Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 23 Lu Yuan's Cold War Yu Tiejun

Lu Yuanhan roared, and he could hear his voice.

There are too many hints - Jin Minjun said that there are only two such swords at present, one of which is on the eighth day of the first lunar month. That is to say, if you want to know your second life, you only need to understand how to do it on the eighth day of the first lunar new year!

Lu Yuanhan used all his strength to jump in front of Chuba. Chuba actually held his sword in his hand and kicked him away casually. Lu Yuanhan did not give up and once again sprinted to the eighth day of the terrible first lunar month. He knew that the eighth day of the lunar new year would definitely disappear. This is not the real eighth day of the eighth lunar month, but in the inner world shared by himself and Wu Jian!

"No sword, tell me how to do it!" Lu Yuanhan roared and flew to the eighth day of the first lunar month.

At this time, he clearly heard two words on the eighth day of the first lunar month - the second life.

The power is amazing, the source bursts, the golden light is shining, and the whole dark space is shaking and cracking. Lu Yuanhan was shocked far away, but his eyes always stared at every move of the eighth day of the first lunar month. He had to remember that it was only this time!

Lu Yuanhan fell into the dark and fell quickly. He controlled himself and walked parallel to the eighth year. He found that the rusty sword in his hand was not deformed and almost unchanged.

Is this the second life on the eighth day of the first lunar month? Like myself, I can't see any change.

Lu Yuanhan closed his eyes and held the sword with both hands. He felt that there was still one hand holding the hilt of the sword. He did not open his eyes. He knew that there was no sword beside him. No matter who the opponent in front of him was, Wujian would definitely accompany him!

The black space disintegrated in an instant, and the eighth day in front of him laughed wildly and raised his sword to cut the distant cold road. Lu Yuanhan suddenly opened his eyes and shouted--

"Second life, no sword!"


I don't know how long it took. I can feel that I was lying on the solid ground. The feeling of being swallowed by the darkness and sinking has disappeared. When he came back, Lu Yuanhan knew that he had come back from his inner world.

Lu Yuanhan opened his eyes with effort and found that he was still in the seal room, and his injury was completely healed. He found that the deepest room in the so-called seal room was only a space of dozens of square meters.

It seems that such a large-scale battle with Mingjian before was also carried out in the heart.

Lu Yuanhan smiled and found that he could communicate with Wu Jian anytime and anywhere. Moon warrior and moon sword, who is the leader and who is the master? Lu Yuanhan didn't want to know the answer. All he knew was that Yueshi and Yuejian were eternal companions.

He also understands the mystery of his sword - his moon sword, no matter how many levels of soul, the summoning language will always be the real name of the sword, the shape will not change much, and it will always be the posture of the sword. However, the attack power and destructive power will be greatly improved with the soul, and the soul source that cannot be completely released in your body will also be released with a higher level of spirit, so that both speed and attack will be greatly enhanced.

Is the same with the cabinet owner named Chuba? However, he really didn't want to fight with such an opponent. He only trembled himself on the eighth day of the first lunar month. He dared not imagine the amazing combat effectiveness of the eighth lunar month.

Lu Yuanhan walked out and found that the seal had been blocked. He didn't know how to get out. He still doesn't know who the mysterious girl who brought him is, and he hasn't seen clearly how she activated the seal room.

Suddenly, he felt two very familiar sources on both sides. At first glance, they were single and high-definition moon swords! Lu Yuanhan quickly took off the moon sword and also found that there were also soul rings and soul chains here.

If even Shanling and HD Yang have been arrested, it means that the situation outside is... the whole army is destroyed?

Lu Yuanhan didn't dare to think about it anymore. What he didn't understand was that he didn't feel the source of all the moon swords in the seal, but these two could feel it. He remembered that he did not find the single spirit and high-definition moon sword when he came in, that is to say, during his cultivation, someone entered the seal room.

Who is it? Obviously, when I knew I was in there, I made such a loud noise that I deliberately didn't bother me. And who completely arranged this interlocking plan to set such an obvious source on the single spirit and high-definition moon sword? Lu Yuan thought with a cold heart.

Suddenly, the seal room was unexpectedly opened. Although Lu Yuanhan didn't understand how it was, he still jumped out. It was already night, and the general conference hall was quiet.

There was still one person in the conference hall. The man was obviously surprised to see Lu Yuanhan. He quickly calmed down, pulled out his sword and pointed to Lu Yuanhan.

"Yu Tiejun?" Lu Yuanhan saw the person in front of him, unconsciously clenched the sword in his hand, pasted the single spirit and the high-definition moon sword on the dimensional paper sticker, and disappeared, "Why are you here?"

"You don't have to know the reason. It's you, why did you appear in the seal room?

The general conference hall was dark, and the moonlight penetrated from the window on Yu Tiejun's angular face like a knife and axe. His long black hair floated up with the breeze, which seemed to lay the groundwork for a bloody battle.

Yu Tiejun has a great confusion in his heart: What's going on with the source of the boy? The last time we met, it was close to the tenth, which was surprising enough. Now... The strength of the source is not lower than himself, and the source of the trap is mixed in it. What has this boy experienced during this period? Question mark

Why are you here? This is the second time," Lu Yuanhan said to Yu Tiejun without losing a single point in momentum. "Also, what's the point of drawing your sword?"

"You still ask so many questions. I want to enter the seal room, and I want to figure out everything," Yu Tiejun raised his sword. "presumably, as soon as you put away the two moon swords, you must have been set something by the cabinet master figure, and only those above the cabinet master level can open this seal. Give me those two moon swords."

"What are you going to do in the seal room?" Lu Yuanhan bent his body slightly, stepped back half a step with his right foot and put his hand on his waist.

"You asked too much," Yu Tiejun prepared. "Before, I found that the owner of the Shuangxin Pavilion and the owner of Shui Wumeng Pavilion had entered here. I obviously felt that it was completely different from the previous feeling, so I concluded that there must be someone in it, but I didn't expect it was you."

"It seems that you are not going to answer my question," Lu Yuanhan also pulled out his sword from his waist. "Although the dry man told me that you are not something you need to worry about and guard against, from the current situation, I can't believe you."

"Withered people?" When Yu Tiejun heard the name, he was stunned and said, "I don't care what kind of relationship you have with the dry man. The only thing I can be sure about is your ambiguous relationship with Xia Yi, and Xia Yi is under the order of Jin Minjun. That is to say, there must be some inexplicable relationship between you and Jin Minjun. Since the last meeting, I have vaguely felt some of Jin Minjun's spirit from you. It's too unreasonable to survive if you have been in contact with him. That is to say, you are definitely a threat to the moon world.

"Ah?" Lu Yuanhan was completely defeated by the thinking of the man in front of him. "What kind of messy logic are you? Have you been living in the same life in the lunar world for a long time and your brain is rusty? Didn't your cabinet master mention anything to you?

Master? Yu Tiejun frowned again when he heard this word. He held his sword and said, "Since I woke up, I have been chased and killed. I have no choice but to hide the source to solve these doubts by myself. You are in the way of me now."

"I'm sorry. There is something I must protect in the seal. You are now recognized by me as a dangerous person, and you are not allowed to enter. Lu Yuanhan clenched his sword.

He remembered that his father's moon sword was still in it. The sword was alive, and the sword was destroyed. This was what he learned from the sword. Now the sword was still intact, proving that his father was still alive. Before that, he would never allow anyone to touch his father's sword.

"I don't know why you were hunted down. What I can be sure of now is that the person who kidnapped my sister is not Jin Minjun, although I still doubt him. I saw with my own eyes that it was Jin Minjun who saved you and Xia Yi, so I can only learn the truth from your mouth.

"It seems that you can't fight," Yu Tiejun closed his eyes slightly and whispered, "First life, golden spear."

"Birth birth, no sword." Lu Yuanhan said the summoning language almost at the same time.

The originally dark general conference hall lit up in an instant, like thousands of fireworks burning at the same time, while purple fog ignited on one side and golden light on the other side, dividing the whole conference hall into two.

The brilliance of both sides concentrated on their weapons almost at the same time. At the same time, they hit the ground with one foot and sprinted to the opposite side at a speed of dozens of seconds per meter. The sword was against the spear, and one side split the other. Two weapons collided back and forth several times per second. Their bodies were almost in every corner of the conference hall. Appeared.

At such a rapid speed, the human eyes could not capture the position of the two people at all. First at the ceiling, then to the corner of the ground, and then hanging in the air. The two moved skillfully at high speed and engaged in offensive and defensive battles in the air. They could only detect the sparks generated when the two weapons touched and heard gold. It is a harsh sound of collision.

Yu Tiejun's expression became more and more surprised in the rapid change of orientation attack with Lu Yuanhan. He thought that Lu Yuanhan was only talented. In the special environment of constantly meeting high-ranking and in the moon world, his natural source became more and more obvious. In the battle, he suddenly found that Lu Yuanhan was not just a source of soul. High, but all-round improvement!

Lu Yuanhan's way of fighting, whether it is the use of courage, brave ability, his attack, reaction power or intuition in battle, has made an amazing leap. Everything seems to have been carefully cultivated and trained, and every move will make people feel that he is a warrior trained by the devil.

"What's wrong? The movement suddenly slowed down. Yu Tiejun was stunned, but it turned out to be Lu Yuanhan's voice.