Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 45 Strange Things in the Human World

"I'm afraid you haven't noticed it," Lu Yesheng turned around. " tens of thousands of meters behind us, Shuang Junjie, Shan Xue and an Italian girl are also close to the eternal stronghold."

"Italian girl? Do you mean Yi Xiaoyu? Lu Yuanhan asked.

"Who knows. It should be her, isn't it your friend?

"Well, yes." Lu Yuanhan was a little worried and looked behind his back, "Do we want to help?"

"No," Lu Yesheng walked forward. "There are thousands of wells. You can't help but look down on Shuang Junjie and Shan Xue too much. What's more, Shan Xue seems to have been completed now."

"The trap changes?" Lu Yuanhan thought of something and asked, "Dad... You and Shan Xue had a trap in your body a long time ago. I remember the words before Jin Minzhong died..."

"Who knows." Lu Yesheng ignored Lu Yuanhan. "Let's save these things for later. Now it's important to save your sister first."

Lu Yuanhan gritted his teeth and didn't say anything, followed his father straight ahead, listening to the screams of countless wells behind——

"Sister Shan Xue, it's really troublesome for you to use the second life so soon," Shuang Junjie waved his sword and fell into three traps in front of him. "My soul will be used after seeing Xiao Nanhuo."

"You don't have to say that I won't recite it like HD Yang last time!" Shan Xue said, "She was attacked that time. If she uses a secondary life, do you think those 2,000 traps will be her opponent?"

"It's also!" Shuang Junjie shouted and killed the traps in front of him with Shan Xue. Those traps were powerless to fight under Shan Xue's secondary white fire sword. Shan Xue extinguished nearly a hundred traps with a single move.

"Xiaoyu, you don't have to rush to take action. You just need to restore your soul at any time for Shan Xuejie. Although Shan Xue and I were both born in February Pavilion, after all, we are in battle, and it is difficult to replenish ourselves at the same time. Your ability is stronger than before. It's the resilience I've never seen before, so we rely on you behind us.

"Hmm." Yi Xiaoyu replied softly.

Shan Xue looked at Shuang Junjie and thought: Yi Xiaoyu's experience is really similar to Shuang Junjie. No wonder these two people are so similar now. Shan Xue was cut by another sword, and finally dozens of traps fell in front of them. She nodded to Shuang Junjie, and the three rushed into the dark moon world together.

The depths of the dark moon world.

A secret door was opened, and Xiao Nanhuo came to see Ling Yuchen again.

"Brother Xiao Nanhuo!" Ling Yuchen smiled happily.

"Well," Xiao Nanhuo squatted down and scratched Ling Yuchen's little nose. "I came to see you."

"Yes, what's the date today?" Ling Yuchen suddenly asked.

Huh? It's July 17th. Xiao Nan replied, "What's wrong?"

"I came here on the evening of May 28..." Ling Yuchen curled his lips and said aggrievedly, "I haven't seen my parents and brothers for more than a month. I miss them... You lied. You said you would let me see my brother soon. When will you let me go home?"

Xiao Nanhuo's eyes showed unbearability and thought to himself: If I don't come, I'm afraid you will never see them again. Your special source of soul will be cultivated as the key object of all ages. I'm afraid I want to cultivate you into the next chapter.

"Brother Xiao Nanhuo, what are you thinking?" Ling Yuchen asked.

"I didn't think about anything," Xiao Nan patted Ling Yuchen's head. "Today, you will see your brother."


"When did my brother lie to you? You are here, wait obediently, your brother... should come soon."

Xiao Nanhuo gently put his hand on Ling Yuchen's head. Suddenly, the secret door was destroyed, and a loud noise came, and Ling Yuchen screamed with fear.

"Xiao Nanhuo! Let go of Yuchen!" Lu Yuanhan saw Xiao Nanhuo put his hand on Ling Yuchen's head, sweating coldly, and pulled out his sword, "Don't mess around! Xiao Nanhuo!"

"Brother!" Ling Yuchen shouted happily and was a little scared, "Brother... What are you doing? What do you want to do with a sword?"

What are you doing? It's this group of people who take you..."

"Lu Yuanhan," Xiao Nanhuo interrupted Lu Yuanhan, "don't say this in front of your child, although you are just a child."

"You..." Lu Yuanhan was very angry. He didn't dare to do it. He was afraid of what Xiao Nanhuo would do to Ling Yuchen.

Xiao Nanhuo bent down and said softly to Yuchen, "Look, I didn't lie to you. Your brother came to pick you up."

Lu Yuanhan was a little nervous. It was not until Ling Yuchen ran to his side and held his hand that he was relieved.

"Lu Yuanhan," Xiao Nanhuo said to Lu Yuanhan, "I don't hate you."

Ling Yuchen was very scared. She didn't understand why Xiao Nanhuo suddenly said such a thing. She looked at Lu Yesheng beside Lu Yuanhan and only felt that she looked like her brother.

"But, Lu Yesheng," Xiao Nanhuo pointed to Lu Yesheng, "I've always wanted to ask you something."


"Who is the heart trap that hurt you, Shan Xue and Shan Ling?"

"Who knows."

"Why can you master the trap change?"

"Who knows."

"Why don't you tell her that there is also a trap in Shan Xue's body? Why don't you teach her how to master the trap by herself!" Xiao Nan's angry tone aggravated, "If you dare to say again, who knows, you should know the consequences."

"Who knows." Lu Yesheng still replied coldly, and Xiao Nanhuo clenched his fist. Lu Yuanhan became nervous. He was afraid that Xiao Nanhuo would really take action, which would affect Ling Yuchen.

"Forget it," Xiao Nanhuo sneered, "you are a guy who can sleep for 12 years for revenge. How can you easily answer my questions? To be honest, I really look down on you, Lu Yesheng. I really didn't expect you to lurk beside us for 12 years.

"I'm flattered. Xiao Nanhuo," Lu Yesheng also sneered, "I also have one thing that I am puzzled. It seems that you brought Shan Xue back here to do a trap experiment to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the so-called dark moon world. But in my opinion, it seems that you are begging Zhang Yiyan to let Shan Xue control the well change rationally, although he failed. Can you explain it?"

"Who knows." Xiao Nanhuo smiled sarcastically, imitated Lu Yesheng to say this sentence, and his courage disappeared.

"Ah?" Ling Yuchen screamed, "He, why is he missing!"

"Yuchen, don't be afraid. He is playing magic," Lu Yuanhan comforted. "Just now, he and the uncle next to him were talking magic terms. Don't be afraid."

"Oh, that's it," Ling Yuchen smiled and rushed into Lu Yuan's arms. "Brother, I miss you so much!"

"Well, I miss you too," Lu Yuanhan's nose was sore and his eyes were red, which made Ling Yuchen get out of his arms, squat down, looked at her eyes, and said softly, "Yuchen, do you miss your parents too? This uncle is taking you home now. I have something else here.

People's world, Stone Town.

"Hm, aunt!"

Qiu Xinjin saw a thin boy of medium height greeted her, thought for a moment, and smiled and said, "It's Zhang Bing! Yuan Han often mentions you."

"Real?" Zhang Bing smiled bitterly and said, "Auntie, that's my home next to me. Can you come to my house to sit down? I have something to ask you."

"Hmm?" Qiu Xinjin is a little curious - this child wants to ask her something.

"Well, it's about the distant cold."

Qiu Xinjin put away her smile. She nodded and said, "Well, just ask."

Zhang Bing led the way and brought Qiu Xinjin to his home. He did not know that his unit building had been surrounded by 200 transformed traps.

What kind of strange feeling is this? Zhang Bing suddenly felt out of breath. He remembered that on the night of May 28, he had a very similar feeling to now. He remembered that he was already in the hospital when he woke up again and couldn't recall anything.

"Zhang Bing, are you all right? Look, you don't look well." Qiu Xinjin is a little worried.

"It's okay. Thank you for your concern. Please sit down," Zhang Bing asked Qiu Xinjin to sit on the sofa and said, "I'll make a cup of tea for you."

"No, you must have been confused for a long time. Just ask directly."

"Good." Zhang Bing sat down and said slowly, "Auntie, have you noticed that there seems to be some changes in the recent cold?"

Huh? You said."

"Hmm. I don't know what happened on May 28th. I was seriously injured and hospitalized. During this period, many classmates came to see me, but what surprised me was that Yuan Han didn't come. Zhang Bing clenched his hands, supported his chin, and thought carefully, "It's already June since I was discharged from the hospital. When I chatted with Yuanhan, there is always a feeling that he doesn't look like Lu Yuanhan."

"What do you say?" Qiu Xinjin narrowed her eyes slightly, and a trap came behind them.

Zhang Bing trebled all over and looked behind the sofa and saw nothing. He turned pale and asked, "Auntie, do you feel anything? That kind of cold thing that makes people afraid of suffocation?"

The trap stretched out its front claws and reached Qiu Xinjin's neck.

"Nothing, are you sick?" Qiu Xinjin stood up and touched Zhang Bing's forehead. At the same time, the trap turned into black smoke.

"It's strange that the horrible feeling is gone again," Zhang Bing sighed, "I continued. The seat beside Lu Yuanhan was empty. I can't remember who his new deskmate was. I asked Jiang Xiaoxiao. Jiang Xiaoxiao said that since she was not at the same table with Lu Yuanhan, there had been no new students in the class. I suddenly felt creepy and asked other classmates, and their answers were the same.

"Later, Zhang Rong came to me. She said that she felt that Jiang Xiaoxiao seemed to have changed a person, which was very different from before. Although her appearance and voice had not changed, she just felt strange."

Zhang Bing shivered again and looked out of the window. There was nothing. In fact, there was a trap outside the window trying to break in, but it was shot down by a fireball.

"I quickly asked Zhang Rong, did anything happen on the night of May 28? Zhang Rong said that she was also injured and couldn't remember. Only then did I know that things were not simple, and the monitor Zhang Yize seemed to have never come to class since May 28. I asked Zhang Rong if Lu Yuanhan had ever been a deskmate. Her answer is the same as mine, but I don't remember who it was. Zhang Bing looked frightened, but the smell that made him feel horrible was getting less and less. He couldn't see that the smoke had already rolled in the house and outside the window.

"Auntie, what's going on?" Zhang Bing hurriedly asked.

"Zhang Bing, have you read too many horror novels?" Qiu Xinjin smiled, "Is it because Lu Yuanhan has been playing with the computer every day for half a month of this summer vacation that you don't come to you so much? All right, I'm going back to cook for them. Take care of yourself."

Qiu Xinjin walked to the window, opened the window and said, "Maybe you don't open the window all year round, and you have hallucinations when you breathe less fresh air."

Another trap flew to the window and came directly to Qiu Xinjin. Qiu Xinjin stretched out, and her hand just touched the trap, and the trap disappeared in an instant.

"Zhang Bing, I'll go back first." Seeing that Qiu Xinjin had decided to leave, Zhang Bing didn't stay any more, so he politely sent her out.

Qiu Xinjin walked to the door of the community, and another trap came to her. Qiu Xinjin smiled, gently wiped it out with a palm, looked at the community full of black smoke, and smiled, "Your Highness the fire feathers, Your Highness the Red Hall, killing 200 traps in an instant is really awesome!"

The man put away his whip and smiled.