Fairy ups and down

Chapter 19 Treasure

Su Qin has been moving forward quickly in the rugged path.

As he went further and further, the wet soil on the ground had gradually dried and hardened, and behind him, it was already a hard stone slab.

There are also various fluorescent flashes on the stone walls on both sides, which just illuminate the path, curved and steep, some

"I've been walking for so long, how can I reach the top? Is the whole cave so big?" Su Qin moved quickly while thinking.

There are six or seven various roads in the cave, and even a path is winding and rugged. If six or seven are so long, I really don't know how big the cave is!

Soon, Su Qin skimmed a corner, and the place he saw suddenly became bright.

At the corner is a small stone hall, which can accommodate 20 to 30 people. The stone hall is very empty, with a stone bed, a stone table, and some large stones placed everywhere at will.

The other end of the stone hall is another path that leads to a deeper depth, and I don't know where it will lead.

"There should have been people living here before, but it has been abandoned for a long time. It should be the place where Yuan Daozi lived." Su Qin carefully observed around and then looked for it carefully.

Unfortunate, there are no special findings.

There is nothing in the hall except stone beds, stone tables and a few human-like stones.

The big stones, except for one that is blue-gray, are dark green, and there is nothing special about it.

"It seems that there is nothing here. I'd better continue to go inside." After thinking for a moment, Su Qin was ready to follow another path and move towards the inner cave.

Just a few steps into another trail.

"No, there is something wrong with that big stone." Su Qin's mind flashed, suddenly remembered something, and suddenly stopped.

The stones here are all dark green. How can there suddenly be a big blue-gray stone?

And this stone feels strange to Su Qin.

Su Qin immediately returned, came to the big blue-gray stone, gently scraped the stone with his finger, and then transported Zhenyuan into it.

"This is..."

"Is this really..."

Su Qin suddenly showed surprise and didn't expect such a thing to happen.

This big stone was shattered by Zhenyuan, sucked on the body, and glued again to become a stone, regardless of each other.

After years of training, the whole stone is inseparable from people, that is to say, this stone is the tombstone of a certain predecessor, or a certain predecessor sits here!

There is only one person in this cave, that is, the predecessor of Yuan Daozi who failed to attack the realm of Yuanshen!

Just when he penetrated in with Zhenyuan, he felt that the big stone had recondensed, including the monk Yuandaozi sitting in it and integrated into the big stone. There was also a bump on the surface of the big stone, which seemed to be a box.

"I'm offended!" Su Qin saluted respectfully, carried Zhenyuan in his hand, and grabbed the stone part where the box was located with one hand.

With a "thorn", the whole stone connected to the box was caught by Su Qin.

Su Qin took the box in his hand and looked at it carefully.

This box is pure white and transparent. It is made of pure jade, and there are several large characters carved on the surface of the box.

Those who are predestined get it!

Gently open the box, and first put a piece of paper with handwriting in it.

"I have never thought of failure to attack the realm of the yuanshen in my life. Sitting here, the realm of the yuanshen, the realm of the yuanshen, haha!!! Blessing and fate, there is a destiny, leaving relics and gifts to predestined people.

How many emotions are contained in a sentence, ups and downs, which makes people sigh with emotion!

Under the paper is a gold and silver thread book and a small jade bottle.

Su Qin held the book of gold and silver thread in his hand and felt that it was not very heavy. The whole book also had an antique luster and should be made of some special material.

Breaking Sword

"Is this the broken sword?"

Su Qin suddenly remembered what Li Gu said that the predecessors of Yuan Daozi were famous and deterred all over the world. Although he did not become a peerless strong man in the realm of Yuanshen, he rarely met an enemy in the realm of Yuanshen!

And his magic power is this "Breaking Sword"!

I looked through two pages of broken swords and carefully looked at some of the contents.

"What a powerful broken sword, practice to great success, condense the air, and kill all evils!" Su Qin looked at it and took a breath of cold air.

Breaking the sword is an extremely domineering magic power, which is cultivated to great success, condenses into swords, empty fragments, and kills invisibly.

Su Qin imagined that if he learned this magic power, he only needed to flick his finger against the enemy in the future, and a sword would break out of the air.

How domineering!

How powerful!

And the other small jade bottle is engraved with the four characters of Peiyuan Lingdan.

"Peiyuan elixir should be an elixir used to restore the true element in the body!" Su Qinsi said.

He has also heard that some high-quality elixirs can quickly restore the true elements in the body and are extremely precious.

Imagine that if there is no Zhenyuan when you meet the enemy, it will be a matter of death. Even if Su Qin has the Silent Floating Life Sutra, the recovery of Zhenyuan is extremely fast. With such a elixirs, it can also increase his protection.

not far from the path, Wu Yan, who was quietly following Su Qin, saw Su Qin take out a jade box from the blue stone and suddenly showed ecstasy.

"God is really kind to me. He followed this boy. The box must contain the relics of Yuan Daozi's predecessor. Yuan Daozi's predecessors dominated the world decades ago, and he was not afraid of the strong man in the realm of Yuanshen. This box must be a superior treasure, and it will all belong to me in a while!"

Wu Yan's eyebrows showed a vicious murderous intention, and he had decided to kill and seize the treasure.

How powerful can a boy who can't even know the magic channel?

Killing him can not only take away the treasures left by Yuan Daozi's predecessors, but also erase a talented monk, which is both beautiful!


Su Qin carefully put the box in his arms, and Su Qin respectfully saluted the big blue-gray stone.

monks, don't kneel to the sky, don't worship the earth!

However, Su Qin saluted the monk who had been sitting for a long time, which included not only respect, but also a feeling.

"Senior, although you and I have never met, I have been favored by you and will definitely continue your determination, and thousands of hardships can't stop my determination." Su Qin saluted and said silently in his heart.

A Taoist heart that challenges the peak, even if it has suffered thousands of hardships and its soul is scattered, it will not change!

This is a vow to yourself that will never be worn out!

When I raised my head, I felt much more comfortable.

"If I were this senior, I would have made such a choice." Looking at this big blue-gray stone, Su Qin thought of it silently.

Born comes from heaven and earth, and death returns to heaven and earth!

For a lifetime, with the choice, you can live happily and freely, regardless of success or failure, even if you die, there will be no regrets!

After the salute.

"I have found the relics of my predecessor. Have I returned here?" Su Qin thought in his heart.

I don't know where the other channel will lead to, and I don't know what or what danger it will be.

But if he retreats like this at this moment, it is really not Su Qin's character.

"If you don't go in and have a look, then you will regret it!" Su Qin smiled and followed another gloomy path

If you are afraid, it's better not to be a monk!

Another path is more rugged, leading to deeper caves, and Su Qin quickly ran into it.

Bear, Wu Yan quietly followed Su Qin, and his speed began to accelerate. His whole body was full of Zhenyuan condensed, ready to kill Su Qin near here to capture treasures!

I walked nearly 30 meters.

"There seems to be something wrong. It seems that someone is following me!" Su Qin frowned and began to slow down slowly.

The Silent Floating Life Sutra is the supreme classic, which can not only transform the true element, but also raise the perception to an extreme level.

Su Qin is meticulous and usually does things calmly. Just now, he has been feeling the feeling of being peeped, and now it is getting heavier and heavier.

"If someone is really against me, don't blame me for being rude." A cold light flashed in Su Qin's eyes, and suddenly saw a small fork in front of him, and a plan suddenly came.

Speed up in an instant, and in an instant, it entered a corner.

"Huh, what's going on? Why is it missing?" Wu Yan was stunned and suddenly saw Su Qin disappear quickly and was a little panicked.

At the same time, he quickly followed and came to the corner.

"Which way did that boy go?" Wu Yan looked left and right and found that there were two roads at this fork.

"So here, now you're dead!"

Wu Yan saw traces on the ground at a fork in the ground, sneered and rushed in.

"It turned out to be him!" Su Qin stuck on the stone wall of another road, transported the silent floating life, and restrained Zhenyuan's operation, just like a dead stone, just watching Wu Yan walk into another road.

The Silence of the Sutra is extremely restrained, and even the monks in the late Yuqing realm can't find him.

When I came here just now, I quickly picked up two stones, transported Zhenyuan and shot them to both sides at the same time, while quickly heard the sound of hitting the stone wall.

So, he quickly made some traces and quietly hid against another stone wall.

If the other party goes here, he will do it immediately!

So, it doesn't matter which way you choose.

"The world of monks is really cruel. I didn't provoke anyone, but came to provoke me. Humph, in this case, I don't have to show mercy. If you want to kill me, just try it!" Su Qin curled the corners of his mouth and showed a sneer.

The body pressed against the stone wall, gently jumped in the direction of another road, and quickly forced into Wuyan.

Since you want to kill me, let's see who dies and who lives!

Wu Yan chased in along the road and soon found that he had reached the end. There were all stone walls in front of him. Not only was there no shadow of Su Qin, but there were only smooth stone walls everywhere.

"Oh, I was put on by that guy!" Wu Yan's face changed greatly and suddenly felt something was wrong.