Fairy ups and down

Chapter 41 The heart is higher than the sky

"It's time to go out."

Su Qin looked up at the dim narrow cave and smiled.

After saying that, Su Qin walked out of the cave along the narrow path.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Before I walked out of the cave, I heard the roar of many evil things, as loud as thunder drums, like thunder, one after another, endless.

Su Qin walked out of the cave and stood at the entrance of the cave. The bloody world was still extremely red, and the scene made Su Qin slightly stunned.

Go up from the outside of the cave.

There are all kinds of evil things everywhere, either fighting with each other, or wandering around, or wandering around. I don't know how many, as if they have become the nest of evil things.

"Why are there so many evil things suddenly gathered? This is really a little strange." Su Qin was a little surprised.

He still remembers that a few days ago, when he chose this cave to swallow blood beads and marched into the Taiqing territory, he saw that there were only a few evil things here. How could he become a place of evil things after so long?

How does Su Qin know?

A few days ago, when he swallowed the blood beads and condensed the bridge of heaven and earth for the first time, the huge vitality of the blood beads mixed with the powerful power of Taiyin actually shot out a treasure light that soared into the sky, shining directly into the sky, and even the eternal blood color of the blood prison of the sky was broken through, and the vitality contained in this treasure light is so huge. Inconceive, it dissipated and gave birth to a strange fragrance, as if some natural treasure was about to be born.

This time, it shocked countless evil things.

These days, the evil spirits in the blood prison are extremely lowly eroded by the spirit of blood evil spirits, but they have an instinctive desire to become stronger. Just like all evil things want to be very close to the blood pool and absorb the blood evil spirits, I don't know how many evil things have attracted at once.

But then, Su Qin made an extreme choice and completely "silent" himself. The treasure light suddenly dissipated, the body was completely gone, and everything disappeared endlessly.

These evil things only have instincts. How can they tell what's going on? Instinct, they think that this is a sign of the birth of some kind of treasure, and they don't want to leave. They actually regard the peak hidden by Su Qin as a nest, constantly gathering other evil things, fighting with each other, wandering, and unwilling to leave everywhere. It was crimson, and finally it became the scene that Su Qin saw.

Roar! Roar!

One head is three or four feet long, eleven or twelve meters long, with two horns, with scales, tiger shape, one mouth of fangs, and a blood blade tiger shining with cold light. The middle-level evil beast suddenly saw Su Qin's figure, and suddenly roared two tigers, blood red pupils, and suddenly rushed to Su Qin.

As the saying goes, dragons follow the clouds and tigers follow the wind.

This mid-level blood-blade tiger actually brought a fierce blood-red fishy wind, like a rolling red cloud turned into a wind, and suddenly roared.

"Good to come, just let me try the power of Huangquan's demon body!" Su Qin was not surprised but happy, and the corners of his mouth curved with a smile.

Suddenly, all the acupuncture points, muscles and bones, flesh and blood in the whole body shook, as if there was a circle of nihilistic ripples.

"All evils enter the body and refine my demon body." Su Qin shouted loudly, and the flesh and blood around him seemed to become a whirlpool, absorbing the endless blood around him into his body.

Suddenly, several exquisite magic lines appeared on Su Qin's body, which were natural, and his whole body was shining with a trace of fine iron luster.


The blood blade tiger has brought a pair of fishy wind, and the roar has rushed to Su Qin. A pair of sharp claws are so fierce to Su Qin. The blood-red claws seemed to be a steel blade. They were caught and suddenly became a huge flesh-and-blood hole.

In the face of this powerful attack, Su Qin did not give in at all. Instead, a divine light burst into his eyes and met him directly.

Strong against strong, touch meat with meat!

The huge blood-red claws of the blood-edged tiger suddenly grabbed Su Qin's arm **, and saw that the sharp steel-like claws were about to tear off one of Su Qin's arms.


Surprisingly, the blood-red claws did not tear off Su Qin's arm. Instead, they only scratched a shallow white mark on the skin of Su Qin's arm, and did not even scratch the skin.

"Haha." Su Qin was heroic and took a step forward. His whole body surged up with great strength and raised the ten-meter-long blood-bladeed tiger.

Then tear your hands like this!

Unexpectedly, the twelve-three-meter-long blood-edged tiger was torn in half, and a blood mist mixed with flesh fell down, as if there was a blood-red rain on Su Qin's body.

Su Qin was dressed in a ragred red robe, his black hair fluttered up, and stood in the bloody rain as majestic as an ancient demon god.

"What a Huangquan demon body, although this blood blade tiger is only a middle-level evil beast, and my Huangquan demon god is only at the beginning, which can strengthen my body so much. I don't know how powerful it will be if I cultivate Huangquan demon body to great success!" Su Qin's eyes were full of surprise, looking at his arms, and the continuous power emerging from them made Su Qin's mood boil.

These dozens of days of retreat, while accepting the inheritance of magic power, the power of silence is also polishing the body, laying down the foundation of Huangquan's demon body, and a few shallow magic lines have also been born on the body.

If the Huangquan Demon God is refined to great success, the magic patterns of the whole body will be completely clear, forming an extremely mysterious pattern covering the whole body. At that time, even if you have bare hands and fists, you can easily tear it in the face of the monks in Taiqing realm.

"Fortunately, this is the blood prison of Tiandu. Huangquan's demon body needs to refine the body with the spirit of all evils. The more evil the breath, the faster it progresses. From now on, I can't waste a little time in the blood prison of Tiandu and try to cultivate Huangquan's demon body as soon as possible!" Su Qin was full of expectation, and his eyes flashed with divine light.

Huangquan demon body refines the body with the spirit of evil. The more evil the spirit of heaven and earth, the more it is tonic. Now Su Qin is simply like a fish in water in the bloody prison of Tiandu. He can easily walk without eating the elixir.

Yoh! Yo!

The seven or eight heads attracted by the breath of flesh and blood have wings, and their iron feathers sparkle like rubies. At the same time, they have special gray eyes, shining with greed for flesh and blood. They are actually a lot of middle-level evil things "evil feather eagles".

This middle-level evil beast is an extremely greedy evil beast. The desire for flesh and blood has surpassed the extreme. Once there is a breath of flesh and blood, it will suddenly attract a lot. They have a special magical power. Once used, the blood feathers can turn into countless blood light, and it seems to turn into a bloody rainbow. , which can penetrate gold and stone, and is extremely powerful among middle-level evil beasts.

Even Su Qin, who came to the bloody prison for the first time, has suffered several major losses.

Yoh! Yo!

Seven or eight evil feather eagles roared loudly, and suddenly turned into seven or eight blood-red rainbows roaring towards Su Qin, trying to penetrate Su Qin's flesh and blood and grind it into pieces.

"Hmm, I'm looking for death." Su Qin's eyes were cold: "Just try my cohesion, the power of silence!"

After saying that, he moved his mind and showed a dark light when he was overhead. At the moment when the faint light appeared, it seemed to have infinite power, infinite power, and a sense of oppression that made everything submit to, absolute domineering, absolute strength, and even destroying the world, unparalleled!

These instinctive evil feather eagles are instinctively afraid and want to escape.

The black light rushed to the sky, like a black rainbow, piercing the sky!

The black rainbow rushed to the sky and directly stirred all seven or eight evil feather eagles. The hard iron-like feather body seemed to be stirred by a huge whirlpool, all of which was stirred into flesh and blood. Suddenly, it turned into a rain of blood all over the sky, mixed with flesh and blood and fell on the ground, and it was crimson.

"The power of my silence is extremely strong, and it is more powerful than the ordinary Taiqing realm. Even the virtual and real realm around Murong Can, the monks who are familiar with the spirit of their own destiny and condensed into the peak of the Taiqing realm of the virtual and real yuan god, if they really fight, I will not be afraid!"

Su Qin's eyes flashed with cold light, and an infinite momentum seemed to appear from his body, extremely fierce!

"It's a pity that this Bixia red fire dress was smashed. If there is a chance, let me practice you again. Now I can't wear such a shabby dress." Su Qin looked at the Bixia red fire coat with only half of his whole body and shook his head. After several battles, this Bixia red fire coat had already been extremely shabby and exhausted the material.

Thinking of this, Su Qin took off Bixia's red fire clothes and exposed her iron-like skin. There were several strange light magic lines on Zhou's body, which were connected to each other, covering Su Qin's body, which made Su Qin's temperament stronger.

Then, Su Qin put Bixia's red fire clothes into the universe bag, then took out a black robe that had already been prepared and put it on his body. Suddenly, the black robe fluttered, and his black hair swayed in the wind. A pair of star eyes flashed with divine light, and there was a domineering momentum.

"Murong Can, Liu Wang, now it's my turn to come to you!"

Su Qin hung an arc at the corners of his mouth and said to himself gently, smiling like the Hongyue in the sky, which was intoxicating.

"These good flesh and blood cannot be wasted." Su Qin smiled, grabbed a three-foot-long black ruler from his waist with one hand, and waved the flesh and blood of the scattered evil feather eagle and blood-edged tiger.

The black yellow spring ruler blooms with black light, like a bottomless hole, saying that all the flesh and blood are refined into evil spirits and swallowed cleanly.

"Murong Can, Liu Wang, I'm coming to you. You have to wait for me!" Su Qin smiled softly.

A faint light rushed out of the sky above his head and turned into a black rainbow to cover Su Qin.

Skip to the sky!

All the evil things only saw a fierce momentum, which made everything rise to the sky and turn into a black rainbow, shooting straight to the edge of the bloody sky, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Blood for Blood, Teeth for Teeth!