Fairy ups and down

Chapter 124 Five elements born together

Su Qin shuttled through the five-color paste-like void. The heavenly magic body punched a big hole in the body of a fire dragon. The mana on the top of his head rolled, and performed the "white bone destruction magic" and evolved into tens of millions of white bone magic spears, directly penetrating the blue snake that was about to sneak up from behind, and suddenly condensed into a water original demon gas. There were countless holes in the snake's whole body.


With a roar in the void, the green ape roared and rushed to Su Qin. Its body was surrounded by cyan brilliance, which was the magic of pure wood, like tens of millions of vines breaking out of the soil and growing into boundless trees.

Su Qintian's magic power is extremely powerful, and he punches the head of the green ape.

The void collapsed with one punch, collapsed into a big hole, and smashed the green ape's head into pieces.

Then, the earthy yellow light rolled in the surrounding void, a huge turtle like a mountain, and a golden tiger with wings rushed to Su Qin with infinite magical power.

Su Qin is about to pull his hand out of the body of the green ape.

However, he saw thousands of green lights emerging from the broken body of the green ape. Each green light was like an entangled vine, and thousands of green light was wrapped around Su Qin's body and tightly wrapped.

Su Qin frowned and felt that the magic power of his whole body was tightly trapped in. Every green light was like a vine that was tough and comparable to a spiritual weapon. Under the entanglement of thousands of entanglements, he could not be pulled out of the green ape's body for a moment or three hours.

At the same time, in the void, the huge golden tiger, the earthy yellow turtle with the golden magic spirit that can tear the heavens and the earth, and the thick and infinite earth magic spirit, attacked Su Qin together.

Su Qin's eyes burst into a fine light, and the void above his head shined. A small black tower suspended in the void, blooming thousands of magic that made the world sink and fall into infernal pain. It was the Abi Magic Tower.

The nose magic tower hung over Su Qin's top door void, and the rolling nose magic gas kept bursting out, directly covering Su Qin, forming a dark void. Taoist magic gas kept tearing the void, and rolled in together with the remnants of the green ape.

"Collapse." Su Qin shouted angrily.

The magic spirit on the nose magic tower that can forbid all things suppressed the green light of the wood on the green ape and turned it into a dim color, and then the power of the sea and mountains suddenly shocked it.

The void collapsed, and the infinite magic gas collapsed into a huge void, and the turbulence continued to disperse.

The broken body of the green ape was directly collapsed into ashes and disappeared in nothingness.

Su Qin's cold eyes flashed, and his body turned into a black line shuttle through the void, just avoiding the magic spirit of the attacking golden-winged tiger and the earth-yellow turtle. The void he just stayed in was caught into several fragments by the golden-winged tiger in an instant, and then shattered by the earth magic of the earth-yellow turtle.

Su Qin snorted coldly, and the magic power poured into the Abi magic tower, and the rolling magic gas gushed out from the Abi magic tower, turning into thousands of black lights, and bombarded at the golden tiger and the black turtle.

A few black stream lights suddenly pierced directly in the void. Tens of millions of black light seemed to have penetrated the body of the slightly slower black turtle, and the golden-winged tiger roared and turned into several golden lights to attack Su Qin.

Su Qin stepped a little, and the divine power of the heavenly magic body burst out with all his strength, and his figure was almost to the extreme, as if he had disappeared directly into the void. The next moment, he appeared in front of the golden tiger and punched the golden tiger and Tianling.

The power of one punch directly penetrated the head of the golden tiger, and the rolling magic power surging again, which collapsed the golden tiger into countless golden streamer and scattered everywhere.

After killing the five beasts, Su Qin stood in the void. At another look, the head of the fire dragon that was first destroyed by him actually grew again. The Xuan snake also recovered completely under the surge of the endless water yuan magic spirit. The green ape that collapsed into ashes was under the infinite Muyuan magic spirit, pieces of pieces of meat shrugged and closed together. With the model of the ape, the turtle and the golden-winged tiger also grew up again under the surge of Tuyuan magic gas and Jinyuan magic gas.

"It's really difficult to deal with. It seems that if I don't break this array, these five beasts will be immortal, and their mana will always last forever. At that time, the mana alone can be consumed to death."

Su Qin frowned slightly and looked up at the void he was in, as if thinking.

"This son has such a strong magic power. Although he has not condensed into a yuan god, he has the same mana power as the yuan god, and even a little higher. His body is even a cast gold body, boundless power, and two medium-grade spiritual treasures to protect the body. If he is condensed into a yuan god again, how many people in the world can take him?"

The green robe was shocked.

"Have you seen it? What's more terrible is that this son seems to be only in his twenties and has such cultivation. What will happen in the future?"

The blue-robed Yuanmo said.

"Well, no matter how strong this son is, what can he do? Even if he achieves the yuan god, even if he crosses the mountains and rivers in the future and shocks the universe, he can't live today. Our five elements of virtual demons devours the sky array and condense the five elements of magic spirit. As long as the array is not extinguished, our magic power is infinite and magic power is infinite. If the master of the algorithm hidden realm enters the array, he will be killed and killed. It's just too late. It's all too early."

The red-robed Yuanmo shouted.

"Yes, even if he is the realm of Fazang, the strong man who evolved the Yuanshen out of a world and entered our array, he will turn into ashes, kill him, seize treasures, and become the key of Taixu, and we will be developed!"

"That small black tower is mine, and no one is allowed to rob me."

For a while, the five-yuan demon kept shouting, and the rolling mana merged into the void, evolved the five elements of magic, and then constantly condensed into five beasts, and rushed to Su Qin, trying to consume Su Qin's life to death.

"This array of five-yuan demons is really powerful. The cultivation of the five realm of yuan gods actually integrates the five elements of magic qi with each other, and actually evolved into a world that can only evolve in the realm of Fazang, and can create five elements. As long as the array is still there and the five elements are united, even if I fall into it, I can't escape." The old demon stood aside and quietly looked at the fierce war, and secretly plotted himself: "However, the sooner Su Qin dies, the better. As long as they kill this boy, I will find an opportunity to seize the treasure. The key of Taixu can open the key to the Taixu fairyland. How can I let it go? Even if I try hard, Don't miss it. This is an opportunity for me to achieve eternal hegemony.

The more he thought about this, the more a vicious smile appeared in the eyes of the evil old demon.

Five elements of virtual demons devouring the sky array.

Su Qin is still entangled by the five-element beasts transformed by the five elements, exerting magical methods and constantly breaking waves of attacks, but the five-element beasts are

"It can't go on like this. How can we break this?" Su Qin frowned and kept moving out of thin air in the void, looking for the flaws of this big array.

This array is based on the five elements of magic qi, constantly absorbing the vitality of the five elements of heaven and earth, making up for the five elements, and integrating them. It actually becomes its own heaven and earth. The magic spirit runs through it and swallows the five elements of heaven and earth, which is as boundless as the sea. As long as the array is immortal and the five elements run endless, it is simply a small world, unless the magic power penetrates the sky and directly powder. Break the world, otherwise, there is only one way to break the array.

"This array is based on five behaviors. If you want to break the array, you must work hard on it."

A fine light flashed in Su Qin's eyes.

At this time, the five-headed beast rushed to him, the void shook, the gold, wood, water, fire and earth, the five-color magic, the waves were surging like the sea, flooding the sky, rolling like clouds, and the things that were blocked would become the sand of the Heng River and crushed.

"Brothers, use the five elements to refine him to death."

The red-robed Yuanmo shouted loudly and roared like a bell and drum.

"The five elements of magic, living and creating, combining the five elements, refining the world."

The other four-yuan demons roared, and everyone burst into infinite magic. The void's yuan gods roared and poured into the paste-like void. Suddenly, in the void of the five magic spirits surging, it seemed that there were five five-colored long dragons, and the bodies of the five beasts were swallowed up into the divine light.

Gold, blue, earthy yellow, red, blue, five-color light, like an aurora, covering the sky, rushing towards Su Qin in all directions, like a huge furnace, suddenly covering Su Qin in Shengsheng.

The five elements of magic light, each contains infinite power. The hot fire element ignites the void, like a red fire waterfall, hanging, thick water yuan, one drop has thousands of catties of weight, rolled together, a surging whirlpool, the void is rolled into a tornado, struggling, thick earth yuan, like mountains Broken squeeze, to the tough Muyuan, entangled together, each of which is like infinite vines, making people stay in the sea of trees, rolling magic, constantly tearing the void. The strong Jinyuan, extremely sharp across the void, is a sharp gully.

As soon as Su Qin was trapped, the five elements of magic light were oppressed. Moreover, the five elements of magic light were derived. One force contained four other forces, and there was no shortcomings.

With the oppression of the five elements of magic light, Su Qin seemed to be crushed by a heaven and earth, and the infinite magic light tore him and burned his body.

The magic clothes burst into the shadow of 33,000 demons, and the magic tower burst into infinite magic. It was constantly squeezed and oppressed, as if in the nose hell. At this time, when the green fruit the size of the dragon's eye on Su Qin's chest touched the cyan magic gas, it seemed to tremble.

"Strong, you can refine him to death in a moment, and the treasure is ours. Otherwise, if he escapes, he will be a disaster in the future." The red-robed Yuanmo shouted loudly.

The four-yuan demon responded together, rolling in the sky, like a mountain like a prison, and the five elements of magic light are boiling crazily, constantly refining the void.

From afar, you can only see that on the sky above the five mountains, there is a paste void wrapped in five colors of magic light. The five heads burst into the genh, constantly bursting out of magic light and rushing into the void. The paste-like void continues to shrink, and the whole void is shaking, like Collapse, like a fragment, between nothingness and reality.

Obviously, the infinite magic light even refines the void into nothingness, and the people in it will naturally turn into flying ash.

"It's time for this boy to fly in this battle." The evil old demon peeped aside, and the greed in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Oh, my brother has been trapped, spicy mother, I'm afraid it's really crossed this time."

It's a pity that I came to the nearby Vatican Buddha and kept chanting.

At the same time, Bai Mokong, Su Mengmeng and Liu Ruyan also came around and looked at the void that could turn into flying ash at any time without any expression.

"It's almost done, kill him." The red-robed Yuanmo roared.

The five-yuan demon blooms with infinite magic power and rolls into the sky. The five elements of magic in the void are becoming more and more surging. The void is constantly shrinking, becoming more and more ethereal, and may disappear in heaven and earth at any time.

At this moment, a little green light scattered in the void and suddenly enlarged. The next moment, it was like a green whirlpool constantly devouring the green light in the five elements of magic, and the speed of devouring is getting faster and faster.

"What's the matter? Why is he devouring my Muyuan magic spirit?" The green robe Yuanmo shouted and was a little frightened.

The void became faster and faster as the muyuan demon gas was swallowed up by something unknown, and the void began to shake faintly, as if there was a fierce demon desire to rush out of it.

"He is rushing! Let's quickly turn the five elements into Muyuan magic gas to prevent the collapse of Muyuan magic gas.

The five-yuan demon is shocked. If Muyuan's demon spirit collapses, one of the five elements is missing, and the array will break itself without attack. At that time, it will be impossible to trap the devil.

Therefore, the five-yuan demon quickly exerted its magic power, rolled the magic gas, and turned the other four magic gas into Muyuan magic gas, making up for the loss of Muyuan magic gas.