Fairy ups and down

Chapter 76 Entering the Secret Land

Su Qin turned into a divine rainbow and entered the gate of the secret palace.

Suddenly, it only feels like endless void and darkness wrapping everything. A huge jade staircase leads endlessly to the endless abyss, and I don't know where the end is.

The black rainbow transformed by Su Qin quickly flashed along the jade ladder in the endless darkness. The speed is so fast that it can travel dozens of feet almost instantly. With a few breaths and a few fingers, it can cross a distance of 100 feet.

The black rainbow turned into by others is like jumping and flashing in the void, and even the shadow will not be left. The speed is simply extremely fast.

"Haha, this feeling is really refreshing. Under the yellow spring, I don't feel that Huangquan's magic body is great and the power of magic power, as if it has metamorphosis. The infinite heaven and earth have a limit. As long as it takes time, it can be crossed."

Su Qin laughed and felt that this speed was as fast as thunder, which was extremely comfortable.

Now he has strong mana, and the bridge of heaven and earth opened in the sea of knowledge constantly transforms the power in the sea of knowledge into mana. In addition, the power of Huangquan demon body, body and mana are mixed together, so that Su Qin can be comparable to the strong yuanshen in terms of speed and strength.

A drop of yellow spring water in the yellow spring is hundreds of times heavier than ordinary water, as if it were the top of Mount Tai, limiting most of Su Qin's speed. Once it rushed out of the yellow spring, this strong speed was revealed in an instant.

A divine rainbow flew through the gate of this infinite secret palace and passed by in an instant.

Su Qin grabbed the void in his hand, took out the secret palace map he got from Murong Can and spread it out in his hand.

As soon as this originally simple and unpretentious secret palace map entered the secret palace, it underwent a qualitative change, and a golden glow was emitted from it. Various terrain patterns were displayed on the map. The brilliant lines and images were lifelike, as if they were alive.

Su Qin stood on this map at a glance.

Entering from the "18-layer hell" of the door of the secret palace, there is a gate. Through the stairs, you can really enter the secret palace, or enter the secret place.

This map is vast and as fine as smoke. There are eight areas of various colors on the whole map, like a secret palace like a secret place. From the lines and patterns on this map, it can be guessed that each palace should be extremely large and looks like a ladder as wide as a finger. Su Qin has run with all his strength. A lot of time has not come to an end.

Not to mention the secret palace thousands of times larger than the gate ladder.

Each of the eight attached secret palaces is marked and surrounded by stars. It seems to form a formation on the map, surrounding a secret palace in the middle. Obviously, it is the main palace, that is, the main hall, or the secret palace of real treasures. The route channels in this map are simply extremely complicated, and thousands of kinds of entangled in one It's a headache.

"Oh, what's going on? The map of the secret palace is changing." Su Qin suddenly saw that the map of the secret palace emitted a faint golden light. The patterns and lines on it were constantly changing, as if they had been crushed and reassembled together.

At a second look, the locations of the eight affiliated secret palaces have all changed once. Only the main palace surrounded by the stars in the middle has not changed, and the road to the main palace has also been completely changed. Various other roads are connected, and the previous step is still the right road. The next moment, it may be connected to another secret palace.

"It is rare that the secret palace here will change within a certain period of time, and the road to the main palace will continue to change. If you make a mistake, you will be doomed!" Su Qin was terrillac, and for a moment, he remembered the reminder of the ancestor of the Styx River.

Although there are many treasures hidden in this secret palace, they are dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be annihilated and will be doomed.

Even those unrivaled cultivation, beyond the supreme demons of the Yuanshen, are afraid of this secret palace. I'm afraid that the danger in it will be to a terrible limit!

"Fortunately, I have this map of the secret palace, otherwise, even if I memorize all the locations of the map, the world will change, and all roads and locations have completely changed. The previous moment was correct, and the next moment I will go to other places. Who knows if there is infinite danger there?" Su Qin said gladly in his heart.

A burst of rapid speed, and the jade steps kept disappearing, like an infinitely derived white line.

Finally, Su Qin reached the end of the stone steps, and a huge door stood in the endless darkness.

It is a bronze-casting gate. It doesn't seem to know how many years it has experienced. It is ten feet high and ten feet wide, as if it stands directly in the void. Other places are full of endless voids. Several big characters are cast on the bronze gate, and two words are cast in the center of the door.


Both sides of the

door are cast.

"Heaven and earth are ups and down, and everything is doomed. As soon as you enter this door, you will fall forever!"

"This is the door of the secret place. If you open this door, you can go directly to the secret place." Su Qin looked at the door, stretched out his hand without hesitation, and pushed the door vigorously.

The power of Huangquan's demon body is enough to move mountains and lift rivers, but touching this huge portal, as if all the power must be dispersed, like mud cattle entering the sea, the power that is enough to move the mountains only gently pushes the door a little.

"What on earth is this gate made of? It's so heavy!" Su Qin sighed in his heart that the power of Huangquan's demon body was running crazily, the power between the muscles and bones continued to explode, and the power of silence also turned into a divine rainbow around his body to accelerate the speed of pushing the gate.


The huge vibration sounded, and the huge bronze gate was pushed open little by little.

Finally, the bronze gate was completely pushed open, and an endless empty black abyss appeared in front of Su Qin. Behind the bronze gate is an abyss like a black hole. It seems that there are infinite forces entangled together, even the space is shattered, and time is frozen.

The huge black light source is twisted like a whirlpool, with red, purple, green in the middle... The seven colors are extremely dazzling, as if they emit endless suction power, as if heaven and earth can condense between "sizes" and directly pull people to "Yan Luo".

"Is this what the ancestor of the Styx said to distort the void of the sky and reach the magic power between dimensions?" Su Qin's mind flashed, which linked the scene to what the ancestor of the Styx said.

The ancestor of the Styx said that after surpassing the Yuanshen, you can reach the realm of "too virtual", which can surpass the heaven and the world and time barriers. The infinite heaven and earth are only limited in size, and can even travel around the void. This power seems to be like the book said by the ancestor of the Styx.

Whether it is time or void, everything is distorted and shattered, which is shocking.

"Chong, it won't be long before we reach the secret palace. Endless treasures are waiting for us, let us become the yuan god and become a hero!"

"The secret palace is right in front of us. When we get the secret treasure, we can move towards a deeper layer and break the shackles of heaven and earth, oven!"


bursts of noise, shouting and other voices came, like a group of crazy demons. Obviously, they were not far from this door.

"Sure enough, Murong Can summoned more monks. Well, it doesn't seem to be Murong Can's subordinates. Is it possible that they have attracted monks from other forces? This is interesting." Su Qin heard the noise and thought about it for a moment, showing a smile.

Murong Can is the young master of the Red Devil Valley. I don't know how many strong people there are under his command. I'm afraid that he is the strong yuan god. Su Qin believes that he can call him. For so long under the Yellow Spring, those monks should have arrived long ago.

But from so many noisy voices, it can be heard that these monks are for their own interests. If they were Murong Can's men, at least they would not roar blatantly.

In this way, it shows that most of the monks were attracted by Murong Can and other forces. In this way, it created more chaos, and Su Qin would not completely fall into an overwhelming situation.

"If there are more people, it will be better. Murong Can, the accounts between us will be settled with you." Su Qin smiled at the corners of his mouth, stepped on the stone steps, took a divine rainbow, and rushed into the twisted dark void.

Revenge is not overnight. This is Su Qin's creed, but Murong Can has repeatedly troubled him, but he has not killed him several times. The hatred of both sides has long been like a continuous Yellow River. Only death can it be washed away!

Then, I only saw that Su Qin's figure was also fiercely distorted in the void, randomly, as if it had disappeared directly into the void.

At that moment, Su Qin felt that the sky and the earth were turning upside down, as if the whole world was swaying. Every step he took, he seemed to have walked an endless road. The next moment, the void was distorted and he appeared in a strange place.

The red light in the sky and the hot fire rushed directly towards him, and even formed a fire poison pouring into Su Qin's body.

Su Qin's Huangquan demon body has been cultivated to a great success. All evils are invulnerable and all poisons are invable. These fire poisons are directly swallowed up by Huangquan demon body.

"What a hot place, it's like a melting pot, a flame hell." Su Qin looked at everything around him and sighed in his heart.

The place he came to is a secret place full of rainbows, both the sky and the earth, which are wrapped in flames. There are still cracks on the ground, and the rolling magma is flowing, golden, emitting hot fire.

Raising his head, he couldn't even see how high the sky was, how wide the earth was, and the red light of the sky. The hot flames were baking all over his body. If he were a monk in the clear realm, he would be burned to ashes all of a sudden. The golden magma jumped at his feet, emitting bursts of hot smoke.

The black stone slab of the palace can be faintly seen on the ground, but from afar, there are golden magma flowing ravines everywhere, and the "gragging" magma seems to set off here.

This seems to be a huge melting pot, an endless flame hell!

This is the first secret palace, the secret place!