Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 16 The Conspiracy of the Dead

Wu Jian did not answer Lu Yuanhan's question, but said, "Do you know why you became a key person?"

Lu Yuanhan was stunned and said, "Is it because I am a descendant of Yueshi and human beings? So it will become a better experimental material, and then my sister has lived with me since she was a child, and there must be a lot of sources of my transmission in her body, so she will also be targeted?

"Yes, but it's not." The swordless replied, which made Lu Yuanhan confused.

"Let's talk about your life in the future. The truth I want to tell you is--" Wu Jian turned around, looked at Lu Yuanhan, and said gently, "About a year ago, the dry man decided to restore your memory, remind you of the memory he had erased, and decided to lift the seal on me."

seven years ago.

At that time, Lu Yuanhan was ten years old. Although the relevant memories were eliminated, the source of the soul was still rising sharply with age. The dry man thought that Lu Yuanhan was still young and not conducive to entering the war too early, so he made such a decision: he used his relationship with Jin Minjun to let Jin Minjun seal without a sword. Then Lu Yuanhan's soul chain and soul ring were taken by Jin Minjun to the sealing room under the conference hall of the central area of the lunar boundary.

Ten months ago, Lu Yuanhan entered high school, became a classmate with Zhang Yize, and became an alumnus with Ji Xiaoji - of course, this was arranged by dry people.

From that day, the dry man let Jin Minjun completely liberate the seal of the swordless itself. In order to make Lu Yuanhan's soul source not grow too quickly, he still sealed the soul chain and soul ring, and at the same time created a pseudo soul chain and soul ring slowly the soul source of the cold road: so that Zhang Yize and Ji Xiaoji can notice the road far cold, and also let Zhang Yize and Ji Xiaoji paid attention to each other and gradually achieved his ultimate goal.

The extreme rise of Luyuan's cold source will inevitably attract the attention of the moon world. One day, Shi Xinshi noticed that a source similar to Lu Yesheng appeared in the human world, and even acted every day without concealment. After secretly asking his men to investigate, he found that he was only a 17-year-old teenager, so he decided to send Yu Yuan to the human world to investigate.

Since then, theku man knew that the plan could be fully carried out, allowing Jin Minjun to find an excuse to send Yuewei Xiayi to Shizhen to observe Lu Yuanhan.

The amazing truth has finally been completely revealed.

On the contrary, Lu Yuanhan no longer looks heavy, but more like unloading a heavy burden and exhaling.

Wu Jian stared at Lu Yuanhan, who seemed to be suddenly cheerful, frowned and thought to himself: No, the truth that can be seen is often not the truth. I am afraid that the truth I know is only 10% or less complete, and it is more likely to be the truth deliberately known under another illusion.

"So...what are we going to do here now?" Lu Yuanhan asked.

"This sword is your father's sword," Wu Jian said to Lu Yuanhan, "and this soul ring and soul chain are your real soul device, and the two forgeries will merge with them. And what you have to do is--

The swordless once again turned into a sword shape, and the real soul ring and soul chain also returned to Lu Yuanhan. Lu Yuanhan heard the sound of the swordless, that is--

"Learn to be a second life."

Moonjie, May Pavilion.

"Everything is going well." After entering the secret room of the May Pavilion, HD Yang took a long breath.

HD Yang has been lurking for three days, and she knows that tonight is the best opportunity - the July Pavilion's report will make all the cabinet owners go. In the three days, because of her familiarity with May Pavilion, she has not encountered a battle.

Ji Xiaoji is not as lucky as Yang. In three days, he met three moon guards with similar strength. Every time he was about to win or lose, the moon guard would escape. He really couldn't understand. What puzzled him more was that the three battles should have shocked the high-level moon guards and even the main level of the cabinet, but in these three days, in addition to regular time, someone sent Now he left halfway through the battle with him, and no one came to chase him.

In these three battles, Ji Xiaoji was forced to use the newly learned moves taught by the members of Yimeng in order to protect himself. Ten years ago, his parents did not completely block the attack of water feathering for him, and then Ji Xiaoji was attacked by fire, so his body had the source of water feathering.

With the help of the dream members invited by the dead, Ji Xiaoji learned the integration of the two feathers and greatly increased his strength.

According to the current situation, someone may secretly observe him obtaining data. Ji Xiaoji was a little worried. He closed his eyes and meditated, felt the high-definition spirit, and walked towards her.


"Senior Qingyang. Don't come to other people's houses secretly in the future, okay? It's not easy for me to go out to play.

HD Yang was slightly shocked. She hurriedly turned around and looked at the boy who was only 1.5 meters tall. Her expression is very complicated... she has two hearts.

"Really. Recently, there are too many things to be responsible for and investigate," he turned on the light of the secret room and muttered, "I swear that the old man wants me to prepare a strategy again. In such a busy situation, I have to take a few minutes to think about the dry conspiracy, which is really distressing."

This guy, shouldn't...

"Does his sin... want to be erased like this?" Both hearts stared coldly at the high-definition.

She was actually very surprised to learn that the May Pavilion Lord, which had been vacant for more than 20 years, had been set as two hearts. Because the soul source of the two hearts is extremely low, even not even as good as the last moon guard, it has been ridiculed in the moon pavilion for many years.

However, in the turmoil more than 60 years ago, despite everyone's opposition, the dead man promoted his two hearts to the fifth moonback and entered the first echelon.

At that time, everyone was questioning the practice of the dry man, but I didn't expect the dry man to tell everyone that the two hearts had actually learned the third level of soul - lifelong, which was the only one in the cabinet that could be used for life outside the cabinet master level at that time.

Of course, people don't believe it, because the soul source of the two hearts is too low, how can people with low soul source use the life with extremely high requirements for the soul source?

In order to convince the public, theku people decided to let HD Yang fight with their hearts at the May Pavilion report meeting. To everyone's disbelief, such an inconspicuous two hearts are actually tied with HD Yang.

However, as soon as the war began, the two hearts sealed the two in a closed space with a spell that everyone had never seen before. When they came out, they were exhausted. Except for the high-definition Yang and the dry man, no one knew how this guy could draw with the vice-level.

"Oh... This layout is really perfect. No wonder the Magic Star and Shuang Junjie can't figure it out." Sitting on the threshold, they still look sick. "When he was forced to escape to the human world 60 years ago, he was planning."

High-definition and speechless, in fact, she is also curious about what the dry man wants to do.

"That's what the dry man said to you--" He raised his head and looked at the ceiling. "This time, entering the moon world is not for the final revenge, but just a step on the road to revenge."

HD frowns - this guy seems to be smarter than 60 years ago.

60 years ago, the dead man fled to the human world with four deputy cabinet owners. I guess all four of you want to clear your crimes and return to the moon world. The dry people happen to take advantage of your point," the two hearts finally face up to the high definition, with their hands on their knees. "But theku people understand that it is impossible for you to complete the plan, so they began to recruit and horses for many years. The dead people even have a good relationship with the "Dream" organization that hates the moon world. Unfortunately, Dream will not choose to enter the moon world.

"The dry man will never use the technology he invented to make Italian people again, so he has to wait for the opportunity, so he has taught you for life in these 40 years. Until 20 years ago, when Zhang Sen's family came to the human world, he finally waited for the opportunity.

18 years ago, Ji Xiaoji was born, and 17 years ago, Lu Yuanhan, Zhang Yize and Jiang Xiaoxiao were born, which gave him hope. After the turmoil ten years ago, he had the opportunity to slowly cultivate Ji Xiaoji. The events seven years ago made him win Zhang Sen's hearts, began to cultivate Zhang Yize, and even got to know Xia Yi, and even contacted Jin Minjun again through Xia Yi. Of course, all this is just to pave the way for the cultivation of Lu Yuanhan--

High-definition Yang trembled all over. She understood that her two hearts deliberately omitted a lot. This alone was enough to shock her.

"What's more," Shuangxin stood up and said, "When he was ready for everything and only owed the east wind, Jin Minzhong and Xiao Nanhuo disrupted his original plan, but this also invisibly accelerated the progress of his plan. The teenagers absolutely offered to enter the lunar world for revenge, which also saved him a lot of time to do ideological work. And his most horrible plan finally started at this time..."

The two hearts slowly approached the high-definition, which made her feel creepy.

Suddenly, a mass of ice and fire outside the door flew in and rushed straight to both hearts, accompanied by a male voice outside the door: "Go to die!"

There was a roar, and thick smoke suddenly rose at the threshold. The person who attacked his heart was Ji Xiaoji. He instantly came to HD Yang and said with a smile, "Why do you talk nonsense with opponents of this level?"

"Fool! Run away!" HD Yang pushed Ji Xiaoji away, but he didn't expect that the ice and fire would reappear from the threshold and rush back to Ji Xiaoji. Ji Xiaoji never expected that his explosive ability could reappear and attack himself.

Ji Xiaoji did not feel the explosion in the conjecture. He opened his eyes and fell down exhausted.

"It seems that the training method of dry people is really powerful," Shuangxin sat at the door unharmed, grabbing their messy hair. "However, Italian people are just experimental products that accumulate data for the soul knot, and their attack power may never be high."

HD Yang couldn't believe his eyes. The house actually returned to its previous intact appearance, which made people not notice that there had just had a violent explosion. Only Ji Xiaoji, who fell to the side and was covered with blood, proved that he had just experienced the battle.

Is this guy... a monster? Ji Xiaoji turned over his body with difficulty and stammered, "Who are you? Obviously, your soul source... is just the last source of the moon guard."