Fairy Journey

Chapter 40 Prepare for War

Xiaoxuan turned back to the top of the valley and immediately ordered his disciples: "Lock the mountain with pine smoke and don't go to war. If an enemy enters the valley to spy, shoot directly!"

Hundreds of people were relieved and couldn't help admiring. Still gathered around the top of the valley to guard against the enemy's counterattack. Xiao Xuan saw that the guardians were like scattered soldiers and brave without dispatch, so he called Elder Ma: "The elder quickly arrange for the guardians to rest and heal their wounds. Then let the leaders of the hall gather in the middle tent, and the guardians will come to the camp to listen to the order!" If Elder Ma received an amnesty, he hurried down to make arrangements.

Seeing that the pine smoke ignited, Xiaoxuan poured straight down the valley in the north wind and ordered his disciples: "Who will go to the kitchen to get some pepper noodles and chili powder and slowly sprinkle them into the fire." Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard the news. A young man took the initiative to ask for it and went to the kitchen with a smile.

The pine smoke choked and made tears. It not only filled the whole valley, but also covered a hundred feet outside the valley. Xiong Yingtian, Fang Siyi and other "big heads" were still strangely defeated, and the valley was blocked by pine smoke. Among them, it was virtual and difficult to detect, so they had to stop the army.

Rong Hui and Xiaoxuan climbed the peak and looked down. Seeing that there was no movement in the camp at the foot of the mountain, they turned back to the camp. The two sat in separate hands, and the elders, stewuls and hall masters sat down separately. Sitting down in turn, Xiaoxuan went straight to the topic: " Elder Ma, what was the arrangement in the past few days?"

Elder Ma's forehead sweated and said with a smile, "When we learned that someone was provoking something, we immediately dispatched the arrow team and waved them fiercely." He took a look at the hall masters and was honored, and then said, "Later, the fierce battle at the foot of the mountain also killed many of them. Later, everyone retreated to the mountain and worked together to repel the enemy's offensive many times, and have been sticking to this day.

"That is to say, there is no arrangement after retreating and going up the mountain!" Xiaoxuan couldn't help touching her forehead and asked directly, "How many people are left on the mountain? How many casualties are there?"

Elder Ma was heartbroken: "The people who went down the mountain were all protecting the law. There were 500 people on the mountain, and the main door of the hall summoned thousands of people back to the mountain to protect the courtyard. However, after five days of fierce fighting, everyone suffered a lot of injuries and was exhausted, and their combat strength was seven or eight. Although many people were seriously injured, no one died. If my nephew hadn't come, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to eat lunch.

Everyone agreed: "Yes, yes, yes..."

Xiaoxuan also heard the door and directly ordered: "The disciples of the guest hall will temporarily go to the 'liath house', 'house', 'account room', 'jingtang', 'canteen', 'shuiyuntang' and 'number room' perform their respective duties. If they have nothing to do, they will go to the 'liath house'. If you send someone to the dormitory, you need to go back to the 'house' after the errands. The use was restored and assigned specific errands: "'Shuiyuntang' has taken out all the empty courtyards in 'Taijimen' and 'Taisumen' and assigned them to each hall for temporary residence. The wind is cloudy and cold. If there is no place to camp, just withdraw!"

Arrange them one by one in an orderly manner. The stewards got used to Xiaoxuan's instructions and immediately understood and took orders to do the errand one after another. After everyone finished talking about everything, she looked at Elder Ma again. Looking at the collision, Elder Ma's scalp was numb and sweaty. He persisted for a moment, but he still took out the card from his sleeve and handed it out.

Xiaoxuan took over the ivory sculpture's "A" card again, and her heart was filled with a burst of melancholy. After the stewers dispersed, another disciple came into the account and reported: "The elders, the guardians are all here!"

Xiao Xuan got up and led everyone to pay the accounts. The tent door is facing the mouth of the valley, and there is an open land in front of the tent, surrounded by thousands of guardians. One by one, they stand with swords and are majestic. The black pressure is surrounded and murderous.

Xiao Xuan said bluntly: "My couple's internal skills have reached the 'innate realm'. Is anyone not convinced?"

Everyone saw the two retreat from thousands of enemies with a pine needle, and all of them were convinced. After looking at each other for a moment, they suddenly arched their hands together: "I'm willing to listen to the task!"

When Rong Hui is this powerful, he only feels that his mouth is dry. Xiaoxuan happily nod and turned around and ordered, "Masters, take your people back to your residence to rest first, and then I will arrange for the protection of this mountain to guard the mouth of the valley."

"If you go down the mountain and surrender, you can start another stove. If the guardian of this mountain surrenders, there will be no place to stand!" The masters were crawling on the rivers and lakes, like mirrors in their hearts. Hearing the words, they looked at each other, and then relieved each other and led each other down.

The rest are all the protection of Benshan. Acquaintances gather, and the atmosphere becomes more relaxed. Xiaoxuan glanced away and nodded slightly: "I will arrange you into four classes, 80 people per class, 20 people patrol the mountain gate, 60 people guard the valley mouth... all the second-class protectors come out!"

As soon as the words fell, the crowd immediately rushed out, and more than 60 second-class protectors. Rong Hui took the initiative to step forward and divided the people into four classes: Zi', Mao, noon and You, three hours per class. The third-class guardians saw it and consciously merged into each group. In the end, there were seven or eight more people, directly following Xiaoxuan.

At the right time, the 'noon' class was on duty. Xiaoxuan also pointed out four team leaders, leaving 60 people to guard. Seeing that everyone nodded to each other and went back separately, they took a long breath and walked slowly to the end.

Elder Ma was also happy to see that everyone was in their respective duties. He came to ask Xiaoxuan to show him again: "Nephew, what should we do next!"

Xiao Xuan said leisurely, "Stabilize your feet first!" There was fatigue in his tone, and he asked Elder Ma, "How much rice is still on the mountain?"

Elder Ma blurted out: "There are more than a thousand stones of rice in the mountains, which is enough to eat for at least a month!"

Rong Hui had an idea and then said, "There are no more than 20,000 people under the mountain, and they have to eat at least 170 stones of rice every day. Usually, one or two stone meters of silver is two meters, and the water is rising, and I'm afraid one stone is no more than two. If you add wine and meat, it will cost at least 400 taels a day at the foot of the mountain. If it is also delayed by one month, it will be 12,000 taels. Can they afford such an amount?

"Then it depends on who pays the bill!" Elder Ma explained carefully: "In addition, the injury subsidy and the pension for the death in battle are indeed not a small amount. Green Forest Road has the largest number of people, but it is not the owner of the money. Scattered people from all over the world come to help boxing, and there is no reason to eat by themselves. Most of this money will be spread out on the head of the 'Sword Gate'. After all, if they lose, they have the most territory.

Although Rong Hui doesn't know how much the "Shenjianmen" has, he has seen Xiaoxuan's family background and knows that they don't care about the tens of thousands of yuan. If you can't retreat from the enemy within a month, the whole mountain will starve to death even if it is not killed.

At this time, Xiong Yingtian, Fang Siyi, Xu Chengfeng, Red Wolf, Mr. Ji Ben, Luo Tianhuo and others also discussed things in the camp at the foot of the mountain. Everyone sat around a table, and Xiong Yingtian suddenly grabbed a pine needle and said, "Mr. Luo, I hit a pine needle with the internal strength of the two of us. It should be barely possible to pierce one person's heart and lungs!"

Luo Tianhuo must meditate: "It is not difficult for internal force to practice to our level. But who can shoot so many pine needles at once? Is it that the 'old woman with thousands of hands' is also on the mountain?

"Laughing!" Xiong Yingtian shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Although the hidden weapon stunt of 'thousand-handed grandma' has reached its peak, she is too young. How can she be two little dolls? I heard from the disciples that the two were ten feet away and hit these pine needles with their palms, and all of them were half an inch into the skin. This kind of internal force, even if we join hands, will be out of reach! In addition, Mr. Hu is only afraid of bad luck and less good luck, and how to explain it!"

Everyone was dejected when they heard this bad news. Luo Tianhuo quickly changed the topic: "Luo didn't see it with his own eyes and didn't believe it! If you want to say two yellow-haired kids, you can beat us in terms of internal strength, unless the sun comes out to the west!"

"Whether you don't believe it, Xiong is just a guess. Panic, maybe I missed my eyes!" Xiong Yingtian shook his head and sighed, and said another thing: "Now the fog locks the mountain, it's not easy to rush up again. But if you retreat, you will lose! If you delay, your morale will be low, and you will spend at least 4002 meals a day. But these brothers are not vegetarians. Drinking and eating meat cost no more than a thousand taels a day! If you cut down on food, there will be a change. Let's add five two to one and share!"

Luo Tianhuo immediately agreed: "Brothers are born and die these days. It's time to release meat!" The words turned around and said, "However, we were invited to help fight. There is no reason to pay for our own meals!"

Xiong Yingtian encouraged other heads: "How about this? Each faction distributes a total of 500 taels of food every day, and 500 taels are single. How about sending someone nearby to buy wine and meat?

The red wolf's eyes turned and echoed: "That's right, my brother is penniless, and he scraped off two taels of oil when he was killed! Everyone is brothers all over the world. There are people who have money. My brother worked hard. You are rich, so you should pay!"

Xu Chengfeng and Fang Siyi only brought 100 people, and Mr. Ji Ben only brought two magic cannons. They are all light cars and can leave at any time. When the three people looked at each other, Mr. Ji Ben immediately waved his hand and refused: "We are only 300 people in the same place, and we came here by looking at the prince's face. Now that the prince is not the wrong, we can go back. Anyway, we serve the heavenly family and do not rely on any industry for food. Now that you stay here, do you still have to feed everyone?

When the red wolf saw that the three families wanted to separate ways, he quickly changed the topic: "Today is October 25, and there are still 20 days left until the winter solstice." Seeing that everyone's faces were full of doubts, they had to explain: "Before and after the winter solstice, there will be a few days of south wind. We only need to wait another 20 days, take the opportunity to refresh ourselves, wait for the south wind to go up the mountain and kill them unexpectedly!"

Isn't it a daydream for everyone to think of the south wind in winter? Xiong Yingtian's eyes lit up and asked hurriedly, "Seriously, the owner of the wolf village can't joke about the lives of his brothers!"

The red wolf is proud: "Brothers rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on water to eat water, which is the weather. If you don't believe it, let's see!"

"Twenty days, that's 20,000 taels..." Xiong Yingtian made a brief calculation, patted the table in a blink of an eye, and agreed loudly: "Okay, let's cultivate for 20 days. Brothers' food, I'm the food!" Everyone was refreshed, echoed, and discussed the food blending.

Xiaoyue, Xiaoxuan, Rong Hui and others gathered in the west hall of Taishimen to talk. When Xiaoyue heard that she could still hold on for a month, she couldn't help frowning: "We may not be able to hold on for a month!" Seeing that everyone looked at himself, he immediately explained: "Before and after the winter solstice, there will be a southeast wind. If the enemy takes advantage of the fog to go up the mountain, it will be bad!"

Rong Hui pinched his fingers and calculated carefully: "That's 20 days left."

Xiaojuan's inspiration immediately suggested: "At that time, lead a thousand good hands and arrows to hide at the foot of the mountain. When the southeast wind blows, they will gather elites to attack the mountain pass. We happened to lead the ambush down the mountain to burn their camp. At that time, as long as they stay for a few more days and wait for the heavy snow, they will have to come back!"

Rong Hui nodded and agreed: "This is a way, but so many people are rushing to the mountain. If we can't hold it, or if it doesn't snow, is it too dangerous?"

Xiaxuan's forehead: "We only have one family, and there are dozens of them at the foot of the mountain. We can afford to wait, but they can't wait. We live in the house and they sleep in the woods. In this late autumn fog, even if they can wait for 20 days, they will have arthritis. At that time, bearded Lhasa, unkempt, how can you fight with us!"

Everyone laughed, and Rong Hui discussed Xiaoxuan again: "I always have an idea in my heart that they eat 170 stone grain every day, with wine, meat, melons and fruits, no more than 20 cars. However, the nearby town can't supply so much money, and they can only purchase once a day. If we take dozens of light masters down the mountain and ruin their food. As long as they can't eat for a day, they have to retreat.

"What I see is similar, I'm just waiting for Mei Zai's news." Xiaoxuan stroked his palm and laughed: "The mob also dares to fight with my sister!" He also discussed Rong Hui: "You go to the masters and order dozens of masters of light skills. Anyway, you know them well nearby, so take them there!"

"Me?" Rong Hui was shocked and asked himself, "Can I do it?"

Xiaoxuan smiled and encouraged Rong Hui: "The leader is not so easy to do. You can't run away!"

Rong Hui got up with his palm and summoned up his courage and said, "Okay!" Raise your legs and find someone.

Xiaoxuan sent Rong Hui to leave, and took out the pair of cards and told Xiaojuan: "Go and have a look. If you see any rags, let them be sent to the sewing room. Tell the girl in the sewing room to make up a hundred yuan and take the account from the account room. If you can't make up, go straight to the warehouse to get it.

Xiaojuan took over the card: "Hmm! That's this year's winter clothes. All of them have been taken away, and there will be no change of clothes this year.

Xiaoxuan can't help laughing: "I can't save my life. Just wait to wear a birthday dress!" He added: "When you see the bedding, you will also spend it all and distribute it."

Xiaojuan answered, and Xiaoyue made a cup of ginseng tea and served it to Xiaoxuan: "Senior sister didn't sleep all night! Drink a cup of ginseng tea to relieve fatigue!"

Xiaoxuan took a sip of the hot tea, and her heart flashed. Then she asked Xiaoyue, "How was the meal arranged some time ago!"

Xiaoyue sat aside and told the truth: "We ate a small stove, and three meals a day were enough, but the big kitchen was a little reluctant. Breakfast is often dragged to Si, lunch is dragged to the end, and dinner is dragged to Xu.

Xiaoxuan remembered it in her heart and directly told Xiaoyue: "You go to the canteen to pass on my words. It's too early, and in the middle of the afternoon, you will have dinner. Hot dishes and hot soup can't be broken. Put more lard and more salt. The stove should not be turned off, and the boiling water should not be cold. In the past few days, if you work hard and wait for the enemy to be refunded, each person will be rewarded 20 taels. If they send someone, you can go straight to the dormitory. Xiaoyue listened carefully and caught a glimpse of the arrival of noon. She nodded and hurried to the canteen to arrange.