Fairy Sword

Chapter 191 Yu Chibi Wonderful Cause Ode Da Luoyang Meets Xuanlonghui

The water of the Chibi River is drifting leisurely. At this time, it is already night. The white dew crosses the river, and the blue wind is refreshing. A small boat slowly drifted down from the river, as if Su Zi had revisited the Red Cliff. Two of the three people on the boat are monks, and the other is a beautiful young man. The three of them talked quietly on the boat!

A clear old monk is the Miaoyin Zen master of Putuo Mountain. The Miaoyin Zen master looked at the river with a smile and said, "It is magnificent to taste the ancient Chibi. Today, when I see it, it is extraordinary!" Another monk nodded and said, "That's right! It's really worthwhile that we can come here to swim in our lifetime!" This man is the master of meditation in Shaolin Temple.

The young man beside him didn't say anything for a long time. Suddenly, the Zen master recited faintly: "I don't understand the meaning of smoke and waves. Who will drive this boat? My heart is the same as autumn water. My body is floating with the white clouds. It is in line with vacuum. When the worries of the world, I rely on the three flavors of the teacher, I have to travel the sea together..." After hearing this, the young man seemed to think a little, and then smiled faintly and said, "Why is uncle so elegant today? He recited the ode!"

Master Xin Zen said aside, "Ha ha! Your uncle is a dreamer! It seems that the Zen machine has arrived. Go and have tea!" The prince smiled, and then the refreshing river immediately fell drizzle! Zen master Miaoyin smiled and said, "Look at the scene in this river, it is something in the hearts of outsiders. How can there be a peaceful day in the chaos in the world?"

This young man is right. After the war with Han Binger many years ago, he was saved by the Zen master Miaoyin. Since then, he has been practicing health in the temple, and his magic skills are also thousands of miles a day. The secret of Xuanyimen is the practice of Buddhism. For many years, he has been instructed by the people of Buddhism, and it is like a fish in water!

On this day, he and the two masters came to visit the Red Cliff. Even the two masters deliberately arranged, and they also deeply knew the two people's heart. They wanted to go to the rivers and lakes to show their talents. Just now, the ode recited by the Zen master wanted to break this level of meaning.

How smart Wuyi is, how can he not know what they mean? A few days ago, when he saved the three-body boy in Fulingmen and killed Chang Kang of the Xuanlong Club in the mountain forest, Wuzhi knew that he had few days to stay with these masters.

Zen Master Miaoyin sighed and said, "Recently, another Xuanmen Conference will be held in the world for decades. At this time, the world's Xuanmen is in pieces. The Wudang School and Xianzhuanmen think they will definitely come out. If Xuanmen is dominated by a door, there will be chaos in the world in the future!" Master Xin Zen also nodded and said, "What the younger brother said is right! However, how can we, a man from the mountains, set foot in the world to participate in the affairs of that family!?

After listening, he smiled and said, "You two old monks are so unhappy that you don't have anything to say directly in your heart. Instead, you play some Zen machines in corners, which is really unpleasant! ~~”

Seeing that he knew nothing about the meaning of Zen, he laughed and said, "Good boy! If you have a family, you can definitely break the confusion in your heart early!" Wuyu shook his head and said, "Forget it! Although I have the intention to go out, I still have a lot of things in my heart. Let's talk about it in the future!"

Xin Chan nodded and said, "In a few days, the Xuanmen Conference will be held in Luoyang. I think all those three sects and nine streams in the world are eager to try. Will your Xuanyimen come out?" Wuqi muttered for a moment and said, "I don't think Master will. Now the master has moved to Linggui Island to live in seclusion, which is far away from the rivers and lakes and is a good place for cultivation. However, I saw Brother Ruan Di a few days ago. I don't know why Master sent him to walk in the rivers and lakes."

Zen Master Miaoyin nodded and said, "That's right. You can go to Luoyang in a few days, so as not to let your fellow and Xuanmen friends in the world be poisoned by those who compete!" Wuyu nodded and said, "That's the only way!" Looking at Miao Miao's eyes and the drizzle in the air, I sighed in my heart...

On this day, Wuyu came to Luoyang City. At this time, the city was very noisy, and various characters in the world kept haunting here. Wuqi walked to a restaurant and then sat quietly in a seat against the platform to drink. A team of fast horses suddenly appeared on the street downstairs, and those fast horses came to the front of the restaurant in a blink of an eye!

Suddenly, a horse was about to step on a child beside a woman in a blink of an eye. The woman was immediately stunned by the scene in front of her! Suddenly, a figure flashed out, and then the horse fell to the ground on its back! The man on the horse was almost knocked to the ground by his horse, but he saw a red-faced man walking to the man on horseback and shouted, "You don't care about the lives of the people here!"

But when he saw the rider looking at the accomplices around him, he laughed at the Chinese character and said, "We just want to scare this child. Our own horses can still be controlled!" With that, he laughed and walked up to the restaurant with those men! The man who stopped the horse also snorted coldly and then walked up to the restaurant.

I don't think these men on horseback seem to have scars on their faces. They seem to be Xiliang people outside Guan, but the evil spirit emanating from their bodies is extremely fierce. Then the Chinese character blocking the horse also sat in front of the unrepresented wine table. Seeing the man sitting opposite him, he nodded and smiled at him, which meant to thank the woman.

The man arched his hand and said, "Don't worry!" With that, he picked up the wine bowl and drank it himself. But when I saw the people of the horse gang walking to the man's side, they immediately took the wine bowl and smiled and said, "They are all the same sects in the world. I was rude just now. My name is Darhan. May I ask this eldest brother's name!?"

When the man who blocked the horse saw the man coming with wine, he nodded and said, "My name is Gong Tianju! Excuse me, where are these brothers from!? Nadarhan said with a smile, "We come from the bitter cold land of Xiliang. I heard that the Xuanmen Conference in the Central Plains will be held in Luoyang City for decades, so I want to join in the fun!"

Gong Tian raised his head and said, "Xiliang has never heard of Xuanmen's children, but it may be that I am ignorant!" With that, he took the wine bowl in Darhan's hand and then drank it in. As soon as he took a sip, he suddenly sprayed it out! Then Darhan and his accomplices immediately laughed loudly!

Gong Tianju loudly buttoned the wine bowl on the wine table and shouted, "You barbarians! Why are you teasing me so much!?" Darhan smiled and said, "We just saw that Brother Gong is an honest person and toast you with horse wine brewed by ourselves, but you can't enjoy our wine, and it's helpless!"

Gong Tianju was about to attack. Suddenly, three abnormal-like people came downstairs, led by a middle-aged man. The old man glanced at the restaurant and then said to the two people around him, "There are eight in total. Take them away immediately!" But he saw a demonic young man beside him come to Darhan and said lightly, "Please come to our house for a chat!"

Darhan has always looked down on the demonic spirit of men. Seeing this young man actually smeared blush, he suddenly felt disgusted and then said with disgust, "Who are you!? Why do we listen to you!? The young man said lightly, "Hmm! Do you bastards of the Xiliang Horse Gang also deserve to ask me questions!?

Darhan was immediately angry and stretched out his hand to catch the young man. He was born with magic power, which was important to say the least. Not to mention this thin young man, even Xie Xuanyuan was here in those years, and he might have been grabbed over his head! But seeing that the young man's expression remained unchanged, he smiled and let Darhan's big hand grab it!

Darhan's palm grabbed the young man's chest and suddenly felt a great force attacking him. Suddenly, he shook Darhan. Then the young man floated to Darhan's side and suddenly grabbed his skirt. Then he threw it on the wine table of Darhan's accomplices. He only heard a roar, but saw Darhan Khan and his accomplices were immediately shaken to the ground by his huge body.

The young man smiled and said, "It's better not to struggle!" Then he came to Gong Tianju. Gong Tianju stood up coldly from the wine table and said to the young man, "We have no grudges. I advise you not to force me to do it!" He said to Wuyu, "Brother, I see that you don't have any elixir, you'd better leave this restaurant quickly!"

After listening, he pretended to get up and walk downstairs, but when he saw the old man with the young man, he immediately shouted in a low voice, "Hold! No one in this restaurant is allowed to leave today!" He stood aside helplessly. Gong Tian raised his arm and pinched his arm, and then said to the young man in a low voice, "Who the hell are you? My palace has never beaten unknown rats!"

The young man smiled faintly and said, "Just rely on you to ask our name!" With that, he pointed to the old man beside him and said, "We are from the Xuanlong Club. That person is my master, the eight-armed Bodhisattva Dong Qiankun, and beside him is my brother Xiang Huaiting. My name is Feng Xiao. Why, you seem to be very scared!?"

Gong Tianju was shocked when he heard it, and then nodded and said, "Xuanlong will always be with our world's Xuanmen well water not to violate the river!" Why did you come to trouble us today!? Feng carefully said lightly, "We are here to investigate the people who killed my uncle a few days ago. You'd better come with us!"

With that, he came forward to pull Gong Tianju. Gong Tianju immediately exuded a strong sword spirit, and then shouted to Feng carefully, "If you want to go further, don't blame my sword spirit for turning against people!" Feng walked to Gong Tianju with a careful smile, and Gong Tianju immediately felt that a great momentum in front of him pressed him! Suddenly, I was stunned and couldn't move!

Feng walked to Gong Tianju with a careful smile and asked softly, "How's it going?" With that, he nodded the acupuncture point on Gong Tian's body, and then shouted to other wine-eating people, "The people here will come with us immediately!" In addition to Darhan and the five others, plus Wuyi and Gong Tianju, there was a Taoist nun beside her. Seeing that the Taoist nun's expression remained unchanged, she suddenly picked up the sword in her hand and suddenly cut it towards Feng carefully!

Feng carefully expected that the Taoist aunt would suddenly take action. Before she could react, he saw that she was about to be hit by her sword spirit, but he saw Xiang Huaiting suddenly indulge to Feng Xiao's side, and then opened his mouth and drank. The Taoist aunt's sword spirit immediately reflected back to her side. Suddenly, the right arm of the Taoist aunt and the sword horse in her hand He fell to the floor of the restaurant and then covered his wound and looked at Xiang Huaiting angrily!

Feng carefully immediately expelled the crowd and walked downstairs. The restaurant was already full of carriages and horses, and immediately escorted the crowd to the car, but he also staggered towards the carriage with the crowd. Gong Tianju looked at the uncomplicated car and sighed, "Little brother! Let you be wronged!" Wu Wei smiled and then shook his head.

Darhan was also stuffed into the carriage together. Suddenly, the narrow space was occupied by his tall body and immediately became breathless. Gong Tianju said loudly, "Haha! Why don't you play with yours!? Darhan looked at Gong Tianju angrily and said, "Hum! You are the same!"

The people were escorted to the car, and then walked forward. After a while, they came to the door of a big house. Feng carefully and Xiang Huaiting immediately escorted everyone out of the car, and then walked towards the courtyard. The courtyard was extremely large, and there were rooms everywhere. Wu Wei was pushed in by everyone.

Wuqi looked around. This room was already full of people, but Wuqi did not know him. He must be a newly emerging Xuanmen disciple in the world in recent years. Gong Tianju greeted everyone one by one and scolded Feng carefully, who locked the door. Feng carefully said coldly, "Don't worry, it's your turn soon!"

With that, he walked to the lobby in the distance. From time to time, there was a scream in the lobby, and everyone was frightened when they heard it. Gong Tianju looked at Wuyi beside him, and then sighed and said, "Little brother! I think you are thin and tender. If you are beaten by those demons, you will die!"

He pretended to be frightened and begged everyone, "I'm innocent! Brothers, please help me!?" Gong Tianju sighed and said, "Which of us is not innocent!? However, this Xuanlong Club has been so noisy recently that even the government can't do anything about them. Darhan said disdainfully, "Our Xiliang Iron Horse Gang's iron cloth shirt has been beaten by them for thousands of times, which must be a good thing!" Haha!"

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and Feng carefully pointed to Gong Tianju Darhan and Wuyu and shouted, "You three come out!" Wuqi followed out helplessly. The two people's hands and feet had already been locked, but Feng carefully saw that Wuqi was just a weak scholar, so he ignored him. If it hadn't been for Dong Qiankun, who must have detained Wuqi, presumably Feng Cau would have released Wujian.

However, I saw three people in the lobby. Several naked men around were holding steel whips and standing majestically. Even a man like Dalhan was extremely frightened when he saw it, but he saw Dong Qiankun walking to Dong Qiankun on the seat and whispered a few words. Dong Qiankun He asked, "Why on earth did you come to Luoyang City! If it's not true, don't talk about the whips of my disciples!"

Wuyu hurriedly said, "I came to the city to find my relatives..." Dong Qiankun shook his head and said, "You step aside first," and pointed to Gong Tianju and asked, "Say it!" Gong Tianju shouted, "Our gossip door is here to participate in the Xuanmen event!" Dong Qiankun shouted angrily, "How dare you shout with me!? Come on, call me!"

With that, the big men dragged Gong Tianju aside. Gong Tianju was about to defend, but he saw Xiang Huaiting walking to Gong Tianju and suddenly poke his acupuncture point. Suddenly, Gong Tianju could not breathe elixir and was immediately beaten by those big men! Bloody stool in a blink of an eye! But Gong Tianju was not afraid, and then laughed and said, "You demons! Sooner or later, you will die!"

Dong Qiankun waved his hand, immediately pulled Gong Tianju aside, and then asked Darhan, "Why did you come to join in the fun about our Central Plains people?" Darhan said in a low voice, "We heard that the person who won the first place in this rally in the Central Plains can hold the ears of Xuanmen in the world! So I want to see it!"

Dong Qiankun nodded and said, "It's an honest answer. Let's drag it down!" Then he looked at Wuyu, nodded and smiled, "What!? Look at them being beaten, aren't they?" Wuyi nodded quickly, but saw Dong Qiankun wag to the side. I saw a bloody man dragged over!

I hurriedly looked at the man and saw that this man seemed to be a woman, but I didn't know why Dong Qiankun beat this man like this! Dong Qiankun asked coldly, "Do you have any instructions when you come to Luoyang City!" The woman was speechless, and then poohed at Dong Qiankun, and suddenly felt that the man was extremely familiar!

But I saw the woman scold faintly: "You bastard! Unexpectedly, in order to win the first place in the world's Xuanmen Conference, he caught all the people in Xuanmen to the location of your Xuanlong Club. It's really the first nine-rate bastards in the world!" Dong Qiankun said coldly, "Since you are so hard-mouthed, you might as well show you more. If you find the person you once knew in Luoyang City, we will forgive you!" How's it going!?

After hearing this, the woman was even more angry and kept cursing, but saw Dong Qiankun say angrily, "Strike me to death!" As soon as the words fell, he saw that Darhan beside him suddenly hit Feng Care, and immediately bumped Feng Care into a stagger. Then he shouted to break free from his shackles and immediately grabbed the woman on the ground and shouted, "Go!"

But Dong Qiankun said coldly, "Kill them all!" After listening carefully, Feng immediately turned to Darhan and the woman who had just taken a few steps. In a blink of an eye, he put Darhan in place, and then threw the woman in front of Wuyi. Wuyi hurriedly looked at the woman's face and was immediately shocked!!!

(Note: Among them, the Zen poems recited by the Zen master are the poems of the modern Zen sect Taidou Xuyun old monk)