Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 20 Unauthorized Battle

Moon boundary.

"Are you sure you want to do this with me?" Shuangxin turned around and looked at the three cabinet owners behind him. "You should also know that this is an unauthorized action, and only the four of us will not be able to come back alive if we don't do well."

"What are you afraid of?" The magic star smiled and said, "You can't be a turtle with a shrinking head. Although our irrational behavior of jumping into the fire pit is not like the so-called cabinet master... However, the person who left his closest subordinates should not be worthy of the cabinet master.

"Oh. You said this as if I didn't deserve to be the cabinet leader before. Both hearts said coldly.

The structure of the lunar boundary is octagonal, with four places in the southeast and northwest as the right entrance gate, and the other four sides are the boundary gate. The southwest is the boundary gate to the human world, which is the only open gate at present, and it requires the consent of the chief cabinet and the political council to enter the human world.

Two of the other three parties have been banned all year round, and the other side has access to the boundary gate in March, which cannot be opened at all. Except for Ye Zhixiao, whose identity is extremely mysterious, only she can shuttle through all walks of life at will. The northwest is the gate to the feather boundary gate, and the southeast is the gate to the trap boundary gate, which are all forbidden gates. The northeast is the only transitional area that is rumored to enter the spiritual world, that is, the 13th March Pavilion. Among the twelve current cabinet owners, only Shuang Junjie and Magic Star have visited.

And Magic Star and Shuangjunjie just went in and have a look. In the thirteenth month, only in terms of combat effectiveness, only swearing heaven, white leaves and eternal can fight with them. Unfortunately, one of the three escaped to death.

At this time, the four of them had reached the gate of the trap and whispered, "This place is forbidden to open. It can't be opened without the power of three masters or above. Now we have four, and it seems that we can enter.

Tianding took a deep breath and said, "I guess there has never been more than three cabinet owners in history who want to open this door at the same time."

"Um..." Two hearts said slowly, "Before the golden day, there was a chief cabinet master... That was the first chief cabinet in the history of the lunar world. He created the moon world and built a hierarchical spectrum with the Western lunar calendar, but the architectural style of the lunar world is oriental, which has always been puzzled. These four gates are also established by him, integrating countless boundary films into one, connecting the safest and fastest boundary roads. And as our moon world, we can only enter the trap world through this door.

Is that right? I really don't know how Bai Ye did it. Magic Star sneered, "Why can the trap boundary membrane shuttle at will? It seems that the boundary membrane of our moon world is going to be strengthened, and we can't go anywhere except the human world."

"I'm afraid it's a knot." Shuangxin said helplessly, "That kind of thing can almost destroy the structure between the four worlds, so as to shuttle at will... In this way, it's really a headache to fight with them. It's hard to win and worry that they will escape with that kind of boundary membrane."

"At least you don't have to worry that they will suddenly enter the lunar world." Shuang Junjie said with a solemn face, "I'm afraid the reason why the autumn palace entered the February Pavilion last time was that the new stone opened its authority to her. Today, this kind of thing will not happen again in the moon world. Let's stop chatting and go in."

Two hearts nodded and put their hands on the boundary door. At the same time, the other three cabinet owners also put their hands on it at the same time. At the same time, the door was opened in the squeak.

"Tianding, Magic Star, Shuang Junjie, the trap will be handed over to you." Shuangxin said, the moment the door opened, countless two or three meters of mud traps gushed out of the door. At this time, Tianding, Magic Star and Shuang Junjie guarded the door and wiped out all the traps that tried to rush into the moon.

"That's the time!" Shuangxin shouted, and the door was suddenly completely opened, and the four cabinet owners broke into it at the same time. All the traps that tried to enter were extinguished under such a powerful source. At the moment when the door was closed, there was no one left.

What they didn't expect was that they actually mixed into the moon world.

"It's really not easy to lose thousands of mud traps and evil traps." A petite woman with long black hair said, looked at the closed gate and smiled slightly, "It's really worthy of being the master of the cabinet. I almost killed me. If it hadn't been for the help of the Wentai, I wouldn't have been able to come to the moon world."

The brunette woman looked at the moon world and smiled and said, "Moon world, I'm here. In the emperor's magic trap of the Winter Palace, Carter." Lifting Carter's long hair in the breeze, you can faintly see her imperceptible cat ears.

"What's going on!" Tianding shouted.

Like the human world, they have to go through a transition zone, but when the four of them enter, they can't cross the transition zone no matter how they run forward. Shuangxin frowned and said softly, "Sure enough, it's worthy of Bai Ye... Even the boundary road can be controlled. Presumably he knew that we would pass through here."

"Ha... They don't want to kill us here, do they?" The magic star laughed and said, "But Bai Ye will not be such an adventurous person no matter how you look at it."

"Fighting in the boundary will only cause the destruction of the boundary, and no one can go out to turn into a soul... Bai Ye can't do such a stupid thing." Two hearts smiled strangely, "I've told you before what will happen next. Get ready!"

"Hmm. But to be honest, it's really unpleasant for me to be sealed for a day!" Magic Star smiled and said, "We really asked for it, but since it was sealed, we are not surprised about this kind of thing. Of course, we also have the old Jianghu Tianding brother here, right?"

Tian definitely didn't want to pay attention to the magic star. He knew that the magic star was joking about the fact that he had been sealed from Jin Min for many years.

"It's coming!" Two hearts said, at this time, suddenly four white lights flew from the opposite side, and the four cabinet owners disappeared into the boundary at the same time. The two hearts opened their eyes. Sure enough, as he thought, Bai Ye would seal them in this process, and I don't know how many years this seal is. Of course, as a two-heart, it has long been to see through the white leaves. Although it has made unremitting efforts, it can only shorten the time to one day. Two hearts smiled and said: White Leaf, you can't change anything in just one day.

At the same time, Winter came to Bai Ye and told Bai Ye that Carter entered the moon world. The four cabinet owners were sealed but the seal structure seemed to have been changed in an instant.

White leaves smiled slightly and seemed to care nothing. Shi Xinshi looked at Bai Ye and sighed with a cold smile: I'm afraid no one can compare with intelligence, but you really look down on tricks... What you haven't found is that you have only spent a day in the seal, but when you come out, you will find that 24 days have passed in the world. .

This is your own invention. The original effect is that a day in the seal is equal to one hour in reality, so that it can grow extremely fast when used to practice. Unfortunately, the effect was cleverly reversed by the white leaves, and you are still too tender. She Xinshi looked at Bai Ye on the stage and knew that nothing could be done in front of Bai Ye.

human world.

Lu Yuanhan came out of the dry training ground again on the night of September 12th.

In dry words, as long as it is related to the battle, Lu Yuanhan is a rare genius. From the first battle with Shanling on the evening of the 10th, Lu Yuanhan was able to start to control the trap change for three nights, but it can only last for a second.

But the dry people understand that if under the guidance of the non-spiritual knot, there is only Lu Yesheng in the history of natural cultivation. In those years, Lu Yesheng has made such a rapid progress.

Lu Yuanhan, as always, sent Jiang Xiaoxiao home and left alone and walked home.

But on the way, nearly a hundred traps stood in front of him. Lu Yuanhan smiled slightly. Now he is still more than enough in the face of hundreds of traps. He took out the spiritual box and became a moon warrior form. He was about to draw his sword and rush to the trap group, but he suddenly felt something stopped.

"Get out of here." A familiar female voice sounded from behind the trap group, and nearly a hundred wells turned back, and the beast-like traps all knelt down, worshipped the woman and then left.

"Mom." Lu Yuanhan's face was heavy. He put away his sword, looked at the woman in the distance, and whispered, "You finally appeared."

"Now, I can only appear." Qiu Xinjin suddenly disappeared from dozens of meters away and came only one meter away from the road and whispered, "I feel that the action of Bai Ye is about to begin."

"What action?" Lu Yuan's face was heavy, "Isn't it going to let you return to the trap world?"

Qiu Xinjin was stunned, looked at Lu Yuanhan, and sighed in her heart that the child had grown up and his head was getting smarter and smarter. Qiu Xinjin said slowly, "I have indispensable importance to the trap world or the white leaf. Naturally, you also know that there are only six surviving heart traps in the trap world, and I am one of them."

"Then why don't you leave!" Lu Yuanhan suddenly felt a little excited, "Are you stupid here, waiting for others to arrest you?" You lied to me and Yu Chen that you left! But why are you still in Stone Town? I can protect myself!"

Qiu Xinjin smiled and said, "Silly child... Shizhen is the safest place instead."

Lu Yuanhan was stunned. Indeed... There should be no place in the human world than the hidden masters owned by Shizhen. On the contrary, it is the safest place.

"I gave you something and then disappeared." Qiu Xinjin took out a pocket watch from her arms and gave it to Lu Yuanhan. She whispered, "Except for the two heart traps outside the four emperors of the trap world, they are the heart traps with monsters in the demon world. This pocket watch is one of the monsters... Remember, this monster must be kept well, and one day you will understand its purpose and pass it to those who know how to use it."

Qiu Xinjin's words disappeared as soon as he fell. Lu Yuanhan looked at the empty street and looked extremely disappointed, but he didn't expect that Dorfen was flying over his head to Yi Xiaoyu's house.

"Don't be afraid, light rain." Dolfen walked to Yi Xiaoyu, looked at Yi Xiaoyu, who had pulled out his sword and trembled with fear, and smiled, "I won't hurt your Xiaoyu... I want to tell your parents something."

Yi Xiaoyu was stunned and looked at Dolphin in a daze with a puzzled expression. Didn't her parents die early in the hands of Xiao Nanhuo?

"The soul of human beings after death has two ways to go, and the soul area or becomes a trap." Dolfen smiled slightly, "What if I tell you where your parents are? As a magic trap, of course, I know that your parents have become a trap, and it is also a magic trap..."

Yi Xiaoyu's body trembled and looked at the portraits of her parents at home. Obviously, she wanted to know whether her parents who had become a trap were doing well now. She tried to calm down her fearful voice and asked softly, "What do you want?"

Dalfen smiled evilly and said something in Yi Xiaoyu's ear...