Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 47 The Origin of the Moon

Lu Yuanhan was slightly stunned and saw an extremely old man behind him.

"Alas... It seems that your boy is really provocative... Even Mr. Mo has been infected by you." Zhou Shu shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. Since it's Mr. Mo, it doesn't matter."

Mr. Mo? Lu Yuanhan looked at the old grandfather in front of him and didn't know who he was.

"Come in, everyone is waiting for you." The grandfather surnamed Mo led Lu Yuanhan into the castle, which is the largest of the thirteen buildings, which is also in the absolute center under this intricate combination.

There are already eleven old men sitting in it. Zhou Zhu smiled lightly and sat in another empty seat next to him, and the huge throne in the center seemed to be for this Grandpa Mo.

"You will stay here for a long time." The old man said, "Let me introduce myself first. I am the first generation of general cabinet owner of the moon world, known as Mo Tian.

The first generation of masters? Lu Yuanhan looked at him at a loss.

"The twelve immortals next to him are the twelve most outstanding cabinet masters in the moon world in tens of millions of years, and the youngest of them is Zhou Zhu." Mo Tianwei smiled and said, "Zhou Shu is a late success. Although he was very old in the Yueyu War 200 years ago, he was not the cabinet owner."

Lu Yuanhan was slightly stunned and only saw Zhou Zhu pinching his long beard and saying, "Sir, why do you bring up these embarrassing old things? I was appointed as the Lord of the December Pavilion after the Yueyu War, but I didn't expect that I would be elected to March after only a hundred years.

Lu Yuanhan asked tentatively, "Dare to ask Elder Zhou Guigeng this year."

"I'm one hundred and sixty-two years old, the youngest."

The youngest? Lu Yuanhan smacked his tongue.

"It seems that you don't know the life expectancy of the lunar world." Mo Tian smiled and said, "How to put it... Yueshi is not a god who will not live, age, illness and death... We also have a life expectancy. Generally speaking, the average life expectancy of Yueshi is 36 times that of human beings."

Thirty-six... times?

"Yes... The average life expectancy of your human beings is about 70 years old." Zhou Shu laughed and said, "The average life expectancy of our Yueshi is about 2,000, but I heard that some time ago, an old Yueshi died tragically in the hands of the people in the world. I heard that he lived 3600 years old."

Lu Yuanhan remembered that the person Zhou Zhu said should be Zhang San.

"Of course, Mr. Mo is an exception." Zhou Shu smiled and said, "He represents the history of the moon world. No, it also represents the history of the feather world."

The history of the feather world, what's going on?

"I said too much." Mo Tian said darkly, "I'll tell you about this later. What I can tell you accurately is that the moon world has existed for 18,000 years, and I have lived for so long.

18,000 years? Lu Yuanhan exclaimed, "Isn't Grandpa Mo the earliest modern human?"


"The earliest late Homo sapiens was discovered 50,000 years ago, and human history is only 5,000 years ago. Human beings 18,000 years ago... I didn't expect that Grandpa Mo looked similar to us. I thought that human beings more than 10,000 years ago were very different from us... And the language is fine." Lu Yuanhan said without thinking.

"Hahaha, ha ha ha!" Mo Tian laughed, "Young man, you should know that what you say in the moon world is soul language, no matter what language you used before."

Lu Yuanhan blushed and found that he had made this low-level mistake.

"And...does human technology tell you the truth?" Mo Tian smiled and said, "Is there a moon warrior or human beings first? Maybe human beings are just a race created by our moon warriors.

Lu Yuanhan was stunned and never thought of such a problem.

"Haha... I won't embarrass you. This historical problem is an unsolved mystery." Mo Tian said, "I have been a moon warrior since I realized... But at that time, the moon warrior was not like now."

"Hmm?" Lu Yuanhan seemed a little confused.

"At that time... the world was only human and chaotic."


"Yes. That was the original lunar boundary, feather boundary and well boundary. Mo Tian smiled gently and thought about what happened ten thousand years ago. "As I just said, no one knows who is the ancestor. At that time, I was born in the human world."

"And then?"

"What makes me strange is that I seem to have a strange ability." Mo Tian smiled and said, "I'm different from others. At that time, human beings were not as smart as they are now, but I'm already the same as modern people. What makes me more curious is that I seem to know some strange spells."


"It can barely be called this kind of thing." Mo Tian smiled, "Time... passed quickly, and there was finally civilization, about 5,000 years ago. At that time, I was used to life and death, thinking that my life expectancy was endless. Until later, I accidentally entered the world of chaos.

"I didn't understand until I got there... The horrible monsters I saw in the human world are all changed by people. It seems that they are called traps, and human beings who have not turned into traps will come to this chaotic world." Mo Tian recalled history, "Later, space was divided into three, that is, the human world, the trap world and the chaotic world."

"At that time, it had been more than 3,000 years to evolve into that, and at that time, I had become the strongest person in the world of chaos." Mo Tian smiled and said, "At that time, I and some of my friends began to summarize our skills and build a lot of things, that is, soul, spell, swordsmanship and boxing."

Lu Yuanhan can't believe that history will be like this.

"The postoperative operation has been subdivided into four categories by us, that is, attack spells, defense spells, sealing spells and healing spells. Each spell has one hundred and forty-four formulas." Mo Tian stood up and said, "I completed the system of the main attack spell. Come on, let me introduce you to some of the inventors of three other spells.

"Drug ghost, the compiler of the curse. Liu only, the compiler of the anti-spell. Gu Tiange, the compiler of the curse. After pointing to the three, Mo Tian pointed his hand to the other two people, "He Xiao is crazy, the compiler of swordsmanship. Li Jing, the compiler of boxing. It was the six of us who compiled the current attack system of the moon world, and... In fact, we only knew part of these skills at the beginning, and the six of us taught each other and summarized them.

Mo Tian laughed: "What an interesting history."

"Yes..." The drug ghost* smiled and was an old green-haired witch. She smiled and said, "Then the six of us created a complete life, and then passed on these tricks from generation to generation."

"It's just..." Gu Tiange smiled and said, "Mo Tian first created Yueshi's ability."

"What, what do you mean?" Lu Yuanhan asked doubtfully.

"He...he is the co-creator of the moon world and the feather world!" Li actually laughed and said, "Otherwise, how could he live like a human life in the human world, that is, he has the ability to hide his body like a feather."

"What!" Lu Yuanhan was stunned and quickly asked, "Grandpa Mo, you are the co-founder of Yujie and Yuejie!?"

"Haha... It's all a thing of the past." Mo Tian smiled and said, "Yes, it's all created by me, but... The people who created feather art with me are probably in the fairyland."

"So...Grandpa Mo, why don't you go to the spiritual world?" Lu Yuanhan asked doubtfully, "The people in the spiritual world should be all your descendants, Grandpa Mo."

"Who said I was not from the spiritual world?" Mo Tian smiled and said, "I am the founder of the spiritual world and the first person with the power of the spiritual world, but I often come back to have a look at the thirteenth month of the moon world and my creation."

Spiritual world...the first person! Lu Yuanhan couldn't believe that the person in front of him was really from the spiritual world.

"It's really a long history." Mo Tian laughed and said, "At that time, I led the world of chaos and renamed it the fairy world, and I created two different systems, that is, the current feather and the moon warrior. To be honest, I was more inclined to the ability of feathers at that time.

"Then... Although the old ancestors of Yu and Yue Shi are all me, with the development of history, they have evolved into two completely different races." Mo Tian touched his beard and said, "And... From the perspective of human transformation, it can be seen that the differences between the two races. Most of the feathers evolved directly from human beings, and Yueshi basically changed their souls after human death."

"And at that time, I was considering whether to build two worlds or not." Mo Tian smiled and said, "Later, about 1,400 years ago, a man named Carlo came, who was the father of the withered Qingtian."

Lu Yuanhan was stunned and didn't expect that these histories could be related to Carlo.

"Carlo came from Europe, and Europe at that time created this modern calendar technique." Mo Tian looked at Lu Yuanhan and said slowly, "Although Carlo's strength is quite average, he gave me good advice."

Carlo's strength is average!?

"He told me about the division of Western society into 12 months and 365 days, and said that this calendar only appeared for decades at that time. At that time, I was happy and had inspiration." Mo Tian laughed, "So I established the feather world and the moon world 1600 years ago. I was the first master of the moon world and the first colorless hall of the feather world."

"At that time, both the feather world and the moon world already had an independent world space and jointly managed the soul area." Mo Tian said gently, "Naturally, the fairy world is divided into two. I divide the feather world into seven halls according to seven colors, while the moon world is divided into twelve-month pavilions according to the month, and the feather world has a colorless hall above, and the moon world has a thirteenth March pavilion above above."

"Later... I found that our strength had reached a very terrible stage, and I heard that a new space had also appeared on the other side of the trap world, which they called the demon world." Mo Tian told this history, "Later, the old friends who established the feather world with me also rose to a level and entered a new space called the fairy world. Gradually, we also have the spiritual world here, and I am also the first person to enter the spiritual world."

"When I entered the spiritual world, it was 1,260 years ago that I passed on the moon world and the feather world to the second colorless hall majesty that you don't know..." Mo Tian sighed, "I didn't know that more than a thousand years later, the feather world and the moon world actually broke up. Of course, our hometowns who withdrew from history The guys can only watch with heartache, but they will never intervene.

There is a Yan Hall under the feather world, a moon pavilion under the moon world, and a season palace under the trap world.

"Actually, my ultimate plan is to create a world with the ability of moon, feather and trap." Mo Tian sighed, "I wanted to create another strongest race, but I'm afraid it can't be realized."

Lu Yuanhan looked at Mo Tian and suddenly remembered the space he was called the king. He suddenly smiled and said, "Sir, your new race dream may not be just a hypothesis."