Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 20 Tragic

"It seems that... the war is over." Zhang Sen lay in his yard and looked at the rising sky with a smile of relief. "This night is really long."

"I also think it's quite long."

Suddenly, a teenager's voice sounded, cold, emotionless and even revealing a trace of murderous intent. Zhang Sen shed a few drops of cold sweat and stared at the door in astonishment. It was the teenager he felt guilty but did not dare to see again - Ji Xiaoji.

"Use such a big loss just to kill you..." Ji Xiaoji shrugged his shoulders and smiled helplessly, "It seems that tonight is enough for me to completely lose my mind... But it doesn't matter..."

Zhang Sen slowly exhaled and still leaned on the boulder and couldn't speak. The blood stained the land around him. He smiled bitterly and then said, "In the end... you still won't forgive me."

"It's just like you can't forgive Yuan Dingzhen." Ji Xiaoji said mercilessly, "Do you think it's a stupid decision that I don't know that it's a small-scale decisive battle tonight? But only in this way can I achieve all my goals. He Weinan, I know you are here. You can record all this so that you can achieve your goal.

He Weinan? Zhang Sen turned around in astonishment and saw He Weinan looking at this place with a smile on his face, as if he was recording all this with a source of soul. Fortunately, he materialized the image later.

So that's what happened... Zhang Sen smiled bitterly.

Only through an unprepared early battle will Lu Yuanhan be forced to fight unprepared, and in this way, everyone will be restrained, and Zhang Sen will become a blank and no one will rescue him.

And Ji Xiaoji knew that He Weinan had been dissatisfied with him for a long time and wanted to take advantage of tonight to let Ji Xiaoji lose power, so the two of them came tly. He Weinan did not use all his best, and Ji Xiaoji also succeeded in this fiasco that allowed He Weinan to continue to dream of the position of second-in-command, but all this laid the groundwork for Ji Xiaoji to kill Zhang Sen with his own hands.

"It's still thanks to He Weinan." Ji Xiaoji Shen said, "To be honest, it was really beyond my expectation that I was beaten like that by them in the end. If He Weinan hadn't made a layout there in advance, so that I and he could escape from that situation. I'm even with you, He Weinan.

"Yes, young and successful Mr. Ji Xiaoji." He Weinan smiled evilly, "It's just that it's really difficult for me to pretend to be such a coward..."

"I let you answer if you want to care about the purpose of the dream to continue to occupy real power. All this you just shot is enough for Meng Yi, the dead old man, not to reuse me again. Get out of here. All you need here is me and him. Ji Xiaoji didn't look at He Weinan and said viciously, "Disappear here and pursue your big dream!"

He Weinan smiled evilly and disappeared here silently.

"Are you worth it?" Zhang Sen said slowly, "How much did you lose to kill me?"

"I understand without you." Ji Xiaoji said, "For this day, I lost everything, without principles, without faith, without humanity, without my companions, without dignity, but... I only know how I have spent these ten years. Do you understand the pain without my parents!"

Ji Xiaoji's voice became trembling.

"But... child, I'm atoning..."

"Don't call me child! It's disgusting, you know!" Ji Xiaoji roared hysterically, "I know I have killed a lot of people!" But I still want to kill a hypocrite like you by any means! Atonement? Do you think giving some broken money to pay tuition is atonement!"

Zhang Sen was shocked, trembling, and his throat knot moved slightly. He asked gently, "Do you... know?"

"I knew it from the beginning!" Ji Xiaoji shouted, "It's because of knowing that I feel ashamed! It's a shame no matter how you think about it, your parents' enemies send money like a beast! Do you know how it feels! This is the biggest insult to me. It takes the pity of a person who killed his parents to survive!"

Zhang Sen exhaled slowly, closed his eyes, and there was a trace of choking in his voice. He said slowly, "If I knew at the beginning that I couldn't forgive you anyway, maybe it would have admitted it earlier... It won't be enough to make so many human beings suffer."

"Don't pretend to be a saint to say these great principles." Ji Xiaoji said fiercely, "Don't gild yourself. Even without me, Yimeng would carry out such a plan. There will be fewer bloodshed than now, and I'm just a pawn in these.

"So you will cooperate with Bai Ye, right?" Zhang Sen suddenly said this coldly.

Ji Xiaoji stayed where he was, but he didn't expect Zhang Sen to know.

"You said it with a dead man, right?" Ji Xiaoji said in a low voice with no expression on his face.

"It's indeed Mr. Aota." Zhang Sen sighed. No one treated him all night, and it seemed that he was close to collapse. "Isn't it strange? Why did your three-legged cat suddenly reach this level, even stronger than He Weinan? There is only one explanation. Bai Ye gave you the source of the spirit.

Ji Xiaoji trembled and involuntarily stepped back a few steps.

"I don't know what Bai Ye is planning, but from your reaction, Qingtian's speculation is not wrong." Zhang Sen said slowly, his eyes were full of pity, "If I had known this, I would have given you my life... This chaos in the human world would have been connected with Bai Ye. Naturally, it would not be so simple... As you said, you are his chess..."

"Stop it!" Ji Xiaoji roared, "Enough!"

"I'm afraid... Your beloved Mr. Zhang San will also feel heartbroken when he sees you now." Zhang Sen gasped and said, "Where have you been, the versatile, lively and cheerful man? Where have you been, the one who can work to buy fruit for Mr. Zhang..."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up!" Ji Xiaoji's whole source broke out in an instant, and Zhang Sen's body was torn apart.

Ji Xiaoji suddenly felt dizzy and immediately fell to the ground, as if he had been taken out. He looked at his hands in disbelief, and then screamed, "What have I done!"

Ji Xiaoji sat and bent down, crying hysterically, and pounding the already dilapidated ground with both hands.

"Don't just cry."

Ji Xiaoji's crying stopped in an instant. He raised his head with tears and choked and said, "Enough... Bai Ye, I really have had enough..."

"No... far from enough." The white leaf's voice from nowhere continued to echo in Ji Xiaoji's mind, "The soul knot is with you... I have let you achieve your plan. If... if you don't help me complete my plan, I'm afraid... I will make you regret it."

Ji Xiaoji was stunned, stood up slowly and whispered, "I know... Bai Ye, don't worry, I will do as you say."

At this time, the cleaning work of Shizhen is also coming to an end.

"Zhang Yize, you'd better go home and have a look." Lu Yuanhan said slowly, with a trace of shame in his eyes, "If it weren't for me... your father wouldn't have been hurt like that."

"Don't worry." Zhang Yize said, "Don't think of me too great. I didn't let you go first because of the overall situation. Besides, didn't you save my father? Let's finish the follow-up work here... Those injuries are nothing to my father."

"You guy..." Lu Yuanhan sighed, "It's true... If it weren't for you next to me, I wouldn't have been busy with these things alone."

"Of course, only your image appears in front of the world." Ding Jie changed her clothes and appeared in front of them and smiled carelessly, "Of course, public figures are busy enough!"

"Come on..." Lu Yuanhan said, "How many people are still alive here?"

"Five-seven people." Ding Jie still looked a little worse when she mentioned the number of people. "Although the other party has been destroyed, our losses are too great. And... none of the seven stone town humans with high spirits survived the battle last night.

Lu Yuanhan's face also became difficult to look at. In this battle alone, almost all the resources left by the dead man were squandered, and only Coco survived the five people who made great contributions to this decisive battle in the early stage, which made Lu Yuanhan feel very guilty.

"But... this sacrifice will be more than we expected." Ding Jie looked at Lu Yuanhan and said, "The heads of eight organizations have publicly expressed their intention to get in touch with Lu Yuanhan, and in last night's battle, 89% of human territory was recaptured, and two people were killed by 16 people, including Deng Hongzhi, who were killed by you. And... Ji Xiaoji should never be able to return to his dream. Ji Xiaoji should be the culprit who caused this butterfly effect.

Although the results are still obvious and can also start the last round counterattack plan to eliminate the dream, Lu Yuanhan is still not happy. These are all bought by everyone for his sacrifice.

"I took Xiaoyu to my father's first." Zhang Yize said to Lu Yuanhan and walked out of the room, "Please do the rest. It's time for me to go back to see my father."

Lu Yuanhan nodded, and at this time, Jiang Xiaoxiao also threw herself into the construction of Shizhen, helping human beings secretly with her powerful source.