Fairy Sword

Chapter 168 Li Lihu's body pressing the big stone Zhang Qingxu laughed with wine

After saying to Ao Xue, Ao Xue immediately ran to Xuefeng Temple on the top of the mountain. Wu Yi immediately turned around, looked down at the mountain, and then fell down on the stone steps on the top of the mountain and hummed leisurely.

After a while, he saw the group of soldiers come to more than ten feet in front of him. When the leading young man saw Wu in the way, he couldn't help shouting curiously, and then smiled faintly and said, "It's you! Are enemies really not going together? You can meet such a nasty guy anywhere!"

Wuyu closed his eyes and deliberately stretched out and said, "It turns out that you have really become the eagle dog of the court. It seems that I misread you!" The young man was Han Binger, but he saw Han Binger laughing and said, "What!? Do you still want to plead with these bald donkeys on the mountain!?" He stood up slowly and said lightly, "I didn't want to participate in the affairs of the government, but the national teacher is now in power. If it is not check and balanced, it will surely cause trouble the world and harm life in the future! And this time you are actually dragging Shimen and Xuanmen into chaos. Don't you know what you are doing!?

Han Binger nodded proudly and said, "You're right! However, I don't agree with you. You are also a person in Xuanmen. If the world is controlled by the Taoist sect, Bai Murong of Xuanyimen will not do anything to you anyway, and it is likely that you will be carried forward by Xuanmen in the future. Would you be willing to give up your future achievements and protect these bald donkeys!?

Wuyu shook his head and smiled, "This is the case in the world! The road faces the sky, and each way! Everything is full but not messy, and the flowers are blooming and corresponding to the world. You don't even understand this truth. Didn't the person behind you teach you!? When Han Binger heard Wuyi mention the man behind her, her face suddenly changed, and then said coldly, "Zhang Tianbao! What do you know!?

said with a smile, "Don't panic! For the time being, I'm not as smart as you think, and I'll find out the culprit who framed Xuanyimen sooner or later!" Han Binger nodded and said, "That's it! Then I have no reason to protect you!" With that, he retreated to the side!

I saw those soldiers surrounded the stone steps and asked curiously, "Han Shanfu!? You actually know that these officers and soldiers are regarded as grass mustard in the eyes of the people in Xuanmen! Why did you let them come and die!? Suddenly, a huge voice shouted among the crowd, "Let me meet the young heroes of Xuanmen in the world!!!"

After listening, he hurriedly looked at the crowd and saw a huge strong man coming from behind Han Binger and asked puzzledly, "Who are you!" The man shouted, "I am the guardian Lihu in the national teacher's mansion!" Today, I will remove you, a self-righteous boy for the national teacher and Mr. Han!"

He nodded helplessly and said, "Okay! As long as you have this ability!" With that, he retreated and stared at the Lihu, but saw the Lihu bulging his cheeks and suddenly took a breath. Then he walked to the big stone beside him, and his hands were suddenly lucky. Then the big stone was immediately raised high by him. The man's arm strength was several times more than that of the mountain apes of Tianzong!!!

After no slander, he nodded and said, "What a magic power! It's really the best among Xuanxia, but do you want to use this thing to smash me!? But Li Hu shouted, "Exactly!" Then you have to wave your hand and use the big stone to throw it! Suddenly, I felt that my head seemed as heavy as a mountain, and then immediately stood firm and almost fell to the ground!

However, he saw that Wubi had already landed lightly on his big stone, and then shouted at the Li Hu below, "What!? Can you have such a divine power, do you need me as a skinny boy!? With a sudden breath, the Lihu felt that it was difficult to support, and immediately sweated on his head and body!

Seeing that he seemed to be able to support it, he suddenly became competitive, and then took a deep breath, and his feet were immediately weighed by tens of millions of pounds! Li Hu immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then shouted and staggered aside the big stone in his hand! Han Binger immediately clapped her hands and praised, "What a handsome kung fu!"

Looking at the seriously injured Li Hu without surprise, he said, "He has been crushed to spit blood. How can you laugh at him so much!? It's really human!" However, Han Binger walked to the big stone and suddenly stretched out her hand to touch the stone. The big stone immediately flipped and pressed it up! Han Binger smiled and said, "I'm praising you! Didn't you hear it!"

The big stone suddenly hit Wuyu, waved his hand to shake the big stone and flew away, and immediately smashed the sergeants on one side to the head and bleed! Seeing that these two young men were so powerful, they played with the big stone in their hands like a toy while talking and laughing, and couldn't help but be secretly shocked!

But Han Binger nodded and said, "Zhang Tianbao, if you can join hands with me, I promise that you can enter and exit the imperial city at will in the future. The chair of the master will be up to you in the future. As long as you can turn to the door of the national teacher, everything will be discussed. How about it!" He said curiously, "Strange! When did you become so brazen!?"

Han Binger's face darkened after hearing this, and then said coldly, "If you go alone, the heroes under me will be impatient!" With that, he flashed aside and saw a man with scars coming out from behind Han Binger, and then said coldly to Wuyu, "Are you the boy of Xuanyimen?"

Without waiting for Wuqi to answer, he immediately waved a chop and chopped it over. Wuqi dodged, and then said lightly, "What's your name? I don't kill an unknown person!" The man said coldly, "Do you know Zhao Xuan of the dead leaf knife!? That's my younger brother!" Wu Wei nodded and said, "You're right, but Zhao Xuan seems to have been killed by you, Mr. Han. If you want to seek revenge, you'd better find him!"

Han Binger smiled and said, "Ha ha! You murderer, you actually learned to frame him! But they won't believe what you say!" The man with scars on his face is Zhao Xuan's brother Sun Heng. This man has always been very famous in the world, but he is brave and fierce, and countless swordsmen have died under his sword spirit!

Wuyu already knew the fierceness of this man, so he said what he wanted to kill him just now. Then Sun Heng slowly pulled out his half-moon-shaped air sword and said loudly to Wuyu, "Today I'm going to avenge my brother!" With that, he suddenly shot at Wuqi! This half-moon air sword is extremely fast! In an instant, he resisted the purple cloud sword. The air sword was shaken back by the sword spirit of the purple cloud sword, and then turned a circle in the air. Unexpectedly, it was divided into two handles and flew around!

After no remoration, he hurriedly held the Ziyun sword in his hand, and then cut at the two flying qi swords, but every time he cut, the qi sword would separate more blades, and then those half-moon qi swords flew towards Wu Yu! I was in a hurry and suddenly lost my countermeasures...

But Han Binger laughed and said, "You are really stupid. You know that his Qi sword will kill you in turn, but you still hit the blade!" I saw Wuyu dodge and shouted, "You know nothing! Although I don't want to kill people today, it's good to kill you with this hand of Sun Heng! Roar!"

With that, he actually rushed to the army of soldiers and Xuanmen swordsman! Seeing that there were countless half-moon swords behind them, those people immediately dispersed and fled. Han Binger immediately shouted, "Don't mess up!" Wu laughed and said, "How's it going!? Although I'm stupid, these people are not much better than me! Haha!"

Those air swords immediately scattered and lost control. Han Binger said to Sun Heng impatiently, "Receive your air sword quickly!" But when he saw Sun Heng crossing his hands in front of his chest, he shook his head and said, "No! I have to drink human blood to come back, otherwise I will be unwilling!" Han Binger immediately took action to shock Sun Heng to the ground. Sun Heng fainted for a moment, and saw the air swords all over the mountains and then disappeared...

Wu walked to Han Binger's side with a big smile and said, "Shan Fu! You are such a shrewd person, why are you not even good at your subordinates!?" Han Binger did not seem to be domineering in the palace of the Ming Dynasty. At this time, he was courteous by the national teacher and led these people under his own command, but many people were not convinced, and Han Binger was not easy to attack, so she had to resist anger and say, "Don't play with me! If you want to protect these bald donkeys, you are also delusional!"

With that, he asked those Xuanmen swordsmen to rush to the top of the mountain. Without hesitation, they immediately prepared for the worst. A man on the top of the mountain shouted, "Ami TOEFL! It turned out that the people of the court came to Xuefeng Temple. What are you doing in this treasure temple?

Han Binger, Wuyu and others immediately stopped and looked at the top of the mountain. They saw that Zen master Miaoyin was walking down from the top of the mountain with a smile, and he was surrounded by his uncle Xie Xuanyuan, and the moon wheel monk. Han Binger's face was extremely ugly. Seeing that the old monk was extraordinary, she sneered and said, "It turned out to be a master!" I follow the instructions of the national teacher! Come and confiscate everything in the mountain temple!"

Zen master Miaoyin said with a smile, "This mountain temple is the wonderful property of the monks in the world, and our Buddhism has always been indisputable with the world. Buddhism can also stabilize people's hearts and make people convert! This is beneficial to the people of the imperial court. Why did the national teacher want to stir up the masses to ask for mercy!? If it is the will of the court, please show us your majesty's imperial edict, and we will obey it!"

Han Binger snorted coldly and said, "Today, no one in the world knows that the national teacher is below one person and above ten thousand people! If he sends an order, it will be the same as the emperor's edict! You Buddhist monks have nothing to produce, idle all day long, and say those righteous and awe-inspiring words! Moreover, the national teacher adheres to the will of the Taoist sect and wants everyone in the world to respect the old man. You Buddhists'd better get out of here as soon as possible!"

Zen Master Miaoyin put his hands together and said, "The benefactor has said a lot, but it turns out that there is no will of your majesty. Please forgive us for not following your wishes. If you want to forcibly capture the mountain temple, we will definitely resist to the death!" Then call on the Buddhas of the world to write a blood paper together to ask the emperor for an explanation!" With that, he stopped talking and only asked coldly, "Bad boy! Hand over my soul-eating spirit!"

Han Binger saw that the demon appeared in Xuefeng Temple again, and then said coldly, "Since you are so persistent! I will sell you a face today," he said coldly and said, "In half a month, I will lead the world's Xuanmen to discuss the holy land of Buddhism. First, I will go to the Shaolin Temple to start! Zhang Tianbao! If you have the guts, let's meet at Shaolin Temple!"

With that, he waved his hand to the people around him, and then went down the mountain. Wuqi was relieved when he saw the stop, and then turned back to the crowd and said, "This emperor did not have an order. It seems that the national master did his own thing behind his majesty's back. Maybe we went to the palace to see the princess, which seemed to have played some effect..."

However, Miaoyin Zen master and Yuelun monk bowed deeply, and then put their hands together and said, "Thank you, Zhang Shaoxia, for solving this disaster for me. The young hero can work for the Buddha by virtue of his own identity as Xuanmen. We are really ashamed!" Wuyi hurriedly shook his head and said, "Master, what's the matter? Our Xuanyimen has always been based on benevolence and righteousness, but it's not that simple for Han Binger to say it when he left!"

Zen master Miaoyin nodded and said, "It seems that they are determined to win. We'd better go up the mountain and plan quickly!" As they said, everyone went to Xuefeng Temple. Wuyi and Miaoyin Zen master and others came to Xuefeng Temple. Miaoyin Zen master handed over the translated secret to Wuyi and said, "This is the thing of Xuanyimen. Now I will give it to you as it is. Please rest assured that I was translated separately. Those Buddhist disciples will never reveal the content!"

Muqi got up and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, master!" Xie Xuanyuan said to Wuyu, "Seeing that the war is imminent, let's go back to the Qingxu Valley quickly so that my brother Su can point out the magic skills in the secret to you!" Then he immediately got up and said goodbye to the Zen master Miaoyin. He said to the Zen master, "Please stay. When I am successful in my study, I will definitely rush to Shaoshi Mountain in the future to resist those demons for Buddhism! See you at Shaolin Temple!"

The three immediately left Xuefeng Temple and rushed back in the direction of Qingxu Valley. In a blink of an eye, it was early autumn again. At this time, it was difficult to calm down. Xie Xuanyuan sat in the bow and said, "It seems that you have gained the favor of those monks. In the future, your participation will be indispensable!" Wuyu sighed and said, "As soon as the matter of the national teacher is over, I will immediately retire from the world and no longer ask about anything. In the future, the kindness and resentment in the world have nothing to do with me!"

Xie Xuanyuan picked up the wine gourd and drank wildly and nodded and said, "I think it's Bai Murong and other Xuanmen will also go to Shaolin Temple to help the national master," Wuyi nodded and said, "Exactly, when I went to Xianzhuanmen, I already knew about the communication between the national master and those Xuanmen, and also went to Wudang Mountain!"

Xie Xuanyuan said curiously, "The Mu Xizi of Wudang Mountain has always been very arrogant. If your master hadn't advised me, I would have killed the old man under the sword!" Aoxue shook her head and said, "Master, everything is good!" That's it. It's too grumpy! It's exactly the same as Uncle Xiahou!" Xie Xuanyuan heard that Aoxue suddenly mentioned Xiahou Shang, and then sighed and said, "My brother is a good man! Unfortunately, the misunderstanding between us is too deep!"

Looking quietly at the river in the river, he suddenly stood in the bow of the boat and roared loudly. Ao Xue knew that his heart was difficult to calm down. He must have thought of Bai Murong's matter, and he had always been affectionate and righteous, which really put him in a dilemma...

The three rushed to the Qingxu Valley in a few days. Su Sheng hurriedly asked Xie Jingyun to go down the mountain to buy wine and food to pick up the wind and wash the dust for everyone. While drinking, he told the people how he fought with the Zen Master Miaoyin. After hearing this, the people immediately laughed and said, "Master! Why did you become nagging!?

Xie Jingyun laughed loudly and said, "If people are old, they will be like this!" Su Sheng immediately knocked on Xie Jingyun's head with his chopsticks. Xie Jingyun was busy and dared not say anything more. Everyone laughed again and asked curiously, "Why didn't my brother Ping come back?" Su Shengyan shook his head and said, "The two of them want to guard your uncle in Linggui Island for the time being. A few days ago, they sent me a letter with the snow-headed yuan, thinking that they can't come back for the time being, but I see the population in this empty valley increasing, so I think it's time to add more houses! Ha ha!"

After listening to this, Xie Jingyun nodded and said, "Uncle's words are very appropriate! Just take advantage of the cool autumn to cut some trees, cut some firewood, and then with our strength, we can immediately build a bigger house in this Qingxu Valley!" Wuqi also nodded and said to Su Nian, "When I arrived at Kunlun Mountain, Xiaoqian also said that she would go down the mountain and come to the Qingxu Valley, and she will not leave here in the future!"

Ao Xue asked contemptuously, "Isn't Xiaoqian just your sister's daughter? Oh, it turns out that she is also reluctant to leave Xuanyi Gate to come here to live here for a long time!" He said without surprise, "What are you talking about? Why didn't I understand!? Everyone laughed loudly again and suddenly felt that it was the happiest banquet since they came to the Central Plains...

In the morning of the second day, Xie Jingyun came to the Linglong Mountains to cut down trees with his bare arms. Xie Xuanyuan saw Xie Jingyun's laboriously cutting those huge towering ancient trees with his own flying sword, so he shook his head and said, "With you do this, you can't finish the task next year! Xie Jingyun smiled and said, "Uncle! You know that I'm not good enough, and you make fun of me with words!" Xie Xuanyuan nodded and said, "That's good! But my soul-eating Xiao is not around now, and he is no different from you!"

But when she saw Aoxue picking the spiritual herbs in the mountain, she said loudly to Wuyu, "Go and help them!" Wuyu immediately went to the towering ancient wood, and then waved his hand to cut it. The sword spirit immediately cut the thick tree into two pieces! Xie Jingyun nodded and praised, "My brother is still awesome!" If I have refined to your level, I must be old enough to know my uncle!"

Xie Xuanyuan snorted coldly, "You are just a foodie at my age!" Everyone immediately laughed loudly, and the forest was immediately full of joy. Wujian was cutting down the trees, but he saw Hu Wuhu's side and whispered, "Uncle Su has a fate to let you go back and see each other quickly!" After listening, he asked curiously, "What!? Is there anything wrong with my master..."