Fairy Sword

Chapter 109 Healing Blood Pain Unbearable You Xianxia Encounters Uneven

Su Sheng looked at Mu's arm, asked with concern, and replied with a smile, "When I was in Yaowang Mountain, I did it myself to drive away the insects on my arm!" Xie Xuanyuan said, "Your master is the best at treating these injuries, and let him treat you tomorrow!" Su Sheng asked Zong Ping something again, and he answered them one by one. Several people talked until the sunset. Su Nian and Xie Xuanyuan were already tired and went back to their rooms to sleep.

That night, Wuyu and Su Sheng lived in the same room. The white-haired Taoist lay on the couch and said faintly to Wuyu, "Why don't you go back to Fuxi Palace and go straight to Qingxu Valley? The healing method of your Xiahou uncle in Fuxi Palace is not under me. Wuqi sighed and said, "I can't hide anything from the master. The child came this time to let the master take the child to find his parents. I haven't seen them for many years. I miss them very much..."

Su Shengan nodded and said, "I have always wanted to take you to visit them, but so many things have happened in Xuanyimen recently. It's difficult for you to get out of it for a while, so you are delayed. When you heal your injured arm in the future, we will go down the mountain together!" After listening to this, he was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked Su Sheng.

Su Shengan pondered for a while and said to Wuyu, "You have been fighting in the world one after another. I think you have also experienced a lot of progress. Ordinary Xuanmen swordsmen can no longer be compared with you, but never forget that there are people outsiders. After healing your arm tomorrow, you will rest for a few days, and I will pass on some magical skills and Taoism to you. Wuqi nodded, and then saw the master sitting cross-legged, no longer sound, as if he had fallen asleep. Wu Wei knew that this was when the master was resting at night, and he was also quenching Danyuan, so he did not dare to disturb him and lay on the couch and slept.

When I slept until dawn, I only felt that my ears were snoring like thunder, and there was no trouble of being disturbed, so I had to get up and listen, but it was Xie Xuanyuan next door who was extremely tired and snoring. Wuyu looked at Su Sheng again, but saw that he had sat cross-legged and didn't seem to hear it. He had no choice but to get up and quietly walked out of the door.

However, when I saw that the sky was slightly bright and the sky had just appeared as a light wave. Thinking of the scene of going up the mountain with Ruan Di in the past, I immediately became childlike and quietly left the courtyard and ran all the way to the top of Longfeng! The elixir is straight and refreshing, and the accumulated gas in the chest suddenly disappears from the invisible. In a short time, he came to Youlong Peak.

Looking at the position of Xianxia Mountain from afar, I remembered the scene of parting with my parents, and thought that Han Shanfu had now strayed into the evil way. I also had a great responsibility. Suddenly, I looked up to the sky and roared, and the voice shocked the whole top of the mountain! Then he waved the purple cloud sword, and the top of the mountain suddenly made a great sword!

The purple air on the top of Youlong Peak immediately covered the whole erratic cloud. After dancing for half an hour, he suddenly put away the purple cloud sword and then stood on the edge of the cliff and looked into the depths of the distant mountain. Suddenly, an old voice behind him said faintly, "Not bad! More powerful than I thought! But after all, you lost an arm, and the elixir control in your body is not very subtle!"

Wuqi listened to the master's voice. He quickly looked back and saw that Su Sheng had come to the peak and had already quietly watched Wuqi's practice swordsmanship. After listening to this, he said to Su Sheng, "I thought that you had a fight with your uncle yesterday, which must have been a great injury to your vitality. I wanted you to rest for a while, but I didn't dare to disturb you." The white-haired Taoist smiled and then said behind a stone cliff in the mountain, "It seems that our disciple still loves us old guys."

But when he saw Xuanyuan flashing out after the mountains and rocks, he saw that the two old men experienced a big war yesterday, but they both got up so early today, so they looked at the two people puzzledly. Xie Xuanyuan said loudly, "What! Are we so bad in your eyes?!" Wuyu hurriedly shook his head and smiled, "I didn't expect the two teachers to be so full of air. It's really no worse than our young people."

Su Sheng said with a smile, "We just want to see how much you have learned, and then decide what kind of mysterious method to teach you. However, treat your injured arm today. I have just ordered Ruan Di to prepare medicinal wine in the room. Let's go back now!" The three turned down Youlongfeng and came to the courtyard of Qingxu Valley for a moment.

Wuyu went to the room and saw that Ruan Di was constantly mixed with elixir in a big jar. Seeing that Master and Wuyu had come back, he hurriedly said to Su Sheng, "Master, everything is ready as you ordered." Su Sheng nodded and then motioned to soak his whole body in this big jar. Wu Wei immediately thought of the thing that Pi Heng treated the ear that had been killed by Wu Yusheng, so he plunged into the big jar with his bare arms.

Su Sheng burned a magic charm, and then mixed some other magic drugs into the medicinal wine in the jar. He suddenly saw the medicinal wine in the jar suddenly boil. He was shocked, but he didn't feel how warm the water was, so he looked at Ruan Di curiously. Ruan Di said to Wuyu, "Don't worry, the boiling of this medicinal wine is a medicinal reaction, not like boiling water." Wuyu was about to answer when he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his right arm, and then the earth-shaking pain came from the nerves on his body!

Wuqi suddenly shouted, and the sweat on his face also flowed down. Xie Xuanyuan was drinking tea in the courtyard. Hearing Wuqi's shouts, he immediately went into the room to watch. Seeing Wuqi's pain, he said disdainfully, "If you can't stand such pain, your arm can't recover completely!" He pointed to the scar on his face and said, "In those years, I was split like this by the head of Tianlongmen, and I survived by myself. How could anyone cure me at that time!? You are just a little bit of medicinal wine, and it's so noisy! It's really shameful!"

After listening, he grinned and said to Xie Xuanyuan, "Uncle! How could I have suffered such an injury! In recent wars, either I defeated the enemy or was rescued by you and Brother Lu from a critical time, and this medicine is really unbearable, even when I broke my bloodline, it was not so painful!" With that, he sighed again.

Su Sheng said to Wuyu with a smile, "You have seen me treat the skin horizontally, but at that time, he just died, and the sword wound on his body was not too harmful. Now that your arm has become a waste, this meridians injury is particularly difficult to treat, so you have to try it with such a strong medicinal wine mixed with elixirs. The more domineering the medicine, the faster it recovers, and you can only endure it for the time being! But you have to be prepared, because this treatment will last for more than half a month.

After listening, he immediately sighed to the people present. Xie Xuanyuan saw that he was so cowardly and got out of the room angrily. Su Sheng didn't stop him, just smiled. After a long time, today's treatment was finally over. Wu Wei had already been weak, and then followed Ruan Di back to the bedroom to rest.

In a row, Su's room was full of screams. Xie Xuanyuan was most unaccustomed to shouting when the man was suffering. Every time there was no treatment, he angrily went to Youlongfeng to play. I saw that his injured arm slowly recovered as before. Although he had suffered all kinds of pain, he was also quite comforted.

In a flash for more than half a month, the meridians of the arm have long been restored to their original state, but they just can't be painstaking, let alone control their elixir. Su Sheng also taught some methods of nasa muscle, so the injury recovered abnormally quickly. On this day, Wuyi was fiddling with the two snow lions in the courtyard, and suddenly heard an extremely strong evil spirit hitting him behind him!

In his heart, he subconsciously blocked it with his recovered arm. He only saw that the Zhutian sword in his body burst out, and then the evil spirit that came from the attack turned into invisible. Xuanyuan and Su Shan were looking at themselves with a smile and immediately knew that their injured arm had completely recovered, so they knelt to the ground and said respectfully to the two people, "Thank you, Master!"

Xie Xuanyuan shook his head and said, "You can only thank your master. I didn't want to do anything for your arm recovery. Why are you so hypocritical!" Wuqi said with a smile, "Every time my uncle sees me being treated, he is angry that I help you endure. I also know that my uncle is doing it for my good, but that's what I am. If you are in pain and shouting out, it is not against my nature. This is also what my uncle often warned me!"

Xie Xuanyuan nodded and said, "What you said makes sense. I'm clumsy and can't defend you..." Su Sheng said to Wuyu, "You prepare tomorrow. I will teach you some mysterious methods, and I will also refine your purple cloud sword more completely." He asked puzzledly, "The purple cloud sword is already a combination of two swords. How can it be upgraded?"

Su Sheng said, "When I secretly watched your drill at the top of Youlong Peak that day, I immediately understood that you could only use one-third of the power of this divine object, and did not develop all of it to the maximum extent. When I explain it to you tomorrow, you will know." Wu hurriedly thanked the two, and then went down the mountain with Ruan Di to buy daily necessities.

Since he came to this Qingxu Valley for many days, he has been thinking of looking at the nearby Xianxia Town. Now he is extremely excited to go with Ruan Di. Along the way, he kept pointing to every road he was familiar with and told Ruan Di about his childhood. Ruan Di knew that he was a nostalgic person, so he listened attentively. After a while, the two came to the mountainside of Xianxia Mountain and looked at the nearby village. The village slaughtered by the King of Xiaoming had already returned to its former appearance. It's just that many people in the village can't recognize it.

After thinking for a moment, I didn't dare to talk to the residents in the mountain, for fear that someone would recognize me, but it would attract the criticism of killing the villagers by the masters of the Ming Palace. Walking through the original site of my house and seeing that this place was already in ruins, I couldn't help sighing. The two came to Xianxia Town for a moment. Ruan Di said to Wuyu while purchasing goods, "Brother! Go for a walk by yourself and come back here to meet me later!" With that, he walked to the market in the town.

Wuyi wandered alone in the town and suddenly came to Xianxia Inn. Seeing the lights in front of the door, it was the son of the innkeeper who was marrying his wife! Wuqi squeezed into the crowd to watch, and saw a man of the same age as Muqi lifting the curtain of the sedan chair in front of the door and inviting the bride in the sedan chair out. Seeing that the man seemed to have known each other, he suddenly saw the boss's wife of Xianxia Inn and immediately knew that the young man was Rongxi, the son of the Rong shopkeeper in those years!

However, he saw that Rongxi had grown into an adult appearance, and his figure was much taller than nothing. Naturally, he was happy and full of spring breeze. Wuqi did not dare to recognize each other. He only watched silently in the crowd. Thinking of the tragic death of the shopkeeper Rong in the inn, he immediately hated the ghost sword Shura Wu Yusheng! Now that Rong's sister-in-law has pulled Rongxi into adulthood and married a daughter-in-law, she is also silently happy and blessed for him.

Suddenly, a violent voice behind the crowd shouted, "Put the bride down!!!" The crowd immediately stopped making noise and saw a group of fierce and strong men, among which a tall and thin young man came this way with this group. When Rong's sister-in-law and Rong Xi saw the man, their faces suddenly changed greatly, and then Rong's sister-in-law said to the young man with a smile on her face, "It turned out to be Lord Wang's son! I don't know if the prince is coming, please forgive us for being far away!"

The man pushed Sister Rong aside, curled his lips and said, "Do you know what's going on with the bride now!" Everyone looked at each other in surprise and shook their heads puzzledly. But I heard Mr. Wang say thornily, "I first fell in love with this lady and wanted to marry her home to be my concubine, but you dared to marry her into the house without my permission!" Didn't you pay attention to my father, the state capital???"

Rongxi couldn't stand it any more. He immediately walked to Mr. Wang and shouted, "We are not harmful to each other. Lan'er and I really love each other. You rely on the power of the family and insist on marry Lan'er!" Don't you feel ashamed!?" Everyone also immediately echoed. I only heard Mr. Wang say loudly, "Shut up! You are a little businessman! How can you compete with our officials! If anyone dares to disagree, I will put him in prison!!! Today, I must mess up your marriage and then marry my beloved Lan'er home!"

Sister Rong hurriedly took out the silver tickets she had saved for many years and secretly handed them to Mr. Wang. Unexpectedly, the dranky immediately shouted, "I have a lot of money!" And how dare you blatantly bribe the son of the state government! Come on! Take this woman down!" Seeing that his mother was going to be held, Rong Xi immediately debated the reason with the excited prince of the crowd. Mr. Wang gave a wink, and the big men immediately beat the people and relatives around him away. Then several big men quickly lifted the sedan chair and walked down the mountain.

Wuqi looked at Rongxi, who was knocked to the ground, and Rong's sister-in-law who fell to the ground and cried, and was secretly angry. Then he looked at the faraway Mr. Wang, and walked to Rongxi's side and looked at him with concern. Rong Xi saw that he was a handsome young man and got up from the ground with regret. Wuqi said, "What!? Are you unwilling to be robbed by your daughter-in-law?

Rong Xi pointed to the back of the king's far away and scolded, "Dog officer! Bullying dog officials! I fought with you!" Saying that he wanted to rush to fight with them, suddenly there was a pain in his left arm. It turned out that the joint had been dislocated. Wuqi immediately pinched his arm, twisted a little, and Rongxi's joint immediately returned to its place. Rongxi didn't think much about it. He was about to chase him away, but he stopped him without remorse and whispered, "Don't worry. They will send your daughter-in-law back to you later."

Rong looked at the young man in front of him curiously and wondered. How could he think that this was the treasure of his childhood? Rongxi nodded and said, "Who are you?" Wuqi patted him on the shoulder and said lightly, "I used to be a commoner of Xianxia Mountain. You and your aunt can wait at home. They will send your wife back before tomorrow!"

With that, he walked in the direction of the prince, leaving only Rongxi and the boss's wife and others who stayed aside. Wuyi accelerated his pace and just walked to a rare place. Suddenly, he thought that if the bride was rescued at this time, it would inevitably be involved in the Rong family, and it was inevitable that the dren would go to trouble with the Rong family in the future. It must not be a good thing for the state government to indulge its son so much. Then they followed in the direction of their departure.