Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 45 Farewell

Qingli couldn't help shivering.

Then Lu Yuanhan suddenly retreated, pulled his sword away, and then slowly said, "Sorry, it's no good to kill you. Thanks to your boundary membrane, which is much more convenient than dry people. Goodbye"

Lu Yuanhan disappeared in an instant, leaving only ** whole body of Qingli in place.

As soon as Lu Yuanhan left, Qingli felt that her body could move again and make a sound at the same time. Then Qingli showed fierce and cold eyes and said fiercely in her heart: Lu Yuanhan, sooner or later I will let you know the price.

Just when Qingli was angry, she had another dress on her.

Qingli turned around in astonishment that the person who came here was a drug ghost.

"Yo, I was bullied by an impetuous young man." The medicine ghost smiled and came over with a short crutch and said calmly, "I'd better put you on clothes. There are still a lot of old perverts in your body that you want to see.

Qingli was so angry that she didn't want to listen to this horrible-looking old witch.

"It seems..." The drug ghost squinted and smiled, and the wrinkles on his face were shaking. "The child's ability just used is the same as Ye Zhixiao and Nie Zhilan... In this case, Mr. Mo Tian's dream is really not far away."

Qing Li was stunned, then bit her lower lip and stopped talking.

human world.

This is an extremely simple funeral. It was held in the large courtyard of Zhang Yize's home.

The only people present were Zhang Yize, Zhang Sen, Jiang Xiaoxiao, Yi Xiaoyu and Lu Yuanhan. This funeral is doomed not to be held openly, because Ji Xiaoji is already a great villain in human minds.

What's even more chilling is that only five people buried him.

A sarcophagus, the coffin cover was still lying next to it, and Ji Xiaoji lay peacefully in it, as if he had just fell asleep. As usual, a simple white T-shirt and a pair of light blue jeans.

Four young girls stood by the coffin and looked at the dead companion.

He is the most painful of the five of them. At the age of eight, he lost his parents and fell into a coma. At the age of ten, he woke up and mutated. Then he grew up in discrimination and saliva for eight years and finally became a talented teenager.

But at the age of 18, the nightmare came again, and Zhang San, who had taken care of himself for ten years, died tragically. After avenging Zhang San, his return to the human world finally went astray, killing many innocent people, fighting with his former companions, and watching his compatriots all be eradicated in the tide of history. Then live alone in this world.

But he didn't expect that after experiencing so much pain, he finally failed to return to a peaceful life, experienced a miserable battle on a rainy night, and then cruelly left the world.

Zhang Yize sighed and looked at the teenager who had been fighting with him for nearly two years, but he didn't expect that he would leave like this in the end, let alone that the funeral would be held at his home.

Zhang Sen is full of tears. The biggest guilt in his life was for his two sons and the teenager, but he didn't expect that nothing helped him in the end and let the teenager die so tragically.

Yi Xiaoyu and Jiang Xiaoxiao burst into tears. Lu Yuanhan looked at Ji Xiaoji's body and clenched his fist.

Shizhen on November 16 has entered late autumn. Several teenagers are wearing autumn clothes and watching their companions lying peacefully in the coffin, thinking in their minds is that they will one day be like this.

How many deaths and deaths have you seen in the past six months? I can't imagine that those moon warriors have been in contact with these life and death separations for decades or even hundreds of years. I'm afraid that's why they have trained their hard hearts and have those cabinet owners who seem to have no emotions.

Ji Xiaoji was born on August 21, 1995 and died on November 15, 2013 at the age of 18.

Lu Yuanhan suddenly asked gently, "What's the number on the day I come back?"

"October 25." Zhang Yize replied slowly, and his voice was a little hoarse, "It hasn't been a month, and it's all over. Still like this, we have hardly changed anything.

"No, it has changed." Lu Yuanhan looked at the sky and said, "At least... human beings have survived. From this point of view, Ji Xiaoji has still made a contribution, although he will stink for ten thousand years in human history.

After paying so much, it's really depressing to leave all the names left behind.

"The dry people... haven't they come yet?" Lu Yuanhan said softly, with a slight light in his eyes.

"Well, after the end of the war the day before yesterday, the dead man disappeared." Zhang Yize said slowly, "Your so-called secretary, Ding Jie, is also missing."

Lu Yuanhan was stunned first, and then said with a wry smile, "If Ding Jie is gone, she should also be taken back to the moon world."

"The dry man... Why didn't he come, and Shan Lingjie Shan Xuejie Qingyang." Jiang Xiaoxiao asked cautiously, "After all... Ji Xiaoji has been with them for ten years."

"God knows." Lu Yuanhan said softly, looking at Ji Xiaoji's body, "I'm afraid... For a perfectionist who is simply demanding on the plan, he will not allow his emotions to fluctuate. Seeing Ji Xiaoji's death, even he will have a slight impact. If he doesn't appear at this time... it means..."

"Our road to revenge has officially begun." Zhang Yize answered.

"Indeed." Lu Yuanhan smiled lightly, although he was forced to smile, "If we count that time in the dark moon world, we should have been defeated three times in the hands of Bai Ye. It's only three things, and it's time for us to fight back."

Counterattack? Yi Xiaoyu looked at Ji Xiaoji's body and still felt that the word was extremely vague.

How can it be... White Leaf alone is horrible and powerful. Yi Xiaoyu couldn't help thinking of the scene where three cabinet owners who were proficient in fighting were injured and fell in front of Bai Ye, and the seven deputy cabinet owners were all fallen after being hit by Bai Ye. Although it was a time when everyone was exhausted and deliberately laid out, but... everyone knows that Bai Ye's strength has reached an unexpected level.

There are also Xinshi, Tianlianer, Dragon, as well as Winter, Sanmo, Wuer, Carter and the mysterious Keyin...

How to fight this battle?

"Are you thinking that we can't win?" Lu Yuanhan took a look at Yi Xiaoyu. Since Yi Xiaoyu followed Lu Yuanhan north to eradicate the two dream members, the relationship between the two was closer than before.

"Wu, there is no..." Yi Xiaoyu blushed because he was seen through his mind and quickly retorted without confidence.

"Yes, they are very strong, four cabinet masters, four two-three cabinet master-level heart traps, more than a dozen emperors equivalent to or close to the cabinet master level, and a mysterious and unpredictable sound." Lu Yuan said slowly, "But what is this? We have twelve cabinet owners, four regimental leaders, as well as dry people, and us. In terms of numbers, we don't lose to them at all.

Yi Xiaoyu was stunned and looked at Lu Yuanhan.

"And..." Lu Yuanhan smiled mysteriously, "We still have the 13th March Pavilion. As far as I know, they are willing to take action."

The tenth month!?

Everyone was stunned when they heard the name. Suddenly thinking of the leap and improvement of Lu Yuanhan's strength, everyone felt at ease.

"Let's say so." Zhang Yize said slowly, "The disappearance of the three of you was in March?"

"Yes." Lu Yuanhan said with a slow smile, "Although we have thought too much about the combat effectiveness of 13 March before. But... as far as I know, the weakest combat effectiveness in it is also superior in the current cabinet.

The weakest are middle and upper-class!? Zhang Yize shrugged his shoulders helplessly. Isn't this kind of powerful organization horrible? I really don't know what Lu Yuanhan thinks.

But what they don't know is that the strongest heart trap "ke yin" is not a "ke yin".

Lu Yuanhan saw that everyone's confidence was aroused by him again and was reluctantly relieved, but in the final analysis, he did not have the determination to win, but from the perspective of his ability to limit Qingli, there was still a chance to win, although the sneak attack restricted Qingli.

Everyone fell silent again, looked at Ji Xiaoji, and then covered the coffin.

After Lu Yuanhan came out of the funeral, he walked to the street alone and did not go with Jiang Xiaoxiao, because he knew that this trip to the human world was probably the last time in the human world.

Farewell? Lu Yuanhan smiled self-deprecatingly and instantly became a spiritual state.

It's 8 p.m., and Shizhen Middle School has just started self-study at night.

Lu Yuanhan walked into the classroom, and no one could see him. He looked at these familiar classmates and teachers and remembered everything in the past. He used to be one of these people.

The position that belongs to him and Xia Yi has been seated by others. It seems to prove that Lu Yuanhan and Xia Yi do not exist in these people's lives at all. Zhang Yize and Jiang Xiaoxiao's positions are still vacant. It seems that they may still be human beings for a while.

Human resilience is amazing. In just a few days, all paralyzed institutions have returned to normal operation, and these students cherish the time of learning more after experiencing life and death, and no student has wasted time.

Lu Yuanhan flew in the air of the classroom and looked at his position.

I suddenly remembered that half a year ago... that day, it seemed to be such a scene. He saved his classmates from two gangsters in the class, and then lay on this table and felt Yu Yuan and Xia Yi in the air. And from that day on, my life has completely changed.

But... Yu Yuan died, and Xia Yi became more and more difficult to see. Everything has changed.

Unfortunately, no one will look up at the ceiling anymore. Lu Yuanhan sighed and looked at Zhang Bing, who was seriously working on the topic, and Chen Rong, who was stuffing letters into Jiang Xiaoxiao's desk. I'm afraid that Chen Rong and Jiang Xiaoxiao will never see each other in the future. Jiang Xiaoxiao will definitely return to their world with him.

Farewell, Zhang Bing. Lu Yuanhan said in his heart, and then left the classroom through the window. But what he didn't know was... At the moment he left, Zhang Bing raised his head, looked at Lu Yuanhan's back, and said softly: Goodbye, Yuanhan.

Zhang Bing could no longer see the cold road, but saw a humanoid silhouette there.

But he knows that that is Lu Yuanhan, his best friend, but he must say goodbye to him forever for the sake of all mankind for what he must protect.

I remember the friendship between us for more than ten years. It's good and bad to have a heroic friend like you. Zhang Bing smiled bitterly and then continued to bow his head to do his homework.

Lu Yuanhan continued to fly to a bungalow near the square on the edge of Shizhen.

With the help of the government, this bungalow with a destroyed roof has been built again, and Coco still lives in it and continues her hacking career, but there is no memory of fighting side by side in her mind.

The four dead human beings are real heroes, but no one remembers them. Lu Yuanhan slowly walked into Coco's room and thought of it silently.

Coco is sitting on the ** that had sex with Lu Yuanhan, with a laptop on her knee and tapping her fingers briskly.

Lu Yuanhan smiled and looked at the lovely Coco. He remembered the scene when Coco threatened herself when she saw Coco for the first time. She couldn't help laughing, but Coco couldn't hear it at all.

What a lovely girl... Lu Yuanhan sighed, just sighing that such a girl had done for herself, but she couldn't stay in her memory in the end.

Maybe, forget me, it's better... there will be no more danger around her.

Lu Yuanhan sat by the bedside. Suddenly, Coco put down her notebook and lifted the quilt covering her body. It seemed that she got out of bed to drink water, but this made Lu Yuanhan want to laugh, because Coco's clothes were printed with a photo of Lu Yuanhan.

How can this little girl still worship me so much?

Lu Yuanhan shook his head helplessly. But the eyes stayed on the laptop.

The desktop is his photo. It was a screenshot of Lu Yuanhan's argument with Ji Xiaoji when he first arrived in the human world. Although this video was completely deleted by Lu Yuanhan and completely disappeared from the human world. But if it's Coco, you should leave a backup for yourself.

Nowa, Coco should worship Lu Yuanhan as an idol and indulge in human legends about him. It's just that simple. Lu Yuanhan left Coco's room without looking back, but Lu Yuanhan did not see the document in the computer.

is the diary written by Coco before saying goodbye to Lu Yuanhan, recording the 20 days of life.

In this way... Even if my memory is deleted, I can still think of you again, my favorite god. Coco, who had come to her room, picked up the water cup, looked at the photo of Lu Yuanhan printed on the water cup, and smiled sweetly.

Lu Yuanhan finally came to his home.

He walked into his home blindly. Ling Yuze felt the appearance of Lu Yuanhan, but knew what this appearance meant and did not get up.

Lu Yuanhan walked to Ling Yuchen's room and looked at the sleeping Ling Yuchen.

Was it the same six months ago? Yu Chen fell asleep peacefully, but was taken away by Bai Ye and Shi Xinshi and handed over to the eternal hand. What Yu Chen never knew was that Yu Tiejun and Xia Yi fell in this room covered with blood that night.

At first, he became stronger purely to save Yu Chen, but he didn't expect it to become like this in the end. I know that my father is Yueshi, my mother is a trap, and my stepfather is a feather, and I am involved in one past that I must face.

I really want to laugh at myself. Lu Yuanhan looked at Ling Yuchen's little face and smiled.

It's really a source of extraordinary talent. Lu Yuanhan smiled. Speaking of which, Ling Yuchen's genetic source is better than Lu Yuanhan's. It is the source of heart trap and His Highness. Ling Yuze is still much stronger than Lu Ye.

Maybe he will be an excellent featherer who can change the history of the feather world in the future. After all, Yuchen is the first descendant of feathers and traps in history. How can such a good gene not be powerful?

I just hope that she won't experience her own pain.

Lu Yuanhan sighed, looked at Ling Yuchen, and then walked out of the house again. But at the moment when Lu Yuanhan closed the door, Ling Yuchen opened his eyes, and his big watery eyes were full of tears. Ling Yuchen whispered in a tender voice, "Brother, you must come back. Bring Sister Xia Yi back together and then take me to play together.

This is not a farewell... It's just that I unilaterally silently greet those people I miss in the human world that they can't hear. In the future... Who knows?

Lu Yuanhan smiled bitterly. In the moonlight, he raised the box-shaped boundary membrane that Qingli gave him.

I'm leaving. Lu Yuan rose coldly and looked down at the stone town where he had lived for nearly 17 years. He regretted that his human life was about to end like this before it had fully started. Then he smiled and opened the boundary membrane.

Goodbye, Zhang Bing, Coco and Yu Chen. Goodbye, Ji Xiaoji.

Goodbye, Shi Zhen. I won't see you again in the future. Let's do whatever you want.