Fairy Journey

Chapter 61 Moon Watson Dizzy

The west wind is furious, and the rain is torrential. In the northwest corner, Xiaoxuan took out a wool mattress and let everyone sit down to rest. He also took out cheese, yogurt and cooked beef jerky to satisfy everyone's hunger. Finally, take out a box of soft cakes mixed with yogurt, grain and fresh meat and feed them to the bears one by one. The old man took a wine pot from his waist, sat down and took a sip of cooked beef and drank a sip of wine.

Pear is the best at sleeping, occupying the corner first. Rong Hui touched the bear's skin and leaned on it happily. Go aside and make room for the old man." The old man had already taken a fancy to this pair of bear skin cushions and came up.

The panda was ridden by the old man for a day, and finally rested by two people. For a moment, he was full of grievances and pillowed his claws. Bixia was angry and funny when she saw that this old man and young man couldn't get along with the bear. After tying each other's hair with Xiaoxuan, he sat down with his knees against the north wall and closed his eyes to adjust his breath.

Rong Hui and the old man chattered about two sentences, and the third sentence fell into a deep sleep before it came out. The old man didn't finish smoking a pot of cigarettes, and the cigarette rod loosened and fell asleep. Xiaoxuan was on duty at night and carefully observed several other groups of people. Seeing that one person was also on duty at night under the faint fluorescence, and several people were sleeping, and then he gradually relaxed: "It's good not to be abnormal!" When he arrived, he woke up Rong Hui.

When Rong Hui woke up, the heavy rain had stopped. He opened his eyes and saw Xiao Xuan, smiled at each other, and took the initiative to stand up. Xiaoxuan nodded, sat down cross-legged, and began to sit quietly. The mountain is windy and the night is as cold as water. Rong Hui had nothing to do and walked around the courtyard to reflect on the cause and effect.

"The lower world of the Tianyun clan... the pursuit of magic soldiers... the migration of the whole clan... Inheritance is divided into three parts." Rong Hui looked up at the sky and thought: "Those five crystals can absorb the essence of magic weapons, which shows that there is indeed a race that is good at devouring. But this talent is so unnatural that no one will expose it without authorization. She doesn't like the crystal gun, but she has to try her best to find the orthodox 'devouring method'. Why? Why does she make so much money, why does she have so many superior skills, why does she have such a big family business, why does she know so many things in the upper world, and why does she help us again and again..."

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. He only vaguely felt that he and Xiaoxuan would be extremely important people of Bixia: "It would be too far-fetched just because everyone is a 'divine monk'. If you say what she wants to do, only the 'divine practitioners' can help, but it barely makes sense. The thought flew quickly and suddenly heard a whisper of doubt: "What are you thinking about?"

"No, nothing..." Rong Hui heard that it was Bixia and saw her standing three feet in front of her. Snow skin and jade bones, like ice and flames, cold and arrogant in the night. He was slightly stunned: "When did she come?" He quickly explained, "I counted the stars in the sky and forgot to count them!"

The night sky is as clear as washing after the rain. The stars in autumn are brilliant. Bixia glanced up and smiled indifferently: "Do you believe it or not to count the number of stars until you forget?"

"It's no wonder that people who often count stars have a bad fate!" Rong Hui couldn't help laughing: "I believe in fate, but in addition to fate, there must be variables. This is fate."

Bixia turned around and looked at the starry sky and suddenly said: "The earth star is loaded with thirty-six realms, one end is the 'sun' and the other end is 'Taiyin'. The cycle of yin and yang is endless.' After the great perfection, it is necessary to "step on the sky" to prove the Tao. Those who prove it are the way to release the '36 realms' and all are allowed, so we need to take thirty-six steps step by step. Those who gain the Tao will live, and those who lose the Tao will die forever.' After Taisu, it is the beginning of everything. This realm aims to pursue the beginning of everything. Only when you get to know the road from the beginning, and at the beginning of looking for the way, it is the beginning of Taichu.' Western religious masters can use the power of Taichu to open up the kingdom of heaven and create all spirits. Daozu's 'one gasification and three Qing' is also based on the power of Taichu. Buddha opened up the 'bliss world' and saves people's life, which is nothing more than the power of the beginning. On top of Taichu, there is also Taiyi. It is said that in the nine-star world, only the Hongyuan group has reached this level. After saying that, he turned around and left.

Rong Hui returned to his knowledge, but inexplicably: "Taozu, Buddha, Western patriarchs, it's none of my business! Saying that these eight poles can't fight, what are you doing..." After a long time, he was sorry: "It's true that I have my little belly chicken intestines. I think too much..." But I was beaten by her without saltiness, and I was always a little uncomfortable: "Is this little man the reincarnation of the 'six-eared macaque'!" With a smile, he went back to the corner and leaned against the bear and took the time to sleep.

At dawn the next day, the mountain was windy, foggy and white. Three people and a bear woke up one after another. The old man woke up with a pot of smoke, crossed his legs and leaned against the bear's belly, leisurely. Xiaoxuan gently stroked her hair and took out water and food. Everyone cleaned up a little. After breakfast, they heard a muffled thunder, and heavy rain came one after another.

The rain falls and the fog disperses, and the rain gradually stops at sunrise. The old man jumped up and greeted happily, "Go out and have a look!" Rong Hui jumped to the top of the hall and looked east. He saw the sea of clouds rolling and the peaks were beautiful. At the arch guard of the three peaks on the side of the sun, a peak goes straight into the sky. The danger of the mountain is awe-inspiring.

"Is that the Huashan faction?" Rong Hui sighed happily: "It is said that the Huashan School has three unique skills, one is 'Yu Xiao swordsmanship'..."

Xiaoxuan was awe-inspiring and then said, "In the past, the daughter of the King of Qin was famous for playing jade. Later, I met a monk named Xiao Shi, who fell in love with each other and eloped to Huashan, which created the Huashan School. Yu Xiao swordsmanship is indeed a unique learning of the Huashan School.

"Second, it's the 'Royal Spirit Dun'!" Rong Hui continued: "It is said that when Xiao Shi eloped, he went by 'the dragon and phoenix', and the master in Guanzhong was out of reach."

"What about the third one?" Xiaoxuan opened her eyes wide and happily asked, "What is the third type of unique learning?"

Rong Hui pointed to Chaoyang and said happily, "Third, it is 'Huayue Fairy Palm'. It is said that after Xiao Shi's jade 'Royal Dragon leads the Phoenix', it shocked the 'Jiaolong clan' and the 'Flyingling clan' in the upper world. Both ethnic groups sent people down the world to capture these two people. The two fought together on the 'facing balcony' for three days and three nights to defeat the strong enemy!"

"What a mess!" Bixia frowned slightly and seemed to smile: "Come on, clean up and go on the road!" While talking, the fog rose again and covered the mountains.

Rong Hui sighed "It's a pity" and looked at Xiaoxuan with a smile. He also installed a saddle rake for the bear to let the old man ride. The old man put on wool felt, lit a pot of smoke, and traveled leisurely. Everyone walked further, only the cave rested.

There are ridges in the ridges, and there are ridges in the ridges. Vertical and horizontal differences, overlapping layer by layer. The four people traveled for five days in a row. Except for meeting several drug collectors, they now bought some rare medicinal materials, which were no different. At dusk, four people bypassed a ridge and walked to a valley. The old man suddenly shouted at the crowd and pointed to the valley and said, "This is a big valley. There is a small mountain in the valley, that's it. If you can't get in, you can choose by yourself!"

Rong Hui followed the trend and looked at it. He saw that it was not less than ten miles away from the opposite ridge. There was a low valley between the ridges. The fog in the valley was empty, and his heart sank straight down: "This valley is not peaceful!" Glancing at Bixia and Xiaoxuan, their faces were as sinking as water.

Rong Hui asked the old man again, "Do you have any backhands when you went in that year!"

The old man lit the cigarette and said with a bitter face, "Follow the adult, there is no back!" The sky is getting darker while talking.

Seeing that it was going to rain again, Rong Hui hurriedly urged Xiaoxuan: "Come on, let's set up a tent first." While talking, he took his fur and set up a ceiling tent. Rong Hui hung two night pearls on the top of the tent. Xiaoxuan spread blankets on the ground and took out food.

As soon as everyone sat down, they only heard a muffled thunder, and heavy rain came one after another. In the hinterland of Qinling, no one dares to be careless. It was not until the clouds and rain and the full moon rose east that I was relieved. Rong Hui leaned on the bear's back and discussed with everyone: "We have to leave behind and bury the 'transmission array' on the mountain. We can still count on it at the critical moment."

"Don't use the transmission array!" Xiaoxuan shook her head and objected: "The tomb here is under the tomb. Don't be like last time."

"This small square inch may be stacked with a few layers of space, which is indeed not suitable for 'transmission array'." Bixia agreed with Xiaoxuan: "Let's find another way!"

"We have everything we need to bring!" Rong Hui asked the old man again, "Old man, is there anything special to pay attention to?"

"Angry!" The old man smoked a dry cigarette and said, "As long as you restrain your anger, it doesn't matter!"

Rong Hui secretly remembered and continued to ask, "If you can't restrain it, how can you remedy it!" Suddenly, he was pushed, patted the bear's head and scolded gently: "Don't make trouble!" The tentacles found that the bear lay beside him and could never push behind his back. His heart was stunned: "It's not good!" Looking back, I saw that the blanket was dented and embedded with ten fingerprints. Before I could react, I suddenly felt that my shoulders were tight, like a boulder.

Bixia reacted and raised her hand to "golden waves". The power swept by Hui's ears, "bang-", with a muffled sound, like a stubborn stone, and exploded in the face of obstruction. Rong Hui's vest warmed up, and his body was shaken away by the waves and rolled away. Standing up, I only felt that my throat was sweet, and blood overflowed from the corners of my mouth.

The old man was shocked, his eyes straightened, and he fell to the ground with no breath. Rong Hui didn't think much about it. He jumped up holding the tent and saw two dark shadows behind Xiaoxuan and Bixia. What's more, he did not hesitate to raise his hand and roll out the tent to cover the four figures.

Xiaxuan and Bixia took advantage of a moment of delay. Looking around, they saw a few dark shadows staggering, and their hearts were shocked. The bear was scared and roared straight in place. Rong Hui saw it, grabbed the sky with both hands, and the wind and clouds surged. Ten points were pressed down, and the line of fire burst out, covering the bear and the old man in the middle. The flame flowed on the line and slowly condensed into beads, just like a circle of bead curtains.

"What a good move 'ten feet of bead curtain'!" Bixia nodded and praised, and asked Rong Hui, "What should I do now!" While talking, Xiaoxuan shook out the soft sword, and the silver light flashed, sparks burst out, like gold and iron. Ding Ding..." On the contrary, it sounded like swinging a string.

As soon as Xiaoxuan's offensive came out, the dark shadow flashed and rushed straight to the sky. Rong Hui flashed sideways and waved his right hand in front of him. The "Ruyi gun" emerged out of thin air and stabbed out. The spear flashed and was in the middle of the dark shadow. The strength was everywhere, and the head burst. The body fell to the ground and black blood spread.

Xiaoxuan fell down and retreated, shaking out the silver wire in his hand, turned into a five-circle ring, put on the neck of the corpse, and took advantage of his strength to the side. This area makes the ingenuity of "four or two dials of a thousand pounds". The stiff body turned sideways, and ten fingers were like hooks, straight into the abdomen of another zombie. The two corpses roared and fell together.

Bixia waved her hands and swept away. Light clouds come out of the sky and the earth. A touch of "green clouds" slowly emerged among the flowers, from small expansion, from virtual to real, and the heat stirred for a moment, turning into a sea of fire outside the "fire curtain" and slowly opening.

The heat wave swept, and the vegetation ignited spontaneously. Where the blue flames pass, they all turn into ashes. The blacks were forced out of the "blue clouds", and the black gas on their bodies to block the fire. Three feet away, unexpectedly fought against each other.

Rong Hui was full of puzzlement and asked, "How could this happen!"

Xiao Xuan looked around and suddenly raised his hand and said, "Look at the sky!"

Yong Hui looked up to the east and saw that the moon was like a silver basin, with a layer of blush. He couldn't help but lose his voice: "It's so heavy!" She asked Bixia again, "We didn't look at the almanac when we went out. Why did we bump into each other?"

Bixia glanced around and told them: "They want to swallow the power of the moonlight. There is fog in the valley, so they should all come out. You guard the mouth of the valley, and I'll go in!" He said, holding his hands with each other and raising them out. "Qingyun" rolled back and gathered on her body, turning into a pair of blue fire wings. The wings vibration gently and rushed out. Yu Yan followed closely, like a fire feather, which was a move of "Phoenix Zhenyu".

The black stiffened and lost the block, jumped on it and hit the "fire curtain" together. The fire beads stirred and burst. The waves swept away, and the crowd howled. In response, they flew back, and the black gas on their bodies was greatly reduced. Rong Hui was also stunned. Seeing that the "fire curtain" gently rose and shrank, he could no longer stand a blow, so he greeted Xiaoxuan: "You press the array on it!" Seeing how far the stiffness did not retreat, he rushed up again. When he shook the long gun, he "played the finishing touch" and jumped down.

The gunshot trembled, as if it was divided into two, and at the same time pointed the eyes of the black corpse. "Pu-", with a muffled sound, plasma splashed. The strength did not stop, and the zombie howled and staggered back.