Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 7 Difficult Battle

The magic star couldn't move and finished reciting the attack spell completely. The magic star wanted to use more than 100 attack spells, but he was worried that there might be a worse situation if he used the high-level attack spell under the dimensional seal spell, so he used the middle attack spell.

The attack spell under the complete chanting and summoning language is extremely destructive. The magic star points the main attack point of the attack spell to Tegel - the magic star found that although the strength of these three magic traps is similar, Tegel is like a team leader between the three people. If the more dominant character in a team loses combat effectiveness, the rest It is only a matter of time before the remaining people completely disintegrate.

Tegel screamed in the blazing fire, as deafening as a tiger. Ali God and Snecco were also attacked by the remnants of the fire, screaming.

Yu Tiejun was frightened, because in the war with Lu Yuanhan, he also used the eighty-six attack spell of complete chanting. The same moves were used in different hands, and the destructive power was so different that he had to admire the magic star's strength in spells.

It is worthy of being the strongest master of the moon spell!

Tegel knelt on the ground, and the Magic Star walked slowly to his side. The seemingly leisurely movements made Tegel sit on pins and needles. He hoped that the Magic Star would give him a good time and stop giving him psychological suffering like this!

"You are a good opponent." The magic star leaned over Tegel's ear, whispered, and pulled out his sword, "So I let you die under my sword, which should be a great honor for you."

Tegel didn't say a word. It's not that he didn't want to say it, because he only felt a cold waist, a sharp pain came, and then his eyes widened and there was no movement.

Sandling knew that the magic star did not like to use swords. He could completely end Tegel with the spell. He regarded Tegel as a respectable opponent before he pulled out his sword. It is also an honor to die in place and die under the sword of the demon star.

"But...you two," the magic star put away his sword again, with a cold expression, which was completely different from his usual gentlemanly demeanor. "There is no such qualification and treatment."

The magic star rushed to Aligod and Snagoth step by step, and Tegel had already turned into a black smoke and disappeared.

"One with a crocodile's mouth and the other with snake teeth is much more disgusting than the magic trap with tiger claws," the magic star forced the two magic traps step by step, and the single spirit walked side by side with the magic star. "I have been lucky enough to see a heart trap. That kind of trap looks no different from human beings. Compared with you, I would like to have a fight with a heart trap that can please my eyes.

"Oh, I'm afraid it will be like this. I'm curious about who named you. Come on, say, gently, tell me who got the name, and I'll give you a happy one.

Aligot is about to be desperate. The harmless teenager in front of him looks extremely sunny. Why did he move so cruelly? He trembling and said, "Yes... it's a teenager named Zhang Yiyan who got his name."

"Oh?" Magic Star held his chin with his right hand, smiled badly, and thought about something, "This is really interesting. It's so interesting. I know a teenager whose name is very similar to him."

Zhang Yiyan? Have you heard of Zhang Sen and Zhang Yize?" When Shan Ling heard the name, he lost patience and shouted angrily.

Magic Star rolled her eyes and sighed in her heart: This girl has been in the human world for 60 years and still looks so cute, but her temper has not changed.

Alligod trembled all over and wanted to confess. Suddenly, Snako, who had not said anything, suddenly attacked Shanling. A cold light passed, Snako screamed. He lost an arm and splashed blood everywhere.

"Oh, really, I said I don't like to move swords," Magic Star put away his sword, stared at Snako, and said, "Your blood stained my clothes."

Aligod couldn't stand this oppression and quickly cried, "I said it!" I'll say it all!"

"That's good..." The magic star smiled with a sunny face, which was completely different from the gloom just now.

Shan Ling stepped forward, kicked Ali God, put the moon sword between his neck, and smiled, "Slowly, we are not in a hurry. Anyway, we won't be able to get out for a while."

Ali God was shocked and sweated coldly. He thought that the main level of Yuejie Pavilion was so terrible. Boys looked gentlemanly and elegant, and girls looked cute and naive, but they did things more and more fiercely!

When Aligod was about to confess, his body suddenly exploded, and the single spirit, which was only a short distance away from Aligod, was blown to blood and splashed with blood.

Although the magic star standing behind Shan Ling was also affected, it was fine. He didn't expect that the magic trap would explode. By the time he barely stood up, Shan Ling was already motionless. Ali God had already turned into a pool of black blood, and the internal medicine disappeared!

He hurriedly rushed to the unconscious Shanling and turned over. He couldn't bear to look directly at the blood. The blood of the trap was very poisonous to Yueshi, and the more this kind of poison could not be cured.

The magic star was in a hurry, and his expression, which had always been calm, changed greatly and his whole body trembled violently. He hurriedly used the 1403 healing spell nectar to treat Shanling. Soon, the skin trauma caused by the explosion was recovering, and the blood of the trap had been immersed in Shanling's body, and the magic star was at a loss.

The degree of difficulty can be imagined that even the magic star, the genius of the strongest spell, can't solve. He panicked, looked at Shan Ling's pale face, and strengthened the spell again.

"Damn it!"

The magic star shouted angrily to the sky, and the curse was useless. Looking at the dead single spirit, he was very anxious. He didn't know that outside the dimension spell, the featherer Zhang Yiyan he cared about was there.

"I didn't expect that you couldn't kill the Magic Star in this environment... It really disappoints me."

"Lord Zhang! Please, please spare my life!" Sina, who broke an arm, knelt down and begged for mercy, looking at Zhang Yiyan with hatred and fear - although Zhang Yiyan's combat effectiveness is not very good, there is a special device set by him in every transformation well, which will explode in Zhang Yiyan's mind at any time. The trap that Lu Yuanhan encountered when he first entered the moon world and Ali Godde, their self-detonation was all done by Zhang Yiyan.

"I'll spare you?" Zhang Yiyan sneered, "You think I'm too kind. You are useless."

With a loud noise, Sina turned into a pool of black blood, and Zhang Yiyan turned around and left without looking at it. He doesn't care about the life and death of these magic traps, let alone the life and death of the three moon warriors in the curse dimension. He doesn't even care about the life and death of his brother Zhang Yize. He only cares about one thing. He understands that all his evil deeds are only for the day he wants to wait for.

"Single Spirit! Shanling! Don't scare me!" The magic star saw that Shanling had not improved under the spiritual nectar, and his voice changed, but Shanling's breathing was getting weaker and weaker, and the source of the soul was getting weaker and lighter - the source of the moon spirit was fading, and the source of the trap was extremely enhanced, which was a harbinger of the change of the trap.

Yu Tiejun stood aside, and his heart was sad for the withered people: Shan Ling has been living with the dead people over the years. If Shan Ling died, the dead man will definitely be heartbroken.

The magic star stood up as if it had lost its soul, roared to the sky, and instantly burst out nearly ten hundred attack spells, which had no impact on the dimension spell. The magic star was about to despair and tried to lift these spells. After several attempts, he finally chose to give up - even if it could all be lifted, it would take at least half a day under the premise that no one continued to impose the spell outside. At that time, Shanling had long turned into a source of courage and disappeared.

The magic star's eyes are blind and fall weakly next to the single spirit - it is difficult to see the magic star showing its true temperament. Everyone says that Magic Star must be the best actor in the moon world after the dry man.

Yu Tiejun walked to the magic star and whispered, "Master of the magic star pavilion, life and death. Don't be too sad. I'm sorry."

"My condolences? Shut up! Get out! Who said she would die!"

Yu Tiejun was shocked, and the powerful source of the magic star suppressed Yu Tiejun. Soon, Yu Tiejun fell to the ground. He saw that the magic star had lost his mind and did not dare to say anything more - he had no strength to say anything more.

The magic star raised its head, his eyes were empty, and said quietly, "This is the only way, that's the only way..."

The magic star stood up, his eyes were full of sadness, his hands were folded, and he used a spell in each of 144 non-four spells to Shanling.

"This, this is..." Yu Tiejun couldn't move under the pressure of the powerful source of the magic star, and even tried to speak, but when he saw the magic star's posture, he was extremely frightened, his eyes widened, and quickly shouted, "It's impossible! Master of the Magic Star Pavilion, please stop!"

"I said it! You! Shut up!" The magic star roared, and Yu Tiejun was controlled by his spell. The magic star used this strange spell and said coldly to Yu Tiejun, "Only the three of us know about this. If you dare to say it, I will definitely kill you with my own hands!"

Yu Tiejun trembled violently, his body was torn by the strange source, and it was difficult to speak in pain. He was shocked to look at the magic star close to the crazy and was speechless--

This is the forbidden art of the moon world. It is a spell created by dry people using soul knots, which can restore people who die frequently, but there are two conditions. First, the person must be a moon warrior, and second, the person must have mixed blood from other races in his body.

The reason why this spell is banned is that after use, the frequently dead person will no longer be a pure-blood moon warrior, but will become a mixed-blood spirit with other ethnic sources. The moon world does not recognize that such a person is still a moon warrior, and is also afraid that it will create a horrible species like the people in the agreed world, so soon after this spell came out Just list it as a forbidden art.

What no one can imagine is that the magic star, known as the strongest spell in the lunar world, only accidentally heard the mention of this spell by both hearts, and also said one-third of the ways to use it. Who knows that the teller has no intention to listen to it, and the magic star, the magic star, a genius of the spell, has realized the complete use of the forbidden spell by only by looking at only one-third of the information. Law.

Shan Ling's tone gradually improved, and the magic star had completely cast this spell. He seemed to hear Shan Ling saying something and attached it to her ear. He only heard Shan Ling muttered to himself:

"New Stone, I remember... New Stone, don't go, don't go!"

Involved in new stone? Magic Star frowned and showed a bitter and tired smile - sure enough, what did Shanling and Shi Xinshi have? His smile slowly disappeared, and his eyes darkened and he fell to the ground.