Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 11 Battle of the Enemy - Mercy

Lu Yuanhan noticed that they did not do their best, and the offensive routine was more like warming up.

Ke Jinghang only used the first fire phoenix, and Wu Jing also used the newborn fan dance double circle. They carried out the most common close attack on Sanmo one after the other, and Sanmo also dodged casually.

Lu Yuanhan frowned and couldn't understand what Wujing and Ke Jinghang were doing.

But Lu Yuanhan didn't know that Wujing and Ke Jinghang heard Shui Wumeng report in detail about Samona's two almost insoluble abilities - "penetration" and "exploration" before the battle.

Penetration can cross any substance, that is to say, most of the spells can be cracked by Sanmo, and it is difficult to block Sanmo. And exploration is even more terrible. Sanmo can know what you will use a few seconds before you use the trick, and can know your position in advance.

If you expose your strength too early, you will never be Sanmo's opponent.

The two cabinet owners only used their junior life, intending to consume Sanmo's physical strength step by step with their excellent combat ability, so as to solve this terrible guy in front of them at the most appropriate time for the next life or even for life.

What puzzled Wujing and Ke Jinghang was that everyone knew that it was Sanmo who killed the stone. Since they wanted to revenge, why didn't they fight in person?

It's just that the road on the outside is far cold. Looking at Sanmo's unchanged expression, he still feels slightly angry. Because he heard Zhang Yize mention afterwards that when he was defeated in the first war with Bai Ye, the people sent by Bai Ye to wash the stone town and finally forced out Qiu Xinjin and took away were Sangmo and the four emperors of the summer palace.

Therefore, when Lu Yuanhan learned that there was a heart trap attack, he chose Carter, not Winter, who had some similar personalities to Baide.

It seems that... it will take a long time to wait. Lu Yuanhan meditated and temporarily relieved his lifelong state to preserve his physical strength.

Sealing Area No. 5.

"Fit, you won't be my opponent." Tianding raised his fist, and his strong muscles were obvious. Because he thought that the cabinet coat was too inconvenient, Tianding privately changed the cabinet coat into a sleeveless vest, which matched his muscular man's figure. At first, his private behavior aroused the anger of the oath. He did not expect that Tianding looked so loyal and meek. Take the lead in transforming the cabinet coat.

It's just a fixed beginning, which triggered the innovation of several cabinet owners. On the eighth day of the first lunar month, he simply lost his coat when fighting, and the magic star changed the coat into his favorite slim black suit, and even the gentle waterless dream was changed into a black dress, which caused a wide discussion among ordinary moon warriors in the lunar world in private about these charming cabinet owners, most of whom liked the revised by the cabinet owner. Cabinet-level clothing.

Of course, the most excessive is Jin Minjun. Because of his noble background, he generously made twelve sets of cabinet coats, all kinds of aristocratic styles. In the end, he was so angry that he was too lazy to care more about these individual cabinet owners.

Bahlo, the emperor of the Summer Palace, fought with Tianding. Baflo was full of blood and breath, with two horns on his head, and his big nose exhaled hot air. He was tossed by Tianding's second life, because the derivative ability of Tianding's second life can replicate two of himself to assist in the battle, but it is not as strong as the main body.

And Tianding also has the ability to create phantoms to teleport himself, which he has used in the battle when he first entered the dark moon world. At that time, the Yueshi led by Tianding were attacked on all sides and repeatedly attacked. They also encountered the trap of feathering that was not in the information at that time, so they fell into the field. Tianding was even more worried that his soul would accidentally hurt his subordinates, and he would rather be injured than use it. It was not until the time of withdrawal that his strength broke out and defeated five dark moon masters with the strength of one person.

And now Tianding is one-on-one with Baflo. The previous concerns do not exist at all for Tianding. He is the owner of the October Pavilion, one of the three major battle moon pavilions in the lunar world, and he is also the strongest boxing skills in the Yuejie Pavilion. In the face of Baflo, who has the general cabinet master-level strength, there is no pressure.

As Lebert said earlier, in the separate competition with the cabinet master, it was really lucky to meet Shuang Junjie, but Shuang Junjie was still seriously injured and captured Leibert alive without injury. Therefore, this carefully planned counterattack against the enemy war, which was killed from the stone and the four deputy cabinet owners were captured. It is ready to win. Except for Sanmo and Winter, the winning rate is unknown, the other six battles between the cabinet owners and the emperor's magic trap can be said to be no suspense.

It must be the victory of the one-sided masters.

Sbaid is the only magic trap that can fight against two people. He is the strongest magic trap in the history of the trap world. When Sbaide fought against Wujing and Lu Ziyi, he did not see Wujing and Lu Ziyi, so he forced Sbaid to change his charm. It can be seen that the magic trap level is still a long distance from the cabinet master level.

Because the strength of the ordinary magic trap is lower than that of the deputy cabinet owner, the emperor's magic trap is only the general cabinet owner. The really horrible one is only a few times the strength of the cabinet master's level.

Now that Sprun is dead and Carter has been captured alive, the moon world has begun a formal counterattack, which is enough to sweep away the haze of the previous two big defeats.

Baflo just barely stood up and bent down, but he didn't expect that Tianding flashed behind him again and gave him a heavy blow, making him fall to the ground again and roll several times.

"I said I just let you give up. As the master of the cabinet, you will be trained to the point where you can't understand, and you can't keep up with our speed. Tianding said softly, "I don't like the term fatal blow. I will leave your life as much as possible."

Bahlo spit out a mouthful of blood, containing two teeth. He struggled to get up again, but was knocked down again by Tian Ding fiercely. Over and over again, it was an infinite cycle, as if it seemed that Bahlo was unwilling to give up at all.

Baflo is like a bison. He will never give up fighting without being beaten to the point where he can't stand upright.

Tian Ding kept giving it to Bahlo, sighing, only sighing why he met such a tenacious opponent. While Baflo has been passively beaten, he is also lamenting why he has met a combat-type cabinet master Tianding and has no chance to win.

Baflo shot countless well arrows, but all of them were smashed with his fist. Baflo cut out a very strong black airflow-like source with a black knife, but it was also disintegrated.

"Give up." Tianding hit Baflo's abdomen again. Baflo flew high and heard Tianding's extremely cold voice, "You can't win."

"Don't look down on people too much!" Baflo roared, "Charming change..."

Before Baflo had time to use the charm, his body was fiercely pressed by the two splits of Tianding, and then he was hit with boxing by Tianding, who appeared in front of him again. Tianding punched very fast. It can be said that he could punch dozens of times every second. Baflo was beaten all the way and didn't even have a chance to defend. .

Soon Buffalo fell to the ground.

"I won't give you a chance to change." Tianding said coldly, "I don't like things beyond my expectations. I'm such a stable person. To be honest, I don't like fighting either, but my talent gives me talent in the field of boxing, and I am also born with a strong sense of responsibility, so I fight on the front line. Just to prevent others from getting hurt.

"I didn't expect that you were so generous and kind among the cabinet masters." Baflo turned over, his face has been extremely swollen, and one of the horns has been broken. He can't see whether his eyes are still open at all, but he can still hear the ridicule and admiration in his voice. What he mocks is the ruthlessness of the cabinet masters and admires the righteousness of the addition. "It's just... the more benevolent, the easier it is to die!"

Suddenly, Buffalo himself turned into a huge bison, and at the same time, a herd of bison appeared behind him, which seemed to be able to trample everything to the ground.

"What!?" Tian Ding was shocked, but the sharp horns on the top of the bison's head all came to Tian Ding. If he was stabbed, he would only add a big hole in himself, but Tian Ding had almost no defense at all.

But what Barlow did not expect was that such a large-scale concentrated attack was actually blocked by the two additional sockpuppet, but the two socks had already been blurred without human form.

Tianding took the opportunity to hide far away. Looking at the two "self" with hundreds of holes and thousands of sores in the distance, he felt uncomfortable. After all, when he saw his image being beaten like that, he would feel cold all over.

Baflo actually did it to give up the charm of summoning? Tian Ding frowned, but soon there was no time to think about him, because thousands of bison were rushing over him, with great momentum and smoke.

"I said... you have given me too many opportunities!" Buffalo roared, "This is my charm, herd of cattle!"

Sure enough, Tianding frowned and waved his strong fist to blow away all the bison close to him, but there were too many. In this way, Tianding's physical strength would inevitably be exhausted.

"If all the cabinet owners are as stupid as you, that would be great! The moon world has been destroyed by us for a long time!" Baflo roared, "Why has it always been that you moon warrior can wipe us out at will under the banner of justice! The times should change, and our trap will wipe out the moon warriors at will.

"You are killing human beings! From this point--" A huge source fist appeared from the herd of cattle and scattered thousands of bison alive. Only Tian Ding roared, "You are never worthy of the word justice!"

Baflo was stunned, quickly stabilized his mood and shouted, "I don't need evidence at all!" All I need to know is that you, as the cabinet owner, are about to die in my hands! Come on, cattle!"

Soon, Tianding's tall figure was submerged among the cattle. Baflo sneered and felt that it was over. Tianding should have been trampled into meat mud at this moment.

Who told you to be kind all the time? You think that you may kill me in an instant with your life, so that you don't have to die for a lifetime... You can only die because you are loyal enough, and there is no other reason. It's just that you killed yourself. Baflo thought coldly, but suddenly a sword pierced his body. Baflo stared at his bull's eyes in shock, and the person in front of him was actually determined!

How could it be! Shouldn't he be in that herd?

"You should remember what my other derivative ability is." Tianding seemed to have relieved his second life and returned to the most primitive state. The sword in his hand pierced Baflo's abdomen, Baflo's body slowly returned to human form, and the cattle also disappeared because of Baflo's decline. "That ability is me with a phantom in the distance, and the real me can move freely before attacking. What was submerged by the cattle just now is just my derivative ability. I used it before I was released."

Baflo collapsed weakly, blood flowed to the ground, and the sealed space was also disintegrated. At the moment he closed his eyes, he heard Tianding say to the other side in a thick voice: "Lord Shuangjunjie, please save this Baflo's life."