Fairy Journey

Chapter 45 Confused Enemy

Li Chu and the two sat on the stage talking. Seeing the people at the foot of the mountain finish breakfast, they began to line up again. The cavalry is in front and the infantry is behind. Whispering buzzed, and shouts came one after another. Although it is not a rectification and condensation, it is also a piece of black pressure if there are more people.

Rong Hui waited for tens of thousands of people to line up, picked up the copper number, and shouted, "This is a queue. It's dispersed, dispersed, dispersed... Early morning, what's the queue!" Seeing tens of thousands of eyes looking back, he asked himself, "Mid autumn morning fog, you don't know!" He pointed to the sky and continued to bewitched: "See, see? It's going to be foggy. What's the line? I see the one who asked you to line is a straw bag that farts as soon as you pat your head. You are full!"

The sound is like a flood bell, shaking the valley and echoing repeatedly. As soon as the people under the mountain heard this, they suddenly exploded. After hard work, the pair was scattered again, and Xiaoxuan laughed loudly: "I don't know what Xiong Yingtian's expression is!" As he said, he picked up the thousand-mile mirror and looked for it, but his hands trembled with laughter. How could he find it?

The fog rises, but there is no impact on the mountain. The guardians began to practice on the ground, and they were very skilled after a few laps. Then practiced walking around the horse, and at first they had to get together for ten feet, and then they only needed to be four or five feet apart. Running away can not only surround and block, but also resist front and back attacks, and resist internal attacks. More experienced guardians praised Haikou: "If you cooperate well, it's easy to surround more with less."

When the sun rises and the fog disperses, it has passed. Rong Hui saw that there was a queue outside the mountain again, so he raised the bronze number and shouted, "Hey hey, why are you lined up again? It's scattered, it's all scattered..." The words attracted a lot of attention.

Rong Hui asked himself thickly, "What? You asked me: The fog has dispersed. Isn't it just in line? Why do you let it disperse?" He pointed to the sky again and then said, "Oh, everyone, why don't you look at the sky? ...Oh, this one is about to ask!" With that, he pointed casually.

Everyone looked around. It was Xiong Yingtian standing in front of him. He couldn't help laughing and heard Rong Hui continue to say, "Look at the sky, what are you doing? There is nothing in the sky!" Then he pointed to Xiong Yingtian: "If you don't believe it, ask him if he thinks so!" Everyone followed the trend, and Xiong Yingtian looked up slightly, as if he were looking at the sky. It's just that the cheeks are pulled out and the beard trembles, which is very funny. Suddenly, someone laughed in the crowd, and then there was an uproar.

Rong Hui hit the iron while it was hot: "Well, I'll teach you how to be good! What I said is to let you see when it's over. In half an hour, it's time to have dinner. Do you think you should break up?" Seeing that everyone's eyes glowed after hearing the "meal", they knew that they were not coming to work hard, so they simply continued to fool: "There is someone to say; good dinner, let's line up for dinner." He pointed to the crowd and asked, "That's what everyone thinks!"

Without waiting for an answer, he laughed: "You asked me how I know, because that's what I think. People are iron rice and steel. No matter how good they are, they can't help but be hungry! Everyone knows the feeling of hunger! With an empty stomach and lifting your breath, you will feel the world spinning. With a fist, you can see the stars. In this case, of course, we have to eat first!"

Xiaoxuan scolded in a low voice: "What the sky and earth are spinning to look at the stars? You are not breathing well, and you are out of strength again." At a glance, the people at the foot of the mountain nodded and agreed one after another, and couldn't help brushing his forehead: "I didn't hear anything. You continue to fool me."

Rong Hui covered his mouth and sneered: "That's how I felt at that time. Everyone was the same." He said to the copper number, "Everyone knows how to eat, but there is a place to eat, right? Where are you going to eat?" With that, he pointed to Yaoyao: "The big account in the camp? No. The leaders came with the chefs. They ate noodles for each meal, not only meat and vegetarian food, but also the maids who poured wine. How can you get together... Look at the appearance of everyone, you know better than me... Then you said: Since you can't get the noodles at the table, you have to cook like the last meal... You can't make rice. Think about it, tens of thousands of people want to eat hot soup and rice at the same time, at least 200 people have to start cooking! No one cooks, what do you eat? If you don't believe it, look behind you. It's an empty camp. Is there anyone cooking?

The people under the mountain followed the trend and turned around. As expected, it was empty and suddenly there was an uproar. The team, which had just been morphed, spread out like sand. Xiong Yingtian was furious: "Little bastard, what's your intention!"

Rong Hui raised the bronze horn and laughed: "Oh, this old man is interesting. He personally brought someone to beat me and asked me what my intention was?" The sound waves collided in the air, roaring like thunder, shocking the four fields. Rong Hui was at ease, but Xiong Yingtian took three steps back.

At the beginning of the year, they were already afraid of each other. Rong Hui praised loudly: "I admire that the old man can turn the sword into a roar, which is really the best talent."

Xiong Yingtian snorted coldly: "Let you be cunning, but you are a tongue-tear person. You still have a few words to say!"

Rong Hui smiled angrily: "How can such a smart person not even think of arranging 200 artificial rice? I tell everyone that he didn't want you to come back alive at all. Of course, dead people don't have to eat, don't you?"

A word came out, and the group was excited. Tens of thousands of people stared angrily at Xiong Yingtian, and pushed the front row in the back row. The people in the front row followed the opportunity to come forward and circled in an arc for a moment, as if they wanted to choose someone to eat.

Xiong Ying's forehead was blue veins in the weather, and his scalp was numb with fear. He bowed repeatedly: "Don't listen to that boy's nonsense. I'm eager to win. I'm negligent, I'm negligent! Ladies and gentlemen, please forgive me!" His face turned red and white, which was extremely funny.

When everyone saw him worshiping Gongcheng, they looked at the high platform between the cliffs. Rong Hui pointed to the crowd and laughed: "What, don't you believe it? Then I'll say one more thing. Look around and see how many people there are, tens of thousands of people! You can queue more than 100 people, right? Now less than half an hour after leaving dinner, even if they try their best to take turns, how many teams can they play? ...20 teams, up to 20 teams, right! Because it did its best and had the least casualties... But why did Xiong Yingtian line up hundreds of teams? Because he wants you to rush up, so that you can definitely rush up. However, I'm afraid that none of them will survive. At most, half of the middle will live. Finally, the elite of the 'this door' he brought will walk up the mountain with you. It's also a beautiful name: the tongue drinks soup teeth and eats vegetables, and the bones are left to nibble on the socket teeth... But he doesn't care. Anyway, you didn't die under his sword, and you can't find him even if you are a ghost... What, oiling the soles of your feet? Let me tell you, you can't run away! There are people in front and behind. Where are you going? You can't go up or down. If you want to survive, you have to work hard for him first. They came up with such a bad move because they were right about you!"

said a word and immediately changed. More than a dozen good hands immediately jumped out of the scattered people and surrounded Xiong Yingtian and cursed, "Old thief, you don't want to die!" The disciples of the Divine Sword Gate followed by pulling out their swords and snatched them into the circle to protect the leader. The newly lined up team suddenly dispersed, and the sect gangs guarded each other with clear boundaries.

Seeing tens of thousands of swords and swords, Xiaoxuan couldn't help laughing: "Xiaohui, Xiaohui, you are really good!" The phoenix's eyes flashed with glory.

Xiong Yingtian bowed and begged repeatedly: "Brothers, calm your anger, brothers calm your anger. He deceives the crowd. Brothers, don't be deceived by him.

Rong Hui asked loudly, "Nonsense, am I nonsense?" He is too old to recognize you as brothers. What else can't he say? If he really thinks you are brothers, why doesn't he invite you to dinner together? If he really thinks you are brothers, why doesn't he sleep with you? If he really thinks you are brothers, why doesn't he rush in front of you and block the arrows for you? His martial arts skills are so high that he can block it more than you. Should he rush to the front? Everyone should think clearly that the difference of one thought is the difference between life and death!"

At this point, Xiong Yingtian was speechless, his face turned red and purple, and suddenly roared: "Little bastard, get down for me!" The eyes are like swords, piercing people's hearts. Xufa was stimulated by the true force and expanded, which was described as terrible.

Rong Hui laughed: "Old man, that's what the young master is waiting for. I'm not afraid to tell you first, young master, I practice diligently, and I want you to know. I can shock you, which means that I am better than you. But I'm not as old as you, and I haven't practiced as long as you, which shows that my internal skills are higher than you. Raise your finger to Xiong Yingtian and then say, "You will definitely think: So what? I have experienced many battles and rich experience, don't I? Then you are looking at your virtue, what kind of sword spirit, change, how many moves can you use? If you are a master, you can judge life and death by the slightest difference. Didn't you come to die? If you don't believe it, come if you don't believe it! Come, come, come..." and waved repeatedly, like teasing a puppy.

Xiong Yingtian was stunned, but did not dare to come forward. But a resentment blocked my chest, which made my blood boil and I couldn't be myself. Xiaoxuan looked in his eyes with a thousand-mile mirror and saw his face twisted and blue veins beating. Obviously, he could not suppress his true anger and hurriedly urged Rong Hui: "You talk to him!" With that, he also raised his hand and put on the copper pipe.

Rong Hui had no choice but to say: "Don't blame him. He has a family and power. What about you? Sanren, his parents don't love him, and grandma doesn't love him. Why does Xiong Yingtian have to be more kind? Heart? Besides, you are halfway here, and you are not allowed to rush to the front and let anyone rush to the front. Some of you must not accept it: people die for money, birds die for food, and I'm here to take advantage of the fire!"

He casually pointed to the red wolf and couldn't help laughing: "Ouch, wake up! The master of the road robbery is by your side. No matter how much you rob, you have to give it to others in the end! Who is the red wolf? That's the owner of meat! Can he let you shrimps grab food under your eyelids? He promised. Can his brothers agree?

"Little bastard, I didn't mess with you!" The red wolf suddenly rushed out of the team and pointed to Rong Hui and scolded, "Are you itchy or crispy? When I go up the mountain, I will be the first to expose your skin!"

Xiaoxuan pats his fingers together and vibrates the copper tube with feminine internal strength. Rong Hui continued to invade Xiong Yingtian's mind with anger: "Did you hear that? If you really rush up, even the mountain thieves will have to rush behind you. Xiong Yingtian really doesn't intend to let you live. If you want to complain, blame yourself for messing around. Let me tell you, the money on the mountain is in the bank, and you can't share it. Look, you haven't begged your wife. Do you want to take advantage of the chaos and rob some female disciples to go down the mountain? It's also a beautiful name: Heroes save the beauty... Don't worry, it's not your business. You have been targeted by the red wolf... In this way, aren't you here to die? After listening to my brother's advice, I took him to have another lunch and went back to each family after eating. If we can wait for both of us to be injured, maybe we can still make a profit, and it's not in vain... But the ugly words are ahead. If you don't leave after noon, you will die by yourself!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiong Yingtian suddenly looked up and roared: "Little bastard, little bastard! Come out, come out..." His eyes are convex and his eyes are about to crack. His hands danced wildly and were angry. In an moment, he made the disciples around him spit blood and fly out.

Other people were so scared that they stood upside down and retreated repeatedly. Some people said, "Crazy... He's crazy..." Some people said, "I'm blind... He'm blind..." But none of them dared to help.

Rong Hui was shocked and couldn't help sighing: "A generation of masters have disappeared. It's sad and lamentable!"

Xiaoxuan smiled softly: "What are you sad about? He is not internally injured and can't die!" But I have to rest for a while, and I can't get out of bed for three or two days.

Rong Hui's inspiration moved and continued to be deceived: "This door is under the transportation of heaven and teaches all people. If you have a good heart, you will not be rewarded. No intention to do evil, although evil is not punished. If it weren't for Xiong Yingtian's old thief, how could he go crazy after being misfortuned by me? ...I heard that Xiong Yingtian's son 'Bear Catching Fish' also came? ...You are so crazy. Why don't you go up and help? It's simply shameless and unfilial. It can be seen that Xiong's father and son are all scum. You think this kind of person is 'Taishan Beidou' and has been sold to helpers!"

A young man in brocade rushed out of the crowd and knelt down on the spot and cried loudly: "Uncles and uncles, your little nephew is incompetent. Please look at the same family and save your father!" Sadly, he kowtowed repeatedly, which made everyone sigh for a while.

The masters of the Sword Gate looked at each other in constered, and a moment later a group of old men in brocade appeared. The eight people acted like the wind, guarded in all directions, and rushed together. In the air, he used a capture technique to lock Xiong Yingtian firmly.

Xiong Yingtian danced wildly with his hands, and his sword spirit was continuous, and the three of them retreated. The rest shouted, "Be careful!" Tightly bind the head's body and limbs. He also used the acupuncture point technique, which made him dizzy.

Rong Hui laughed and said, "See, you have come to the wrong place. Didn't you hear about the chaos on our mountain? Yes, the first leader has indeed traveled to the west, but everyone went back to the mountain to mourn, completely out of love for the 'real people of the Ming and Qing Dynasties'. How can it reach your ears, as if brothers are fighting for inheritance in the mourning hall? It's really inexplicable! However, the 'Shenjianmen' is in chaos, and everyone really sees it. It's not up to his 'Jianshan'!"

The crowd exploded, and the sound came one after another. Seeing that the leader's life and death were unknown, he had to return to the village first. Rong Hui breathed for a long time: "I just rely on my mouth to eat, and I can't coax you away!" As soon as his body was crooked, he leaned on Xiaoxuan.

Xiaoxuan blushed and hurriedly held Rong Hui: "Someone!"

Rong Hui sat up straight and casually asked, "What's for lunch?"

"You can eat whatever you want in the kitchen!" Xiaoxuan smiled and said, "Who just said: If he really thinks you are brothers, why doesn't he invite you to have dinner together?"

"You don't know, there seems to be a fire in my mind just for a few words!" Rong Hui licked his lips: "I want to eat meat now, and it's fat. Before steaming, wrap it in rice noodles and cover it with bean paste, which is called fresh! When steaming, he squatted by the stove and fanned, waited for the soul to come out, and then lifted the cage drawer. Oh--" I was drooling.

Xiaoxuan raised her hand and patted him on the forehead and smiled softly: "Rusu on the mountain, as the leader, you can't break the precepts!"

Rong Hui's dream came to nothing and had to change the topic: "If they still come to attack the mountain in the afternoon, what else should I do to fool them!"

Xiao Xuan laughed hoarsely: "Editor, aren't you quite good at editing? They just forgot to cook lunch, and you can say that they let their men die, and they almost made a mutiny!"

"I also saw something and said, but when I was exhausted, I could only be a little short of it!" Rong Hui nodded and said to himself, "Maybe he really intends to make the people under the mountain press up. If it hadn't been broken by me, we really couldn't stop it. Otherwise, why did that man go crazy? He couldn't help laughing at himself: "Isn't it also based on a mouth that treacherous ministers mislead the country? It's just that we didn't get home, and even this group of people can't be persuaded!"