Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 15 Charm

human world.

"Fire attack!" Suddenly, several flames came and evaporated all the water drops on the purple shield.

Lu Yuanhan and Dolphin were both shocked at the same time that this is fire feathering. What's going on? Lu Yuanhan put away the purple shield and found Jiang Xiaoxiao standing beside him.

"Is that you?" Lu Yuanhan looked at Jiang Xiaoxiao unimaginably.

"Uh-huh..." At this time, Jiang Xiaoxiao also had an extra moon sword in her hand. "Don't underestimate me too much... I have been in contact with the dead man for more than a month and have never interrupted training. And... I heard from Kuren that Zhixiao will come today, and I think I will make faster progress.

This girl... Dolphin was surprised that she was not a featherer, let alone a moon scholar, but why did she master the fighting skills of these two races, and the source of the girl just now... There was a feeling of a trap. Who is this girl?

"It was the first art of fire feathering just now, and it was the lowest level." Jiang Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, the fire in the sword became bigger and bigger, and the water beads around him were evaporated little by little. "The snow like Zhang Yize is called snowbreaker, which is the fifth art of water feathering... He is much stronger than we thought."

"Now, let me protect you, far cold." Jiang Xiaoxiao said softly, raised the moon sword and cut it down with a sword.

The extremely thick knife-shaped black fog is rushing for Dolphin, which is the black knife ability used by the trap class! Lu Yuanhan looked at Jiang Xiaoxiao in disbelief and didn't expect her to become so strong now. Also surprised was Dolfen. He immediately waved his sword, and the black fog trap arrow penetrated the black knife, which made Dolfen relieved. It turned out that the girl's attack power was not too strong at present.

"The ten-style spell, Xin Huan!" Suddenly, Dorfin's hands were surrounded by iron the size of a bracelet and tied his hands in an instant.

"It's such a low-level spell..." At the moment when Dolphin pulled open the ring, a purple-black sword wind came towards him.

Dolfen had no chance to stop him, and the purple and black sword wind cut his body without deviation. The sword wind dissipated, and a huge wound was left on Dolphin's chest. The bones were seen deep, and blood was flowing. Dolphin knelt in the air and gasped. No one could stand such a move.

"I thought you would be the same as Fiss, but I directly divided it into two." Lu Yuanhan suddenly rushed to Dolfen and waved his sword crazily. Dolfen raised his sword with one hand to block it. The blood had stained his body red, and the speed was getting slower and slower, and Lu Yuanhan's slashing speed was so fast that Doer fen could not even see it clearly.

"It seems that you are much better than I thought." Lu Yuanhan sneered and kicked Dolphin's abdomen. Dolphin couldn't dodge and was kicked far away and lay in the air.

When I first remembered, I found that countless trap arrows were shot in the air. It was Jiang Xiaoxiao. Dolfen rolled hard and avoided these attacks. Although all of Jiang Xiaoxiao's tricks are entry skills of various races, it can indeed bring a lot of effects in combination battles.

"It's over!" Lu Yuanhan and Jiang Xiaoxiao both raised their swords, as if they wanted to give Dolfen a final blow.

"This should be my line!" Dolphin suddenly jumped up and roared. At this time, the purple and black sword wind and the fog black knife came to him, but Dolphin did not dodge, but raised his sword and roared, "Charmination, dolphin roar!"

Suddenly, there was a dolphin scream. Lu Yuanhan and Jiang Xiaoxiao subconsciously pressed their ears tightly at the same time, and the sword wind and the fog knife were shattered. The lower body of Dolphin in front of him turned into a dolphin's tail, and his hands became the "arms" of a dolphin.

"The so-called charm... is to restore to the ontology represented by the magic trap and burst out the strongest ability." Dolfen gasped and roared at Lu Yuanhan and Jiang Xiaoxiao in front of him, "It's a pity that it's not in Stone Town, otherwise the small city will be destroyed at that moment!"

Lu Yuanhan realized that the ground that was originally a wasteland had now become like the surface of the moon. He was secretly shocked, is this the power of charm? He remembered that when he fought with Sbaide, if he had really heard that he had been lucky enough to use his charm at that time, he would have died.

"Death!" Dolphin roared angrily. The dolphin's tail shook, and the huge waves hit. Lu Yuanhan and Jiang Xiaoxiao were hit to the ground alive. In the process of descent, the waves turned into huge water swords and stabbed them.

"Damn!" Lu Yuanhan hugged Jiang Xiaoxiao reflexively and protected Jiang Xiaoxiao with his back. Although Jiang Xiaoxiao used a low-level spell in time, Lu Yuanhan's back was quickly stabbed and scarred.

At this time, a huge sword with a radius of at least ten centimeters floated into the air, as if to penetrate the two people at the same time.

"No!" Jiang Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and burst into tears and shouted.

"Break it." Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, and Jiang Xiaoxiao opened her eyes in astonishment and saw that the water sword had turned into ice, and it snowed around, and all the drops of water had turned into ice and broken.

This voice is... Zhang Yize!

"Although I'm sleeping in Shizhen, I still feel the terrible battle here." The cold female voice sounded, "Really, don't hold her anymore. I can't cure the wound."

"Little rain?" Lu Yuanhan let go of Jiang Xiaoxiao and looked at Yi Xiaoyu in surprise, "You..."

"Haha! And me!" A familiar voice sounded from behind Dolphin, and a feather whip hit Dolphin. Dolphin waved the dolphin arm to block it. The teenager smiled and immediately dodged and came to Zhang Yize.

"Ji Xiaoji!" Jiang Xiaoxiao exclaimed, "You, why did you come back!"

"Ha... How can I not come back as your eldest brother? Don't you think Lu Yuanhan is about to be killed? Really, I'm in such a mess when I'm not in Stone Town. Ji Xiaoji smiled brightly as usual.

"Who admits that you are our eldest brother?" Zhang Yize said coldly, "Although I don't want to admit that the strongest here is Lu Yuanhan, I have also become much stronger."

"Do you think you are the only one practicing?" Ji Xiaoji also smiled softly and said, "I haven't relaxed for almost two months." Dream, right? Yi Xiaoyu suddenly whispered, "They also came into contact with me." Sure enough..." Ji Xiaoji smiled strangely, "I knew they wouldn't miss a talent like you."

This group of teenagers... Dolfen was shocked why these guys suddenly appeared? If they were unharmed, these five people might not be their opponents, but...

"Are you thinking that if you are not injured, you can defeat the joint attack of the five of us?" Zhang Yize smiled disdainly and said, "Don't joke. You are just an illusion trap. I don't care about the emperor's trap with close strength to the master of the cabinet. Even if you are the cabinet master, you may not be able to retreat completely under the combined attack of the five of us!"

Dolfin suddenly remembered the report that Sprun brought back from the dark moon world, and then he remembered that the report showed that these teenagers had hit the unprehensed ages with combination skills.

Wangu... Dolphin shook... This is a guy who can't even beat Winter, and it is rumored that his combat effectiveness is second only to the white leaf and the sworn horror guy. Dolfin was a little panicked. Just as Zhang Yize and Ji Xiaoji were about to take action, Dolfen quickly chose to escape.

"Don't...run!" Lu Yuanhan roared hard.

"Forget it, don't chase it." Zhang Yize said, "Now that you are injured, it will still be very difficult for the four of us to fight in a charming state. What's more, the formation may be chaotic in the process of chasing, which will be troublesome. After all, his strength is really strong.

Jiang Xiaoxiao also nodded repeatedly and said, "Since everyone has come back, it will be a matter of defeating him sooner or later. Xiaoyu, please treat him quickly."

"However, what I care about is..." Ji Xiaoji suddenly said in a very serious low voice, and everyone looked at him quietly.

"Uh... Why are you so horrible?" Ji Xiaoji was shocked by the eyes of the other four people and said with a bad smile, "What I care about is that it's so late. Why are you with the beautiful Jiang Xiaoxiao?"

Zhang Yize and Yi Xiaoyu both "cut" and didn't want to talk to him. Jiang Xiaoxiao and Lu Yuanhan blushed with shame.

Moon boundary.

"Lord, with the help of the Lord of the Pavilion, we can restore the separation of the moon world and the soul area today!" Ai Yumeng said to both hearts.

Now, there are still nine cabinet owners left after Lu Yesheng took office. Shuangxin ordered all cabinet owners except the general cabinet owner to participate in the recovery work. The two cabinet owners went to the moon boundary as a group.

The two hearts have created a tool, which is set on the four sides of the lunar world, requiring the cabinet owners to input their own source into it to the maximum extent. This device can force the soul area far away from the moon world to be pulled back, but the soul source with strong demand, ordinary moon soldiers and even the deputy cabinet owner, if they enter the soul source, it is likely to cause their own ashes and smoke.

Therefore, this kind of work can only be done by the cabinet owners with nearly infinite sources, and even the two hearts themselves have participated in the work of input sources.

The soul area is gradually coming back, but the two hearts are frowning.

Why? Why did Baiye take so much trouble to send Sanmo to arrange countless traps to surround the moon boundary in the soul area, and then sacrifice them to cause this division? Bai Ye clearly knew that if he gave it to himself, he could recover in a day. In such a short time, he could not find Qiu Xinjin in the human world.

So what on earth is he for?

With a loud noise, the soul area finally merged with the lunar world. But at this moment, his pupils dilated, and he suddenly figured it out and shouted at Ai Yumeng in front of him, "Yumeng! Come back soon!"

But it was too late. A tall and handsome man in white suddenly fell from the air with a bad smile, pulling Ai Yumeng into the air, and their bodies were disappearing. This is...jing boundary membrane!

"The owner of the two-hearted pavilion... I finally saw you in person. I'm Sanmo." San Moxie smiled and looked at his heart as anxious as a hot pot ant on the ground. "You are shorter than I thought. How do you feel? One of your two deputy cabinet owners was killed by me and the other is going to be taken away by me..."

"Sanmo!" He clenched his sword and roared, "Don't worry! Although I can't do anything now, but... when I get to the trap, I will definitely kill you!"

Is that right? I'm looking forward to it." Sanmo sneered. At this time, he and Ai Yumeng only had one head left. Ai Yumeng shouted urgently, "Lord!"

"It's raining. I will save you. Don't worry." The two hearts spoke softly, with a sad face.

Is that right? That's good..." Ai Yumeng smiled sadly and dissipated in the air with Sanmo, and there were also screams from the other three gates of the moon world. It seemed that the same thing happened here.