Fairy Pavilion

Chapter 34 Infernal Affairs - Memories

A white light fell from the sky, covering Tianlian'er's body. And almost at the same time, another black light enveloped Shi Xinshi's body. This is Tianlian'er's ability to copy the new stone.

Everyone in the field was shocked by the sudden changes, and no one knew what was going on. Why would Tianlianer attack the new stone, but Tianlianer no longer gave the new stone and everyone time to think about it. The white light dissipated from her and turned into several white lightshes to stab the new stone in the black light.

In this case... he can't survive. Tianlian'er gasped and felt that her physical strength seemed to have come to an end, showing a sad smile that made people pity each other.

Everyone has a reason to live. Even if it is unbearable, even if it is 100% painful... it still has to survive, only for the last sword to pierce all anger and hatred, so that people can breathe and really rest.

I have been involved in new stone for 300 years, and I can finally take your life in person.

327 years ago.

"Dad, Mom." Tianlian came out of the hut and looked for her parents. "Who are the people in black who just passed by?"

"It's the moon." Tianlian'er's father smoked * grass smoke and looked at the people in black who left with awe. He said slowly, and his tone was full of respect, "They... far away can be said to be the center of our survival, but I have been here for more than 100 years, and I have never been close to the moon. That's the place where the best people in the soul area can go.

"Ah, really. I really want to see those moon warriors!" Tianlianer also looked at the back of those people with worshipful eyes, especially the back of a female moon warrior, "It's really chic. I also hope that one day I can wear such clothes and such a sword.

"Haha, Lian'er is really ambitious. They are great people who protected us when we were human beings, and it is the same now!" Tianlian'er's father praised, "I remember our neighbor came out with a month, and he was very powerful."

"Really! But..." Tianlian'er blinked her big eyes and asked doubtfully, "Why haven't you seen it?"

"That child... is a rare genius." The heavenly father sighed and said quietly, "I probably became a moon warrior 30 years ago. Now it is said that it has become a soaring, and I heard that it has become the third moonguard.

"So...what's his name?" Tianlian asked.

"That child's name is Shi Xinshi." The heavenly father said slowly, smoked a cigarette, and spit it out gently, "I have been living alone near our house, and I don't know when I came to the soul area after my death in the human world. Anyway, I don't talk much. I'm good-looking, but those eyes... It's really scary."

In the new stone, no one knows the name in the soul area. Before the Yueyu War, most of the descendants of the ten nobles who could enter the Yue Pavilion to hold the position of moon guard, and even half of the twelve pavilion masters were nobles. The blood of the nobles made them born with a source beyond ordinary people. In the soul area, few people can be promoted to the monthlywei level.

Most of the people here are reincarnated from the world to here, and once again dissipate their souls to return to the human world to achieve the natural law of spiritual balance, while the so-called destined to be extraordinary is rare. However, the new stone is an exception. No one knows whether he is the soul brought by the moon warrior after the death of the human world, or the soul that grew up naturally in the soul area. In short, he is destined to be extraordinary and has a soul comparable to the aristocracy since his birth.

was directly selected to become a monthly trainee in the lunar world without assessment. A year later, he was promoted to the third moon guard of the November Pavilion. This is a rare promotion speed of the avant-garde ancients in the lunar world, and even the "three young men of the lunar world" that will be a good story in the future have not been surpassed.

Tianlian'er stopped talking and began to be very curious about this man named Xinshi.

At this time, Tianlianer was just the appearance of a 16-year-old girl. She suffered from a strange disease in the human world half a year ago and died quietly while sleeping at night. Fortunately, the next day after her death, she was taken to the soul by Xie Yu, the deputy cabinet of the July cabinet, and did not experience too much pain of meeting with the trap.

And Tianlian'er's parents are just that she knows her parents here. Most of the souls in the soul area don't know each other, and they always need relatives to survive in a new environment. Countless families have been established in the community.

Tianlian'er's mother was smiling and hoeing in the field.

This is located in the desolate area of the soul area, which can be said to be very far from the moon boundary, so Tianlianer has not seen many moon soldiers in the six months when she came to the soul area, and the soul source in the depths of her body has not been stimulated by this. The soul area is an infinite existence. The closer the city is to the moon boundary, the more prosperous it is, and the deeper the concentration of the soul source, the more outstanding people will grow. The farther away it is, the more desolate and poorer it is. At most, the soul there is waiting for another reincarnation.

But Tianmu looked at her beautiful daughter and knew that Tianlian would definitely become an outstanding moon warrior in the future. Because her body has a suffocating source of soul, which is so powerful that it is very close to the little neighbor who didn't talk much in those years.

Time is passing slowly, and her family is moving closer and closer to the moon boundary, and the place where she lives is naturally becoming more and more prosperous. In this short year, Tianlian'er's soul has become stronger and stronger, and she has learned a lot of spells by herself, because she has witnessed the battle between the moon and the well, and her talent is so great that she almost learns some new tricks after watching a battle.

In this year, Tianlian fell in love with a man, a very ordinary boy.

How to describe this ordinary? The appearance looks past, but I feel that it is the kind that I forget when I lose it in the crowd at a glance, and the boy does not have a strong source of courage. He is a very ordinary person.

But Tianlian'er loves him, and girls always feel that there is no reason to fall in love with someone.

When Lian'er summoned up the courage to confess to the boy that day, the boy could hardly believe his ears and even thought that Tianlian'er was joking. After all, there are not many girls with beautiful faces like Tianlian'er, which can be said to be the most beautiful girl a boy has seen in his short life.

In the end, they were happily together.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long.

The lunar world has begun a new round of moon gathering. Moon warriors often fight with wells, and a large number of people will be killed and injured every year, and the moon world will also select new moon warriors from the soul area every year, first enter the daily area of the moon world for trainees, and then choose which moon pavilion to be assigned to according to the personal preferences and specialties of the successfully selected trainees.

There are also many outstanding trainees who directly entered the moon guard level at the time of selection, crossed 12,000 ordinary moon soldiers, and directly entered the central area to accompany the legendary cabinet owner, such as the new stone.

The person in charge of the recruitment of November Pavilion, who was sent here to recruit happened to be the third Xinshi at that time.

He rode a white horse and took dozens of moon warriors to the city where Tianlianer lived. The street was full of countless onlookers, and many children and young people looked at the new stone on the white horse and exclaimed, and were fascinated by his temperament and appearance.

Many people want to be a moon warrior because they see new stones. That high momentum was enough to make countless ordinary people envious. What they didn't know was that Shi Xinshi decided at that time not to accept any registration.

He looked for a talented soul based on his own feelings, and then decided whether to take it away. At that time, Tianlian'er happened to be among the onlookers.

"Xiaoliang! Let's sign up for the moon priest!" Tianlianer pulled her boyfriend happily and also looked at those Yueshi, especially the new stone riding on the white horse, with admiring eyes. "Look, how charming they are! If we become stronger, we don't have to worry about our family or ourselves being eaten by traps.

Xiaoliang nodded with a wry smile, and he naturally obeyed the goddess-like Tianlian'er.

Suddenly, Shixinshi actually stopped, and all the Yueshi around him also stopped and watched Shixinshi come down from the white horse. All the onlookers calmed down and held their breath to look at the man with a beautiful and indifferent eyes.

Shi Xinshi walked in the direction of Tianlian'er, and the momentum made everyone in front of Shixinshi unconsciously make way for him.

Is this... the spirit of the king? Tianlianer was also scared by such a strong momentum for a moment. She was stunned and watched Shi Xinshi walk towards her step by step. Xiaoliang pulled her to let her go, but she didn't feel it. She stayed there as if she had lost her soul.

His eyes are indifferent and terrible, and his pupils reflect a suffocating feeling. His breath is cold and frightening, as if an animal is about to devour people at any time. That animal is...


"Woman, what's your name?" Shi Xinshi looked at Tianlian'er's face and asked coldly.

"Ah, me?" Tianlian'er suddenly realized that it was Xinshi who was asking about herself, and then she noticed that the people around her quietly retreated aside, stood far away and looked at them, holding their breath, and did not dare to make a sound.

The source of the new stone is so powerful that even if he has been suppressing his source, it also makes the residents around him feel a sense of oppression that is difficult to breathe. Xiaoliang is almost the same. Now he has felt that the air is thin, difficult to breathe, his face is pale, his face is full of sweat, and he will faint at any time.

"Just ask you." Shi Xinshi looked at Tianlian'er with his frightening eyes.