Fairy Sword

Chapter 186 Wei Lingwan rescues his brother Zhang Xianxia's two daughters crossing the river

When everyone heard Su Sheng's words, they were deeply worried about the two of them. They saw tears flowing silently in Luo Yu's eyes. Su Sheng sighed and said, "Don't do this. Go out to eat something for the time being. I'm alone in the room to treat them. Without my instructions, don't break in at will. !"

With that, he sat cross-legged, and then condensed his breath and transported Danyuan to the dying Zong Ping. Zongping had a very strong foundation. After being transported by Su, he slowly moved his lips. Su Nian was already sweating at this time, but he still insisted on treating Zongping for an hour. .

In a blink of an eye, Zongping's face had greatly improved, but his eyes were still dark. Su Shengyan shook his head slowly and untied the acupuncture point for Wuqi beside him. Then he was about to deliver elixir to Wuqi, but he actually opened his mouth and said slowly: "Master... Or give Danqi... Brother Ping..."

Su Sheng was moved by tears when he heard the pause, and then whispered, "Don't worry! Your master, I can heal you for a while!" Wuyu struggled to get up and said to Su Sheng, "Master... My chest seems to be very painful. I don't know what's going on..." Su Sheng quickly stretched out his hand and pressed it on his chest.

Suddenly, I felt something protruding from my chest, which seemed to be a huge inner elixir. Su Sheng immediately guided the thing slowly with his own elixir. For a long time, he suddenly opened his mouth and suddenly spit out a silver ball! Su Sheng was stunned when he saw the stop. He had never seen such a thing in his life!

After gasping for a long time, he immediately said to Su Sheng, "Master! Hurry up and give this thing to Brother Ping. This is the spiritual pill I once got on Linggui Island, and now I don't know why I spit it out... Brother Ping will be able to recover quickly with him..." Su Sheng thought for a moment and decided to take a risk!

Su Sheng picked up this ghost pill and gave it to Zong Ping from his mouth. Before long, he saw Zong Ping suddenly trembled all over, and then spit blood foam in his mouth. Su Sheng was shocked when he saw it. Why is this thing so domineering! Wuqi shook his head and said, "Please rest assured, Master, this is caused by the first time that Lingwan adapted to his brother's Danyuan..."

Su Shengen nodded slowly after hearing this. Sure enough, after a while, Zong Ping vomited all the blood in his abdomen, and then his face seemed to be much more red, and soon he fell asleep! Su Sheng immediately shouted, "Jingyun! Come on in!!!" Xie Jingyun thought that one of them had died. He was shocked and immediately rushed to the room, and then said with tears in his eyes, "Uncle! What's the matter!?

Su Nian said with a smile, "Take your brother Ping to another room quickly. Don't disturb him!" Xie Jingyun saw that Su's treatment had turned out to have been good, and immediately said happily, "Uncle is such a magical skill that Hua Tuo is really alive!" Su Ning shook his head and said, "It's a long story. You can put him down first!" Xie Jingyun and Hu immediately carried Zong Ping to the next room.

Su Sheng looked at Wujing quietly and then shook his head and said, "You have become like this now. Why do you still give your spiritual pills to your brother!" He said weakly, "It must be caused by the retrograde of my elixir, otherwise this spiritual pill has already been in my elixir, and it can suddenly reappear. I think it is no longer suitable for my body..."

Su Sheng nodded and said, "Hello, take good care of yourself!" With that, he was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand to pull the corner of Su Nian's clothes, and then tears flowed out of his eyes and said to Su Nian faintly, "Master! My uncle..." Su Nian grew and sighed, then shook his head, and cried loudly. Su Nian nodded and said, "If you feel better after crying, cry hard!" With that, he got up and walked out of the door.

I saw Wuqi howling alone in the room for a long time, and then I felt that the anger in my chest was gradually subside. Then I immediately felt that my body was like a loose shelf. Even if I wanted to move, Danyuan was also empty. Soon, I fell asleep on the bed. In my dream, I saw Lu Xingyu and Hehe Xuanyuan and so on. They walked forward and shouted repeatedly. They just looked back at themselves with a smile, and then waved goodbye. Wuqi suddenly woke up in a dream, and then shed tears in their eyes and looked up out of the window. It was already bright...

Su Sheng took many disciples to rest in the inn for several days. Seeing that their injuries seemed to have improved, he immediately asked Luo Yu to go to the town to hire a carriage and immediately left this sad place. Xie Jingyun put Wuyu and Zong Ping into the two carriages respectively, and then drove towards the road.

After several days of bumps, everyone came to the foot of the Qingxu Valley. Su Sheng got out of the car with everyone and walked to the top of the mountain. Zong Ping was carried by Xie Jingyun and said guiltily, "Brother! It makes you tired!" Xie Jingyun sighed and said, "No matter what, they are all from the same door. If I were with Wuyu that day, I would have gone to reconcile with my uncle!"

Su Sheng immediately stared at Xie Jingyun. Xie Jingyun immediately understood and did not dare to mention the matter of Xie Xuanyuan. Everyone returned to the top of the mountain and saw that Mo Xiang hurriedly welcomed the crowd in. Mo Xiang looked at everyone and asked, "Why didn't you see Uncle Xie Shi!? Did he travel around the world again? Su Nian slowly shook his head, and Mo Xiang immediately understood that Xie Xuanyuan had been killed, and tears immediately flowed in his eyes...

A few more days later, and everyone lived quietly in the mountains for many days. Zong Ping's health had already improved. Luo Yu and Zong Ping came to Wu at the same time and thanked Wu Yu. All day long, he sat at the top of Youlong Peak and looked at the mountains in the distance. When he saw the two of them coming to thank him, he said without looking back, "Brother and sister are polite. They are both fellow brothers. If I am killed, I think you will also save me!"

Seeing that Wuyu seemed to be unhappy, they did not dare to disturb him more. Then they walked down the mountain, but saw Su Sheng come out from the side behind him, and then sighed and said to Wuyi, "What! Are you still thinking about your uncle's problem!?" He shook his head slowly and said, "My uncle has gone, and he went on the road happily when he left. I have no regrets in my heart."

Su Sheng nodded and said, "That day, I buried Yan Canghai's body near Baqiao, but I saw Han Binger appear and cremate him. Moreover, he has something to tell you!" Wuyu nodded and said, "I already know. When will Master Han Binger ask me to meet him!" Su Niang pondered for a long time before he said, "It is in Xianxia Mountain that we will meet after the Mid-Autumn Festival. There is no blame. This is the enmity between you two brothers. It is not convenient for me to intervene. On that day, I wanted to kill him by the bridge, but considering your feelings, I didn't take action. You have to deal with this matter well!"

Wuqi nodded and said, "Master, don't worry, there is no measure in his heart! In a few days, I will go down the mountain and go back to my parents' place to spend a reunion with them. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, I will go to the place of appointment to see him!" Su Sheng nodded and said, "There will be a war between you, and Han Binger's magic power is not under you and me. It's right for you to go back to meet your parents!"

As the master and apprentice stood by the mountain and looked into the distance, they saw the clouds in the mountain, and a thunder roared in the distance, and then the sky fell drizzle. Su Nian grew up and said with a sigh, "Let's go back!"

After a few days, Wuyu said goodbye to everyone. Luoyu said worriedly, "If you can't beat Han Binger in Xianxia Mountain, you will immediately come to Qingxu Valley. There are all of us here, and he will definitely not dare to mess around!" Wu nodded and smiled, "It's okay! If I can't defeat him, I will be killed by him under the sword, haha!" With that, he arched his hand and then went down the mountain.

Everyone looked at the silent back from afar and sighed for this young man with a rough fate. Xie Jingyun whispered to Su Sheng, "Uncle! I see that my younger brother seems to have the intention of dying!? Why don't we not let him fight against Han Binger!? Su Sheng shook his head and said, "Don't worry! This is a heart disease in his heart. After this, his fate will be a real start again! Moreover, he will never die!!!"

Along the way, he came to the village where his parents were, and walked to the deep forest in the mountains. After a moment, he walked to the front of the house, and then pushed the door in. Qin and his father were sitting at the table to eat. Seeing that Wuyi suddenly came back, he suddenly set up bowls and chopsticks for Wuyu. Sitting next to his father with a big smile, the father and son immediately drank bitterly.

After a few days, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival. The villagers bought wine to celebrate. Qin said to Wuyu, "Your father and I are looking forward to you coming back for a reunion festival. You really came back. It seems that you don't resist our talk!" Wu said with a smile, "I have a good heart with you, and I miss coming back to you all the time." However, he saw the villagers in the village walk into the home without any warning, and then told the whole family to go to the village head's house in the evening to entertain the people in the village.

Seeing the curiosity, Qin said with a smile, "This is a custom in the village. Every festival, the village head will greet the whole village to gather together, year after year!" Wuyu nodded and said, "It seems that the village head is still a kind elder." In the evening, the whole family gathered at the village head's house and came back drunk.

Wu Wei looked at his drunk father on the kang through the dim yellow light, sighed in his heart, and then said to his mother, "Mom! I'm going back to my master tomorrow, and I'll come back to see you in a few days!" Qin nodded and said, "You are promising outside, and we also have light on our faces. Just go ahead with you!"

In the morning of the next day, Wuyi said goodbye to his parents and wanted to return to Xianxia Mountain. Zhang Orion said to Wuyi, "After a while, your mother and I will also move back to Xianxia Mountain. Alas, but we are a little reluctant to leave here!" Wuqi shook his head and said, "Although Xianxia Mountain is good, this is already your second hometown. I think it's better to stay here for a long time!"

As he said, he kowtowed several times to the two of them, and then walked to the main road. Wuyi still remember that when he was chasing the white fox in the mountains during the Spring Festival. In a blink of an eye, things had changed, so he accelerated the way and walked in the direction of Xianxia Town in Xianxia Mountain. After a few days, I came to the river in front of me.

Looking intently into the river, I saw that there was no ferry around me that could cross the river, so I sighed that I wanted to step across the river with my cold formula. Suddenly, a ethereal song came from the river, and then a ferry faintly appeared from the river! After seeing it, he was overjoyed and then waved to the river.

After a while, the boat gradually leaned towards Wuyu and looked at the boat. There were two girls of the same age in the boat, so he arched his hand and said to the two girls, "I'm going to Xianxia Town in front of me. Please cross the river!" Seeing that Wuyu was very handsome, the two girls talked in a low voice, and then the smaller one angrily hit the eldest sister, and then said generously to Wuyu, "That's right, please get on the boat!"

Wuqi sat in the boat and floated towards the river. The eldest sister sang a mountain song in the river while shaking her oars. Wuqi listened to the song spread all over the river. Suddenly, she was listened to the beauty of the mountain song. Then the smaller girl asked curiously, "This young man, would you be What are you going to do in Xianxia Town? Is it the same as those who went to the mountains to look for immortals?

Seeing that the girl was familiar but didn't know where she had met her, she smiled and said, "I went to meet a childhood friend!" After hearing this, the girl nodded and said, "The childhood friendship is really profound. If you can have such a good friend, you must be very good!" Wuyi nodded and smiled and said, "I owe him something, and we used to be residents of Xianxia Mountain, so we should come and see him!"

The girl looked curiously and asked for a long time, "It's strange!" He asked puzzledly, "What are you talking about?" But the big sister who shook the oar said to the girl, "Linger! When do you think Dad will get home today!? The girl Linger smiled and said, "I think he should be able to get home in the afternoon. If you don't believe it, we can bet!" The eldest sister smiled and said, "Let's bet! I'm afraid of you!"

Seeing that this girl named Ling'er seemed to be very familiar, and when she heard her sister calling her, she immediately remembered that this girl was Han Binger's sister Han Linger! He was suddenly shocked and then stood up from the boat in surprise. Han Linger saw that Wu Wei was so strange, so she said to Wu Wei, "Sir! What's wrong with you!? Don't fall into this river!?"

The eldest sister laughed and said, "He! I've never seen a beauty like you, so I'm fascinated!" Han Linger immediately angrily hit her aunt's sister, and the two suddenly became a mess on the boat. Wuyu stood in the bow and sighed. In a blink of an eye, Linger had come out so beautiful, and things in the world were so unpredictable. Who would have thought that he was going to go to this Xianxia Mountain to fight with his own brother!? It's really a trick!

Han Linger asked puzzledly, "Sir! What's on your mind?" Wuyu shook his head and smiled, "No, I just remembered some things in the past," Han Linger nodded and said, "I have a brother who is about your age. He hasn't come to see me for a long time. I think he has forgotten my sister, alas..." Wuyi listened and meditated for a long time before he smiled and said, "Don't worry, he will definitely come. I dare to say it's only in these two days!"

Han Linger shook her head and said, "You are not a warlock. Do you think you can calculate? I don't believe it!" He smiled and said, "Ha ha! You will know later, hey! I've already seen the shore ahead, and I'm leaving now!" Han Linger said curiously, "It's still far from the shore. Do you want to jump into the river and swim there?"

I saw Wufu gently step on the bow, and then turned to the shore. In a blink of an eye, he went to the shore, and then shouted to the two girls: "Thank you very much! The silver has been put on the boat. We'll see you later!" Saying that, he went to Xianxia Town in front of him. Seeing that the young man was so strange, the two girls opened their eyes in a daze and looked at the distant uncomplicated, and then Linger's sister asked curiously, "Is this man a fairy?" Han Linger looked at the distant Wuyu and shook her head and said, "I seem to be familiar with him, but I can't remember where I've seen him," and then looked at the silver in her hand...

Xianxia Town is still as lively as ever. Over the years, the number of merchants who travel to the mountains has also increased. Xianxia Town has gradually expanded a lot. As he walked, he looked at the winery that he met Piheng. He saw that a three-story restaurant had already been built here. It was no longer the same. Wuyi shook his head and sighed. Suddenly, he saw an endless stream of guests in front of the shopkeeper's house. Obviously, the business was extremely prosperous. He looked inside curiously and saw that Rong Xi was busy greeting the guests, and the daughter-in-law beside him was the girl he saved. It turned out that since the fall of the Ming Palace, Rongxi and his mother have returned to their restaurants, and the business has gradually recovered as before. After seeing it, they were very happy, so they specially came to this restaurant to eat some wine, and then had to pay the bill to Xianxia Mountain.

Rongxi looked at Wuyu and said curiously, and then immediately took his daughter-in-law to thank Wuyu. He looked at Rongxi's child and remembered the scene when he and he sent wine to Pi Heng, and then smiled and said, "Please don't be so polite, Rongxi shook his head and said, "This glass of wine is I thank you for saving our whole family! I will never forget the great kindness of my benefactor in my life!" With that, he bowed deeply with his daughter-in-law. When he got up, he saw that he had not known where he had gone. There was some scattered silver on the counter. Rong looked at his counter in a daze and then looked out of the door...