Fairy Journey

Chapter 11 Sending charcoal in the snow

The goose feather snow is like the scattered flowers of a woman in the sky, and the crystal is carved jade. Rong Hui stood up and looked around. The sky is silent, and the earth is vast. Between the palaces and platforms, there is only one person. His heart is sad and sadness comes from it: "Dad said that the ancestors sacrifice in the west, 30 every year, and he must lead the whole family to the high distance sacrifice. The family is poor and old, not for Lushi, and two are unfilial. I only went to the mountain and said it was for the future, but now I am helpless. Where is the way out!" I was heartbrond, thinking that I was the only one to go back to the room, so I found a path and unconsciously went straight west.

His mind was silent, but he was particularly clear. What he thought was full of Yan Ling's words. A sound, a word, are all engraved in the heart and can be recited backwards. My heart moved at will, and I couldn't help smiling at the corners of my mouth. Let's go and think about it, and can't help laughing at myself: "If I have such a good memory, if I study hard, maybe I can be a scholar and be a stewer or something..." Suddenly, I saw a figure shaking and blocking the way like a stone statue.

Rong Hui was shocked and couldn't help stepping back. Then he saw that the person was a girl. She wears a red satin jacket and a cashmere hat. Covering a foxskin cloak and wearing a mahogany food box, he was opening a pair of phoenix eyes and looking at himself in a daze.

"Sister!" Rong Hui raised his eyebrows and saw that there was no one around. He stepped forward and asked her, "Where is this going?"

The person who came was Xiaoxuan. She was holding the food box, moved gently, and spoke slowly: "Let's see if you have frozen to death!"

A warm current rose from the bottom of Rong Hui's heart and accompanied Xiaoxuan to his residence. I just took two steps and remembered that she was a woman and went into the residence of a male disciple. It was really disowned. He also saw that Xiaoxuan dared to deliver food while being covered by the wind and snow, and he didn't want to cause trouble.

He took two quick steps, stopped Xiaoxuan, and said with a smile, "Sister, I understand this kindness." I took the initiative to take the food box and discussed Xiaoxuan: "I'll take this back to eat. Sister, let's go with the head for the Spring Festival!" Two months up the mountain, looking at Xiaoxuan's dress and demeanor, she is already gorgeous. Identity and status are even more different from him. He looked up so high that he couldn't help but feel estranged.

Xiaoxuan didn't move. She saw his mind at a glance and said slowly, "Master is not on the mountain at all, but it's snowing heavily. It's better to find an empty yard to avoid it first!" But he seemed to walk leisurely and didn't hurry to go to another hospital nearby.

Rong Hui carried the food box to accompany her, two steps ahead and two steps behind. Following her pace, her whole body is uncomfortable. It's neither fast nor slow, and it's not too slow. It's embarrassing: "Sister, walk well, okay? I'm not used to..."

Xiaoxuan smiled at the corners of her eyes and said leisurely, "This is also practice. Didn't the teaching teach you? You meditate, walk all over your body, and walk. Naturally, it's this speed. The atmosphere is settled and idle, like a spring breeze, like a world of people.

She said the "connate" way of health care. Rong Hui didn't even practice his internal skills, so he was naturally confused. Seeing that the atmosphere was a little relaxed, he advised Xiaoxuan: "This empty, how can you be embarrassed if there is any gossip?"

"That's why he opened his eyes!" Xiaoxuan didn't care. She caught a glimpse of Rong Hui's frightened look, her eyelids jumped, and teased him again: "Don't look at him if you are rude, don't listen if you are rude. If you are a gentleman, how can you wander around on a snowy day? As soon as he thought about it, he talked and laughed with Xiaoxuan and walked to the door of another courtyard. The door was locked and it was an empty house.

Xiao Xuan stretched out his hand under Rong Hui's elbow, jumped up and flew straight to the hospital. Rong Hui suddenly felt that his body was light, and he had already taken up into the air. The wind and snow in the sky hurt his cheeks. My heart is like duckweed, and my heart is pounding. The house has changed from small to large, and the body has sunk, and the person has returned to the courtyard.

Yong Hui stood in the snow in a panic and didn't know what to do. Xiaoxuan asked him with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"Like swinging!" Rong Hui blurted out, "If you go out later, can you fly higher!"

Xiaoxuan smiled: "This is a superior light skill. You have practiced to fly away by yourself!" With that, he waved casually, brushed away the snow on his body and went straight into the main room.

On the day of the New Year, the mountain house has been cleaned up. Although there are no furnishings in this room, the windows are bright and very neat. The two entered the room and added another three points of warmth. Xiaoxuan took off her cape, and Rong Hui took the initiative to take it, shook off the snow, and helped her put on the back of the chair.

Xiaoxuan sat down at the window table and opened the food box. There are two plates of dumplings, a pot of vinegar, and a can of garlic in the box. The dumplings are still steaming, and the garlic is soaked into cyan, fresh and bright, emerald-like, which is the best "Laba garlic".

Rong Hui saw Xiaoxuan's gentle look and put chopsticks on the dishes, which were all cordial and warm in her heart. For a while, breathing is stagnant, like a bone in the throat. Although he couldn't say anything, the tears in the corners of his eyes said everything.

Xiaoxuan was ashamed and happy when she saw his response. He quickly picked up the chopsticks and urged with a smile: "Eat more if you like!"

No matter how polite Rong Hui was, he also picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of vinegar. He wolfed up, revealing only infinite joy. Xiaoxuan's heart has melted, and she is about to drip water. With a smile, he picked up the dumplings in his plate and sent them to Rong Hui's plate.

Two people ate dumplings and garlic happily. Rong Hui suddenly asked, "This dumpling is really good. The skin is thin and tender. Did you make it?"

Xiaoxuan's heart jumped, his breath was like a glow, and the wind was blowing. She opened her eyes wide and asked Rong Hui, "What do you think?" His eyes are bright and infinitely cunning.

"I guess there is lard in this dumpling!" Rong Hui answered without answering, pointing to Xiaoxuan and questioning, "Well, as a disciple of the head, you actually took the lead in breaking the ring!" The two talked and laughed and had fun.

The dumplings themselves are delicious, and they meet two people who are similar in heart. How can they stand it? In the laughter, Xiaoxuan took away the dishes. Rong Hui took the hat and cloak, helped Xiaoxuan wear it with his own hands, and asked her softly, "Sister, are you a tiger or a rabbit?"

"Rabbit!" Xiaoxuan was stunned and couldn't guess Rong Hui's intention for the first time. My heart moved. Thinking that after tonight, I will be 19 years old, I am an "old girl". I can't help but be anxed and scolded in a low voice: "How dare you humiliate me!" Raise your hand and pick up Rong Hui's ear.

Rong Hui pretended to beg for mercy: "Ouch! Ouch! Where do I have it?" He took out a silver brocage from his arms and stuffed it to Xiaoxuan: "This is what I gave you!"

Xiaoxuan let go of his hand and looked carefully. The silver coin weighed seven or eight cents and was cast into a jade rabbit, which was confusing and very cute. She smiled and accepted it generously. Suddenly, she took action like the wind and patted Rong Hui on the waist. She only heard the metal hitting each other, and there were still a lot of them. I warned him earlier: "Don't mess in the Taiji Gate!" However, he received a private reward of silver, and couldn't help but feel angry. He sank his face and stared at Rong Hui.

Rong Hui only felt that her eyes were like a knife, and she was shocked and couldn't help lowering her head and taking a step back. He took a deep breath, stiffened his scalp, and lifted out Lao Wang: "I didn't want it. I gave it to stewor Wang, and he rewarded me with New Year's money again!" The more I said it, the less confident I became: "The elder gave me, I dare not resign!" He is frightened, like a child who made a mistake.

"You still have it!" Xiaoxuan frowned and sneered: "A few silver screws, just take them. What are you afraid of!"

Rong Hui would be sorry and patted his chest and promised, "Sister, I will definitely listen to you in the future!"

Xiaoxuan saw him at one point, felt a little relieved, and warned in a low voice: "The hands are short, and the mouth is short. What kind of people are those? Can't others avoid them? Do you still post them? One day you will be returned!" Seeing that he was trembling and felt that he had passed, he asked, "How many books have you read!"

Seeing that the matter had been exposed, Rong Hui raised his head with a smile and said, "In the past two years, I have read half of the Analects with Brother Yan. What I can really read and recite is only one of Early Childhood Learning!" He asked Xiaoxuan again, "Where's your sister?"

Xiao Xuantan opened his mouth slightly: "University!" Although the voice was cold, there was a smile in the corners of his eyes. Rong Hui looked at the words and was relieved.

The two of them made a little check and went out together. Rong Hui pushed Xiaoxuan again: "Can you fly higher and farther!"

Xiaoxuan smiled and said, "Then you take a deep breath, the virtual spirit is strong, pull your chest and back, and sink your shoulders and elbows." He jumped up with him and jumped three feet. People were in mid-air and suddenly let go. Then a somersault went out obliquely.

Rong Hui scared the six gods with the virtual wind. I had to take a breath and pull it up quickly, but I felt numb and didn't listen to it and fell straight down. Fortunately, he was wearing a wide-sleeved robe, and the north wind was so sharp that he held him straight up. The snow on the ground is thick, just like a thick quilt. He fell on his limbs and fell to the snow. Although it is extremely embarrassed, fortunately it is unharmed.

Rong Hui lay down for a long time before he came to his senses and sat up to find Xiaoxuan. Where is there anyone? His whole body was sore and soft, but he walked very lightly. He only said that he fell and was numb, which was angry and funny. Unexpectedly, people were in a hurry just now, and their strength was born from their hearts, and their internal work had already benefited?

Rong Hui returned to the canteen happily and ate another dumpling, which was not as delicious as Xiaoxuan sent. After eating the dumplings, some people proposed to have a snowball fight. The teenagers gathered to respond, so they divided into two groups and opened the position outside the canteen.

Everyone has learned to box and foot for two months, and their strength is not small. Snowballs can be far away, and you come and go happily. The girls gathered in the canteen and continued to make dumplings. When they saw a teenager coming in and soaking their hands in hot water, they sooed each other and yanted. He smiled and lived a very lively life.

After eating dumplings in the evening, Mother Tao set up a brazier in the canteen and greeted everyone to stay up for the New Year. The young people played for a day and got to know each other better. At this time, he sat around the fire and talked about interesting things about his hometown. If you say a word, I will pass this year.

The next day, the wind and snow stopped for a while, and at the right time, the disciples gathered to pay a New Year call to the leaders and elders. Rong Hui walked all the way with a shallow foot and saw that the jade building was wrapped in silver and floated like a fairyland.

The first time he entered the room, he was both excited and worried, afraid of being embarrassed in front of people. So I followed and saw someone whispering to each other, and I didn't dare to say more. Entering the courtyard door, I saw the door open, and there was a cluster of old men in brocade robes sitting in the main hall, dressed in red and green, which was very festive.

Two people sit together on the couch, and the person in the east is like a bright star and his face is like a full moon. Wearing a cloud-patterned crane on a sapphire blue background, like a cloud, it is quite elegant. Although the temples are white, they look very kind. It is the "real person" of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The other man is loose, wearing a brocade deep coat, with cloud patterns holding blessings, silk flowing light, and looking very bright. His face is like a knife and his eyes are like an eagle. Although Xufa has turned white, he is a little awe-sighted in his talk and laughter. It is the chief "supervisor", Elder Zhao.

Rong Hui's "seat with the right number" can be regarded as remembering the two pillars in the door. Suddenly, I saw the shadow shaking, like a glimpse. It turned out that Xiaoxuan led two girls to pour tea and water in the hall, holding flowers and fruits. She was dressed very dignifiedly in a low-waisted skirt and a small green jacket. The other two are twin sisters, one in a green jacket and the other in a purple jacket, both in chest-length skirts. The pavilion is standing, bright and shining. The rest of the people whispered and bowed to themselves. They were all first-class figures. Then he suddenly said, "It turns out that this is the Spring Festival of the big man!"

Another deacon reported: "You real people, apprentices and grandchildren have come to pay a New Year call!" First, the stewants and deacons of the "Xiao" generation entered the house one by one to pay New Year's greetings. Wearing a golden feather crown and a fox fur jacket, he walked to the main hall and bowed: "Congratulations, master, leader and uncles and uncles, good luck in the New Year and every year!" The voice was clear and sonorous. It was Elder Zhao's first disciple, Lu Xiaocheng.

The hall responded to the discussion, some praised the "young hero" and some praised the "deaders"... But he was neither humble nor arrogant, and nodded with a smile to thank him. In the sound, some disciples came to pay New Year's greetings, but it was not as eye-catching as just now.

Most of the left-behind disciples are Elder Zhao. He made a lot of money and laughed proudly. Only when the new disciples saw it knew that Elder Zhao's reputation was and his network was wide. When I look at him again, I can't help but have some respect. When Rong Hui saw this, he knew that it was not easy for Xiaoxuan to be in the door. No wonder he was cautious in his words and deeds, followed the rules, and also felt a little pity for her.

A group of twelve new disciples entered the house to pay New Year's greetings in turn. The real person in the Ming and Qing Dynasties rewarded everyone with a pair of peach charms, and the three women of Xiaoxuan served a mahogany tray for everyone to choose. Rong Hui was looking forward to Xiaoxuan to bring the peach charm, but it turned out to be a girl in purple.

The rest of the people saw that the three women were beautiful and refined, and they were afraid of losing their manners. Rong Hui didn't know it, so he picked a pair casually. As soon as I picked it up, I suddenly felt numb in the back of my foot, which hurt my heart and lungs.

The girl in purple actually covered the bottom of her long skirt and stamped Rong Hui fiercely. His feet were sore that he couldn't help frowning and widening his eyes to question. The girl's mouth was slightly curled, but her eyes were white, and her face was still a little angry.

"What does it mean to squeeze your eyebrows? This is not a seductive..." Rong Hui's heart was lingering, and a fire burned to his face. Suddenly, his face was red and hot, ashamed.

After the worship of the teenagers, they made an appointment to have a snowball fight. Rong Hui responded positively and played and played. Unconsciously, winter passed and spring came, and the ice melted and snow melted. The disciples returned to the mountains one after another. In a blink of an eye, it was the Lantern Festival. Xiaoxuan personally arranged a lantern party, and the teaching allowed the new disciples to practice their fists and feet in public. One is to cheer everyone, and the other is to examine the practice of new disciples.

Taoist Xuangong is from the inside out. If the internal power does not reach the fire, the action will naturally be dull and astringent. As soon as the snouchi took action, he knew whether he had it or not. The elders are like looking at the fire, and it is clear who is good and who is bad. So some were included by the elders in the family and continued their studies. Some were sent to various places to manage common affairs. Some stayed in the mountains and served as deacons of various departments.

When the stewer's mother saw Yan Ling's cleverness, she advised her to stay: "This mountain is not quiet. You are a transparent person, so don't get along. Now that you have come, it's better to learn solid skills and plan for yourself in the future. Another rumor spread that she had a flying needle stunt, and Yan Ling became an embroidered woman.

Wang Lao saw Rong Hui's cleverness and wanted to keep him to run errands at the "Taiji Gate". Xiaoxuan sent a message directly to the "Liaofang" and let Rong Hui become a deacon in the foreign pharmacy.