Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 29 Winter's Past

200 years ago, I was born in the trap world. It is the youngest heart trap in the history of the trap. I am a naturally born heart trap, not transformed from the human soul, nor evolved from the magic trap.

I was born with strong strength and soul, and I don't understand why it is so powerful. At that time, it seemed that the trap world was discussing one thing, that is, the earth-shaking historical war between the moon world and the feather world.

Moon boundary? Feather world? What kind of world are these? What kind of race are the moon warriors and feathers? Who knows. All I know is that I keep walking in endless nothingness and can't find a moment to stop.

But... It is not only born with predestined excellence, but also endless death. I can't find a place to live. I want to see the light.

I don't know when I finally had two more companions around me. The two magic traps are also inherently powerful magic traps, and they are much better than ordinary magic traps. Later, I learned that the three heart traps were constantly looking for such a powerful magic trap and called them "imperial traps" because they were emperors.

A low-profile magic trap is called Pengrun, and the other has bright and strange hair, called Tormigen.

They were the first magic trap to accompany me, and also... the first magic trap to leave me. They lost their lives because they followed me.

Later... a female trap with a sexy figure and as elegant as a cat also came to me. Her name is Carter. She met Pengrun and Tormigan first. It can be said that they don't know each other. Naturally, a pervert like Tormigan had evil thoughts about Carter when they happened to meet her, but they didn't expect that they couldn't beat Carter.

When he was about to fall, Pengerun naturally came to help. They fought for a long time before they shocked me. But... the moment Carter saw me, he decided to give up the battle.

She joined me... and she told me that she could build her own power, because now I have only one less imperial magic trap than the strongest Sanmo.

It's just... I don't want to fight with my compatriots.

Until one day, I saw Sanmo with my own eyes. I saved Dill under Sanmo... It seems that Dill is also an outstanding girl. From the trap to the imperial magic trap, I don't know how much pain she has experienced.

That was the first battle between Sammo and me. It is also the first time that I feel a smooth battle, and for the first time that I can fight with opponents with equal strength. Finally, Sanmo gave up and fled.

And Dill recognized me at first sight, because she was saved and decided to join me. At the same time, she called her best friend Fox, who also became the emperor's magic trap.

And at that time... I was persuaded by Carter and established my own power. Only fighting can you not have to fight... Do you understand? If you want to create peace, you must conquer those unpeaceful factors. So I decided to intervene and change this three-legged world.

Finally, the four trap emperors were formed in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

It's just... After a hundred years of war, although my power was getting bigger and bigger, I eventually became the largest trap emperor in the territory, but I still failed to unify the trap world. The war was going on endlessly, and the sacrifices did not stop. There is death everywhere, and there is blood everywhere.

Later... a moon man named White Leaf appeared in the trap, which was 60 years ago.

At that time, we all heard that the moon boundary was divided into two, with an extra dark moon boundary. It's just that I'm not in the mood to take care of the moon world, but not long after this incident came out, this white leaf actually appeared in front of our eyes.

He is with a beautiful woman beside him. I can guarantee that that is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and there is also a man with a cold smile but beautiful eyebrows beside him.

And Sprun, who had been fighting with me for many years, was lying at his feet covered with blood, and the same was Sprun's two emperors, Shak and Dolphin.

Bai Ye looked at me, and I also looked at him. At that moment, I seemed to see the light.

"You seem to be very strong." The first sentence of Bai Ye is this sentence, "It happens that I am also very strong. But... I don't want the strong to always fight, and the strong should unite, that's right. Are you interested in joining me?"

It was the first time I saw the light, and I almost promised this man more beautiful than a woman without thinking.

Then he also joined him. Bai Ye took us to the Summer Palace and disintegrated the Summer Palace with lightning speed. This also announced the end of the years of division of the well world.

The war... seems to have stopped.

"I will give you a real future." Bai Ye left such a thing when he left.

It's been many years. I have been enjoying the peace here. Until five months ago, the white leaves let us go to the moon world collectively. There, I saw countless deaths and the knot in the hands of Lord Baiye that fascinated him.

That knot has completely changed us. I got new abilities and even learned double charm, and all my men learned charm, and... Carter seems to become the seventh trap in the history of the trap.

But... the war also kicked off.

Death... is destined to follow me like a shadow. However, Lord Bai Ye, can you really touch the real future? Why, what I see is still death, and there is no end...

The two hearts were really only given three ten seconds. Ten seconds later, Carter and the three disappeared again, and it seemed that they were transferred by the two hearts. Both hearts looked at Winter, who had turned into black smoke, and put away his sword.

Two hearts looked at the eighth day of the first lunar month, Jin Minjun and Lu Yesheng again. Their injuries have slowly healed under the treatment of Shuang Junjie, and the destruction of the central fountain seems to prove the tragedy just now.

Broken black seal, broken chains, blood and tears.

You are a respectable enemy, Winter. Both hearts actually bowed to the black smoke. Shui Wumeng looked at his heart, and it was hard to imagine that his heart would do such a thing.

Since the death of Shizi, you have really changed a lot. Shuang Junjie looked at both hearts and smiled with relief.

Ke Jinghang and Wu Jing also stood up and looked at the black smoke with admiration. Tianding also looked at the two hearts that had always had a good relationship with him with a comforting smile, and even Linghun couldn't help applauding for Winter in his heart.

This heart trap exchanged his own death for the respect of all the cabinet owners. This is also a good place to die.

The two hearts stood up, and the ice in the central area had been completely melted. But... the central area of the day began to darken.

And at this time, Xie Yu, the deputy cabinet leader of the July cabinet, came out.

Two hearts look at Xie Yu. I suddenly understood something in my heart. It seems that... The head of the cabinet is about to come out.

"It's finally here." Both hearts shrugged their shoulders and said, "It seems that... the real fierce battle has just begun."

All the cabinet owners were worried. After the fierce battle with the Summer Palace and the Winter Palace, each cabinet owner can be said to have consumed a lot of physical strength and soul resources, not to mention that their men were fighting in the soul area, but they could not command them themselves. But, Fortunately, these were handed over to March.

"Compatriots. Long time no see." The whole moon world turned into night. A flash of lightning lit up the sky, and you could also see the thick rolling black clouds in the sky. At this time, two men in white stood in the air and said, "You seem to be very strong. Coincidentally, I am also very strong. Are you interested in going to the real future with me?