Immortal Mangness

Chapter 53 Just do it and don't ask


A method of breathing and spitting completely different from the brothers around. This is the most mysterious method of breathing and spitting in the Ji family. His father once deeply poured into Ji Mo's subconscious when Ji Mo was young. Instead, Ji Mo did not have any feeling. As usual, he practiced in this method. .

This method of vomiting has always been known as the double vomiting method in the mainland of immortality, that is, others can only make one beat at a time, but Ji Mo can do it twice. Using this method can increase the rate of absorbing fairy spirit as much as others.

If this is put in the eyes of others, I don't know how jealous it is, and it can improve the breathing and vomiting method of absorbing the rate of immortal aura. It has always been owned by some powerful ancient families. For ordinary practitioners, there is no doubt that there are no such good conditions. Materially, it is naturally better than the young masters of those big families. The young lady is much weaker.

With such breathing and vomiting, Ji Mo felt that his whole body began to have a light feeling. The fairy aura was originally given a light and elegant characteristic. When so many fairy aura entered his body, there must be some reactions and a sense of lightness and elegance in his body. Nature flows up and down his whole body.

Such a light feeling lasted for a moment. Ji Mo opened his eyes slightly and shook his whole body with a feeling of depression. His heart was clear. Only then did he find that he was still sitting here at this time. His side had already become empty, leaving Master Qi Huan still sitting in the center.

Obviously, the other seven brothers had already finished the morning repair and left here alone. He was still in retreat. He stood up and bowed to Master Qi Huan for a moment, which was very polite.

"Wow--" Qi Huan exhaled a long turbid breath, withdrew from such a retreat, and found that Ji Mo, who was standing aside at this moment, smiled, obviously valued this new disciple very much.

"Master, my disciples are waiting for your orders. If there is anything important, please tell me." Ji Mo looked closely at Qi Huan, his master. He was also very sad about the current situation of the decline of the courtyard. From the old man's situation, he seemed to see another himself, the decline of the family, which was not a great misfortune.

In recent years, Ji Mo has gradually calmed down from this misfortune, always maintained a sunny heart, and finally came out of the shadows. He practiced hard in order to revitalize the family, and even now he still remembers that his father said everything to him when he was dying.

He asked him to take the jade pendant to find the elders who were exiled all over the mainland in the future. Only by finding those elders can the family be further revitalized. For this weak teenager, such a responsibility is really too heavy. If it were someone the same age as Jimo to take on this heavy responsibility, I don't know if I can persist like him.

Qi Huan nodded, stood up, waved his hand, and gave Ji Mo an extremely comfortable feeling. He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Come with me. I have something else to tell you."

After saying that, Qi Huan walked to a bamboo building, which was an ordinary day. The master summoned his disciples to discuss various major places, called Haoyue Pavilion. In addition to the Haoyue Pavilion here, the Wumen People's Courtyard also has four other attices, which are called the Four Pavilions of the People's Courtyard.

Named after Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum, the four saints in the flowers, symbolizing the noble quality of the courtyard since ancient times. In addition, the most important thing in setting up the four attices of Meilan bamboo and chrysanthemum is the four strong men in the courtyard in those years, Meijun, Lanjun, Zhujun, and Jujun.

The Mei Pavilion, the head of the four pavilions, is used in the People's Court. On weekdays, the disciples of the People's Academy will compete with each other in this Mei Pavilion and improve their cultivation through actual combat training.

Lange, located in the second of the four pavilions, is usually a collection of martial arts classics, spells and so on. To put it bluntly, this is a storage room. Although the classics here are not comparable to the other two courtyards of Wumen, they will never be too shabby.

Bamboo Pavilion is mainly a storage place for some weapons. There are some very precious weapons on the mainland. Some disciples will find a weapon suitable for them here.

As for the Chrysanthemum Pavilion, at the end of the four pavilions, although the ranking is lagging behind, it is also the most mysterious. In this pavilion, only Qi Huan can enter the courtyard, and other disciples cannot enter this place, so naturally, there is undoubtedly a layer of mystery in the hearts of all disciples.

Ji Mo followed Master Qi Huan and entered the Haoyue Pavilion. It was not very luxurious. It was still built of green bamboo and hollowed out at the bottom. Such an architectural style is placed in the inner door. It is estimated that this is the only way.

Qi Huan walked into the Haoyue Pavilion. At this moment, the Haoyue Pavilion was very quiet. Qi Huan walked to the front, turned around, and looked at the new young disciple, as if he had seen a kind of hope on this disciple. Over the years, there has finally been a new disciple in the courtyard.

"Lao Ba, come here, take these clothes. Today, you first came to the courtyard, and today's clothes are a little messy. I don't care about your sins. You will wear uniform clothes in the future." Qi Huan gave him two sets of clothes and prepared two sets, mainly for him to change them. After all, it is extremely inhumane to let a person not change clothes and wear one set of clothes.

Although Ji Mo was very dissatisfied with the master's regulation of his own clothes as soon as he opened his mouth and thought that it limited his freedom, he still took these clothes and did not say his dissatisfaction. After all, it's good that people are willing to accept themselves. If he still complain about this and that, I guess this inner door There is no need to muddle along.

"Thank you, Master. The disciples will work hard to revive the glory of our courtyard." Ji Mo cheered up and said that even Qi Huan was a little stunned by such confidence. This child was really not simple.

This kind of scheming, steady, confident and calmness is undoubtedly much stronger than other disciples in the human court. Although their cultivation is much weaker than them, these are not a problem. Only by practicing hard, their strength will definitely be improved. Isn't everyone walking from this stage? In this case, why You must care about the child's current strength.

For this disciple, Qi Huan has always been unable to figure it out. He always feels that this child will not be as simple as it seems. Judging from the comparison with Lu Aotian, he can actually take the strong blow of Lu Aotian, who has entered the Zhuyuan period. This is really not Simple.

I'm afraid that this child will become the top strong man in the mainland in the future. At that time, everyone will look up to him. This is not Qi Huan's imagination. He does feel a kind of courage from this child. Such courage has not appeared for a long time. A kind of top strong man in the mainland can Possession.

The so-called spirit is actually a breath. This spirit has always been called the spirit on this continent. This is a kind of spirit that comes from the depths of the soul. It is colorless and invisible, and can't be detected at all, but this Qi Huan really feels this spirit.

"Strong, really strong, why is there such a pure spirit?" Qi Huan muttered to himself that from this moment, the child's true identity undoubtedly put a layer of doubt on the elder Qi Huan.

You should know that the spirit is not cultivated, but born. It has been automatically hidden in everyone's three souls and seven souls since the moment it came out of the mother's womb. Everyone's courage has strengths and weaknesses. Like this child's courage, so pure and strong, he found that it is still the first One.

"Master, what are you talking about?" Ji Mo undoubtedly showed a puzzled face. After all, there is no certain opportunity for something like courage. He can't detect it at all. How to find out the spirit hidden in the three souls and seven souls?

"It's okay. There are some things that you can't understand now. Regarding your future cultivation, Meilanzhu Sange can go in and out at will in the future." Qi Huan told Ji Mo all this. He didn't say anything about the Ju Pavilion, but just mentioned the previous three pavilions.

Since Master didn't say anything, he did not dispel Ji Mo's curiosity, but deepened the curiosity he had had at the beginning. Just as he suddenly thought of the rule, he could only do it. He could only hold down his curiosity and stop thinking about it, because he was afraid that he would break the warning on the first day.

"Yes, Master." Ji Mo answered and said that there was no doubt about it. Such behavior actually made this elder Qi Huan quite fond of. After all, several disciples he met before asked this and that, which made him have a headache. Unexpectedly, this disciple understood that he had obviously read the rules and treaties.

Qi Huan smiled and continued, "Well, there's nothing to do, just go back first. I forgot to say that the four pavilions of Meilan Zhuju, except the chrysanthemum Pavilion, the other three pavilions are allowed to enter. All right, let's go."

Qi Huan waved his hand and turned around and ignored the teenager. Ji Mo saw that the master had finished speaking and didn't ask much. He was very consciously leaving here quietly.

"You can only do it, you can't ask." This is obviously a domineering rule, which has always haunted Ji Mo's mind. He is afraid that one day, if he doesn't pay attention, he will break the precepts.

smiled speechlessly. Ji Mo was quite helpless about such a treaty of the People's Court. He had to leave and go to his secluded bamboo garden.