hard to finish at a glance. After the ten alliances, their ability to dominate the world will depend on them!

"Leave quickly!"

With a fierce shout, Dao Yizhuo's face was sweating coldly, and the pressure was heavy. The sky sword did not attack in the sky, and the consumption was huge. The elder's law and mana blessing were too short to synchronize.

Staring at the somewhat outlying kendo magic power in the sky, he glanced at the moon and the sky.

"Kill him and you will be famous!"

The moment of the underworld in his hand glanced at the moon sky, and the monk who passed by him was frightened for fear that he would not have two more legs.

"You're still not leaving!" A slam shout directly awakened Jin Yang, who was immersed in fantasy. How much do you think killing the deputy patriarch of the Emperor Demon Sect will help the rise of the Pluto? Jinyang, who seemed to be a little stupid, looked at Dao Yizhuo innocently. Finally, the big move duel was about to begin. The monks on Xianshan were leaving. Suddenly hearing Jinyang's words, Dao Yizhuo sweated coldly and stared at Jinyang incredulously.

"Can't we travel through the power of time?" Muttering to himself, the moment of the god of the underworld in his hand, if it is inserted into the body of a monk, like killing chickens and slaughtering sheep, how to insert it has become a biggest problem.

Dao Yizhuo stared at Jin Yang, and finally shook his head with a wry smile. This person seemed normal, but in fact he was a little crazy. Such thoughts dared to fight - the power of time directly throw people into different time and space. At that time, the hand was ten years ago, the head was ten years later, and the remaining yuan spirit stayed three years later. At that time, it will be difficult not to die!

"Whatever!" Dao Yizhuo was speechless and turned his head to ignore Jin Yang.

"Time and space immortals, one by one, I'm afraid they are stronger than the god king." Jin Yang, with a pale face, finally showed a smile. Although the law of fate is not omnipotent, Jinyang is still looking forward to penetrating time and space. He consumes a lot of longevity yuan in exchange for power! The immortals in the first world live for ten thousand years. When they become the immortals of the two worlds, they are not cumulative, just like a new life!

Until the past time of a cup of tea, the monks in the square walked cleanly, and the four miniature worlds were almost attached to the straight fairy peak. Boy, you are very knowledgeable! If you dare to run, you can kill you in an instant without the resistance of this old man, but... It's the same now!" Before the words fell, the four miniature worlds were crushed down, and the roaring wind made people feel like they were blowing away.

"Do it!" Zhao Hao shouted, the world law surged in his body, his crystal body, and the texture was condensed like the law, dazzling! The sword moves nine times!" Dao Yizhuo, who was under the elder Taishang, controlled the sky sword that almost collapsed and rushed up and attacked a miniature world at the edge!

Staring at Jinyang, who had not moved in the sky, his hair suddenly stood up, and three forces, two big and one small, destroyed and hit each other. There are countless time turbulence in which twists and enters that area. Maybe half of the yuan gods are in the last moment, and half of the yuan gods have decayed!

The power of the micro world is unstoppable. Carrying one is like a black hole, absorbing all the power, even the law is no exception. Five black holes gathered in the air, like five days in the sky, tearing the earth apart and fighting fiercely!

Jin Yang, who tightened his teeth and gave birth to a trace of retreat, was extremely unwilling. Dozens of miles of time was cut off, and the world was a black hole. He is a little suspicious of his body and can't stand it! After a while hesitating for a while under great pressure, he did not dare to neglect at all. Looking at Dao Yizhuo, whose body began to crack, blood flowed out. Needless to say, those immortals are almost out of power!

The quality of more than three ancient gods is on his shoulder, but the moment of the underworld is still as stable as Mount Tai, sharp and fast!


With a slam, the next moment, he crossed a distance of less than 1,000 meters.

The scorching sun burns, and time is torn!

Between the roar of fate, the law of fate is like a bright light shining on the road ahead. Like a blind man, he saw a glimmer of light and went up again.

While Jinyang turned into a streamer and rushed into the black hole, the elder Taishang was happy on his face, "The immortals of the three worlds manipulate four miniature worlds. It's really stupid to die! ... Huh? What's the matter?"

The elder felt that a foreign body flashed in the micro world and didn't care - the black hole, everything would be digested, and the only one who could stand in it was the master! The sweaty moon god's feelings were distorted and frightened to the extreme. The imperial demon hall was full of the power of the ancestors, and the divine thoughts could no longer be controlled!

"What's going on in the Imperial Demon Hall?" With a big shout, the four miniature worlds shook, which scared him that his pores were about to explode. The four worlds collapsed and killed him in an instant! What's going on?!"

The urgent moon sky asked repeatedly, and I didn't notice the golden sun swimming in the micro world at all. Like a shadow, the moment of the underworld is the sharpest dagger!

Time seems to stagnate at this moment.

Jinyang, who fell in the micro world, turned pale, and his ten thousand years of longevity was crazy and extracted in exchange for the favor of fate. He found a void in the turbulence of time and penetrated it into the moon and sky!

"Close, close, close!"

"That's it!"

The cold light flashed, the shadow passed, and the falling moon sky was heartbreaking, and there was no sound.

"Ah?! How... It's him!" Unbelief, the elder Taishang only saw a dark shadow passing by, and the moment when the blood-covered moon sky was devoured by the Emperor and Demon Hall, it shrank in an instant. In the end, the ancient god's moment was inserted into him and was submerged by the chaotic black hole.

"Is it him?"

Dao Yizhuo, who almost took off eight pieces, asked loudly. He also saw a dark shadow flash by and didn't even see the sword, but the elder said something and immediately met.

"Yes, it's the deputy suzerain of the underworld!" The elder who quickly retreated, gasped and rolled up all the disciples, one of which flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Jinyang, who ventured into it, was suffering from the pain of crushing the meat grinder, and his whole body was completely transformed. Four micro worlds, the existence of black holes, without control, are completely a meat grinder. The only thing worth celebrating is that there is no power interference of time, otherwise Shouyuan will be exhausted!

"Hmm!" He hummed twice, held the hands of the moment of the underworld tightly, and swelled up. The twisted force directly turned his head behind his back and almost broke his body.

When Jinyang suffered the consequences of the loss of control of the four miniature worlds, the people of Shenxiao Taoism were bearing the flattery of many sects, as if they had killed the biggest demon in the universe and killed 30 flower pickers!

"The Supreme Master, Dawei Dade, I will wait to worship you! A small deputy suzerain of the Imperial Demon Sect is a jumping clown. The venerable can reach out his hand and slap him to death!"

"That's right, that's right, the supreme power!"

"I'll wait to worship!"

"If you can worship the venerable, you will be like a villain and have a new parent!"

There are all kinds of flattery, even Dao Yizhuo on one side is ashamed and doesn't know what will be good. At the same time, no one in the Shenxiao Taoist sect refused and let this person praise it to the end! Although the elders are long-term and unshakable, they are also very useful for extremely exquisite flattery and smile unconsciously.

When those who withdrew and did not leave the sect, after the completion of the retreat, Dao Yizhuo was about to discuss the fairy root came, "It's so uncomfortable!" The sound was not loud, but it spread dozens of miles, like the tip of a needle, piercing into everyone's hearts, even at the level of deputy suzerain!

"I didn't die!" The elders smelled as if they had eaten feces.

"I finally killed the guy of the Emperor Demon Sect... How could I die!" Finally, Jinyang almost roared, and the moon sky inserted in the moment of the underworld was suddenly thrown dozens of miles away by him. If it hadn't been for the hard bones, it would have become powder all of a sudden.

Jinyang strode in, his face was dark, his boiling blood was stirred up dry, his body was quite flat, and he almost died in it. Despite this, he still wanted to laugh three times, beat his chest, and laugh heartbreakingly! - He actually touched the mystery of the immortals of the four worlds, although it was tightly on the body.

But he is not happy at all!

"Old man, it's so shameless, hum! Dare to pretend to be my credit, it's up to you... I'll give it to you." Jin Yang looked at the dry moon sky, kicked out and rolled in front of the elder Zhao Hao!

"You..." Some of them were dry and finally turned into gritted teeth. The elder Taishang didn't say anything. Those compliments, with flowers on their faces and any kind of expressions, did not dare to speak, were all held in their hearts and fell into Jin Yang's eyes!