Fairy Sword

Chapter 119 Hu does not violate the stone gate wall to save Aoxue and break into the Tianlong Gate

After listening, he got up from the ground curiously and asked, "What are you talking about?" Is it possible that you, a disciple of the Shadow Flame Gate, have never seen the leader until now? So where did you learn your mysterious methods?

Bu Yingxuan shook his head and said, "In the Yingyan Gate, not to mention my disciple, even the four guardians in the door, have never seen the original purpose of the master. My skills are slowly realized by many brothers competing with each other, and those brothers will not really teach people like me..."

After listening, I forgot that I was in a desperate situation for a moment, so I lay on the ground again and said in a sad voice, "Oh, it seems that you are really a miserable person, even more tragic than me." Bu Yingxuan nodded and said, "Yes, how can such a good young man as you easily defeat these masters in the door?" He said disdainfully, "They are not masters, at most three or four-rate fish and shrimp."

Bu Yingxuan thought for a while and asked, "You just said your regret, and one of them didn't find your beloved mother-in-law?" So is the girl you came to rescue your favorite object? Wu sighed, and the candlelight in the stone room had already been extinguished by him with his palm wind to prevent more oxygen consumption.

At this time, he stared at the dark and said faintly, "How to say!? In fact, my favorite person in my heart is not her, but my original senior sister, but my senior sister is now on good with one of my senior brothers, and I can't destroy the relationship between them, and the girl of Xianzhuanmen is a friendship with me. I don't know what she thinks now! Alas, feelings are really tormenting and fascinating..."

After hearing this, Bu Yingxuan also became silent. The two stayed for a long time. Suddenly, they felt that the air around them was not as urgent as before, so they got up and asked, "Oh! Is there no exit in your stone room?" Bu Yingxuan replied, "Why not!? Out of here, it is the hall of the Yingyan Gate, but now that the stone gate has been closed by the surname of Zu, we can only be anxious when we go out!"

Wuqi suddenly knocked on Bu Yingxuan's head and shouted, "You idiot! There must be more air in the hall than here, and there is a pile of dead people here, and it's unlucky! Why didn't you say it earlier!!!" Bu Yingxuan touched the big bag on the top of his head and said with an aggrieved look, "You didn't ask me!" Wuyu said loudly, "Okay! You are mute and want to be asked about everything!!!"

Saying that the two walked in the direction of leaning over to the ancestor crossbow, and the ancestor still had a breath. It seemed that he could not die for the time being, and I don't know why the demon could be so lucky. He was trampled on the pain by their feet and immediately curled up his wrists. He knew that he had no worry about his life and pretended not to see it. Xuan walked into the hall.

I don't see that the hall is unusually spacious, but it is still extremely dark. It seems that all the people here are dark in their hearts, afraid of seeing the sun, so they ask, "Why don't you leave a skylight here or something? Is your leader a blind man? Bu Yingxuan was not angry when he heard Wuyu's sarcastic remarks, so he said to Wuqi, "This is a deep underground place. How can you open a big window on the roof of the shed? Wouldn't that be a landslide!?" Suddenly, I heard a creaking sound of the stone door in the distance, and he pretended to be afraid and said, "Oh, my God! There are ghosts in the Shadow Flame Gate. I'm most afraid of ghosts..."

Bu Yingxuan said disdainfully, "You are so suspicious that I think even you will be afraid when you see a ghost!" Suddenly, his heart moved, and then said to Wuyi, "The only underground passage has been closed. Why can the wind blow in here!? Is it..."

After listening, he immediately hid behind Bu Yingxuan and shouted, "It's over, it's over. It seems that those ghosts innocently killed by your Yingyanmen have come to ask you for their lives! Oh my God! I'd better go back to the stone room just now and accompany those dead bodies!" With that, he turned around and left the hall.

Suddenly, a voice whispered from the stone corridor, "Is there anyone..." After listening to it, the goose bumps on his body were about to rise, and he hurriedly shouted and ran to the stone room just now. Bu Yingxuan was also shocked when he heard this inquiry, and then waved to Wuyi and said, "Come back!" Is he your accomplice!!?"

After listening, he quickly turned around and looked at the sound. Hu didn't know when he broke into the stone room from the outside! Wuyu immediately scolded, "You old man! Why didn't you call my name just now, but asked in a low voice, 'Is there anyone?' You want to scare me to death!" Hu didn't agree and said with a smile, "Forget it, just kidding!"

Wuyu patted Hu's shoulder and nodded and said, "But I still want to thank you. If you hadn't come in from the outside and opened the passage here, I'm afraid we wouldn't have lasted long and would have suffocated to death!" It seems that I still have the foresight to let you stay outside and take good care of it! Haha!"

Hu said, "Well, I waited for a long time, but I didn't see a person in this mountain. You must be trapped below, so I wanted to help, so I saw an organ outside and pressed it a few times, and the stone door behind me opened by me!"

After listening, Bu Yingxuan said curiously, "It turns out that there is another organ behind this. Why have I never known it?" He said disdainfully, "You are a fool, but you just know how to steal other people's magic skills." With that, he called the three of them to walk out.

As soon as he came outside, he suddenly felt that the air was fresh. He felt that he had never paid so much attention to sunlight and breathing. He took a few deep breaths, but saw Bu Yingxuan reaching out to close the button of the stone door. Wuqi suddenly thought of the crossbow and stopped Bu Yingxuan and said, "Well, there is still a living person in it. Thinking about my predicament just now, I still have to forgive others!"

After saying that, they pulled up the way they came. After a while, they came to the place of the old man who was herding sheep under the mountain. They saw that the old man had already carried the sheep, humming the mountain song freely in the distance, and walked leisurely. After seeing it, he was immediately envious and then said, "In the future, when I have nothing to do, I will be beside my parents, drive a flock of sheep, humming mountain songs, like this old man!"

Hu didn't listen and couldn't help frowning and said to Wuyu, "Brother Zhang, it's really strange that you are so talented that you envy a sheep herder!" He said without contempt, "What do you know! Don't you know that you can connect with beautiful women all over the world and enjoy the blessings of your life? If I find out that you dare to do that in the future, I will send you to the palace as an eunuch!" Hu Bumong smiled bitterly and said, "How dare I!"

Bu Yingxuan pondered for a moment, and then said to Wuyu, "We are now companions. I don't know what you plan to do?" After listening, he nodded and said, "Now the most urgent thing is to save my righteous brother of Xianzhumen, and then go to Fuxi Palace to make things clear. Without Aoxue by your side, we will go back to Fuxi Palace. That can only do some unnecessary bloodshed and can't stop those demons who join hands at all!"

Hu nodded and said, "Okay! That's the only way, the two of us will go with you!" Wuyu hurriedly stretched out his hand and said, " Slow! Next, I have to bother you two to go there. Before the Xuanmen sword faction arrives at Fuxi Palace, you must invite some Xuanyimen helpers to Fuxi Palace for me! Otherwise, I'm really worried that the brothers can't resist their attack!"

Hu Bu and Bu Yingxuan quickly arched his hand and said, "You can order it!" The two of us will do it!" After thinking about it, he asked the two to act separately, go to the Fuling Gate, invite the three-body children to come out of the mountain, and the Baihe Gate, invite Bai Yixuan to go out of the mountain, go to the Jiuxian Gate, ask Li Changsheng to come out of the mountain, go to the ghost king of the capital, and invite the gorgeous ghost king to come out of the mountain, and be sure to tell the gorgeous ghost king that Lu Xingyu's life is now threatened, so that she can worry about Lu Xing Yu, instead of helping Xuanyimen, went to Yaowangmen and asked Wen Bailu to go out of the mountain to visit the current situation of Lingwa by the way, and never reveal to her that he went to Tianlongmen to save Aoxue.

With the help of these Xuanmen swordsmen, those Xuanmen swordsmen who went to attack Fuxi Palace can't get it for a while, and they can also buy more time for themselves! Hu Bu and Bu Yingxuan saw that the arrangement was so strict and methodical, and they secretly admired it. Then the two said goodbye to it and walked to the ferry in front of the mountain.

When I saw them go, I was worried. This time, it was related to the life and death of Xuanyimen. I just showed so relaxed, but in fact, it was extremely painful in my heart. He didn't want to see Aoxue's father and his brother's sword, let alone see countless deaths and injuries on both sides, and formed a grudge from then on.

In the stone room of Yingyanmen, he had already asked the direction of tomorrow's Longmen. It will take about four or five days at the earliest to get out of the mountain and reach the capital where Tianlongmen is located. How can he wait so long? He can only come to the nearest state capital of Yingyanmen and see that there are horse dealers who have bought good horses, and the silver on his body is not enough. He robbed one and ran to the road of Gyeonggi!

After two and a half days, he rushed to the capital without any slander. This Tianlongmen is not only a strong hand of Xuanmen in the world, but also an important guard of the capital. Many disciples of Tianlongmen hold important positions in the barracks in the court. Seeing that the capital was extraordinary, it was indeed a dragon and tiger, and the atmosphere of the imperial capital, so he took the horse to the pub and ate the only full meal in a few days. Then he patted the horse and said, "You have made such a great contribution for me. If you want to go back to your master, turn around and leave. If you don't go, I will Take you to the Dragon Gate that day, let's fight together!"

The horse seemed to understand the words, so he stepped on the ground a few times with his horse's hoofs, jumped on the horse's back happily, and ran to the place of the Tianlong Gate! After a while, I came to a wide and square courtyard! Seeing that this court was so rich, he couldn't go to the fairy gate and Fuxi Palace, so he jumped off the horse, tied the horse to the willow tree beside him, walked to the door with stone lions on both sides, and buckled the door ring hard!

Not long after, a man dressed as a servant came out of it. He looked at him and said arrogantly, "Where are you from, wild boy? Why didn't you send me a greeting post? Do you know where this is???

Wu said to the man with a smile, "Go and tell the steward inside that the ancestors of Tianlongmen are here now and ask them to hand over the girl they caught. Otherwise, I will trample this place into ruins!!!"

Hearing this, the servant immediately said angrily, "What a big tone!" After saying that, he waved his fist and smashed it towards Wu Wei! Without hesitation, he did not dodge. He immediately urged the elixir, shook the door and people in, and then strode in!

As soon as Wuyu walked into the courtyard, he saw that it was extremely spacious. It was really a good place for a big war, and the temples in front of him were even more undulating and unsipable. As soon as I got to the center of the square, I heard the sound of killing in it. Immediately, some disciples of Tianlongmen in yellow clothes surrounded the center firmly, and then someone sealed the gate that had just been shaken with stone pillars.

I looked at those people curiously and saw nearly a thousand people around the square! Each of them was holding weapons, and someone waved the flag at the corner tower in the four directions. He looked at the four people without any remarkingly. It was Ganxiu and Pei Zhen, who were repelled by Su Nian on the Huanglong River, and a woman and a burly man, who seemed to be disciples of Tianlongmen.

After seeing it, he immediately carried up the elixir and roared loudly, "Zhang Wuyu, a disciple of Xuanyi, came to ask for someone! If anyone dares to stop me! Never spare————" This shout shocked the ears of thousands of people around him, and then those people covered their ears tightly for fear of being damaged by the undamant Danyuan.

At this time, Aoxue was also in the continuous house of Tianlongmen. Suddenly, she heard this explosion and was shocked and happy! It turned out that Tianlongmen had already laid a trap in case someone came here to rescue Aoxue, and Aoxue was worried that he would come alone to challenge the world's Xuanmen!!!

But he heard Gan Xiu on the corner shout loudly, "If you really have the ability, break in from the array of these thousands of people!" The person you are looking for is there! It's not a shame if we kill you! Hahaha!"

After listening, he immediately condensed to prepare for the battle and looked at the thousands of people around him. He saw those people showing murderous intent and gradually leaned towards him! Wuyi suddenly took action, which was a high-five sword. Suddenly, more than a dozen Tianlong disciples were shaken by the sword spirit and flew away. However, he saw the Ganxiu hurriedly waving the order flag, and then more than a dozen people immediately filled the gap of the shocked disciples.

Seeing that this array was orderly, I thought for a moment and knew that this array was the "returning array" in the ancient array, but now it is used by this powerful thousand people, and it is really ** square!

In his heart, he was not afraid of these people. What he was worried about was that after a long time, Ao Xue was transferred to another place, and he wasting his spirit here, so he secretly prayed in his heart that Ao Xue must insist on breaking into those temples!

Thinking of this, he suddenly jumped a few feet in the air and suddenly slapped at the crowd on the ground! The woman in blue in the north immediately waved the flag, and then those disciples flew into the air in an instant! Seeing these people's swords at the same time is enough to rival the sword spirit of a generation of masters.

Wu Wei hurriedly waved the wind in his palm and immediately rushed to the arrows and flying swords that were shot! Hearing a loud noise, then those swords and hidden weapons were shaken into invisible, and they waved their palms repeatedly, and suddenly dozens of people fell down!

When Pei Zhen saw it, he quickly waved the flag again, and then someone ran out of the hall to fill the gap. I didn't see that these disciples could come out with defeat, but I was only one here to deal with them, and I secretly shouted bad in my heart! Suddenly thinking of Lu Xingyu breaking the flag of Yuanlingzu when he was in Fuxi Palace, he made up his mind that he must capture the king first! As long as the four people in the square horn are driven away, these disciples of Tianlongmen will retreat without fighting!

Thinking of this, Wu Yu flew to the corner tower! Unexpectedly, those people seemed to have been on guard for a long time, and immediately leaked the water of Wuwei, and then launched an extremely powerful attack on Wuwei! Wubian didn't dare to be distracted. He immediately calmed down and fought with these dragon brothers!

For a long time, I didn't move out of here! Seeing that these people are so difficult to deal with, they must be prepared, so they are determined to defeat them. They can only kill them by themselves and lean towards the temple little by little! Suddenly waved a palm, which was his own "Da Shura palm"!

Those people were hit by innocent palms. They thought they could deter them, but they saw more people attack and kill them crazily! Wuyu was shocked. Unexpectedly, the people under the Tianlong Gate were so lifeless! Then he frowned and was ruthless and immediately shot out his "ice and fire cut" with his palm sword!

Those people were shocked again and immediately howled and fell down! Without mercy, he immediately came out with the purple cloud sword and killed it wildly around himself! His limbs flew and his blood was all over the sky. Before long, this neat square was dyed red by the blood of the enemy!

Seeing that the situation was so tragic, he couldn't bear to kill these innocent people again and immediately shouted, "If you don't stop! I'm going to kill you all here!!!"

When those people heard a loud shout, they didn't mean to stop at all, and then gathered around them again! Wuyu has killed red eyes and flew out of the purple cloud sword and killed wildly around. In a short time, he killed nearly one-third of the enemies...