Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 15 Incomplete Truth

Many people in the world live in an illusion that they always think they know what they want. In fact, what they want is just what they are expected by the outside world. Ambition is like this, fate is like this.

Sbaider never knew what he wanted. His inherent strength made him only survive in loneliness and endless loneliness. When he sees a dead person, he has a feeling of seeing another self - he knows what he wants.

The dry eyes are indifferent without a trace of waves. He knows what he wants - only after paying attention to himself, dissecting himself from the inside, and modifying himself boldly can he be qualified to talk to the world.

"Qingtian is known as the 'withered man'. 60 years ago, he left the moon world due to turmoil, so..." Sbaide looked at the silver-haired man in white in front of him, shook his head and whispered.

"Hey," the dry man interrupted Sbaide's remarks and showed a cynical smile. "It's too unkind to expose other people's background as soon as it comes up! And——”

The dry man looked at the completely destroyed river bank and the people watching from afar on the river bank, paused and continued, "It seems that those human beings don't know what happened at all. I guess they only see explosions again and again. I said you fought too fiercely. And... Maybe we will have a fierce fight next, and we don't need to expose the bottom or something."

"Aotian, at the cabinet master's strength level, only a dozen people have mastered the third level of soul, and you are one of them..." Shibaid looked at the dead calmly and said clearly, "I am by no means your opponent. There is no need to carry out this battle."

As soon as Sbaide's cold voice fell, it disappeared in front of the river bank, leaving only the dilapidated scenery.

"It's all said, don't expose other people's bottom!" The withered man shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "Alas. There is still a seriously injured patient left here. It seems that I can't hunt it down.

Lu Yuanhan patted the dust on his body and stood up. The sun has completely gone down, and the people on the bank of the river still refused to disperse, and some people even lit up a flashlight to shine here, curious about the explosion that had just happened.

"Thank you, dry man. Thank you for taking care of my sister and coming to save us in time. Lu Yuanhan said to the dry man with a sincere attitude. At the same time, he looked at the dilapidated river bank and didn't know what it was like.

"Oh, oh, what the word!" The dead man laughed and said, "Well, I'll give you one thing, and I'll take it back."

"Just tell me."

"This one named Yu Tiejun will be taken back to you. I will give him a healing spell for treatment later, but now he is not suitable to meet him," the dead man looked at Yu Tiejun, who fell in the dust. "Don't worry, he is not the one you want to prevent and be afraid of."

"Hmm. This is no problem. After saying that, Lu Yuanhan helped up Yu Tiejun in a coma, and then he found that Yu Tiejun's body was full of curses given by the dead man.

After Lu Yuanhan thanked him, he left with Yu Tiejun.

The dead man stared at the two people who left and thought to himself: Yu Tiejun. The sixth moon guard has actually mastered the second level of the soul of less than 50 talents in the current lunar world. Although the use method is still wrong and the strength is not mature, it is not the real second level of soul. However, under normal circumstances, in addition to the cabinet master and deputy cabinet owners, only the third and fourth masters can master the second level of soul. It seems that Yu Tiejun is really not simple. He has matured a lot in the past 60 years.

The dry man stared at Lu Yuanhan and supported Yu Tiejun's back and whispered to himself, "And this Lu Yuanhan, maybe - he is really the only person who can change the status quo..."


"Really, this boy's injury is almost healed and he is still unconscious!" Shan Ling looked at the moon in the sky and shouted angrily. She had already sent the frightened Yi Xiaoyu home. Then he remained in place to guard Zhang Lei and the unconscious Zhang Yize.

"Why don't the damn dry man come yet!" Shan Ling continued to mutter in the air.

Just as Shan Ling complained, Zhang Lei's seal was suddenly broken outside. Shan Ling was shocked and quickly looked in the direction of Zhang Lei. She stuck to a man in gray standing in front of Zhang Lei, and the seal on Zhang Lei's body was only gold wire.

"It turned out to be a magic trap." Shan Ling smiled excitedly and pulled out his sword from his waist.

"I advise you not to do it," Sbaide cut off the gold thread on Zhang Lei's body and said indifferently. "Although your strength is beyond the level of deputy cabinet, there is no problem with paying for a magic trap, I still advise you not to do anything that makes you regret."

Shan Ling felt a chill and remembered that he had fought with two magic traps at the same time and easily won, but what's going on with this guy? Obviously, it's just a magic trap, but the strength of the soul source is not as strong as himself or even higher than himself...

Suddenly, something that looked like a pager in Shanling's pocket rang. She picked it up and saw that it was sent by a dry man, which said, "If you encounter a magic trap in gray clothes, don't do it."

Shan Ling hurriedly raised his head, and his eyes were empty, and there was no one left. Shan Ling stamped his feet angrily and had no choice but to carry Zhang Yize and fly back.


"That's all right!" Ji Xiaoji stood up and smiled vividly again, "At this level, Hu Hu couldn't hurt me at all. If it hadn't been for the terrible magic trap that was so powerful to attack me, how could I have been hurt like this?"

"You," Shan Xue looked at the crazy teenager in front of her and couldn't help laughing. "Just now you were just like a dead man, and now you are alive like a monkey."

Ji Xiaoji sang happily and completely ignored Shan Xue's irony, but what he wanted to do most in his heart was to torture Hu Hu immediately - he wanted to find out what happened ten years ago. When Shan Xue was about to take the two people back, another unexpected person appeared in the alley.

"Single Deputy Lord, I haven't seen you for 60 years." The man's voice is as cold and magnetic as 60 years ago. Shan Xue opened her eyes and couldn't believe it. Sixty years have not seen it, but it appears again, but it is still full of past affection... or pain.

"Yes... 60 years, all right," Shan Xue's eyes gradually cooled down, and she could never forget the pain 60 years ago. "I didn't expect that the reunion after a long separation would be in such a dilapidated alley. It's really ironic."

"Sorry. I can't leave this man to you." The man suddenly pulled out his sword and waved it back, and then disappeared into the alley. Hu Hu's head had fallen to the ground and was bloody.

Ji Xiaoji almost couldn't help vomiting when he saw such a picture, and it took him a long time to recover. Shan Xue looked at the place where the man disappeared and thought: Nanhuo, why did you choose to take such a road? I feel unworthless for you.

"Let's go." When Ji Xiaoji recovered, Shan Xue said softly.

"Well," Ji Xiaoji broke the silence on the road. "In the evening battle, I have always been concerned about something."

"Is it about your background?" Shan Xue lowered her head and didn't look at Ji Xiaoji.

"No...no," Ji Xiaoji sighed. "You have never given me an answer in the past ten years. The Hu Hu died again. I guess it will be difficult to know for a while. What I care about is that Hu Hu called a magic trap the owner of the cabinet. What's going on?

Shan Xue was stunned, and his expression immediately returned to normal and said, "We'll wait for us to go back."

Ji Xiaoji nodded, but he understood that the truth he would know was still incomplete tonight, as in the past decade.

In the dry man's stronghold.

"Oh, oh. Now that everyone is together again, it's really not easy!" The dead man sat in the chair in the middle of the hall and cheered loudly, "I wish I could open a bottle of wine to celebrate!"

"Celebrate a ghost!" HD Yang suddenly knocked on the dead head and scolded, "Zhang Yize is still in a coma!" Lu Yuanhan also took care of the moon guard at his home. Xia Yi and Yu Yuan have just woken up, and Ji Xiaoji still has a personal appearance! Celebrate a ghost!"

"Oh, oh! Miss Gao, Miss Hi-definition Yang!" The dry man avoided the high-definition beating and waved his hand helplessly, "Fortunately, everyone has saved their lives. How fortunate!"

"Are you lucky?" HD Yang picked up the wooden stick and knocked on the dead man's head again. "Of course, you are lucky that you didn't do it at all! Also, why is every task assigned to me the most dangerous? I knew at a glance that you were favoring the two sisters!"

Xia Yi looked at the two people who were quarreling and sweating, and could only agree not to quarrel. Shan Ling was afraid that the world would shout cheering, and Shan Xue drank coffee and watched coldly.

The dry man held the high-definition wrist and suddenly became serious and said, "Today's battle is only the most ordinary beginning, and the real decisive battle is about to begin. In today's battle, you should also understand that your strength is actually... not very strong. But... believe me, you are the only ones who can change the status quo."

"Can you put out the truth that has been hidden for many years!" Ji Xiaoji suddenly slapped the table.

"I can't." The dry man shows no weakness.

Ji Xiaoji had no choice but to sit on the table in anger.

"The only thing I can tell you is. The moon world is not as simple as you think. The audience of this sentence includes you, Miss Xia Yi and Mr. Yu Yuan.

Xia Yi didn't say anything. She knew that she had only stayed in the moon world for more than five years. In fact, she didn't know anything, and she was still thinking about Yu Tiejun's words - is it possible that... What is really a conspiracy between her most respected Lord Jin Minjun?

Yu Yuan obviously wanted to refute, but his life was saved by others, and he could not say anything more.

"What I want to say next, can Mr. Yu Yuan avoid it a little?" The dead man turned his face to Yu Yuan. Yu Yuan's lips moved, but he still resisted what he wanted to say and disappeared into the hall to arrange his room.

"The truth I want to tell is--" The dead man glanced at Xia Yi and Ji Xiaoji and whispered, "In fact, more than the matter of Zhang Yize's family 20 years ago is related to the moon world. Mr. Ji Xiaoji's accident ten years ago and the death of Miss Xia Yi seven years ago are related to the moon world."

Ji Xiaoji was obviously shocked. He always thought that his encounters were all caused by the feather world, but how could this be involved in the moon world again? Xia Yi buried her head tightly in her thighs. She couldn't bear to accept this fact, because she couldn't bear to doubt her beloved golden pavilion owner.

"You pervert..." HD roared and gave a fierce stick to the withered head, "How long will you take my hand!"


Lu Yuanhan's home.

"I finally settled him down." Lu Yuanhan put Yu Tiejun on himself** and wiped the sweat on his head. Ling Yuchen came to the door of his room curiously and said sweetly, "Brother, you came back so late today!"

"Yes! I..." Lu Yuanhan suddenly stopped, and his spoiled smile froze in an instant - he had not returned to his body yet, but Ling Yuchen actually saw him!

Lu Yuanhan turned his head and looked at Ling Yuchen in horror. In the future, before he could ask, he heard Ling Yu's happy and brisk voice--

"Who is the big brother lying in **? I have gray hair this afternoon. No, the silver-haired big brother has been with me for a long time! There is also a beautiful but a little fierce short-haired sister. Is she my brother's girlfriend? No, my brother brought back a more beautiful long-haired sister last time!"

Lu Yuanhan looked at Ling Yuchen with a stunned face and couldn't speak in a panic.